var Emitter = require('emitter-component'); var Hammer = require('../module/hammer'); var util = require('../util'); var DataSet = require('../DataSet'); var DataView = require('../DataView'); var Range = require('./Range'); var Core = require('./Core'); var TimeAxis = require('./component/TimeAxis'); var CurrentTime = require('./component/CurrentTime'); var CustomTime = require('./component/CustomTime'); var ItemSet = require('./component/ItemSet'); /** * Create a timeline visualization * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {vis.DataSet | Array | google.visualization.DataTable} [items] * @param {Object} [options] See Timeline.setOptions for the available options. * @constructor * @extends Core */ function Timeline (container, items, options) { if (!(this instanceof Timeline)) { throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator'); } var me = this; this.defaultOptions = { start: null, end: null, autoResize: true, orientation: 'bottom', width: null, height: null, maxHeight: null, minHeight: null }; this.options = util.deepExtend({}, this.defaultOptions); // Create the DOM, props, and emitter this._create(container); // all components listed here will be repainted automatically this.components = []; this.body = { dom: this.dom, domProps: this.props, emitter: { on: this.on.bind(this), off:, emit: this.emit.bind(this) }, util: { snap: null, // will be specified after TimeAxis is created toScreen: me._toScreen.bind(me), toGlobalScreen: me._toGlobalScreen.bind(me), // this refers to the root.width toTime: me._toTime.bind(me), toGlobalTime : me._toGlobalTime.bind(me) } }; // range this.range = new Range(this.body); this.components.push(this.range); this.body.range = this.range; // time axis this.timeAxis = new TimeAxis(this.body); this.components.push(this.timeAxis); this.body.util.snap = this.timeAxis.snap.bind(this.timeAxis); // current time bar this.currentTime = new CurrentTime(this.body); this.components.push(this.currentTime); // custom time bar // Note: time bar will be attached in this.setOptions when selected this.customTime = new CustomTime(this.body); this.components.push(this.customTime); // item set this.itemSet = new ItemSet(this.body); this.components.push(this.itemSet); this.itemsData = null; // DataSet this.groupsData = null; // DataSet // apply options if (options) { this.setOptions(options); } // create itemset if (items) { this.setItems(items); } else { this.redraw(); } } // Extend the functionality from Core Timeline.prototype = new Core(); /** * Set items * @param {vis.DataSet | Array | google.visualization.DataTable | null} items */ Timeline.prototype.setItems = function(items) { var initialLoad = (this.itemsData == null); // convert to type DataSet when needed var newDataSet; if (!items) { newDataSet = null; } else if (items instanceof DataSet || items instanceof DataView) { newDataSet = items; } else { // turn an array into a dataset newDataSet = new DataSet(items, { type: { start: 'Date', end: 'Date' } }); } // set items this.itemsData = newDataSet; this.itemSet && this.itemSet.setItems(newDataSet); if (initialLoad && ('start' in this.options || 'end' in this.options)) {; var start = ('start' in this.options) ? util.convert(this.options.start, 'Date') : null; var end = ('end' in this.options) ? util.convert(this.options.end, 'Date') : null; this.setWindow(start, end, false); } }; /** * Set groups * @param {vis.DataSet | Array | google.visualization.DataTable} groups */ Timeline.prototype.setGroups = function(groups) { // convert to type DataSet when needed var newDataSet; if (!groups) { newDataSet = null; } else if (groups instanceof DataSet || groups instanceof DataView) { newDataSet = groups; } else { // turn an array into a dataset newDataSet = new DataSet(groups); } this.groupsData = newDataSet; this.itemSet.setGroups(newDataSet); }; /** * Set selected items by their id. Replaces the current selection * Unknown id's are silently ignored. * @param {string[] | string} [ids] An array with zero or more id's of the items to be * selected. If ids is an empty array, all items will be * unselected. * @param {Object} [options] Available options: * `focus: boolean` * If true, focus will be set to the selected item(s) * `animate: boolean | number` * If true (default), the range is animated * smoothly to the new window. * If a number, the number is taken as duration * for the animation. Default duration is 500 ms. * Only applicable when option focus is true. */ Timeline.prototype.setSelection = function(ids, options) { this.itemSet && this.itemSet.setSelection(ids); if (options && options.focus) { this.focus(ids, options); } }; /** * Get the selected items by their id * @return {Array} ids The ids of the selected items */ Timeline.prototype.getSelection = function() { return this.itemSet && this.itemSet.getSelection() || []; }; /** * Adjust the visible window such that the selected item (or multiple items) * are centered on screen. * @param {String | String[]} id An item id or array with item ids * @param {Object} [options] Available options: * `animate: boolean | number` * If true (default), the range is animated * smoothly to the new window. * If a number, the number is taken as duration * for the animation. Default duration is 500 ms. * Only applicable when option focus is true */ Timeline.prototype.focus = function(id, options) { if (!this.itemsData || id == undefined) return; var ids = Array.isArray(id) ? id : [id]; // get the specified item(s) var itemsData = this.itemsData.getDataSet().get(ids, { type: { start: 'Date', end: 'Date' } }); // calculate minimum start and maximum end of specified items var start = null; var end = null; itemsData.forEach(function (itemData) { var s = itemData.start.valueOf(); var e = 'end' in itemData ? itemData.end.valueOf() : itemData.start.valueOf(); if (start === null || s < start) { start = s; } if (end === null || e > end) { end = e; } }); // calculate the new middle and interval for the window var middle = (start + end) / 2; var interval = Math.max((this.range.end - this.range.start), (end - start) * 1.1); var animate = (options && options.animate !== undefined) ? options.animate : true; this.range.setRange(middle - interval / 2, middle + interval / 2, animate); }; /** * Get the data range of the item set. * @returns {{min: Date, max: Date}} range A range with a start and end Date. * When no minimum is found, min==null * When no maximum is found, max==null */ Timeline.prototype.getItemRange = function() { // calculate min from start filed var dataset = this.itemsData.getDataSet(), min = null, max = null; if (dataset) { // calculate the minimum value of the field 'start' var minItem = dataset.min('start'); min = minItem ? util.convert(minItem.start, 'Date').valueOf() : null; // Note: we convert first to Date and then to number because else // a conversion from ISODate to Number will fail // calculate maximum value of fields 'start' and 'end' var maxStartItem = dataset.max('start'); if (maxStartItem) { max = util.convert(maxStartItem.start, 'Date').valueOf(); } var maxEndItem = dataset.max('end'); if (maxEndItem) { if (max == null) { max = util.convert(maxEndItem.end, 'Date').valueOf(); } else { max = Math.max(max, util.convert(maxEndItem.end, 'Date').valueOf()); } } } return { min: (min != null) ? new Date(min) : null, max: (max != null) ? new Date(max) : null }; }; module.exports = Timeline;