- [ ] Rebase the `master` branch on the `develop` branch: `git checkout master && git rebase develop`
- [ ] Generate new dist files: `npm prune && rm -rf node_modules && npm install && npm run build && npm run test && git commit -am "generated dist files for vX.X.Y"
- [ ] Create a version tag: `git tag "vX.X.Y"`
- [ ] Generate new dist files: `npm prune && rm -rf node_modules && npm install && npm run build && npm run test && git commit -am "generated dist files for vX.Y.Z"
- [ ] Create a version tag: `git tag "vX.Y.Z"`
- [ ] [Remove the protection](https://github.com/almende/vis/settings/branches/master) from `master`.
- [ ] FORCE-Push the branches to github: `git push --force && git push --tag`
- [ ] [Re-Enable branch protection](https://github.com/almende/vis/settings/branches/master) (enable ALL checkboxes) for `master`.
- [ ] Publish with npm: `npm publish` (check [npmjs.com](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vis))
- [ ] Create a [new Release](https://github.com/almende/vis/releases/new) with the tang and the name "vX.X.Y" and copy the data vom [HISTORY.md](../HISTORY.md) into the body.
- [ ] Create a [new Release](https://github.com/almende/vis/releases/new) with the tang and the name "vX.Y.Z" and copy the data vom [HISTORY.md](../HISTORY.md) into the body.
## Test
- [ ] Go to a temp directory (e.g. "vis_vX.X.Y"): `cd .. && mkdir vis_vX.X.Y && cd vis_vX.X.Y`
- [ ] Go to a temp directory (e.g. "vis_vX.Y.Z"): `cd .. && mkdir vis_vX.Y.Z && cd vis_vX.Y.Z`
- [ ] Install the library from npm: `npm init -f && npm install vis`
- [ ] Verify if it installs the just released version, and verify if it works: `cd node_modules/vis/
- [ ] Install the library via bower: `cd ../.. && bower install vis`
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ If we would merge the development branch would overwrite this. To solve this we
- [ ] Verify if it installs the just released version, and verify if it works. `cd vis`
- [ ] Copy the `dist` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.X.Y/vis/dist .`
- [ ] Copy the `docs` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.X.Y/vis/docs .`
- [ ] Copy the `examples` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.X.Y/vis/examples .`
- [ ] Copy the `dist` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.Y.Z/vis/dist .`
- [ ] Copy the `docs` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.Y.Z/vis/docs .`
- [ ] Copy the `examples` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch in another directory, overwriting existing files: `cp -rf ../vis_vX.Y.Z/vis/examples .`
- [ ] Check if there are new or updated examples, and update the gallery screenshots accordingly.
- [ ] Update the library version number in the `index.html` page.
- [ ] Update the CDN links at the download section of index.html AND the CDN link at the top. (search-replace all!!)
- [ ] Commit the changes: `git add -A && git commit -m "updates for vX.X.Y"`