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Wim Rijnders 8 years ago
1 changed files with 125 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +125

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lib/graph3d/Graph3d.js View File

@ -1588,6 +1588,131 @@ Graph3d.prototype._redrawDataDot = function() {
* Draw all datapoints for currently selected graph style.
Graph3d.prototype._redrawDataBar = function() {
var ctx = this._getContext();
var i, j, surface, corners;
if (this.dataPoints === undefined || this.dataPoints.length <= 0)
return; // TODO: throw exception?
ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
// draw the datapoints as bars
var xWidth = this.xBarWidth / 2;
var yWidth = this.yBarWidth / 2;
for (i = 0; i < this.dataPoints.length; i++) {
var point = this.dataPoints[i];
// determine color
var hue, color, borderColor;
if ( === Graph3d.STYLE.BARCOLOR ) {
// calculate the color based on the value
hue = (1 - (point.point.value - this.valueMin) * this.scale.value) * 240;
color = this._hsv2rgb(hue, 1, 1);
borderColor = this._hsv2rgb(hue, 1, 0.8);
else if ( === Graph3d.STYLE.BARSIZE) {
color = this.dataColor.fill;
borderColor = this.dataColor.stroke;
else {
// calculate Hue from the current value. At zMin the hue is 240, at zMax the hue is 0
hue = (1 - (point.point.z - this.zMin) * this.scale.z / this.verticalRatio) * 240;
color = this._hsv2rgb(hue, 1, 1);
borderColor = this._hsv2rgb(hue, 1, 0.8);
// calculate size for the bar
if ( === Graph3d.STYLE.BARSIZE) {
xWidth = (this.xBarWidth / 2) * ((point.point.value - this.valueMin) / (this.valueMax - this.valueMin) * 0.8 + 0.2);
yWidth = (this.yBarWidth / 2) * ((point.point.value - this.valueMin) / (this.valueMax - this.valueMin) * 0.8 + 0.2);
// calculate all corner points
var me = this;
var point3d = point.point;
var top = [
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x - xWidth, point3d.y - yWidth, point3d.z)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x + xWidth, point3d.y - yWidth, point3d.z)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x + xWidth, point3d.y + yWidth, point3d.z)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x - xWidth, point3d.y + yWidth, point3d.z)}
var bottom = [
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x - xWidth, point3d.y - yWidth, this.zMin)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x + xWidth, point3d.y - yWidth, this.zMin)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x + xWidth, point3d.y + yWidth, this.zMin)},
{point: new Point3d(point3d.x - xWidth, point3d.y + yWidth, this.zMin)}
// calculate screen location of the points
top.forEach(function (obj) {
obj.screen = me._convert3Dto2D(obj.point);
bottom.forEach(function (obj) {
obj.screen = me._convert3Dto2D(obj.point);
// create five sides, calculate both corner points and center points
var surfaces = [
{corners: top, center: Point3d.avg(bottom[0].point, bottom[2].point)},
{corners: [top[0], top[1], bottom[1], bottom[0]], center: Point3d.avg(bottom[1].point, bottom[0].point)},
{corners: [top[1], top[2], bottom[2], bottom[1]], center: Point3d.avg(bottom[2].point, bottom[1].point)},
{corners: [top[2], top[3], bottom[3], bottom[2]], center: Point3d.avg(bottom[3].point, bottom[2].point)},
{corners: [top[3], top[0], bottom[0], bottom[3]], center: Point3d.avg(bottom[0].point, bottom[3].point)}
point.surfaces = surfaces;
// calculate the distance of each of the surface centers to the camera
for (j = 0; j < surfaces.length; j++) {
surface = surfaces[j];
var transCenter = this._convertPointToTranslation(;
surface.dist = this.showPerspective ? transCenter.length() : -transCenter.z;
// TODO: this dept calculation doesn't work 100% of the cases due to perspective,
// but the current solution is fast/simple and works in 99.9% of all cases
// the issue is visible in example 14, with graph.setCameraPosition({horizontal: 2.97, vertical: 0.5, distance: 0.9})
// order the surfaces by their (translated) depth
surfaces.sort(function (a, b) {
var diff = b.dist - a.dist;
if (diff) return diff;
// if equal depth, sort the top surface last
if (a.corners === top) return 1;
if (b.corners === top) return -1;
// both are equal
return 0;
// draw the ordered surfaces
ctx.lineWidth = this._getStrokeWidth(point);
ctx.strokeStyle = borderColor;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
// NOTE: we start at j=2 instead of j=0 as we don't need to draw the two surfaces at the backside
for (j = 2; j < surfaces.length; j++) {
surface = surfaces[j];
corners = surface.corners;
ctx.moveTo(corners[3].screen.x, corners[3].screen.y);
ctx.lineTo(corners[0].screen.x, corners[0].screen.y);
ctx.lineTo(corners[1].screen.x, corners[1].screen.y);
ctx.lineTo(corners[2].screen.x, corners[2].screen.y);
ctx.lineTo(corners[3].screen.x, corners[3].screen.y);
* Draw all datapoints as bars.
* This function can be used when the style is 'bar', 'bar-color', or 'bar-size'
