- var util = require('../../util');
- var Node = require('../Node');
- var Edge = require('../Edge');
- /**
- * clears the toolbar div element of children
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._clearManipulatorBar = function() {
- this._recursiveDOMDelete(this.manipulationDiv);
- this.manipulationDOM = {};
- this._manipulationReleaseOverload = function () {};
- delete this.sectors['support']['nodes']['targetNode'];
- delete this.sectors['support']['nodes']['targetViaNode'];
- this.controlNodesActive = false;
- };
- /**
- * Manipulation UI temporarily overloads certain functions to extend or replace them. To be able to restore
- * these functions to their original functionality, we saved them in this.cachedFunctions.
- * This function restores these functions to their original function.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._restoreOverloadedFunctions = function() {
- for (var functionName in this.cachedFunctions) {
- if (this.cachedFunctions.hasOwnProperty(functionName)) {
- this[functionName] = this.cachedFunctions[functionName];
- delete this.cachedFunctions[functionName];
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Enable or disable edit-mode.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._toggleEditMode = function() {
- this.editMode = !this.editMode;
- var toolbar = this.manipulationDiv;
- var closeDiv = this.closeDiv;
- var editModeDiv = this.editModeDiv;
- if (this.editMode == true) {
- toolbar.style.display="block";
- closeDiv.style.display="block";
- editModeDiv.style.display="none";
- closeDiv.onclick = this._toggleEditMode.bind(this);
- }
- else {
- toolbar.style.display="none";
- closeDiv.style.display="none";
- editModeDiv.style.display="block";
- closeDiv.onclick = null;
- }
- this._createManipulatorBar()
- };
- /**
- * main function, creates the main toolbar. Removes functions bound to the select event. Binds all the buttons of the toolbar.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._createManipulatorBar = function() {
- // remove bound functions
- if (this.boundFunction) {
- this.off('select', this.boundFunction);
- }
- var locale = this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale];
- if (this.edgeBeingEdited !== undefined) {
- this.edgeBeingEdited._disableControlNodes();
- this.edgeBeingEdited = undefined;
- this.selectedControlNode = null;
- this.controlNodesActive = false;
- this._redraw();
- }
- // restore overloaded functions
- this._restoreOverloadedFunctions();
- // resume calculation
- this.freezeSimulation = false;
- // reset global variables
- this.blockConnectingEdgeSelection = false;
- this.forceAppendSelection = false;
- this.manipulationDOM = {};
- if (this.editMode == true) {
- while (this.manipulationDiv.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.manipulationDiv.removeChild(this.manipulationDiv.firstChild);
- }
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI add';
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['addNode'];
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['addNodeLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI connect';
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['addEdge'];
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['addNodeSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeSpan']);
- if (this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 1 && this.triggerFunctions.edit) {
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv2'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv2'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI edit';
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['editNode'];
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editNodeLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv2']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editNodeSpan']);
- }
- else if (this._getSelectedEdgeCount() == 1 && this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 0) {
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv3'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv3'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI edit';
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['editEdge'];
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv3']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeSpan']);
- }
- if (this._selectionIsEmpty() == false) {
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv4'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv4'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI delete';
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['del'];
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['deleteLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv4']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['deleteSpan']);
- }
- // bind the icons
- this.manipulationDOM['addNodeSpan'].onclick = this._createAddNodeToolbar.bind(this);
- this.manipulationDOM['addEdgeSpan'].onclick = this._createAddEdgeToolbar.bind(this);
- if (this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 1 && this.triggerFunctions.edit) {
- this.manipulationDOM['editNodeSpan'].onclick = this._editNode.bind(this);
- }
- else if (this._getSelectedEdgeCount() == 1 && this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 0) {
- this.manipulationDOM['editEdgeSpan'].onclick = this._createEditEdgeToolbar.bind(this);
- }
- if (this._selectionIsEmpty() == false) {
- this.manipulationDOM['deleteSpan'].onclick = this._deleteSelected.bind(this);
- }
- this.closeDiv.onclick = this._toggleEditMode.bind(this);
- var me = this;
- this.boundFunction = me._createManipulatorBar;
- this.on('select', this.boundFunction);
- }
- else {
- while (this.editModeDiv.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.editModeDiv.removeChild(this.editModeDiv.firstChild);
- }
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI edit editmode';
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['edit'];
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editModeLabelSpan']);
- this.editModeDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['editModeSpan']);
- this.manipulationDOM['editModeSpan'].onclick = this._toggleEditMode.bind(this);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Create the toolbar for adding Nodes
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._createAddNodeToolbar = function() {
- // clear the toolbar
- this._clearManipulatorBar();
- if (this.boundFunction) {
- this.off('select', this.boundFunction);
- }
- var locale = this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale];
- this.manipulationDOM = {};
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI back';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['back'];
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI none';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['addDescription'];
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan']);
- // bind the icon
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].onclick = this._createManipulatorBar.bind(this);
- // we use the boundFunction so we can reference it when we unbind it from the "select" event.
- var me = this;
- this.boundFunction = me._addNode;
- this.on('select', this.boundFunction);
- };
- /**
- * create the toolbar to connect nodes
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._createAddEdgeToolbar = function() {
- // clear the toolbar
- this._clearManipulatorBar();
- this._unselectAll(true);
- this.freezeSimulation = true;
- if (this.boundFunction) {
- this.off('select', this.boundFunction);
- }
- var locale = this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale];
- this._unselectAll();
- this.forceAppendSelection = false;
- this.blockConnectingEdgeSelection = true;
- this.manipulationDOM = {};
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI back';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['back'];
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI none';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['edgeDescription'];
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan']);
- // bind the icon
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].onclick = this._createManipulatorBar.bind(this);
- // we use the boundFunction so we can reference it when we unbind it from the "select" event.
- var me = this;
- this.boundFunction = me._handleConnect;
- this.on('select', this.boundFunction);
- // temporarily overload functions
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleTouch"] = this._handleTouch;
- this.cachedFunctions["_manipulationReleaseOverload"] = this._manipulationReleaseOverload;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleDragStart"] = this._handleDragStart;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleDragEnd"] = this._handleDragEnd;
- this._handleTouch = this._handleConnect;
- this._manipulationReleaseOverload = function () {};
- this._handleDragStart = function () {};
- this._handleDragEnd = this._finishConnect;
- // redraw to show the unselect
- this._redraw();
- };
- /**
- * create the toolbar to edit edges
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._createEditEdgeToolbar = function() {
- // clear the toolbar
- this._clearManipulatorBar();
- this.controlNodesActive = true;
- if (this.boundFunction) {
- this.off('select', this.boundFunction);
- }
- this.edgeBeingEdited = this._getSelectedEdge();
- this.edgeBeingEdited._enableControlNodes();
- var locale = this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale];
- this.manipulationDOM = {};
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI back';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['back'];
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'] = document.createElement('div');
- this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1'].className = 'network-seperatorLine';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationUI none';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'] = document.createElement('span');
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].className = 'network-manipulationLabel';
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan'].innerHTML = locale['editEdgeDescription'];
- this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan'].appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionLabelSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['backSpan']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['seperatorLineDiv1']);
- this.manipulationDiv.appendChild(this.manipulationDOM['descriptionSpan']);
- // bind the icon
- this.manipulationDOM['backSpan'].onclick = this._createManipulatorBar.bind(this);
- // temporarily overload functions
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleTouch"] = this._handleTouch;
- this.cachedFunctions["_manipulationReleaseOverload"] = this._manipulationReleaseOverload;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleTap"] = this._handleTap;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleDragStart"] = this._handleDragStart;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleOnDrag"] = this._handleOnDrag;
- this._handleTouch = this._selectControlNode;
- this._handleTap = function () {};
- this._handleOnDrag = this._controlNodeDrag;
- this._handleDragStart = function () {}
- this._manipulationReleaseOverload = this._releaseControlNode;
- // redraw to show the unselect
- this._redraw();
- };
- /**
- * the function bound to the selection event. It checks if you want to connect a cluster and changes the description
- * to walk the user through the process.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._selectControlNode = function(pointer) {
- this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.from.unselect();
- this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.to.unselect();
- this.selectedControlNode = this.edgeBeingEdited._getSelectedControlNode(this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x),this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y));
- if (this.selectedControlNode !== null) {
- this.selectedControlNode.select();
- this.freezeSimulation = true;
- }
- this._redraw();
- };
- /**
- * the function bound to the selection event. It checks if you want to connect a cluster and changes the description
- * to walk the user through the process.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._controlNodeDrag = function(event) {
- var pointer = this._getPointer(event.gesture.center);
- if (this.selectedControlNode !== null && this.selectedControlNode !== undefined) {
- this.selectedControlNode.x = this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x);
- this.selectedControlNode.y = this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y);
- }
- this._redraw();
- };
- exports._releaseControlNode = function(pointer) {
- var newNode = this._getNodeAt(pointer);
- if (newNode !== null) {
- if (this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.from.selected == true) {
- this._editEdge(newNode.id, this.edgeBeingEdited.to.id);
- this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.from.unselect();
- }
- if (this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.to.selected == true) {
- this._editEdge(this.edgeBeingEdited.from.id, newNode.id);
- this.edgeBeingEdited.controlNodes.to.unselect();
- }
- }
- else {
- this.edgeBeingEdited._restoreControlNodes();
- }
- this.freezeSimulation = false;
- this._redraw();
- };
- /**
- * the function bound to the selection event. It checks if you want to connect a cluster and changes the description
- * to walk the user through the process.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._handleConnect = function(pointer) {
- if (this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 0) {
- var node = this._getNodeAt(pointer);
- if (node != null) {
- if (node.clusterSize > 1) {
- alert(this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale]['createEdgeError'])
- }
- else {
- this._selectObject(node,false);
- var supportNodes = this.sectors['support']['nodes'];
- // create a node the temporary line can look at
- supportNodes['targetNode'] = new Node({id:'targetNode'},{},{},this.constants);
- var targetNode = supportNodes['targetNode'];
- targetNode.x = node.x;
- targetNode.y = node.y;
- // create a temporary edge
- this.edges['connectionEdge'] = new Edge({id:"connectionEdge",from:node.id,to:targetNode.id}, this, this.constants);
- var connectionEdge = this.edges['connectionEdge'];
- connectionEdge.from = node;
- connectionEdge.connected = true;
- connectionEdge.options.smoothCurves = {enabled: true,
- dynamic: false,
- type: "continuous",
- roundness: 0.5
- };
- connectionEdge.selected = true;
- connectionEdge.to = targetNode;
- this.cachedFunctions["_handleOnDrag"] = this._handleOnDrag;
- this._handleOnDrag = function(event) {
- var pointer = this._getPointer(event.gesture.center);
- var connectionEdge = this.edges['connectionEdge'];
- connectionEdge.to.x = this._XconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.x);
- connectionEdge.to.y = this._YconvertDOMtoCanvas(pointer.y);
- };
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- exports._finishConnect = function(event) {
- if (this._getSelectedNodeCount() == 1) {
- var pointer = this._getPointer(event.gesture.center);
- // restore the drag function
- this._handleOnDrag = this.cachedFunctions["_handleOnDrag"];
- delete this.cachedFunctions["_handleOnDrag"];
- // remember the edge id
- var connectFromId = this.edges['connectionEdge'].fromId;
- // remove the temporary nodes and edge
- delete this.edges['connectionEdge'];
- delete this.sectors['support']['nodes']['targetNode'];
- delete this.sectors['support']['nodes']['targetViaNode'];
- var node = this._getNodeAt(pointer);
- if (node != null) {
- if (node.clusterSize > 1) {
- alert(this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale]["createEdgeError"])
- }
- else {
- this._createEdge(connectFromId,node.id);
- this._createManipulatorBar();
- }
- }
- this._unselectAll();
- }
- };
- /**
- * Adds a node on the specified location
- */
- exports._addNode = function() {
- if (this._selectionIsEmpty() && this.editMode == true) {
- var positionObject = this._pointerToPositionObject(this.pointerPosition);
- var defaultData = {id:util.randomUUID(),x:positionObject.left,y:positionObject.top,label:"new",allowedToMoveX:true,allowedToMoveY:true};
- if (this.triggerFunctions.add) {
- if (this.triggerFunctions.add.length == 2) {
- var me = this;
- this.triggerFunctions.add(defaultData, function(finalizedData) {
- me.nodesData.add(finalizedData);
- me._createManipulatorBar();
- me.moving = true;
- me.start();
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('The function for add does not support two arguments (data,callback)');
- this._createManipulatorBar();
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- else {
- this.nodesData.add(defaultData);
- this._createManipulatorBar();
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * connect two nodes with a new edge.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._createEdge = function(sourceNodeId,targetNodeId) {
- if (this.editMode == true) {
- var defaultData = {from:sourceNodeId, to:targetNodeId};
- if (this.triggerFunctions.connect) {
- if (this.triggerFunctions.connect.length == 2) {
- var me = this;
- this.triggerFunctions.connect(defaultData, function(finalizedData) {
- me.edgesData.add(finalizedData);
- me.moving = true;
- me.start();
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('The function for connect does not support two arguments (data,callback)');
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- else {
- this.edgesData.add(defaultData);
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * connect two nodes with a new edge.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._editEdge = function(sourceNodeId,targetNodeId) {
- if (this.editMode == true) {
- var defaultData = {id: this.edgeBeingEdited.id, from:sourceNodeId, to:targetNodeId};
- if (this.triggerFunctions.editEdge) {
- if (this.triggerFunctions.editEdge.length == 2) {
- var me = this;
- this.triggerFunctions.editEdge(defaultData, function(finalizedData) {
- me.edgesData.update(finalizedData);
- me.moving = true;
- me.start();
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('The function for edit does not support two arguments (data, callback)');
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- else {
- this.edgesData.update(defaultData);
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Create the toolbar to edit the selected node. The label and the color can be changed. Other colors are derived from the chosen color.
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._editNode = function() {
- if (this.triggerFunctions.edit && this.editMode == true) {
- var node = this._getSelectedNode();
- var data = {id:node.id,
- label: node.label,
- group: node.options.group,
- shape: node.options.shape,
- color: {
- background:node.options.color.background,
- border:node.options.color.border,
- highlight: {
- background:node.options.color.highlight.background,
- border:node.options.color.highlight.border
- }
- }};
- if (this.triggerFunctions.edit.length == 2) {
- var me = this;
- this.triggerFunctions.edit(data, function (finalizedData) {
- me.nodesData.update(finalizedData);
- me._createManipulatorBar();
- me.moving = true;
- me.start();
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('The function for edit does not support two arguments (data, callback)');
- }
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('No edit function has been bound to this button');
- }
- };
- /**
- * delete everything in the selection
- *
- * @private
- */
- exports._deleteSelected = function() {
- if (!this._selectionIsEmpty() && this.editMode == true) {
- if (!this._clusterInSelection()) {
- var selectedNodes = this.getSelectedNodes();
- var selectedEdges = this.getSelectedEdges();
- if (this.triggerFunctions.del) {
- var me = this;
- var data = {nodes: selectedNodes, edges: selectedEdges};
- if (this.triggerFunctions.del.length == 2) {
- this.triggerFunctions.del(data, function (finalizedData) {
- me.edgesData.remove(finalizedData.edges);
- me.nodesData.remove(finalizedData.nodes);
- me._unselectAll();
- me.moving = true;
- me.start();
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new Error('The function for delete does not support two arguments (data, callback)')
- }
- }
- else {
- this.edgesData.remove(selectedEdges);
- this.nodesData.remove(selectedNodes);
- this._unselectAll();
- this.moving = true;
- this.start();
- }
- }
- else {
- alert(this.constants.locales[this.constants.locale]["deleteClusterError"]);
- }
- }
- };