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josdejong 11 years ago
11 changed files with 239 additions and 544 deletions
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css/style.css View File

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images/bg_hr.png View File

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Width: 30  |  Height: 30  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

images/sprite_download.png View File

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Width: 180  |  Height: 140  |  Size: 16 KiB

img/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png View File

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Width: 149  |  Height: 149  |  Size: 7.6 KiB

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index.html View File

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<!DOCTYPE html> <!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <html>
<meta charset='utf-8' /> <meta charset='utf-8' />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1" />
<meta name="description" content="vis.js : Dynamic, browser-based visualization library" />
<meta name="description" content="vis.js : dynamic, browser-based visualization library" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="stylesheets/stylesheet.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">
<title>vis.js | dynamic, browser-based visualization library</title>
<!-- HEADER -->
<div id="header_wrap" class="outer">
<header class="inner">
<a id="forkme_banner" href="">View on GitHub</a>
<div id="container">
<h1 id="project_title">vis.js</h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">Dynamic, browser-based visualization library</h2>
Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library.
The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts
of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of the data.
The library consists of a Timeline, LineChart, LineChart3d, Graph, and Treegrid.
<section id="downloads">
<a class="zip_download_link" href="">Download this project as a .zip file</a>
<a class="tar_download_link" href="">Download this project as a tar.gz file</a>
Vis.js Library is part of <a href="">CHAP</a>,
the Common Hybrid Agent Platform, developed by <a href="">Almende B.V</a>.
It is the successor of the <a href="">CHAP Links Library</a>.
<div id="main_content_wrap" class="outer">
<section id="main_content" class="inner">
The source code of vis.js is available on github:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<p>Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library.
The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts
of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of the data.
The library consists of Timeline, LineChart, LineChart3d, Graph, and Treegrid.</p>
<p style="font-style: italic;">
Coming soon...
<p>vis.js Library is part of <a href="">CHAP</a>,
the Common Hybrid Agent Platform, developed by <a href="">Almende B.V</a>.</p>
<a id="forkme" href="" target="_blank">
<img src="img/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub" >
<!-- FOOTER -->
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<footer class="inner">
<p class="copyright">vis.js maintained by <a href="">almende</a></p>
<p>Published with <a href="">GitHub Pages</a></p>
</html> </html>

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javascripts/main.js View File

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console.log('This would be the main JS file.');

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params.json View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
{"name":"vis.js","tagline":"Dynamic, browser-based visualization library","body":"vis.js\r\n==================\r\n\r\nVis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library.\r\nThe library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts\r\nof dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of the data.\r\nThe library consists of Timeline, LineChart, LineChart3d, Graph, and Treegrid.\r\n\r\nvis.js Library is part of [CHAP](,\r\nthe Common Hybrid Agent Platform, developed by [Almende B.V](\r\n","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}

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stylesheets/pygment_trac.css View File

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stylesheets/stylesheet.css View File

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Slate Theme for GitHub Pages
by Jason Costello, @jsncostello
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MeyerWeb Reset
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Small Device Styles
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