## Contributing [Contributions](//github.com/almende/vis/blob/master/misc/how_to_help.md) to the vis.js library are very welcome! [We can't do this alone](//github.com/almende/vis/blob/master/misc/we_need_help.md). ### Questions If you have any *general question* on how to use the vis.js library in your own project please check out [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/vis.js) for thinks like that. **This is NOT a JavaScript help forum!** ### Bugs, Problems and Feature-Requests If you really want to open a new issue: * Please use the [search functionality](//github.com/almende/vis/issues) to make sure that there is not already an issue concerning the same topic. * Please make sure to **mention which module** of vis.js (network, timeline, graph3d, ...) your are referring to. * If you think you found a bug please **provide a simple example** (e.g. on [jsbin](jsbin.com)) that demonstrates the problem. * If you want to propose a feature-request please **describe what you are looking for in detail**, ideally providing a screenshot, drawing or something similar. * **Close the issue later**, when the issue is no longer needed.