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<h1>Graph3d</h1> |
<h2 id="Overview">Overview</h2> |
<p> |
Graph3d is an interactive visualization chart to draw data in a three dimensional |
graph. You can freely move and zoom in the graph by dragging and scrolling in the |
window. Graph3d also supports animation of a graph. |
</p> |
<p> |
Graph3d uses <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Canvas">HTML canvas</a> |
to render graphs, and can render up to a few thousands of data points smoothly. |
</p> |
<h2 id="Contents">Contents</h2> |
<ul> |
<li><a href="#Overview">Overview</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Loading">Loading</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Data_Format">Data Format</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Configuration_Options">Configuration Options</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Methods">Methods</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Events">Events</a></li> |
<li><a href="#Data_Policy">Data Policy</a></li> |
</ul> |
<h2 id="Example">Example</h2> |
<p> |
The following code shows how to create a Graph3d and provide it with data. |
More examples can be found in the <a href="../examples">examples</a> directory. |
</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint lang-html"> |
<html> |
<head> |
<title>Graph 3D demo</title> |
<style> |
body {font: 10pt arial;} |
</style> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../dist/vis.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var data = null; |
var graph = null; |
function custom(x, y) { |
return (Math.sin(x/50) * Math.cos(y/50) * 50 + 50); |
} |
// Called when the Visualization API is loaded. |
function drawVisualization() { |
// Create and populate a data table. |
var data = new vis.DataSet(); |
// create some nice looking data with sin/cos |
var steps = 50; // number of datapoints will be steps*steps |
var axisMax = 314; |
var axisStep = axisMax / steps; |
for (var x = 0; x < axisMax; x+=axisStep) { |
for (var y = 0; y < axisMax; y+=axisStep) { |
var value = custom(x, y); |
data.add({ |
x: x, |
y: y, |
z: value, |
style: value |
}); |
} |
} |
// specify options |
var options = { |
width: '600px', |
height: '600px', |
style: 'surface', |
showPerspective: true, |
showGrid: true, |
showShadow: false, |
keepAspectRatio: true, |
verticalRatio: 0.5 |
}; |
// create a graph3d |
var container = document.getElementById('mygraph'); |
graph3d = new vis.Graph3d(container, data, options); |
} |
</script> |
</head> |
<body onload="drawVisualization();"> |
<div id="mygraph"></div> |
</body> |
</html> |
</pre> |
<h2 id="Loading">Loading</h2> |
<p> |
The class name of the Graph3d is <code>vis.Graph3d</code>. |
When constructing a Graph3d, an HTML DOM container must be provided to attach |
the graph to. Optionally, data an options can be provided. |
Data is a vis <code>DataSet</code> or an <code>Array</code>, described in |
section <a href="#Data_Format">Data Format</a>. |
Options is a name-value map in the JSON format. The available options |
are described in section <a href="#Configuration_Options">Configuration Options</a>. |
</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">var graph = new vis.Graph3d(container [, data] [, options]);</pre> |
<p> |
Data and options can be set or changed later on using the functions |
<code>Graph3d.setData(data)</code> and <code>Graph3d.setOptions(options)</code>. |
</p> |
<h2 id="Data_Format">Data Format</h2> |
<p> |
Graph3d can load data from an <code>Array</code>, a <code>DataSet</code> or a <code>DataView</code>. |
JSON objects are added to this DataSet by using the <code>add()</code> function. |
Data points must have properties <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, and <code>z</code>, |
and can optionally have a property <code>style</code> and <code>filter</code>. |
<h3>Definition</h3> |
<p> |
The DataSet JSON objects are defined as: |
</p> |
<table class="properties"> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Required</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>x</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>yes</td> |
<td>Location on the x-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>y</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>yes</td> |
<td>Location on the y-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>z</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>yes</td> |
<td>Location on the z-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>style</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>no</td> |
<td>The data value, required for graph styles <code>dot-color</code> and |
<code>dot-size</code>. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>filter</td> |
<td>*</td> |
<td>no</td> |
<td>Filter values used for the animation. |
This column may have any type, such as a number, string, or Date.</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<h2 id="Configuration_Options">Configuration Options</h2> |
<p> |
Options can be used to customize the graph. Options are defined as a JSON object. |
All options are optional. |
</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"> |
var options = { |
width: '100%', |
height: '400px', |
style: 'surface' |
}; |
</pre> |
<p> |
The following options are available. |
</p> |
<table class="options"> |
<tr> |
<th>Name</th> |
<th>Type</th> |
<th>Default</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>animationInterval</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>1000</td> |
<td>The animation interval in milliseconds. This determines how fast |
the animation runs.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>animationPreload</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>false</td> |
<td>If false, the animation frames are loaded as soon as they are requested. |
if <code>animationPreload</code> is true, the graph will automatically load |
all frames in the background, resulting in a smoother animation as soon as |
all frames are loaded. The load progress is shown on screen.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>animationAutoStart</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>false</td> |
<td>If true, the animation starts playing automatically after the graph |
is created.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>backgroundColor</td> |
<td>string or Object</td> |
<td>'white'</td> |
<td>The background color for the main area of the chart. |
Can be either a simple HTML color string, for example: 'red' or '#00cc00', |
or an object with the following properties.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>backgroundColor.stroke</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'gray'</td> |
<td>The color of the chart border, as an HTML color string.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>backgroundColor.strokeWidth</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>1</td> |
<td>The border width, in pixels.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>backgroundColor.fill</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'white'</td> |
<td>The chart fill color, as an HTML color string.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>cameraPosition</td> |
<td>Object</td> |
<td>{horizontal: 1.0, vertical: 0.5, distance: 1.7}</td> |
<td>Set the initial rotation and position of the camera. |
The object <code>cameraPosition</code> contains three parameters: |
<code>horizontal</code>, <code>vertical</code>, and <code>distance</code>. |
Parameter <code>horizontal</code> is a value in radians and can have any |
value (but normally in the range of 0 and 2*Pi). |
Parameter <code>vertical</code> is a value in radians between 0 and 0.5*Pi. |
Parameter <code>distance</code> is the (normalized) distance from the |
camera to the center of the graph, in the range of 0.71 to 5.0. A |
larger distance puts the graph further away, making it smaller. |
All parameters are optional. |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>height</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'400px'</td> |
<td>The height of the graph in pixels or as a percentage.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>keepAspectRatio</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>true</td> |
<td>If <code>keepAspectRatio</code> is true, the x-axis and the y-axis |
keep their aspect ratio. If false, the axes are scaled such that they |
both have the same, maximum with.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>showAnimationControls</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>true</td> |
<td>If true, animation controls are created at the bottom of the Graph. |
The animation controls consists of buttons previous, start/stop, next, |
and a slider showing the current frame. |
Only applicable when the provided data contains an animation.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>showGrid</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>true</td> |
<td>If true, grid lines are draw in the x-y surface (the bottom of the 3d |
graph).</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>showPerspective</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>true</td> |
<td>If true, the graph is drawn in perspective: points and lines which |
are further away are drawn smaller. |
Note that the graph currently does not support a gray colored bottom side |
when drawn in perspective. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>showShadow</td> |
<td>boolean</td> |
<td>false</td> |
<td>Show shadow on the graph.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>style</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'dot'</td> |
<td>The style of the 3d graph. Available styles: |
<code>bar</code>, |
<code>bar-color</code>, |
<code>bar-size</code>, |
<code>dot</code>, |
<code>dot-line</code>, |
<code>dot-color</code>, |
<code>dot-size</code>, |
<code>line</code>, |
<code>grid</code>, |
or <code>surface</code></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>tooltip</td> |
<td>boolean | function</td> |
<td>false</td> |
<td>Show a tooltip showing the values of the hovered data point. |
The contents of the tooltip can be customized by providing a callback |
function as <code>tooltip</code>. In this case the function is called |
with an object containing parameters <code>x</code>, |
<code>y</code>, and <code>z</code> argument, |
and must return a string which may contain HTML. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>valueMax</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The maximum value for the value-axis. Only available in combination |
with the styles <code>dot-color</code> and <code>dot-size</code>.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>valueMin</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The minimum value for the value-axis. Only available in combination |
with the styles <code>dot-color</code> and <code>dot-size</code>.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>verticalRatio</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>0.5</td> |
<td>A value between 0.1 and 1.0. This scales the vertical size of the graph |
When keepAspectRatio is set to false, and verticalRatio is set to 1.0, |
the graph will be a cube.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>width</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'400px'</td> |
<td>The width of the graph in pixels or as a percentage.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xBarWidth</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The width of bars in x direction. By default, the width is equal to the distance |
between the data points, such that bars adjoin each other. |
Only applicable for styles <code>'bar'</code> and <code>'bar-color'</code>.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xCenter</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'55%'</td> |
<td>The horizontal center position of the graph, as a percentage or in |
pixels.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xMax</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The maximum value for the x-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xMin</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The minimum value for the x-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xStep</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Step size for the grid on the x-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xValueLabel</td> |
<td>function</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>A function for custom formatting of the labels along the x-axis, |
for example <code>function (x) {return (x * 100) + '%'}</code>. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yBarWidth</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The width of bars in y direction. By default, the width is equal to the distance |
between the data points, such that bars adjoin each other. |
Only applicable for styles <code>'bar'</code> and <code>'bar-color'</code>.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yCenter</td> |
<td>string</td> |
<td>'45%'</td> |
<td>The vertical center position of the graph, as a percentage or in |
pixels.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yMax</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The maximum value for the y-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yMin</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The minimum value for the y-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yStep</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Step size for the grid on the y-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yValueLabel</td> |
<td>function</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>A function for custom formatting of the labels along the y-axis, |
for example <code>function (y) {return (y * 100) + '%'}</code>. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>zMin</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The minimum value for the z-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>zMax</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>The maximum value for the z-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>zStep</td> |
<td>number</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Step size for the grid on the z-axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>zValueLabel</td> |
<td>function</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>A function for custom formatting of the labels along the z-axis, |
for example <code>function (z) {return (z * 100) + '%'}</code>. |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>xLabel</td> |
<td>String</td> |
<td>x</td> |
<td>Label on the X axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>yLabel</td> |
<td>String</td> |
<td>y</td> |
<td>Label on the Y axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>zLabel</td> |
<td>String</td> |
<td>z</td> |
<td>Label on the Z axis.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>filterLabel</td> |
<td>String</td> |
<td>time</td> |
<td>Label for the filter column.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>legendLabel</td> |
<td>String</td> |
<td>value</td> |
<td>Label for the style description.</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<h2 id="Methods">Methods</h2> |
<p> |
Graph3d supports the following methods. |
</p> |
<table class="methods"> |
<tr> |
<th>Method</th> |
<th>Return Type</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>animationStart()</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Start playing the animation. |
Only applicable when animation data is available.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>animationStop()</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Stop playing the animation. |
Only applicable when animation data is available.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>getCameraPosition()</td> |
<td>An object with parameters <code>horizontal</code>, |
<code>vertical</code> and <code>distance</code></td> |
<td>Returns an object with parameters <code>horizontal</code>, |
<code>vertical</code> and <code>distance</code>, |
which each one of them is a number, representing the rotation and position |
of the camera.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>redraw()</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Redraw the graph. Useful after the camera position is changed externally, |
when data is changed, or when the layout of the webpage changed.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>setData(data)</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Replace the data in the Graph3d.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>setOptions(options)</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Update options of Graph3d. |
The provided options will be merged with current options.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>setSize(width, height)</td> |
<td>none</td> |
<td>Parameters <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> are strings, |
containing a new size for the graph. Size can be provided in pixels |
or in percentages.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>setCameraPosition (pos)</td> |
<td>{horizontal: 1.0, vertical: 0.5, distance: 1.7}</td> |
<td>Set the rotation and position of the camera. Parameter <code>pos</code> |
is an object which contains three parameters: <code>horizontal</code>, |
<code>vertical</code>, and <code>distance</code>. |
Parameter <code>horizontal</code> is a value in radians and can have any |
value (but normally in the range of 0 and 2*Pi). |
Parameter <code>vertical</code> is a value in radians between 0 and 0.5*Pi. |
Parameter <code>distance</code> is the (normalized) distance from the |
camera to the center of the graph, in the range of 0.71 to 5.0. A |
larger distance puts the graph further away, making it smaller. |
All parameters are optional. |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<h2 id="Events">Events</h2> |
<p> |
Graph3d fires events after the camera position has been changed. |
The event can be catched by creating a listener. |
Here an example on how to catch a <code>cameraPositionChange</code> event. |
</p> |
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js"> |
function onCameraPositionChange(event) { |
alert('The camera position changed to:\n' + |
'Horizontal: ' + event.horizontal + '\n' + |
'Vertical: ' + event.vertical + '\n' + |
'Distance: ' + event.distance); |
} |
// assuming var graph3d = new vis.Graph3d(document.getElementById('mygraph')); |
graph3d.on('cameraPositionChange', onCameraPositionChange); |
</pre> |
<p> |
The following events are available. |
</p> |
<table class="events"> |
<tr> |
<th>name</th> |
<th>Properties</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>cameraPositionChange</td> |
<td> |
<ul> |
<li><code>horizontal</code>: Number. The horizontal angle of the camera.</li> |
<li><code>vertical</code>: Number. The vertical angle of the camera.</li> |
<li><code>distance</code>: Number. The distance of the camera to the center of the graph.</li> |
</ul> |
</td> |
<td>The camera position changed. Fired after the user modified the camera position |
by moving (dragging) the graph, or by zooming (scrolling), |
but not after a call to <code>setCameraPosition</code> method. |
The new camera position can be retrieved by calling the method |
<code>getCameraPosition</code>.</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<h2 id="Data_Policy">Data Policy</h2> |
<p> |
All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server. |
</p> |
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