Browse Source

Reworked the tests a little (still not close to a proper unit test though)

jos 10 years ago
6 changed files with 432 additions and 413 deletions
  1. +177
  2. +69
  3. +0
  4. +0
  5. +0
  6. +186

+ 177
- 0
test/DataSet.test.js View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
var assert = require('assert');
var moment = require('moment');
var DataSet = require('../lib/DataSet');
var now = new Date();
// TODO: improve DataSet tests, split up in one test per function
describe('DataSet', function () {
it('should work', function () {
var data = new DataSet({
type: {
start: 'Date',
end: 'Date'
// add single items with different date types
data.add({id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())});
data.add({id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()});
//{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', start: moment(now)}, // TODO: moment fails, not the same instance
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', start: now},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', start: '/Date(' + now.valueOf() + ')/'}
var items = data.get();
assert.equal(items.length, 4);
items.forEach(function (item) {
assert.ok(item.start instanceof Date);
// get filtered fields only
var sort = function (a, b) {
return >;
fields: ['id', 'content']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1'},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2'},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3'},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4'}
// convert dates
fields: ['id', 'start'],
type: {start: 'Number'}
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 2, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 3, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 4, start: now.valueOf()}
// get a single item
assert.deepEqual(data.get(1, {
fields: ['id', 'start'],
type: {start: 'ISODate'}
}), {
id: 1,
start: now.toISOString()
// remove an item
fields: ['id']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1},
{id: 3},
{id: 4}
// add an item
data.add({id: 5, content: 'Item 5', start: now.valueOf()});
fields: ['id']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1},
{id: 3},
{id: 4},
{id: 5}
// update an item
data.update({id: 5, content: 'changed!'}); // update item (extend existing fields)
data.remove(3); // remove existing item
data.add({id: 3, other: 'bla'}); // add new item
data.update({id: 6, content: 'created!', start: now.valueOf()}); // this item is not yet existing, create it
assert.deepEqual(data.get().sort(sort), [
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: now},
{id: 3, other: 'bla'},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', start: now},
{id: 5, content: 'changed!', start: now},
{id: 6, content: 'created!', start: now}
assert.equal(data.get().length, 0);
// test filtering and sorting
data = new DataSet();
{id: 1, age: 30, group: 2},
{id: 2, age: 25, group: 4},
{id: 3, age: 17, group: 2},
{id: 4, age: 27, group: 3}
assert.deepEqual(data.get({order: 'age'}), [
{id: 3, age: 17, group: 2},
{id: 2, age: 25, group: 4},
{id: 4, age: 27, group: 3},
{id: 1, age: 30, group: 2}
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds({order: 'age'}), [3, 2, 4, 1]);
assert.deepEqual(data.get({order: 'age', fields: ['id']}), [
{id: 3},
{id: 2},
{id: 4},
{id: 1}
order: 'age',
filter: function (item) {
return == 2;
fields: ['id']
}), [
{id: 3},
{id: 1}
order: 'age',
filter: function (item) {
return ( == 2);
}), [3, 1]);
// test if the setting of the showInternalIds works locally for a single get request
data.add({content: 'Item 1'});
data.add({content: 'Item 2'});
assert.notStrictEqual(data.get()[0].id, undefined);
// create a dataset with initial data
var data = new DataSet([
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()}
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds(), [1, 2]);
// create a dataset with initial data and options
var data = new DataSet([
{_id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())},
{_id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()}
], {fieldId: '_id'});
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds(), [1, 2]);
// TODO: extensively test DataSet
// TODO: test subscribing to events

+ 69
- 0
test/DataView.test.js View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
var assert = require('assert');
var moment = require('moment');
var DataSet = require('../lib/DataSet');
var DataView = require('../lib/DataView');
// TODO: improve DataView tests, split up in one test per function
describe('DataView', function () {
it('should work', function () {
var groups = new DataSet();
// add items with different groups
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', group: 1},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', group: 2},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', group: 1},
{id: 5, content: 'Item 5', group: 3}
var group2 = new DataView(groups, {
filter: function (item) {
return == 2;
// test getting the filtered data
assert.deepEqual(group2.get(), [
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', group: 2},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2}
// test filtering the view contents
filter: function (item) {
return > 2;
}), [
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2}
// test event subscription
var groupsTriggerCount = 0;
groups.on('*', function () {
var group2TriggerCount = 0;
group2.on('*', function () {
groups.update({id:2, content: 'Item 2 (changed)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 1);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 1);
groups.update({id:5, content: 'Item 5 (changed)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 2);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 1);
// detach the view from groups
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 2);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 2);
groups.update({id:2, content: 'Item 2 (changed again)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 3);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 2);

+ 0
- 171
test/dataset.js View File

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
var assert = require('assert');
var moment = require('moment');
var DataSet = require('../lib/DataSet');
var now = new Date();
var data = new DataSet({
type: {
start: 'Date',
end: 'Date'
// add single items with different date types
data.add({id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())});
data.add({id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()});
//{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', start: moment(now)}, // TODO: moment fails, not the same instance
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', start: now},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', start: '/Date(' + now.valueOf() + ')/'}
var items = data.get();
assert.equal(items.length, 4);
items.forEach(function (item) {
assert.ok(item.start instanceof Date);
// get filtered fields only
var sort = function (a, b) {
return >;
fields: ['id', 'content']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1'},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2'},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3'},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4'}
// convert dates
fields: ['id', 'start'],
type: {start: 'Number'}
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 2, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 3, start: now.valueOf()},
{id: 4, start: now.valueOf()}
// get a single item
assert.deepEqual(data.get(1, {
fields: ['id', 'start'],
type: {start: 'ISODate'}
}), {
id: 1,
start: now.toISOString()
// remove an item
fields: ['id']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1},
{id: 3},
{id: 4}
// add an item
data.add({id: 5, content: 'Item 5', start: now.valueOf()});
fields: ['id']
}).sort(sort), [
{id: 1},
{id: 3},
{id: 4},
{id: 5}
// update an item
data.update({id: 5, content: 'changed!'}); // update item (extend existing fields)
data.remove(3); // remove existing item
data.add({id: 3, other: 'bla'}); // add new item
data.update({id: 6, content: 'created!', start: now.valueOf()}); // this item is not yet existing, create it
assert.deepEqual(data.get().sort(sort), [
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: now},
{id: 3, other: 'bla'},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', start: now},
{id: 5, content: 'changed!', start: now},
{id: 6, content: 'created!', start: now}
assert.equal(data.get().length, 0);
// test filtering and sorting
data = new DataSet();
{id:1, age: 30, group: 2},
{id:2, age: 25, group: 4},
{id:3, age: 17, group: 2},
{id:4, age: 27, group: 3}
assert.deepEqual(data.get({order: 'age'}), [
{id:3, age: 17, group: 2},
{id:2, age: 25, group: 4},
{id:4, age: 27, group: 3},
{id:1, age: 30, group: 2}
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds({order: 'age'}), [3,2,4,1]);
assert.deepEqual(data.get({order: 'age', fields: ['id']}), [
order: 'age',
filter: function (item) {
return == 2;
fields: ['id']
}), [
order: 'age',
filter: function (item) {
return ( == 2);
}), [3,1]);
// test if the setting of the showInternalIds works locally for a single get request
data.add({content: 'Item 1'});
data.add({content: 'Item 2'});
assert.notStrictEqual(data.get()[0].id, undefined);
// create a dataset with initial data
var data = new DataSet([
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()}
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds(), [1, 2]);
// create a dataset with initial data and options
var data = new DataSet([
{_id: 1, content: 'Item 1', start: new Date(now.valueOf())},
{_id: 2, content: 'Item 2', start: now.toISOString()}
], {fieldId: '_id'});
assert.deepEqual(data.getIds(), [1, 2]);
// TODO: extensively test DataSet
// TODO: test subscribing to events

+ 0
- 63
test/dataview.js View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
var assert = require('assert');
var moment = require('moment');
var DataSet = require('../lib/DataSet');
var DataView = require('../lib/DataView');
var groups = new DataSet();
// add items with different groups
{id: 1, content: 'Item 1', group: 1},
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', group: 2},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2},
{id: 4, content: 'Item 4', group: 1},
{id: 5, content: 'Item 5', group: 3}
var group2 = new DataView(groups, {
filter: function (item) {
return == 2;
// test getting the filtered data
assert.deepEqual(group2.get(), [
{id: 2, content: 'Item 2', group: 2},
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2}
// test filtering the view contents
filter: function (item) {
return > 2;
}), [
{id: 3, content: 'Item 3', group: 2}
// test event subscription
var groupsTriggerCount = 0;
groups.on('*', function () {
var group2TriggerCount = 0;
group2.on('*', function () {
groups.update({id:2, content: 'Item 2 (changed)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 1);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 1);
groups.update({id:5, content: 'Item 5 (changed)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 2);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 1);
// detach the view from groups
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 2);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 2);
groups.update({id:2, content: 'Item 2 (changed again)'});
assert.equal(groupsTriggerCount, 3);
assert.equal(group2TriggerCount, 2);

+ 0
- 179
test/dotparser.js View File

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
var assert = require('assert'),
fs = require('fs'),
dot = require('../lib/network/dotparser.js');
fs.readFile('test/dot.txt', function (err, data) {
data = String(data);
var graph = dot.parseDOT(data);
assert.deepEqual(graph, {
"type": "digraph",
"id": "test_graph",
"rankdir": "LR",
"size": "8,5",
"font": "arial",
"nodes": [
"id": "node1",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node2",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node3",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node4",
"attr": {
"shape": "diamond",
"color": "red"
"id": "node5",
"attr": {
"shape": "square",
"color": "blue",
"width": 3
"id": 6,
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "A",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"edges": [
"from": "node1",
"to": "node1",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "a"
"from": "node2",
"to": "node3",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "b"
"from": "node1",
"to": "node4",
"type": "--",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "c"
"from": "node3",
"to": "node4",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "d"
"from": "node4",
"to": "node5",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"from": "node5",
"to": 6,
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"from": "A",
"to": {
"nodes": [
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"subgraphs": [
"nodes": [
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"

+ 186
- 0
test/dotparser.test.js View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
var assert = require('assert'),
fs = require('fs'),
dot = require('../lib/network/dotparser.js');
describe('dotparser', function () {
it('should parse a DOT file into JSON', function (done) {
fs.readFile('test/dot.txt', function (err, data) {
data = String(data);
var graph = dot.parseDOT(data);
assert.deepEqual(graph, {
"type": "digraph",
"id": "test_graph",
"rankdir": "LR",
"size": "8,5",
"font": "arial",
"nodes": [
"id": "node1",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node2",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node3",
"attr": {
"shape": "doublecircle"
"id": "node4",
"attr": {
"shape": "diamond",
"color": "red"
"id": "node5",
"attr": {
"shape": "square",
"color": "blue",
"width": 3
"id": 6,
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "A",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"edges": [
"from": "node1",
"to": "node1",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "a"
"from": "node2",
"to": "node3",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "b"
"from": "node1",
"to": "node4",
"type": "--",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "c"
"from": "node3",
"to": "node4",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12,
"label": "d"
"from": "node4",
"to": "node5",
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"from": "node5",
"to": 6,
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"from": "A",
"to": {
"nodes": [
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"type": "->",
"attr": {
"length": 170,
"fontSize": 12
"subgraphs": [
"nodes": [
"id": "B",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
"id": "C",
"attr": {
"shape": "circle"
