diff --git a/docs/timeline/index.html b/docs/timeline/index.html index ce8df517..2f905929 100644 --- a/docs/timeline/index.html +++ b/docs/timeline/index.html @@ -1096,6 +1096,30 @@ function (option, path) { +
and 'flip'
. 'cap'
, the tooltip will just cap its position to inside to timeline. 'flip'
, the position of the tooltip will flip around the cursor so that a corner is at the cursor, and the rest of it is visible. + The example below has the tooltip follow the mouse. +
+ + + ++ The example below has the tooltip overflow set to 'cap'. Compare this to the one above, + to see how they differ. For the best results, move the cursor to the top right, + where the tool-tip is going to overflow out of the timeline. +
+ + +