@ -852,6 +852,13 @@ Graph2d.clear({options: true}); // clear options only
<td>Adjust the visible window such that it fits all items.
@ -904,9 +911,13 @@ Graph2d.clear({options: true}); // clear options only
<td>Adjust the visible window such that it fits all items.
<td>This option allows you to hide specific timespans from the time axis. The dates can be supplied as an object:
<code>{start: '2014-03-21 00:00:00', end: '2014-03-28 00:00:00', [repeat:'daily']}</code> or as an Array of these objects. The repeat argument is optional.
The possible values are (case-sensitive): <code>daily, weekly, monthly, yearly</code>. To hide a weekend, pick any Saturday as start and the following Monday as end