- Fixed invalid css names for time axis grid, renamed hours class names from
`4-8h` to `h4-h8`.
### Network
- Rebuilt the cluster system
## not yet released, version 3.10.1-SNAPSHOT
### Network
- (added gradient coloring for lines, but set for release in 4.0 due to required refactoring of options)
- Fixed bug where a network that has frozen physics would resume redrawing after setData, setOptions etc.
- (add docs) Added option to bypass default groups. If more groups are specified in the nodes than there are in the groups, loop over supplied groups instead of default.
- (add docs) Added two new static smooth curves modes: curveCW and curve CCW.
- Added request redraw for certain internal processes to reduce number of draw calls.
- Added pull request for usage of Icons. Thanks @Dude9177!
- Allow hierarchical view to be set in setOptions.
### Graph2d
### Timeline
- Fixed not property initializing with a DataView for groups.
<td>The ID of the group this point belongs to.</td>
<td>A label object which will be displayed near to the item. A label object has one requirement - a <b> content </b> property. In addition you can set the <b> xOffset, yOffset and className </b> for further appearance customisations </td>
<td>The maximum radius for a scaled node. Only applicable to shapes <code>dot</code>,
<code>star</code>, <code>triangle</code>, <code>triangleDown</code>, and <code>square</code>. This only does something if you supply a value.</td>
<td>Font face for icons, for example <code>FontAwesome</code> or <code>Ionicon</code>.<br/><em>You have to link to the css defining the font by yourself (see Examples)</em></td>
<td>Unicode of the icon f.e. <code>\uf0c0</code> (user-icon in FontAwesome)</td>
This example shows the how to add a label to each point in Graph2d. Each item can have a label object which contains the content and CSS class.In addition, xOffset and yOffset will adjust the location of the label relative to the point being labelled.
var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
var label1 = {
content: "offset label",
xOffset: 20,
yOffset: 20
var label2 = {
content: "Label2",
className: "red"
var items = [
{x: '2014-06-11', y: 10,label:label1},
{x: '2014-06-12', y: 25,label:label2},
{x: '2014-06-13', y: 30},
{x: '2014-06-14', y: 10},
{x: '2014-06-15', y: 15},
{x: '2014-06-16', y: 30}
var dataset = new vis.DataSet(items);
var options = {
start: '2014-06-10',
end: '2014-06-18',
var graph2d = new vis.Graph2d(container, dataset, options);
Roundness (0..1): <inputtype="range"min="0"max="1"value="0.5"step="0.05"style="width:200px"id="roundnessSlider"><inputid="roundnessScreen"value="0.5"> (0.5 is max roundness for continuous, 1.0 for the others)
var dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdownID");
dropdown.onchange = update;
var roundnessSlider = document.getElementById("roundnessSlider");
roundnessSlider.onchange = update;
var roundnessScreen = document.getElementById("roundnessScreen");
// create an array with nodes
var nodes = [
{id: 1, label: 'Node 1'},
@ -53,7 +60,7 @@ dropdown.onchange = update;
// create an array with edges
var edges = [
{from: 1, to: 2}
{from: 1, to: 2, style:"arrow"}
// create a network
@ -68,8 +75,14 @@ dropdown.onchange = update;
function update() {
var type = dropdown.value;
var roundness = roundnessSlider.value;
roundnessScreen.value = roundness;
var options = {smoothCurves:{type:type, roundness:roundness}}
{border:"#4AD63A",background:"#C2FABC",highlight:{border:"#4AD63A",background:"#E6FFE3"},hover:{border:"#4AD63A",background:"#E6FFE3"}},// 9: mint
{border:"#990000",background:"#EE0000",highlight:{border:"#BB0000",background:"#FF3333"},hover:{border:"#BB0000",background:"#FF3333"}},// 10:bright red
{border:"#FF6000",background:"#FF6000",highlight:{border:"#FF6000",background:"#FF6000"},hover:{border:"#FF6000",background:"#FF6000"}},// 12: real orange
{border:"#97C2FC",background:"#2B7CE9",highlight:{border:"#D2E5FF",background:"#2B7CE9"},hover:{border:"#D2E5FF",background:"#2B7CE9"}},// 13: blue
{border:"#399605",background:"#255C03",highlight:{border:"#399605",background:"#255C03"},hover:{border:"#399605",background:"#255C03"}},// 14: green
{border:"#C2FABC",background:"#74D66A",highlight:{border:"#E6FFE3",background:"#74D66A"},hover:{border:"#E6FFE3",background:"#74D66A"}},// 19: mint
{border:"#EE0000",background:"#990000",highlight:{border:"#FF3333",background:"#BB0000"},hover:{border:"#FF3333",background:"#BB0000"}},// 20:bright red
@ -54,12 +70,22 @@ Groups.prototype.clear = function () {
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
this.renderRefreshRate=60;// hz (fps)
this.renderTimestep=1000/this.renderRefreshRate;// ms -- saves calculation later on
this.renderTime=0;// measured time it takes to render a frame
this.physicsTime=0;// measured time it takes to render a frame
this.physicsDiscreteStepsize=0.50;// discrete stepsize of the simulation
@ -85,6 +84,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
@ -129,7 +130,8 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
inheritColor:"from"// to, from, false, true (== from)
inheritColor:"from",// to, from, false, true (== from)
useGradients:false// release in 4.0
@ -163,26 +165,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
clustering:{// Per Node in Cluster = PNiC
enabled:false,// (Boolean) | global on/off switch for clustering.
initialMaxNodes:100,// (# nodes) | if the initial amount of nodes is larger than this, we cluster until the total number is less than this threshold.
clusterThreshold:500,// (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than this. If it is, cluster until reduced to reduceToNodes
reduceToNodes:300,// (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than clusterThreshold. If it is, cluster until reduced to this
chainThreshold:0.4,// (% of all drawn nodes)| maximum percentage of allowed chainnodes (long strings of connected nodes) within all nodes. (lower means less chains).
clusterEdgeThreshold:20,// (px) | edge length threshold. if smaller, this node is clustered.
sectorThreshold:100,// (# nodes in cluster) | cluster size threshold. If larger, expanding in own sector.
screenSizeThreshold:0.2,// (% of canvas) | relative size threshold. If the width or height of a clusternode takes up this much of the screen, decluster node.
fontSizeMultiplier:4.0,// (px PNiC) | how much the cluster font size grows per node in cluster (in px).
forceAmplification:0.1,// (multiplier PNiC) | factor of increase fo the repulsion force of a cluster (per node in cluster).
distanceAmplification:0.1,// (multiplier PNiC) | factor how much the repulsion distance of a cluster increases (per node in cluster).
edgeGrowth:20,// (px PNiC) | amount of clusterSize connected to the edge is multiplied with this and added to edgeLength.
nodeScaling:{width:1,// (px PNiC) | growth of the width per node in cluster.
height:1,// (px PNiC) | growth of the height per node in cluster.
radius:1},// (px PNiC) | growth of the radius per node in cluster.
maxNodeSizeIncrements:600,// (# increments) | max growth of the width per node in cluster.
activeAreaBoxSize:80,// (px) | box area around the curser where clusters are popped open.
clusterLevelDifference:2,// used for normalization of the cluster levels
clusterByZoom:true// enable clustering through zooming in and out
enabled:false// (Boolean) | global on/off switch for clustering.
@ -214,6 +197,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
minVelocity:0.1,// px/s
stabilize:true,// stabilize before displaying the network
stabilizationIterations:1000,// maximum number of iteration to stabilize
@ -235,7 +219,8 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {