var fs = require('fs'); var async = require('async'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css'); var rename = require("gulp-rename"); var webpack = require('webpack'); var uglify = require('uglify-js'); var rimraf = require('rimraf'); var argv = require('yargs').argv; var opn = require('opn'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var webserver = require('gulp-webserver'); var ejs = require('ejs'); var geminiConfig = require('./test/gemini/gemini.config.js'); var ENTRY = './index.js'; var HEADER = './lib/header.js'; var DIST = './dist'; var VIS_JS = 'vis.js'; var VIS_MAP = ''; var VIS_MIN_JS = 'vis.min.js'; var VIS_CSS = 'vis.css'; var VIS_MIN_CSS = 'vis.min.css'; var INDIVIDUAL_JS_BUNDLES = [{ entry: './index-timeline-graph2d.js', filename: 'vis-timeline-graph2d.min.js' }, { entry: './index-network.js', filename: 'vis-network.min.js' }, { entry: './index-graph3d.js', filename: 'vis-graph3d.min.js' }]; var INDIVIDUAL_CSS_BUNDLES = [{ entry: ['./lib/shared/**/*.css', './lib/timeline/**/*.css'], filename: 'vis-timeline-graph2d.min.css' }, { entry: ['./lib/shared/**/*.css', './lib/network/**/*.css'], filename: 'vis-network.min.css' }]; // generate banner with today's date and correct version function createBanner() { var today = Date(), 'yyyy-mm-dd'); // today, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd var version = require('./package.json').version; return String(fs.readFileSync(HEADER)) .replace('@@date', today) .replace('@@version', version); } var bannerPlugin = new webpack.BannerPlugin(createBanner(), { entryOnly: true, raw: true }); var webpackModule = { loaders: [{ test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader', query: { cacheDirectory: true, // use cache to improve speed babelrc: true // use the .baberc file } }], // exclude requires of moment.js language files wrappedContextRegExp: /$^/ }; var webpackConfig = { entry: ENTRY, output: { library: 'vis', libraryTarget: 'umd', path: DIST, filename: VIS_JS, sourcePrefix: ' ' }, module: webpackModule, plugins: [bannerPlugin], cache: true, // generate details s tests: root + 'tests/',ourcempas of webpack modules devtool: 'source-map' //debug: true, //bail: true }; var uglifyConfig = { outSourceMap: VIS_MAP, output: { comments: /@license/ } }; // create a single instance of the compiler to allow caching var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig); function handleCompilerCallback(err, stats) { if (err) { gutil.log(err.toString()); } if (stats && stats.compilation && stats.compilation.errors) { // output soft errors stats.compilation.errors.forEach(function(err) { gutil.log(err.toString()); }); if (err || stats.compilation.errors.length > 0) { gutil.beep(); // TODO: this does not work on my system } } } function startDevWebserver(options, cb) { var opt = options || {}; return gulp.src('./').pipe(webserver(Object.assign(opt, { path: '/', port: geminiConfig.webserver.port, middleware: function(req, res, next) { var dynamicTestBase = '/test/gemini/tests/dynamic/'; var url = req.url; if (url.startsWith(dynamicTestBase)) { // get testcase from url var testName = url.split(dynamicTestBase)[1]; // if testcase exists open settings var testConfig = require('.' + req.url + '.test'); = testName; // render and send var templateFile = '.' + dynamicTestBase + 'dynamic.tmpl.html'; ejs.renderFile(templateFile, testConfig, {}, function(err, html){ if (err) { res.statusCode = 500; res.write('error rendering "'+ templateFile + '" (' + err + ')'); res.end(); return err; } res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(html), 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }); res.write(html); res.end(); }); } next(); } }))); } // Starts a static webserver that serve files from the root-dir of the project // during development. This is also used for gemini-testing. gulp.task('webserver', function(cb) { startDevWebserver({ livereload: true, directoryListing: true, open: true }, cb); }); function runGemini(mode, cb) { var completed = false; var hasError = false; // start development webserver to server the test-files var server = startDevWebserver(); // start phantomjs in webdriver mode var phantomjsProcess = spawn('phantomjs', [ '--webdriver=' + geminiConfig.phantomjs.port ]); // read output from the phantomjs process phantomjsProcess.stdout.on('data', function(data) { if (data.toString().indexOf('running on port') >= 0) { gutil.log("Started phantomjs webdriver"); var geminiProcess = spawn('gemini', [mode, geminiConfig.gemini.tests]); geminiProcess.stdout.on('data', function(data) { var msg = data.toString().replace(/\n$/g, ''); if (msg.startsWith('✓')) { gutil.log(; } else if (msg.startsWith('✘')) { hasError = true; gutil.log(; } else { gutil.log(msg); } }); geminiProcess.stderr.on('data', function(data) { if (!(data.toString().indexOf('DeprecationWarning:') >= 0)) { hasError = true; gutil.log( data.toString().replace(/\n$/g, '') )); } }); geminiProcess.on('close', function(code) { completed = true; phantomjsProcess.kill(); }); } }); // Log all error output from the phantomjs process to the console phantomjsProcess.stderr.on('data', function(data) { gutil.log(; }); // Cleanup after phantomjs closes phantomjsProcess.on('close', function(code) { gutil.log("Phantomjs webdriver stopped"); if (code && !completed) { // phantomjs closed with an error server.emit('kill'); return cb(new Error('✘ phantomjs failed with code: ' + code + '\n' + 'Check that port ' + geminiConfig.phantomjs.port + ' is free and that there are no other ' + 'instances of phantomjs running. (`killall phantomjs`)')); } if (hasError) { // The tests returned with an error. Show the report. Keep dev-webserver running for debugging. gutil.log("Opening error-report in webbrowser")); opn(geminiConfig.gemini.reports + 'index.html'); } else { // The tests returned no error. Kill the dev-webserver and exit server.emit('kill'); gutil.log("Webbrowser stopped"); cb(); } }); } // Update the screenshots. Do this everytime you introduced a new test or introduced a major change. gulp.task('gemini-update', function(cb) { runGemini('update', cb); }); // Test the current (dist) version against the existing screenshots. gulp.task('gemini-test', function(cb) { runGemini('test', cb); }); // clean the dist/img directory gulp.task('clean', function(cb) { rimraf(DIST + '/img', cb); }); gulp.task('bundle-js', function(cb) { // update the banner contents (has a date in it which should stay up to date) bannerPlugin.banner = createBanner();, stats) { handleCompilerCallback(err, stats); cb(); }); }); // create individual bundles for timeline+graph2d, network, graph3d gulp.task('bundle-js-individual', function(cb) { // update the banner contents (has a date in it which should stay up to date) bannerPlugin.banner = createBanner(); async.each(INDIVIDUAL_JS_BUNDLES, function(item, callback) { var webpackTimelineConfig = { entry: item.entry, output: { library: 'vis', libraryTarget: 'umd', path: DIST, filename: item.filename, sourcePrefix: ' ' }, module: webpackModule, plugins: [bannerPlugin, new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()], cache: true }; var compiler = webpack(webpackTimelineConfig);, stats) { handleCompilerCallback(err, stats); callback(); }); }, cb); }); // bundle and minify css gulp.task('bundle-css', function() { return gulp.src('./lib/**/*.css') .pipe(concat(VIS_CSS)) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST)) // TODO: nicer to put minifying css in a separate task? .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(rename(VIS_MIN_CSS)) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST)); }); // bundle and minify individual css gulp.task('bundle-css-individual', function(cb) { async.each(INDIVIDUAL_CSS_BUNDLES, function(item, callback) { return gulp.src(item.entry) .pipe(concat(item.filename)) .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(rename(item.filename)) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST)) .on('end', callback); }, cb); }); gulp.task('copy', ['clean'], function() { var network = gulp.src('./lib/network/img/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST + '/img/network')); return network; }); gulp.task('minify', ['bundle-js'], function(cb) { var result = uglify.minify([DIST + '/' + VIS_JS], uglifyConfig); // note: we add a newline '\n' to the end of the minified file to prevent // any issues when concatenating the file downstream (the file ends // with a comment). fs.writeFileSync(DIST + '/' + VIS_MIN_JS, result.code + '\n'); fs.writeFileSync(DIST + '/' + VIS_MAP,"\.\/dist\//g, '"')); cb(); }); gulp.task('bundle', ['bundle-js', 'bundle-js-individual', 'bundle-css', 'bundle-css-individual', 'copy' ]); // read command line arguments --bundle and --minify var bundle = 'bundle' in argv; var minify = 'minify' in argv; var watchTasks = []; if (bundle || minify) { // do bundling and/or minifying only when specified on the command line watchTasks = []; if (bundle) watchTasks.push('bundle'); if (minify) watchTasks.push('minify'); } else { // by default, do both bundling and minifying watchTasks = ['bundle', 'minify']; } // The watch task (to automatically rebuild when the source code changes) gulp.task('watch', watchTasks, function() {['index.js', 'lib/**/*'], watchTasks); }); // The default task (called when you run `gulp`) gulp.task('default', ['clean', 'bundle', 'minify']);