<td>The ID of the group this point belongs to.</td>
<td>A label object which will be displayed near to the item. A label object has one requirement - a <b> content </b> property. In addition you can set the <b> xOffset, yOffset and className </b> for further appearance customisations </td>
This example shows the how to add a label to each point in Graph2d. Each item can have a label object which contains the content and CSS class.In addition, xOffset and yOffset will adjust the location of the label relative to the point being labelled.
var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
var label1 = {
content: "Test",
xOffset: 100,
yOffset: 20
var label2 = {
content: "Label2",
className: "red"
var items = [
{x: '2014-06-11', y: 10,label:label1},
{x: '2014-06-12', y: 25,label:label2},
{x: '2014-06-13', y: 30},
{x: '2014-06-14', y: 10},
{x: '2014-06-15', y: 15},
{x: '2014-06-16', y: 30}
var dataset = new vis.DataSet(items);
var options = {
start: '2014-06-10',
end: '2014-06-18',
var graph2d = new vis.Graph2d(container, dataset, options);