Added a shapeProperties object allowing configuration of shapes.
Replaced dashes property in options.js with a shapeProperties object containing a borderDashes property.
Replaced dashes property in defaultOptions in NodesHandler.js with shapeProperties object having its borderDashes property set to false.
Created implementations of enableBorderDashes and disableBorderDashes functions in NodeBase.js
Updated CircleImageBase to use enableBorderDashes and disableBorderDashes for enabling/disabling dashed borders.
Added to ShapeBase enableBorderDashes and disableBorderDashes calls to allow all shapes that have borders to have the dashed borders feature.
Updated example demonstrating how to apply the dashed border to a circularImage node
Created example demonstrating how to apply the dashed border to a all shapes that support dashed borders.
Updated documentation explaining the usage of the shapeProperties.
var container = document.getElementById('mynetwork');
var data = {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges
var options = {physics:{barnesHut:{gravitationalConstant:-4000}}};
network = new vis.Network(container, data, options);
Nodes can have all sorts of shapes. Note the exception where the nodes with text inside and the text type's size are determined by the font size, not the node size.