@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
@ -164,26 +166,33 @@ function Network (container, data, options) {
clustering:{// Per Node in Cluster = PNiC
enabled:false,// (Boolean) | global on/off switch for clustering.
initialMaxNodes:100,// (# nodes) | if the initial amount of nodes is larger than this, we cluster until the total number is less than this threshold.
clusterThreshold:500,// (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than this. If it is, cluster until reduced to reduceToNodes
reduceToNodes:300,// (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than clusterThreshold. If it is, cluster until reduced to this
chainThreshold:0.4,// (% of all drawn nodes)| maximum percentage of allowed chainnodes (long strings of connected nodes) within all nodes. (lower means less chains).
clusterEdgeThreshold:20,// (px) | edge length threshold. if smaller, this node is clustered.
sectorThreshold:100,// (# nodes in cluster) | cluster size threshold. If larger, expanding in own sector.
screenSizeThreshold:0.2,// (% of canvas) | relative size threshold. If the width or height of a clusternode takes up this much of the screen, decluster node.
fontSizeMultiplier:4.0,// (px PNiC) | how much the cluster font size grows per node in cluster (in px).
forceAmplification:0.1,// (multiplier PNiC) | factor of increase fo the repulsion force of a cluster (per node in cluster).
distanceAmplification:0.1,// (multiplier PNiC) | factor how much the repulsion distance of a cluster increases (per node in cluster).
edgeGrowth:20,// (px PNiC) | amount of clusterSize connected to the edge is multiplied with this and added to edgeLength.
nodeScaling:{width:1,// (px PNiC) | growth of the width per node in cluster.
height:1,// (px PNiC) | growth of the height per node in cluster.
radius:1},// (px PNiC) | growth of the radius per node in cluster.
maxNodeSizeIncrements:600,// (# increments) | max growth of the width per node in cluster.
activeAreaBoxSize:80,// (px) | box area around the curser where clusters are popped open.
clusterLevelDifference:2,// used for normalization of the cluster levels
clusterByZoom:true// enable clustering through zooming in and out
enabled:false// (Boolean) | global on/off switch for clustering.
//initialMaxNodes: 100, // (# nodes) | if the initial amount of nodes is larger than this, we cluster until the total number is less than this threshold.
//clusterThreshold:500, // (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than this. If it is, cluster until reduced to reduceToNodes
//reduceToNodes:300, // (# nodes) | during calculate forces, we check if the total number of nodes is larger than clusterThreshold. If it is, cluster until reduced to this
//chainThreshold: 0.4, // (% of all drawn nodes)| maximum percentage of allowed chainnodes (long strings of connected nodes) within all nodes. (lower means less chains).
//clusterEdgeThreshold: 20, // (px) | edge length threshold. if smaller, this node is clustered.
//sectorThreshold: 100, // (# nodes in cluster) | cluster size threshold. If larger, expanding in own sector.
//screenSizeThreshold: 0.2, // (% of canvas) | relative size threshold. If the width or height of a clusternode takes up this much of the screen, decluster node.
//fontSizeMultiplier: 4.0, // (px PNiC) | how much the cluster font size grows per node in cluster (in px).
//maxFontSize: 1000,
//forceAmplification: 0.1, // (multiplier PNiC) | factor of increase fo the repulsion force of a cluster (per node in cluster).
//distanceAmplification: 0.1, // (multiplier PNiC) | factor how much the repulsion distance of a cluster increases (per node in cluster).
//edgeGrowth: 20, // (px PNiC) | amount of clusterSize connected to the edge is multiplied with this and added to edgeLength.
//nodeScaling: {width: 1, // (px PNiC) | growth of the width per node in cluster.
// height: 1, // (px PNiC) | growth of the height per node in cluster.
// radius: 1}, // (px PNiC) | growth of the radius per node in cluster.
//maxNodeSizeIncrements: 600, // (# increments) | max growth of the width per node in cluster.
//activeAreaBoxSize: 80, // (px) | box area around the curser where clusters are popped open.
//clusterLevelDifference: 2, // used for normalization of the cluster levels
//clusterByZoom: true // enable clustering through zooming in and out