diff --git a/docs/data/dataset.html b/docs/data/dataset.html
index 39af677a..c143305c 100644
--- a/docs/data/dataset.html
+++ b/docs/data/dataset.html
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
Vis.js comes with a flexible DataSet, which can be used to hold and
manipulate unstructured data and listen for changes in the data.
The DataSet is key/value based. Data items can be added, updated and
- removed from the DatSet, and one can subscribe to changes in the DataSet.
+ removed from the DataSet, and one can subscribe to changes in the DataSet.
The data in the DataSet can be filtered and ordered, and fields (like
dates) can be converted to a specific type. Data can be normalized when
appending it to the DataSet as well.
@@ -1020,4 +1020,4 @@ var positiveBalance = dataset.get({
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