Browse Source

fixed clean up of icons, titles, fixed some style issues, typos

Alex de Mulder 9 years ago
6 changed files with 504 additions and 280 deletions
  1. +42
  2. +405
  3. +1
  4. +7
  5. +34
  6. +15

+ 42
- 0
dist/vis.css View File

@ -415,6 +415,48 @@
width: auto;
.vis.timeline .dataaxis .yAxis.title{
position: absolute;
color: #4d4d4d;
white-space: nowrap;
bottom: 20px;
text-align: center;
.vis.timeline .dataaxis .yAxis.title.measure{
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
visibility: hidden;
width: auto;
.vis.timeline .dataaxis .yAxis.title.left {
bottom: 0px;
-webkit-transform-origin: left top;
-moz-transform-origin: left top;
-ms-transform-origin: left top;
-o-transform-origin: left top;
transform-origin: left bottom;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);
transform: rotate(-90deg);
.vis.timeline .dataaxis .yAxis.title.right {
bottom: 0px;
-webkit-transform-origin: right bottom;
-moz-transform-origin: right bottom;
-ms-transform-origin: right bottom;
-o-transform-origin: right bottom;
transform-origin: right bottom;
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);
.vis.timeline .legend {
background-color: rgba(247, 252, 255, 0.65);

+ 405
- 254
dist/vis.js View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.Graph2d = __webpack_require__(42);
exports.timeline = {
DateUtil: __webpack_require__(24),
DataStep: __webpack_require__(44),
DataStep: __webpack_require__(47),
Range: __webpack_require__(21),
stack: __webpack_require__(33),
TimeStep: __webpack_require__(27),
@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
Component: __webpack_require__(23),
CurrentTime: __webpack_require__(28),
CustomTime: __webpack_require__(30),
DataAxis: __webpack_require__(45),
GraphGroup: __webpack_require__(46),
DataAxis: __webpack_require__(44),
GraphGroup: __webpack_require__(45),
Group: __webpack_require__(32),
BackgroundGroup: __webpack_require__(36),
ItemSet: __webpack_require__(31),
Legend: __webpack_require__(47),
Legend: __webpack_require__(46),
LineGraph: __webpack_require__(43),
TimeAxis: __webpack_require__(26)
@ -4556,7 +4556,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
point.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", x);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", y);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "r", 0.5 * group.options.drawPoints.size);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "class", group.className + " point");
else {
point = exports.getSVGElement('rect',JSONcontainer,svgContainer);
@ -4564,8 +4563,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
point.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y - 0.5*group.options.drawPoints.size);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "width", group.options.drawPoints.size);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "height", group.options.drawPoints.size);
point.setAttributeNS(null, "class", group.className + " point");
if(group.options.drawPoints.styles !== undefined) {
point.setAttributeNS(null, "style",;
point.setAttributeNS(null, "class", group.className + " point");
return point;
@ -20033,9 +20036,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var DataSet = __webpack_require__(7);
var DataView = __webpack_require__(9);
var Component = __webpack_require__(23);
var DataAxis = __webpack_require__(45);
var GraphGroup = __webpack_require__(46);
var Legend = __webpack_require__(47);
var DataAxis = __webpack_require__(44);
var GraphGroup = __webpack_require__(45);
var Legend = __webpack_require__(46);
var UNGROUPED = '__ungrouped__'; // reserved group id for ungrouped items
@ -20086,6 +20089,21 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
left: {min:undefined, max:undefined},
right: {min:undefined, max:undefined}
//format: {
// left: {decimals: 2},
// right: {decimals: 2}
//title: {
// left: {
// text: 'left',
// style: 'color:black;'
// },
// right: {
// text: 'right',
// style: 'color:black;'
// }
legend: {
enabled: false,
@ -20104,7 +20122,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// options is shared by this ItemSet and all its items
this.options = util.extend({}, this.defaultOptions);
this.dom = {};
@ -21097,7 +21114,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var path, d;
var svgHeight = Number('px',''));
path = DOMutil.getSVGElement('path', this.svgElements, this.svg);
path.setAttributeNS(null, 'class', group.className);
path.setAttributeNS(null, "class", group.className);
if( !== undefined) {
path.setAttributeNS(null, "style",;
// construct path from dataset
if (group.options.catmullRom.enabled == true) {
@ -21117,8 +21137,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
else {
dFill = 'M' + dataset[0].x + ',' + svgHeight + ' ' + d + 'L' + dataset[dataset.length - 1].x + ',' + svgHeight;
fillPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'class', group.className + ' fill');
fillPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', dFill);
fillPath.setAttributeNS(null, "class", group.className + " fill");
if( !== undefined) {
fillPath.setAttributeNS(null, "style",;
fillPath.setAttributeNS(null, "d", dFill);
// copy properties to path for drawing.
path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', 'M' + d);
@ -21354,240 +21377,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 44 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* @constructor DataStep
* The class DataStep is an iterator for data for the lineGraph. You provide a start data point and an
* end data point. The class itself determines the best scale (step size) based on the
* provided start Date, end Date, and minimumStep.
* If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible
* to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not
* provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY.
* The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters
* Alternatively, you can set a scale by hand.
* After creation, you can initialize the class by executing first(). Then you
* can iterate from the start date to the end date via next(). You can check if
* the end date is reached with the function hasNext(). After each step, you can
* retrieve the current date via getCurrent().
* The DataStep has scales ranging from milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours,
* days, to years.
* Version: 1.2
* @param {Date} [start] The start date, for example new Date(2010, 9, 21)
* or new Date(2010, 9, 21, 23, 45, 00)
* @param {Date} [end] The end date
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds
function DataStep(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange) {
// variables
this.current = 0;
this.autoScale = true;
this.stepIndex = 0;
this.step = 1;
this.scale = 1;
this.deadSpace = 0;
this.majorSteps = [1, 2, 5, 10];
this.minorSteps = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2];
this.setRange(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange);
* Set a new range
* If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible
* to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not
* provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY.
* The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters
* @param {Number} [start] The start date and time.
* @param {Number} [end] The end date and time.
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds
DataStep.prototype.setRange = function(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange) {
this._start = customRange.min === undefined ? start : customRange.min;
this._end = customRange.max === undefined ? end : customRange.max;
if (this._start == this._end) {
this._start -= 0.75;
this._end += 1;
if (this.autoScale) {
this.setMinimumStep(minimumStep, containerHeight);
* Automatically determine the scale that bests fits the provided minimum step
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] The minimum step size in milliseconds
DataStep.prototype.setMinimumStep = function(minimumStep, containerHeight) {
// round to floor
var size = this._end - this._start;
var safeSize = size * 1.2;
var minimumStepValue = minimumStep * (safeSize / containerHeight);
var orderOfMagnitude = Math.round(Math.log(safeSize)/Math.LN10);
var minorStepIdx = -1;
var magnitudefactor = Math.pow(10,orderOfMagnitude);
var start = 0;
if (orderOfMagnitude < 0) {
start = orderOfMagnitude;
var solutionFound = false;
for (var i = start; Math.abs(i) <= Math.abs(orderOfMagnitude); i++) {
magnitudefactor = Math.pow(10,i);
for (var j = 0; j < this.minorSteps.length; j++) {
var stepSize = magnitudefactor * this.minorSteps[j];
if (stepSize >= minimumStepValue) {
solutionFound = true;
minorStepIdx = j;
if (solutionFound == true) {
this.stepIndex = minorStepIdx;
this.scale = magnitudefactor;
this.step = magnitudefactor * this.minorSteps[minorStepIdx];
* Round the current date to the first minor date value
* This must be executed once when the current date is set to start Date
DataStep.prototype.setFirst = function(customRange) {
if (customRange === undefined) {
customRange = {};
var niceStart = customRange.min === undefined ? this._start - (this.scale * 2 * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) : customRange.min;
var niceEnd = customRange.max === undefined ? this._end + (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) : customRange.max;
this.marginEnd = customRange.max === undefined ? this.roundToMinor(niceEnd) : customRange.max;
this.marginStart = customRange.min === undefined ? this.roundToMinor(niceStart) : customRange.min;
this.deadSpace = this.roundToMinor(niceEnd) - niceEnd + this.roundToMinor(niceStart) - niceStart;
this.marginRange = this.marginEnd - this.marginStart;
this.current = this.marginEnd;
DataStep.prototype.roundToMinor = function(value) {
var rounded = value - (value % (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]));
if (value % (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) > 0.5 * (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex])) {
return rounded + (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]);
else {
return rounded;
* Check if the there is a next step
* @return {boolean} true if the current date has not passed the end date
DataStep.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return (this.current >= this.marginStart);
* Do the next step
*/ = function() {
var prev = this.current;
this.current -= this.step;
// safety mechanism: if current time is still unchanged, move to the end
if (this.current == prev) {
this.current = this._end;
* Do the next step
DataStep.prototype.previous = function() {
this.current += this.step;
this.marginEnd += this.step;
this.marginRange = this.marginEnd - this.marginStart;
* Get the current datetime
* @return {String} current The current date
DataStep.prototype.getCurrent = function() {
var toPrecision = '' + Number(this.current).toPrecision(5);
if (toPrecision.indexOf(",") != -1 || toPrecision.indexOf(".") != -1) {
for (var i = toPrecision.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
if (toPrecision[i] == "0") {
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0,i);
else if (toPrecision[i] == "." || toPrecision[i] == ",") {
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0,i);
return toPrecision;
* Snap a date to a rounded value.
* The snap intervals are dependent on the current scale and step.
* @param {Date} date the date to be snapped.
* @return {Date} snappedDate
DataStep.prototype.snap = function(date) {
* Check if the current value is a major value (for example when the step
* is DAY, a major value is each first day of the MONTH)
* @return {boolean} true if current date is major, else false.
DataStep.prototype.isMajor = function() {
return (this.current % (this.scale * this.majorSteps[this.stepIndex]) == 0);
module.exports = DataStep;
/***/ },
/* 45 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var util = __webpack_require__(1);
var DOMutil = __webpack_require__(6);
var Component = __webpack_require__(23);
var DataStep = __webpack_require__(44);
var DataStep = __webpack_require__(47);
* A horizontal time axis
@ -21616,6 +21411,14 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
customRange: {
left: {min:undefined, max:undefined},
right: {min:undefined, max:undefined}
title: {
left: {text:undefined},
right: {text:undefined}
format: {
left: {decimals: undefined},
right: {decimals: undefined}
@ -21624,7 +21427,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.props = {};
this.DOMelements = { // dynamic elements
lines: {},
labels: {}
labels: {},
title: {}
this.dom = {};
@ -21644,6 +21448,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.lineOffset = 0;
this.master = true;
this.svgElements = {};
this.iconsRemoved = false;
this.groups = {};
@ -21699,7 +21504,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
util.selectiveExtend(fields, this.options, options);
@ -21762,8 +21569,17 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.iconsRemoved = false;
DataAxis.prototype._cleanupIcons = function() {
if (this.iconsRemoved == false) {
this.iconsRemoved = true;
* Create the HTML DOM for the DataAxis
@ -21813,7 +21629,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
DataAxis.prototype.redraw = function () {
var changeCalled = false;
var activeGroups = 0;
// Make sure the line container adheres to the vertical scrolling. = this.body.domProps.scrollTop + 'px';
for (var groupId in this.groups) {
@ -21829,8 +21646,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
else {;
this.height = Number("px",""));
// svg offsetheight did not work in firefox and explorer...
// svg offsetheight did not work in firefox and explorer... = this.height + 'px';
this.width = this.options.visible == true ? Number(('' + this.options.width).replace("px","")) : 0;
@ -21847,7 +21664,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var showMinorLabels = this.options.showMinorLabels;
var showMajorLabels = this.options.showMajorLabels;
// determine the width and height of the elemens for the axis
// determine the width and height of the elements for the axis
props.minorLabelHeight = showMinorLabels ? props.minorCharHeight : 0;
props.majorLabelHeight = showMajorLabels ? props.majorCharHeight : 0;
@ -21872,9 +21689,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap = this.height + "px";
changeCalled = this._redrawLabels();
if (this.options.icons == true) {
else {
return changeCalled;
@ -21921,23 +21744,28 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// do not draw the first label
var max = 1;
// Get the number of decimal places
var decimals;
if(this.options.format[orientation] !== undefined) {
decimals = this.options.format[orientation].decimals;
this.maxLabelSize = 0;
var y = 0;
while (max < Math.round(amountOfSteps)) {;
y = Math.round(max * stepPixels);
marginStartPos = max * stepPixels;
var isMajor = step.isMajor();
if (this.options['showMinorLabels'] && isMajor == false || this.master == false && this.options['showMinorLabels'] == true) {
this._redrawLabel(y - 2, step.getCurrent(), orientation, 'yAxis minor', this.props.minorCharHeight);
this._redrawLabel(y - 2, step.getCurrent(decimals), orientation, 'yAxis minor', this.props.minorCharHeight);
if (isMajor && this.options['showMajorLabels'] && this.master == true ||
this.options['showMinorLabels'] == false && this.master == false && isMajor == true) {
if (y >= 0) {
this._redrawLabel(y - 2, step.getCurrent(), orientation, 'yAxis major', this.props.majorCharHeight);
this._redrawLabel(y - 2, step.getCurrent(decimals), orientation, 'yAxis major', this.props.majorCharHeight);
this._redrawLine(y, orientation, 'grid horizontal major', this.options.majorLinesOffset, this.props.majorLineWidth);
@ -21955,9 +21783,14 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.conversionFactor = this.dom.frame.offsetHeight / step.marginRange;
var offset = this.options.icons == true ? this.options.iconWidth + this.options.labelOffsetX + 15 : this.options.labelOffsetX + 15;
// Note that title is rotated, so we're using the height, not width!
var titleWidth = 0;
if (this.options.title[orientation] !== undefined && this.options.title[orientation].text !== undefined) {
titleWidth = this.props.titleCharHeight;
var offset = this.options.icons == true ? Math.max(this.options.iconWidth, titleWidth) + this.options.labelOffsetX + 15 : titleWidth + this.options.labelOffsetX + 15;
// this will resize the yAxis to accomodate the labels.
// this will resize the yAxis to accommodate the labels.
if (this.maxLabelSize > (this.width - offset) && this.options.visible == true) {
this.width = this.maxLabelSize + offset;
this.options.width = this.width + "px";
@ -22047,6 +21880,38 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Create a title for the axis
* @private
* @param orientation
DataAxis.prototype._redrawTitle = function (orientation) {
// Check if the title is defined for this axes
if (this.options.title[orientation] !== undefined && this.options.title[orientation].text !== undefined) {
var title = DOMutil.getDOMElement('div', this.DOMelements.title, this.dom.frame);
title.className = 'yAxis title ' + orientation;
title.innerHTML = this.options.title[orientation].text;
// Add style - if provided
if (this.options.title[orientation].style !== undefined) {
util.addCssText(title, this.options.title[orientation].style);
if (orientation == 'left') { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px';
else { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px';
} = this.height + 'px';
// we need to clean up in case we did not use all elements.
@ -22083,6 +21948,19 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (!('titleCharHeight' in this.props)) {
var textTitle = document.createTextNode('0');
var measureCharTitle = document.createElement('DIV');
measureCharTitle.className = 'yAxis title measure';
this.props.titleCharHeight = measureCharTitle.clientHeight;
this.props.titleCharWidth = measureCharTitle.clientWidth;
@ -22099,7 +21977,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 46 */
/* 45 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var util = __webpack_require__(1);
@ -22175,6 +22053,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.content = group.content || 'graph';
this.className = group.className || this.className || "graphGroup" + this.groupsUsingDefaultStyles[0] % 10;
this.visible = group.visible === undefined ? true : group.visible; =;
@ -22192,6 +22071,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if ( == 'line') {
path = DOMutil.getSVGElement("path", JSONcontainer, SVGcontainer);
path.setAttributeNS(null, "class", this.className);
if( !== undefined) {
path.setAttributeNS(null, "style",;
path.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M" + x + ","+y+" L" + (x + iconWidth) + ","+y+"");
if (this.options.shaded.enabled == true) {
fillPath = DOMutil.getSVGElement("path", JSONcontainer, SVGcontainer);
@ -22240,7 +22123,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 47 */
/* 46 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var util = __webpack_require__(1);
@ -22449,6 +22332,274 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = Legend;
/***/ },
/* 47 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* @constructor DataStep
* The class DataStep is an iterator for data for the lineGraph. You provide a start data point and an
* end data point. The class itself determines the best scale (step size) based on the
* provided start Date, end Date, and minimumStep.
* If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible
* to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not
* provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY.
* The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters
* Alternatively, you can set a scale by hand.
* After creation, you can initialize the class by executing first(). Then you
* can iterate from the start date to the end date via next(). You can check if
* the end date is reached with the function hasNext(). After each step, you can
* retrieve the current date via getCurrent().
* The DataStep has scales ranging from milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours,
* days, to years.
* Version: 1.2
* @param {Date} [start] The start date, for example new Date(2010, 9, 21)
* or new Date(2010, 9, 21, 23, 45, 00)
* @param {Date} [end] The end date
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds
function DataStep(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange) {
// variables
this.current = 0;
this.autoScale = true;
this.stepIndex = 0;
this.step = 1;
this.scale = 1;
this.deadSpace = 0;
this.majorSteps = [1, 2, 5, 10];
this.minorSteps = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2];
this.setRange(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange);
* Set a new range
* If minimumStep is provided, the step size is chosen as close as possible
* to the minimumStep but larger than minimumStep. If minimumStep is not
* provided, the scale is set to 1 DAY.
* The minimumStep should correspond with the onscreen size of about 6 characters
* @param {Number} [start] The start date and time.
* @param {Number} [end] The end date and time.
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] Optional. Minimum step size in milliseconds
DataStep.prototype.setRange = function(start, end, minimumStep, containerHeight, customRange) {
this._start = customRange.min === undefined ? start : customRange.min;
this._end = customRange.max === undefined ? end : customRange.max;
if (this._start == this._end) {
this._start -= 0.75;
this._end += 1;
if (this.autoScale) {
this.setMinimumStep(minimumStep, containerHeight);
* Automatically determine the scale that bests fits the provided minimum step
* @param {Number} [minimumStep] The minimum step size in milliseconds
DataStep.prototype.setMinimumStep = function(minimumStep, containerHeight) {
// round to floor
var size = this._end - this._start;
var safeSize = size * 1.2;
var minimumStepValue = minimumStep * (safeSize / containerHeight);
var orderOfMagnitude = Math.round(Math.log(safeSize)/Math.LN10);
var minorStepIdx = -1;
var magnitudefactor = Math.pow(10,orderOfMagnitude);
var start = 0;
if (orderOfMagnitude < 0) {
start = orderOfMagnitude;
var solutionFound = false;
for (var i = start; Math.abs(i) <= Math.abs(orderOfMagnitude); i++) {
magnitudefactor = Math.pow(10,i);
for (var j = 0; j < this.minorSteps.length; j++) {
var stepSize = magnitudefactor * this.minorSteps[j];
if (stepSize >= minimumStepValue) {
solutionFound = true;
minorStepIdx = j;
if (solutionFound == true) {
this.stepIndex = minorStepIdx;
this.scale = magnitudefactor;
this.step = magnitudefactor * this.minorSteps[minorStepIdx];
* Round the current date to the first minor date value
* This must be executed once when the current date is set to start Date
DataStep.prototype.setFirst = function(customRange) {
if (customRange === undefined) {
customRange = {};
var niceStart = customRange.min === undefined ? this._start - (this.scale * 2 * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) : customRange.min;
var niceEnd = customRange.max === undefined ? this._end + (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) : customRange.max;
this.marginEnd = customRange.max === undefined ? this.roundToMinor(niceEnd) : customRange.max;
this.marginStart = customRange.min === undefined ? this.roundToMinor(niceStart) : customRange.min;
this.deadSpace = this.roundToMinor(niceEnd) - niceEnd + this.roundToMinor(niceStart) - niceStart;
this.marginRange = this.marginEnd - this.marginStart;
this.current = this.marginEnd;
DataStep.prototype.roundToMinor = function(value) {
var rounded = value - (value % (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]));
if (value % (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]) > 0.5 * (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex])) {
return rounded + (this.scale * this.minorSteps[this.stepIndex]);
else {
return rounded;
* Check if the there is a next step
* @return {boolean} true if the current date has not passed the end date
DataStep.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return (this.current >= this.marginStart);
* Do the next step
*/ = function() {
var prev = this.current;
this.current -= this.step;
// safety mechanism: if current time is still unchanged, move to the end
if (this.current == prev) {
this.current = this._end;
* Do the next step
DataStep.prototype.previous = function() {
this.current += this.step;
this.marginEnd += this.step;
this.marginRange = this.marginEnd - this.marginStart;
* Get the current datetime
* @return {String} current The current date
DataStep.prototype.getCurrent = function(decimals) {
var toPrecision = '' + Number(this.current).toPrecision(5);
// If decimals is specified, then limit or extend the string as required
if(decimals !== undefined && !isNaN(Number(decimals))) {
// If string includes exponent, then we need to add it to the end
var exp = "";
var index = toPrecision.indexOf("e");
if(index != -1) {
// Get the exponent
exp = toPrecision.slice(index);
// Remove the exponent in case we need to zero-extend
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0, index);
index = Math.max(toPrecision.indexOf(","), toPrecision.indexOf("."));
if(index === -1) {
// No decimal found - if we want decimals, then we need to add it
if(decimals !== 0) {
toPrecision += '.';
// Calculate how long the string should be
index = toPrecision.length + decimals;
else if(decimals !== 0) {
// Calculate how long the string should be - accounting for the decimal place
index += decimals + 1;
if(index > toPrecision.length) {
// We need to add zeros!
for(var cnt = index - toPrecision.length; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
toPrecision += '0';
else {
// we need to remove characters
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0, index);
// Add the exponent if there is one
toPrecision += exp;
else {
if (toPrecision.indexOf(",") != -1 || toPrecision.indexOf(".") != -1) {
// If no decimal is specified, and there are decimal places, remove trailing zeros
for (var i = toPrecision.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (toPrecision[i] == "0") {
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0, i);
else if (toPrecision[i] == "." || toPrecision[i] == ",") {
toPrecision = toPrecision.slice(0, i);
else {
return toPrecision;
* Snap a date to a rounded value.
* The snap intervals are dependent on the current scale and step.
* @param {Date} date the date to be snapped.
* @return {Date} snappedDate
DataStep.prototype.snap = function(date) {
* Check if the current value is a major value (for example when the step
* is DAY, a major value is each first day of the MONTH)
* @return {boolean} true if current date is major, else false.
DataStep.prototype.isMajor = function() {
return (this.current % (this.scale * this.majorSteps[this.stepIndex]) == 0);
module.exports = DataStep;
/***/ },
/* 48 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

+ 1
- 1
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 7
- 7
examples/graph2d/16_bothAxis_titles.html View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
This example shows setting a title for the left and right axes. Optionally the example allows the user
This example shows setting a title for the left and right axis. Optionally the example allows the user
to show icons and labels on the left and right axis.
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
showMinorLabels: false,
title: {
right: {
text: 'Right (right axis)'
text: 'Title (right axis)'
@ -175,16 +175,16 @@
graph2d.setOptions({dataAxis: {icons: show}});
function showTitle(axes, show) {
function showTitle(axis, show) {
var title;
if(show == true) {
title = {text: "Title (" + axes + " axes)", style: "color: green;"};
title = {text: "Title (" + axis + " axis)"};
else {
title = undefined;
if(axes == 'left') {
if(axis == 'left') {
graph2d.setOptions({dataAxis: {title: {left: title}}});
else {
@ -193,11 +193,11 @@
var colors=['red','green','blue','black','yellow','purple','pink'];
function styleTitle(axes) {
function styleTitle(axis) {
var title;
title = {style: "color: " + colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length) + 1]};
if(axes == 'left') {
if(axis == 'left') {
graph2d.setOptions({dataAxis: {title: {left: title}}});
else {

+ 34
- 18
lib/timeline/component/DataAxis.js View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ function DataAxis (body, options, svg, linegraphOptions) {
this.lineOffset = 0;
this.master = true;
this.svgElements = {};
this.iconsRemoved = false;
this.groups = {};
@ -187,8 +188,17 @@ DataAxis.prototype._redrawGroupIcons = function () {
this.iconsRemoved = false;
DataAxis.prototype._cleanupIcons = function() {
if (this.iconsRemoved == false) {
this.iconsRemoved = true;
* Create the HTML DOM for the DataAxis
@ -255,8 +265,8 @@ DataAxis.prototype.redraw = function () {
else {;
this.height = Number("px",""));
// svg offsetheight did not work in firefox and explorer...
// svg offsetheight did not work in firefox and explorer... = this.height + 'px';
this.width = this.options.visible == true ? Number(('' + this.options.width).replace("px","")) : 0;
@ -298,9 +308,13 @@ DataAxis.prototype.redraw = function () { = this.height + "px";
changeCalled = this._redrawLabels();
if (this.options.icons == true) {
else {
@ -390,7 +404,7 @@ DataAxis.prototype._redrawLabels = function () {
// Note that title is rotated, so we're using the height, not width!
var titleWidth = 0;
if(this.options.title[orientation] !== undefined) {
if (this.options.title[orientation] !== undefined && this.options.title[orientation].text !== undefined) {
titleWidth = this.props.titleCharHeight;
var offset = this.options.icons == true ? Math.max(this.options.iconWidth, titleWidth) + this.options.labelOffsetX + 15 : titleWidth + this.options.labelOffsetX + 15;
@ -494,26 +508,28 @@ DataAxis.prototype._redrawTitle = function (orientation) {
// Check if the title is defined for this axes
if(this.options.title[orientation] == undefined || this.options.title[orientation].text === undefined) {
var title = DOMutil.getDOMElement('div',this.DOMelements.title, this.dom.frame);
title.className = 'yAxis title ' + orientation;
title.innerHTML = this.options.title[orientation].text;
if (this.options.title[orientation] !== undefined && this.options.title[orientation].text !== undefined) {
var title = DOMutil.getDOMElement('div', this.DOMelements.title, this.dom.frame);
title.className = 'yAxis title ' + orientation;
title.innerHTML = this.options.title[orientation].text;
// Add style - if provided
if (this.options.title[orientation].style !== undefined) {
util.addCssText(title, this.options.title[orientation].style);
// Add style - if provided
if(this.options.title[orientation].style !== undefined) {
util.addCssText(title, this.options.title[orientation].style);
if (orientation == 'left') { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px';
else { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px';
if (orientation == 'left') { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px';
else { = this.props.titleCharHeight + 'px'; = this.height + 'px';
} = this.height + 'px';
// we need to clean up in case we did not use all elements.

+ 15
- 0
lib/timeline/component/LineGraph.js View File

@ -56,6 +56,21 @@ function LineGraph(body, options) {
left: {min:undefined, max:undefined},
right: {min:undefined, max:undefined}
//format: {
// left: {decimals: 2},
// right: {decimals: 2}
//title: {
// left: {
// text: 'left',
// style: 'color:black;'
// },
// right: {
// text: 'right',
// style: 'color:black;'
// }
legend: {
enabled: false,
