var keycharm = require('keycharm'); var Emitter = require('emitter-component'); var Hammer = require('../module/hammer'); var util = require('../util'); /** * Turn an element into an clickToUse element. * When not active, the element has a transparent overlay. When the overlay is * clicked, the mode is changed to active. * When active, the element is displayed with a blue border around it, and * the interactive contents of the element can be used. When clicked outside * the element, the elements mode is changed to inactive. * @param {Element} container * @constructor */ function Activator(container) { = false; this.dom = { container: container }; this.dom.overlay = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.overlay.className = 'vis-overlay'; this.dom.container.appendChild(this.dom.overlay); this.hammer = Hammer(this.dom.overlay); this.hammer.on('tap', this._onTapOverlay.bind(this)); // block all touch events (except tap) var me = this; var events = [ 'tap', 'doubletap', 'press', 'pinch', 'pan', 'panstart', 'panmove', 'panend' ]; events.forEach(function (event) { me.hammer.on(event, function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); }); // attach a tap event to the window, in order to deactivate when clicking outside the timeline this.bodyHammer = Hammer(document && document.body, {prevent_default: false}); this.bodyHammer.on('tap', function (event) { // deactivate when clicked outside the container if (!_hasParent(, container)) { me.deactivate(); } }); if (this.keycharm !== undefined) { this.keycharm.destroy(); } this.keycharm = keycharm(); // keycharm listener only bounded when active) this.escListener = this.deactivate.bind(this); } // turn into an event emitter Emitter(Activator.prototype); // The currently active activator Activator.current = null; /** * Destroy the activator. Cleans up all created DOM and event listeners */ Activator.prototype.destroy = function () { this.deactivate(); // remove dom this.dom.overlay.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.overlay); // cleanup hammer instances this.hammer = null; this.bodyHammer = null; // FIXME: cleaning up hammer instances doesn't work (Timeline not removed from memory) }; /** * Activate the element * Overlay is hidden, element is decorated with a blue shadow border */ Activator.prototype.activate = function () { // we allow only one active activator at a time if (Activator.current) { Activator.current.deactivate(); } Activator.current = this; = true; = 'none'; util.addClassName(this.dom.container, 'vis-active'); this.emit('change'); this.emit('activate'); // ugly hack: bind ESC after emitting the events, as the Network rebinds all // keyboard events on a 'change' event this.keycharm.bind('esc', this.escListener); }; /** * Deactivate the element * Overlay is displayed on top of the element */ Activator.prototype.deactivate = function () { = false; = ''; util.removeClassName(this.dom.container, 'vis-active'); this.keycharm.unbind('esc', this.escListener); this.emit('change'); this.emit('deactivate'); }; /** * Handle a tap event: activate the container * @param event * @private */ Activator.prototype._onTapOverlay = function (event) { // activate the container this.activate(); event.stopPropagation(); }; /** * Test whether the element has the requested parent element somewhere in * its chain of parent nodes. * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {HTMLElement} parent * @returns {boolean} Returns true when the parent is found somewhere in the * chain of parent nodes. * @private */ function _hasParent(element, parent) { while (element) { if (element === parent) { return true } element = element.parentNode; } return false; } module.exports = Activator;