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Moved internal functions in Images.load onto the prototype

Added comments to Images.js
Brendon Page 9 years ago
1 changed files with 62 additions and 33 deletions
  1. +62

+ 62
- 33
lib/network/Images.js View File

@ -10,58 +10,87 @@ function Images(callback) {
* @param {string} url Url of the image
* @param {string} url Url of an image to use if the url image is not found
* @return {Image} img The image object
* @param {string} url The Url to cache the image as
* @return {Image} imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn The image object
Images.prototype.load = function (url, brokenUrl, id) {
var me = this;
function addImageToCache(imageToCache) {
// IE11 fix -- thanks dponch!
if (imageToCache.width === 0) {
imageToCache.width = imageToCache.offsetWidth;
imageToCache.height = imageToCache.offsetHeight;
me.images[url] = imageToCache;
function redrawWithImage(imageToRedrawWith) {
if (me.callback) {
Images.prototype._addImageToCache = function (url, imageToCache) {
// IE11 fix -- thanks dponch!
if (imageToCache.width === 0) {
imageToCache.width = imageToCache.offsetWidth;
imageToCache.height = imageToCache.offsetHeight;
this.images[url] = imageToCache;
* @param {string} url The original Url that failed to load, if the broken image is successfully loaded it will be added to the cache using this Url as the key so that subsequent requests for this Url will return the broken image
* @param {string} brokenUrl Url the broken image to try and load
* @return {Image} imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn The image object
Images.prototype._tryloadBrokenUrl = function (url, brokenUrl, imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn) {
//Store the instance of the Images object so that we can reference it in events
var self = this;
function tryloadBrokenUrl(imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn) {
if (brokenUrl === undefined) return;
//If any of the parameters aren't specified then exit the function because nothing constructive can be done
if (url === undefined || brokenUrl === undefined || imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn === undefined) return;
//Clear the old subscription to the error event and put a new in place that only handle errors in loading the brokenImageUrl
imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn.onerror = function() {
console.error("Could not load brokenImage:", brokenUrl);
//Add an empty image to the cache so that when subsequent load calls are made for the url we don't try load the image and broken image again
self._addImageToCache(url, new Image());
imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn.onerror = function() {
console.error("Could not load brokenImage:", brokenUrl);
addImageToCache(new Image());
imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn.src = brokenUrl;
//Set the source of the image to the brokenUrl, this is actually what kicks off the loading of the broken image
imageToLoadBrokenUrlOn.src = brokenUrl;
* @return {Image} imageToRedrawWith The images that will be passed to the callback when it is invoked
Images.prototype._redrawWithImage = function (imageToRedrawWith) {
if (this.callback) {
* @param {string} url Url of the image
* @param {string} brokenUrl Url of an image to use if the url image is not found
* @return {Image} img The image object
Images.prototype.load = function (url, brokenUrl, id) {
//Store the instance of the Images object so that we can reference it in events
var self = this;
//Try and get the image from the cache, if successful then return the cached image
var cachedImage = this.images[url];
if (cachedImage) return cachedImage;
//Create a new image
var img = new Image();
//Subscribe to the event that is raised if the image loads successfully
img.onload = function() {
//Add the image to the cache and then request a redraw
self._addImageToCache(url, img);
//Subscribe to the event that is raised if the image fails to load
img.onerror = function () {
console.error("Could not load image:", url);
//Try and load the image specified by the brokenUrl using
self._tryloadBrokenUrl(url, brokenUrl, img);
//Set the source of the image to the url, this is actuall what kicks off the loading of the image
img.src = url;
//Return the new image
return img;
