Added support to supply an end to bar charts to have them scale (#2760)
* Added support to supply an X2 to bar charts to have them scale
* Fixed graph2d stacking issue. It no longer takes into account hidden items
* Changed x2 to end per recommendation and added this to the docs
<td>A label object which will be displayed near to the item. A label object has one requirement - a <b> content </b> property. In addition you can set the <b> xOffset, yOffset and className </b> for further appearance customisations </td>
<td>A label object which will be displayed near to the item. A label object has one requirement - a <b> content </b> property. In addition you can set the <b> xOffset, yOffset and className </b> for further appearance customisations.</td>
<td>A location on the x-axis that when supplied will have the bar stretch to the end point and ignore the barChart.width property.</td>