So you may have noticed the big banner on our website and thought: "What the hell?". I'd like to explain why we're doing this. </p><p>
As you may know, vis.js is developed at Almende BV in the Netherlands. Almende has a number of daughter companies, among which: <ahref=""target="_blank">DoBots</a>.
They share our building and we're working with them a lot! We have used their code and hardware in projects and have contributed some code for the
<p><ahref="">DoBots is now doing a kickstarter for the Crownstone, a smart upgrade for any power socket!</a> Recently I have spend a few weeks helping them settings up their campaign. I made the video's,
the 3D artwork and helped out with the texts. I think this is a great product and I believe it deserves a chance to enter the market!</p>
<p>Like us (the vis.js team), the guys at DoBots believe in open source. The Crownstone's Bluetooth API's will be open but secure so only YOU can use YOUR Crownstones. This means you can use any BLE device to interact with your house!
If the stretchgoal is made, there'll even be Arduino support! I will also be working on the iOS app and that too will be open source.</p>
<p>I hope our community can help <ahref="">the kickstarter</a> reach it's goal and maybe even the stretchgoals.</p>
<p><ahref="">Please support us and spread the word!</a></p><p>If you share it in a tweet, facebook or different way, <ahref="">leave a comment in issue #1302! :)</a></p>
<p>Regards and thank you,</p>
<divclass="postHeader"id="V4Release">V4, ES6 and what's next</div>
<divclass="postHeader"id="V4Release">V4, ES6 and what's next</div>
<p>A dynamic, browser based visualization library.
The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts
of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of and interaction with the data.
The library consists of the components DataSet, Timeline, Network, Graph2d and Graph3d. <ahref="#download_install"class="header">Get it over here!</a></p>
<pclass="kickstarter">Our colleagues at <ahref=""class="kickstarter">DoBots</a> are currently doing a kickstarter for <br>
the <aclass="kickstarter"href=""> Crownstone: the smart power outlet that recognizes you and your devices!</a>
We have helped them with their campaign preperations and code. Please take a look and support them! <br>
<ahref="./blog.html"class="kickstarter">More information on why this is on vis.js here</a>
<!--<p>A dynamic, browser based visualization library.-->
<!--The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts-->
<!--of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of and interaction with the data.-->
<!--The library consists of the components DataSet, Timeline, Network, Graph2d and Graph3d. <a href="#download_install" class="header">Get it over here!</a></p>-->