@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* A dynamic , browser - based visualization library .
* @ version 4.12 .1 - SNAPSHOT
* @ date 2016 - 01 - 15
* @ date 2016 - 01 - 18
* @ license
* Copyright ( C ) 2011 - 2016 Almende B . V , http : //almende.com
@ -11295,10 +11295,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// propagate over all elements (until stopped)
var elem = _firstTarget ;
while ( elem && ! stopped ) {
if ( elem . hammer ) {
var elemHammer = elem . hammer ;
if ( elemHammer ) {
var _handlers ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < elem . h ammer. length ; k ++ ) {
_handlers = elem . h ammer[ k ] . _handlers [ event . type ] ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < elemH ammer . length ; k ++ ) {
_handlers = elemH ammer [ k ] . _handlers [ event . type ] ;
if ( _handlers ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < _handlers . length && ! stopped ; i ++ ) {
_handlers [ i ] ( event ) ;
@ -23181,6 +23182,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
} , {
key : '_hide' ,
value : function _hide ( ) {
var _this = this ;
var storePrevious = arguments . length <= 0 || arguments [ 0 ] === undefined ? true : arguments [ 0 ] ;
// store the previous color for next time;
@ -23195,10 +23198,13 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this . frame . style . display = 'none' ;
// call the closing callback, restoring the onclick method.
if ( this . closeCallback !== undefined ) {
this . closeCallback ( ) ;
this . closeCallback = undefined ;
// this is in a setTimeout because it will trigger the show again before the click is done.
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( _this . closeCallback !== undefined ) {
_this . closeCallback ( ) ;
_this . closeCallback = undefined ;
} , 0 ) ;
/ * *
@ -23482,7 +23488,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
} , {
key : '_bindHammer' ,
value : function _bindHammer ( ) {
var _this = this ;
var _this2 = this ;
this . drag = { } ;
this . pinch = { } ;
@ -23490,19 +23496,19 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this . hammer . get ( 'pinch' ) . set ( { enable : true } ) ;
hammerUtil . onTouch ( this . hammer , function ( event ) {
_this . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
_this2 . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
} ) ;
this . hammer . on ( 'tap' , function ( event ) {
_this . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
_this2 . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
} ) ;
this . hammer . on ( 'panstart' , function ( event ) {
_this . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
_this2 . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
} ) ;
this . hammer . on ( 'panmove' , function ( event ) {
_this . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
_this2 . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
} ) ;
this . hammer . on ( 'panend' , function ( event ) {
_this . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
_this2 . _moveSelector ( event ) ;
} ) ;
@ -27844,7 +27850,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _this2 = this ;
if ( options !== undefined ) {
var errorFound = _sharedValidator2 [ 'default' ] . validate ( options , _optionsJs . allOptions ) ;
if ( errorFound === true ) {
console . log ( '%cErrors have been found in the supplied options object.' , _sharedValidator . printStyle ) ;
@ -40048,8 +40053,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this . initialRandomSeed = Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * 1000000 ) ;
this . randomSeed = this . initialRandomSeed ;
this . setPhysics = false ;
this . options = { } ;
this . optionsBackup = { } ;
this . optionsBackup = { physics : { } } ;
this . defaultOptions = {
randomSeed : undefined ,
@ -40057,6 +40063,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
hierarchical : {
enabled : false ,
levelSeparation : 150 ,
nodeSpacing : 100 ,
treeSpacing : 200 ,
blockShifting : true ,
edgeMinimization : true ,
direction : 'UD' , // UD, DU, LR, RL
sortMethod : 'hubsize' // hubsize, directed
@ -40127,17 +40137,19 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if ( this . options . hierarchical . enabled === true ) {
// set the physics
if ( allOptions . physics === undefined || allOptions . physics === true ) {
allOptions . physics = { solver : 'hierarchicalRepulsion' } ;
this . optionsBackup . physics = { solver : 'barnesHut' } ;
allOptions . physics = {
enabled : this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled === undefined ? true : this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled ,
solver : 'hierarchicalRepulsion'
} ;
this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled = this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled === undefined ? true : this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled ;
this . optionsBackup . physics . solver = this . optionsBackup . physics . solver || 'barnesHut' ;
} else if ( typeof allOptions . physics === 'object' ) {
this . optionsBackup . physics = { solver : 'barnesHut' } ;
if ( allOptions . physics . solver !== undefined ) {
this . optionsBackup . physics = { solver : allOptions . physics . solver } ;
allOptions . physics [ 'solver' ] = 'hierarchicalRepulsion' ;
this . optionsBackup . physics . enabled = allOptions . physics . enabled === undefined ? true : allOptions . physics . enabled ;
this . optionsBackup . physics . solver = allOptions . physics . solver || 'barnesHut' ;
allOptions . physics . solver = 'hierarchicalRepulsion' ;
} else if ( allOptions . physics !== false ) {
this . optionsBackup . physics = { solver : 'barnesHut' } ;
allOptions . physics [ 'solver' ] = 'hierarchicalRepulsion' ;
this . optionsBackup . physics . solver = 'barnesHut' ;
allOptions . physics = { solver : 'hierarchicalRepulsion' } ;
// get the type of static smooth curve in case it is required
@ -40181,6 +40193,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// force all edges into static smooth curves. Only applies to edges that do not use the global options for smooth.
this . body . emitter . emit ( '_forceDisableDynamicCurves' , type ) ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( allOptions ) , JSON . stringify ( this . optionsBackup ) ) ;
return allOptions ;
} , {
@ -40331,6 +40344,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var node = undefined ,
nodeId = undefined ;
var definedLevel = false ;
var definedPositions = true ;
var undefinedLevel = false ;
this . hierarchicalLevels = { } ;
this . lastNodeOnLevel = { } ;
@ -40339,10 +40353,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this . hierarchicalTrees = { } ;
this . treeIndex = - 1 ;
this . whiteSpaceReductionFactor = 0.5 ;
this . nodeSpacing = 100 ;
this . treeSpacing = 2 * this . nodeSpacing ;
this . distributionOrdering = { } ;
this . distributionIndex = { } ;
this . distributionOrderingPresence = { } ;
@ -40350,6 +40360,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
for ( nodeId in this . body . nodes ) {
if ( this . body . nodes . hasOwnProperty ( nodeId ) ) {
node = this . body . nodes [ nodeId ] ;
if ( node . options . x === undefined && node . options . y === undefined ) {
definedPositions = false ;
if ( node . options . level !== undefined ) {
definedLevel = true ;
this . hierarchicalLevels [ nodeId ] = node . options . level ;
@ -40385,7 +40398,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this . _placeNodesByHierarchy ( distribution ) ;
// condense the whitespace.
this . _condenseHierarchy ( distribution ) ;
this . _condenseHierarchy ( ) ;
// shift to center so gravity does not have to do much
this . _shiftToCenter ( ) ;
@ -40398,17 +40411,20 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* /
} , {
key : '_condenseHierarchy' ,
value : function _condenseHierarchy ( distribution ) {
value : function _condenseHierarchy ( ) {
var _this2 = this ;
// Global var in this scope to define when the movement has stopped.
var stillShifting = false ;
var branches = { } ;
// first we have some methods to help shifting trees around.
// the main method to shift the trees
var shiftTrees = function shiftTrees ( ) {
var treeSizes = getTreeSizes ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < treeSizes . length - 1 ; i ++ ) {
var diff = treeSizes [ i ] . max - treeSizes [ i + 1 ] . min ;
if ( diff !== _this2 . treeSpacing ) {
shiftTree ( i + 1 , diff - _this2 . treeSpacing ) ;
if ( diff !== _this2 . options . hierarchical . treeSpacing ) {
shiftTree ( i + 1 , diff - _this2 . options . hierarchical . treeSpacing ) ;
} ;
@ -40468,33 +40484,26 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var maxLevel = arguments . length <= 1 || arguments [ 1 ] === undefined ? 1 e9 : arguments [ 1 ] ;
var minSpace = 1 e9 ;
var maxSpace = - 1 e9 ;
var maxSpace = 1 e9 ;
var min = 1 e9 ;
var max = - 1 e9 ;
for ( var branchNode in branchMap ) {
if ( branchMap . hasOwnProperty ( branchNode ) ) {
var node = _this2 . body . nodes [ branchNode ] ;
var level = _this2 . hierarchicalLevels [ node . id ] ;
var index = _this2 . distributionIndex [ node . id ] ;
var position = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( _this2 . body . nodes [ node . id ] ) ;
// if this is the node at the side, there is no previous node
if ( index != 0 ) {
var prevNode = _this2 . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index - 1 ] ;
if ( branchMap [ prevNode . id ] === undefined ) {
var prevPos = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( prevNode ) ;
minSpace = Math . min ( minSpace , position - prevPos ) ;
var position = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node ) ;
// if this is the node at the end there is no next node
if ( index != _this2 . distributionOrdering [ level ] . length - 1 ) {
var nextNode = _this2 . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index + 1 ] ;
if ( branchMap [ nextNode . id ] === undefined ) {
var nextPos = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( nextNode ) ;
maxSpace = Math . max ( maxSpace , nextPos - position ) ;
// get the space around the node.
var _getSpaceAroundNode2 = _this2 . _getSpaceAroundNode ( node , branchMap ) ;
var _getSpaceAroundNode22 = _slicedToArray ( _getSpaceAroundNode2 , 2 ) ;
var minSpaceNode = _getSpaceAroundNode22 [ 0 ] ;
var maxSpaceNode = _getSpaceAroundNode22 [ 1 ] ;
minSpace = Math . min ( minSpaceNode , minSpace ) ;
maxSpace = Math . min ( maxSpaceNode , maxSpace ) ;
// the width is only relevant for the levels two nodes have in common. This is why we filter on this.
if ( level <= maxLevel ) {
@ -40504,9 +40513,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// if there was no next node, the max space is infinite (1e9 ~ close enough)
maxSpace = maxSpace < 0 ? 1 e9 : maxSpace ;
return [ min , max , minSpace , maxSpace ] ;
} ;
@ -40556,10 +40562,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var level = levels [ i ] ;
var levelNodes = _this2 . distributionOrdering [ level ] ;
if ( levelNodes . length > 1 ) {
for ( var _i = 0 ; _i < levelNodes . length - 1 ; _i ++ ) {
if ( hasSameParent ( levelNodes [ _i ] , levelNodes [ _i + 1 ] ) === true ) {
if ( _this2 . hierarchicalTrees [ levelNodes [ _i ] . id ] === _this2 . hierarchicalTrees [ levelNodes [ _i + 1 ] . id ] ) {
callback ( levelNodes [ _i ] , levelNodes [ _i + 1 ] , centerParents ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < levelNodes . length - 1 ; j ++ ) {
if ( hasSameParent ( levelNodes [ j ] , levelNodes [ j + 1 ] ) === true ) {
if ( _this2 . hierarchicalTrees [ levelNodes [ j ] . id ] === _this2 . hierarchicalTrees [ levelNodes [ j + 1 ] . id ] ) {
callback ( levelNodes [ j ] , levelNodes [ j + 1 ] , centerParents ) ;
@ -40567,9 +40573,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
} ;
// Global var in this scope to define when the movement has stopped.
var stillShifting = false ;
// callback for shifting branches
var branchShiftCallback = function branchShiftCallback ( node1 , node2 ) {
var centerParent = arguments . length <= 2 || arguments [ 2 ] === undefined ? false : arguments [ 2 ] ;
@ -40579,7 +40582,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var pos2 = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node2 ) ;
var diffAbs = Math . abs ( pos2 - pos1 ) ;
//console.log("NOW CHEcKING:", node1.id, node2.id, diffAbs);
if ( diffAbs > _this2 . nodeSpacing ) {
if ( diffAbs > _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) {
var branchNodes1 = { } ; branchNodes1 [ node1 . id ] = true ;
var branchNodes2 = { } ; branchNodes2 [ node2 . id ] = true ;
@ -40609,11 +40612,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
//console.log(node1.id, getBranchBoundary(branchNodes1, maxLevel), node2.id, getBranchBoundary(branchNodes2, maxLevel), maxLevel);
var diffBranch = Math . abs ( max1 - min2 ) ;
if ( diffBranch > _this2 . nodeSpacing ) {
var offset = max1 - min2 + _this2 . nodeSpacing ;
if ( offset < - minSpace2 + _this2 . nodeSpacing ) {
offset = - minSpace2 + _this2 . nodeSpacing ;
//console.log("RESETTING OFFSET", max1 - min2 + this.nodeSpacing, -minSpace2, offset);
if ( diffBranch > _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) {
var offset = max1 - min2 + _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ;
if ( offset < - minSpace2 + _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) {
offset = - minSpace2 + _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ;
//console.log("RESETTING OFFSET", max1 - min2 + this.options.hierarchical. nodeSpacing, -minSpace2, offset);
if ( offset < 0 ) {
//console.log("SHIFTING", node2.id, offset);
@ -40627,43 +40630,169 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
} ;
// callback for shifting individual nodes
var unitShiftCallback = function unitShiftCallback ( node1 , node2 , centerParent ) {
var minimizeEdgeLength = function minimizeEdgeLength ( iterations , node ) {
//window.CALLBACKS.push(() => {
var pos1 = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node1 ) ;
var pos2 = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node2 ) ;
var diffAbs = Math . abs ( pos2 - pos1 ) ;
//console.log("NOW CHEcKING:", node1.id, node2.id, diffAbs);
if ( diffAbs > _this2 . nodeSpacing ) {
var diff = ( pos1 + _this2 . nodeSpacing - pos2 ) * _this2 . whiteSpaceReductionFactor ;
if ( diff != 0 ) {
// console.log("ts",node.id);
var nodeId = node . id ;
var allEdges = node . edges ;
var nodeLevel = _this2 . hierarchicalLevels [ node . id ] ;
// gather constants
var C2 = _this2 . options . hierarchical . levelSeparation * _this2 . options . hierarchical . levelSeparation ;
var referenceNodes = { } ;
var aboveEdges = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < allEdges . length ; i ++ ) {
var edge = allEdges [ i ] ;
if ( edge . toId != edge . fromId ) {
var otherNode = edge . toId == nodeId ? edge . from : edge . to ;
referenceNodes [ allEdges [ i ] . id ] = otherNode ;
if ( _this2 . hierarchicalLevels [ otherNode . id ] < nodeLevel ) {
aboveEdges . push ( edge ) ;
// differentiated sum of lengths based on only moving one node over one axis
var getFx = function getFx ( point , edges ) {
var sum = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < edges . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( referenceNodes [ edges [ i ] . id ] !== undefined ) {
var a = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( referenceNodes [ edges [ i ] . id ] ) - point ;
sum += a / Math . sqrt ( a * a + C2 ) ;
return sum ;
} ;
// doubly differentiated sum of lengths based on only moving one node over one axis
var getDFx = function getDFx ( point , edges ) {
var sum = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < edges . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( referenceNodes [ edges [ i ] . id ] !== undefined ) {
var a = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( referenceNodes [ edges [ i ] . id ] ) - point ;
sum -= C2 * Math . pow ( a * a + C2 , - 1.5 ) ;
return sum ;
} ;
var getGuess = function getGuess ( iterations , edges ) {
var guess = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node ) ;
// Newton's method for optimization
var guessMap = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < iterations ; i ++ ) {
var fx = getFx ( guess , edges ) ;
var dfx = getDFx ( guess , edges ) ;
// we limit the movement to avoid instability.
var limit = 40 ;
var ratio = Math . max ( - limit , Math . min ( limit , Math . round ( fx / dfx ) ) ) ;
guess = guess - ratio ;
// reduce duplicates
if ( guessMap [ guess ] !== undefined ) {
break ;
guessMap [ guess ] = i ;
return guess ;
} ;
var moveBranch = function moveBranch ( guess ) {
// position node if there is space
var nodePosition = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node ) ;
// check movable area of the branch
if ( branches [ node . id ] === undefined ) {
var branchNodes = { } ;
branchNodes [ node . id ] = true ;
getBranchNodes ( node , branchNodes ) ;
branches [ node . id ] = branchNodes ;
var _getBranchBoundary4 = getBranchBoundary ( branches [ node . id ] ) ;
var _getBranchBoundary42 = _slicedToArray ( _getBranchBoundary4 , 4 ) ;
var minBranch = _getBranchBoundary42 [ 0 ] ;
var maxBranch = _getBranchBoundary42 [ 1 ] ;
var minSpaceBranch = _getBranchBoundary42 [ 2 ] ;
var maxSpaceBranch = _getBranchBoundary42 [ 3 ] ;
var diff = guess - nodePosition ;
// check if we are allowed to move the node:
var branchOffset = 0 ;
if ( diff > 0 ) {
branchOffset = Math . min ( diff , maxSpaceBranch - _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) ;
} else if ( diff < 0 ) {
branchOffset = - Math . min ( - diff , minSpaceBranch - _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) ;
if ( branchOffset != 0 ) {
//console.log("moving branch:",branchOffset, maxSpaceBranch, minSpaceBranch)
_this2 . _shiftBlock ( node . id , branchOffset ) ;
stillShifting = true ;
var factor = node2 . edges . length / ( node1 . edges . length + node2 . edges . length ) ;
_this2 . _setPositionForHierarchy ( node2 , pos2 + factor * diff , undefined , true ) ;
_this2 . _setPositionForHierarchy ( node1 , pos1 - ( 1 - factor ) * diff , undefined , true ) ;
if ( centerParent === true ) {
_this2 . _centerParent ( node2 ) ;
} ;
var moveNode = function moveNode ( guess ) {
var nodePosition = _this2 . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node ) ;
// position node if there is space
var _getSpaceAroundNode3 = _this2 . _getSpaceAroundNode ( node ) ;
var _getSpaceAroundNode32 = _slicedToArray ( _getSpaceAroundNode3 , 2 ) ;
var minSpace = _getSpaceAroundNode32 [ 0 ] ;
var maxSpace = _getSpaceAroundNode32 [ 1 ] ;
var diff = guess - nodePosition ;
// check if we are allowed to move the node:
var newPosition = nodePosition ;
if ( diff > 0 ) {
newPosition = Math . min ( nodePosition + ( maxSpace - _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) , guess ) ;
} else if ( diff < 0 ) {
newPosition = Math . max ( nodePosition - ( minSpace - _this2 . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) , guess ) ;
if ( newPosition !== nodePosition ) {
//console.log("moving Node:",diff, minSpace, maxSpace)
_this2 . _setPositionForHierarchy ( node , newPosition , undefined , true ) ;
stillShifting = true ;
} ;
var guess = getGuess ( iterations , aboveEdges ) ;
moveBranch ( guess ) ;
guess = getGuess ( iterations , allEdges ) ;
moveNode ( guess ) ;
} ;
// method to shift all nodes closer together iteratively
var shiftUnitsCloser = function shiftUnitsCloser ( iterations ) {
// method to remove whitespace between branches. Because we do bottom up, we can center the parents.
var minimizeEdgeLengthBottomUp = function minimizeEdgeLengthBottomUp ( iterations ) {
var levels = Object . keys ( _this2 . distributionOrdering ) ;
levels = levels . reverse ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < iterations ; i ++ ) {
stillShifting = false ;
shiftElementsCloser ( unitShiftCallback , levels , false ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < levels . length ; j ++ ) {
var level = levels [ j ] ;
var levelNodes = _this2 . distributionOrdering [ level ] ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < levelNodes . length ; k ++ ) {
minimizeEdgeLength ( 1000 , levelNodes [ k ] ) ;
if ( stillShifting !== true ) {
//console.log("FINISHED shiftUnitsCloser IN " + i);
//console.log("FINISHED minimizeEdgeLengthBottomUp IN " + i);
break ;
//console.log("FINISHED shiftUnitsCloser IN " + iterations);
} ;
// method to remove whitespace between branches. Because we do bottom up, we can center the parents.
//// method to remove whitespace between branches. Because we do bottom up, we can center the parents.
var shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp = function shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp ( iterations ) {
var levels = Object . keys ( _this2 . distributionOrdering ) ;
levels = levels . reverse ( ) ;
@ -40671,7 +40800,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
stillShifting = false ;
shiftElementsCloser ( branchShiftCallback , levels , true ) ;
if ( stillShifting !== true ) {
//console.log("FINISHED shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp IN " + i);
//console.log("FINISHED shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp IN " + ( i+1) );
break ;
@ -40679,18 +40808,64 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// center all parents
var centerAllParents = function centerAllParents ( ) {
for ( var node in _this2 . body . nodes ) {
_this2 . _centerParent ( _this2 . body . nodes [ node ] ) ;
for ( var nodeId in _this2 . body . nodes ) {
if ( _this2 . body . nodes . hasOwnProperty ( nodeId ) ) _this2 . _centerParent ( _this2 . body . nodes [ nodeId ] ) ;
} ;
// the actual work is done here.
shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp ( 5 ) ;
centerAllParents ( ) ;
shiftUnitsCloser ( 2 ) ;
if ( this . options . hierarchical . blockShifting === true ) {
shiftBranchesCloserBottomUp ( 5 ) ;
centerAllParents ( ) ;
// minimize edge length
if ( this . options . hierarchical . edgeMinimization === true ) {
minimizeEdgeLengthBottomUp ( 20 ) ;
shiftTrees ( ) ;
/ * *
* This gives the space around the node . IF a map is supplied , it will only check against nodes NOT in the map .
* This is used to only get the distances to nodes outside of a branch .
* @ param node
* @ param map
* @ returns { * [ ] }
* @ private
* /
} , {
key : '_getSpaceAroundNode' ,
value : function _getSpaceAroundNode ( node , map ) {
var useMap = true ;
if ( map === undefined ) {
useMap = false ;
var level = this . hierarchicalLevels [ node . id ] ;
var index = this . distributionIndex [ node . id ] ;
var position = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( node ) ;
var minSpace = 1 e9 ;
var maxSpace = 1 e9 ;
if ( index !== 0 ) {
var prevNode = this . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index - 1 ] ;
if ( useMap === true && map [ prevNode . id ] === undefined || useMap === false ) {
var prevPos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( prevNode ) ;
minSpace = position - prevPos ;
if ( index != this . distributionOrdering [ level ] . length - 1 ) {
var nextNode = this . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index + 1 ] ;
if ( useMap === true && map [ nextNode . id ] === undefined || useMap === false ) {
var nextPos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( nextNode ) ;
maxSpace = Math . min ( maxSpace , nextPos - position ) ;
return [ minSpace , maxSpace ] ;
/ * *
* We use this method to center a parent node and check if it does not cross other nodes when it does .
* @ param node
@ -40710,32 +40885,25 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var maxPos = - 1 e9 ;
var children = this . hierarchicalParents [ parentId ] . children ;
if ( children . length > 0 ) {
for ( var _i2 = 0 ; _i2 < children . length ; _i2 ++ ) {
var childNode = this . body . nodes [ children [ _i2 ] ] ;
for ( var _i = 0 ; _i < children . length ; _i ++ ) {
var childNode = this . body . nodes [ children [ _i ] ] ;
minPos = Math . min ( minPos , this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( childNode ) ) ;
maxPos = Math . max ( maxPos , this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( childNode ) ) ;
var level = this . hierarchicalLevels [ parentId ] ;
var index = this . distributionIndex [ parentId ] ;
var position = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( parentNode ) ;
var minSpace = 1 e9 ;
var maxSpace = 1 e9 ;
if ( index != 0 ) {
var prevNode = this . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index - 1 ] ;
var prevPos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( prevNode ) ;
minSpace = position - prevPos ;
if ( index != this . distributionOrdering [ level ] . length - 1 ) {
var nextNode = this . distributionOrdering [ level ] [ index + 1 ] ;
var nextPos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( nextNode ) ;
maxSpace = Math . min ( maxSpace , nextPos - position ) ;
var _getSpaceAroundNode4 = this . _getSpaceAroundNode ( parentNode ) ;
var _getSpaceAroundNode42 = _slicedToArray ( _getSpaceAroundNode4 , 2 ) ;
var minSpace = _getSpaceAroundNode42 [ 0 ] ;
var maxSpace = _getSpaceAroundNode42 [ 1 ] ;
var newPosition = 0.5 * ( minPos + maxPos ) ;
if ( newPosition < position + maxSpace && newPosition > position - minSpace ) {
var diff = position - newPosition ;
if ( diff < 0 && Math . abs ( diff ) < maxSpace - this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing || diff > 0 && Math . abs ( diff ) < minSpace - this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) {
this . _setPositionForHierarchy ( parentNode , newPosition , undefined , true ) ;
@ -40764,7 +40932,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
for ( var i = 0 ; i < nodeArray . length ; i ++ ) {
var node = nodeArray [ i ] ;
if ( this . positionedNodes [ node . id ] === undefined ) {
this . _setPositionForHierarchy ( node , this . nodeSpacing * i , level ) ;
this . _setPositionForHierarchy ( node , this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing * i , level ) ;
this . positionedNodes [ node . id ] = true ;
this . _placeBranchNodes ( node . id , level ) ;
@ -40967,8 +41135,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/ * *
* Update the bookkeeping of parent and child .
* @ param parentNodeId
* @ param childNodeId
* @ private
* /
} , {
@ -41079,15 +41245,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if ( i === 0 ) {
pos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( this . body . nodes [ parentId ] ) ;
} else {
pos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( childNodes [ i - 1 ] ) + this . nodeSpacing ;
pos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( childNodes [ i - 1 ] ) + this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ;
this . _setPositionForHierarchy ( childNode , pos , childNodeLevel ) ;
// if overlap has been detected, we shift the branch
if ( this . lastNodeOnLevel [ childNodeLevel ] !== undefined ) {
var previousPos = this . _getPositionForHierarchy ( this . body . nodes [ this . lastNodeOnLevel [ childNodeLevel ] ] ) ;
if ( pos - previousPos < this . nodeSpacing ) {
var diff = previousPos + this . nodeSpacing - pos ;
if ( pos - previousPos < this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing ) {
var diff = previousPos + this . options . hierarchical . nodeSpacing - pos ;
var sharedParent = this . _findCommonParent ( this . lastNodeOnLevel [ childNodeLevel ] , childNode . id ) ;
this . _shiftBlock ( sharedParent . withChild , diff ) ;
@ -42620,6 +42786,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
hierarchical : {
enabled : { boolean : boolean } ,
levelSeparation : { number : number } ,
nodeSpacing : { number : number } ,
treeSpacing : { number : number } ,
blockShifting : { boolean : boolean } ,
edgeMinimization : { boolean : boolean } ,
direction : { string : [ 'UD' , 'DU' , 'LR' , 'RL' ] } , // UD, DU, LR, RL
sortMethod : { string : [ 'hubsize' , 'directed' ] } , // hubsize, directed
__type__ : { object : object , boolean : boolean }
@ -42919,6 +43089,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
hierarchical : {
enabled : false ,
levelSeparation : [ 150 , 20 , 500 , 5 ] ,
nodeSpacing : [ 100 , 20 , 500 , 5 ] ,
treeSpacing : [ 200 , 20 , 500 , 5 ] ,
blockShifting : true ,
edgeMinimization : true ,
direction : [ 'UD' , 'DU' , 'LR' , 'RL' ] , // UD, DU, LR, RL
sortMethod : [ 'hubsize' , 'directed' ] // hubsize, directed