vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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11 years ago
  1. var util = require('../../util');
  2. var Component = require('./Component');
  3. var TimeStep = require('../TimeStep');
  4. var DateUtil = require('../DateUtil');
  5. var moment = require('../../module/moment');
  6. /**
  7. * A horizontal time axis
  8. * @param {{dom: Object, domProps: Object, emitter: Emitter, range: Range}} body
  9. * @param {Object} [options] See TimeAxis.setOptions for the available
  10. * options.
  11. * @constructor TimeAxis
  12. * @extends Component
  13. */
  14. function TimeAxis (body, options) {
  15. this.dom = {
  16. foreground: null,
  17. lines: [],
  18. majorTexts: [],
  19. minorTexts: [],
  20. redundant: {
  21. lines: [],
  22. majorTexts: [],
  23. minorTexts: []
  24. }
  25. };
  26. this.props = {
  27. range: {
  28. start: 0,
  29. end: 0,
  30. minimumStep: 0
  31. },
  32. lineTop: 0
  33. };
  34. this.defaultOptions = {
  35. orientation: 'bottom', // supported: 'top', 'bottom'
  36. // TODO: implement timeaxis orientations 'left' and 'right'
  37. showMinorLabels: true,
  38. showMajorLabels: true,
  39. showMajorLines: true,
  40. showMinorLines: true,
  41. format: null
  42. };
  43. this.options = util.extend({}, this.defaultOptions);
  44. this.body = body;
  45. // create the HTML DOM
  46. this._create();
  47. this.setOptions(options);
  48. }
  49. TimeAxis.prototype = new Component();
  50. /**
  51. * Set options for the TimeAxis.
  52. * Parameters will be merged in current options.
  53. * @param {Object} options Available options:
  54. * {string} [orientation]
  55. * {boolean} [showMinorLabels]
  56. * {boolean} [showMajorLabels]
  57. */
  58. TimeAxis.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {
  59. if (options) {
  60. // copy all options that we know
  61. util.selectiveExtend(['orientation', 'showMinorLabels', 'showMajorLabels', 'showMinorLines', 'showMajorLines','hiddenDates', 'format'], this.options, options);
  62. // apply locale to moment.js
  63. // TODO: not so nice, this is applied globally to moment.js
  64. if ('locale' in options) {
  65. if (typeof moment.locale === 'function') {
  66. // moment.js 2.8.1+
  67. moment.locale(options.locale);
  68. }
  69. else {
  70. moment.lang(options.locale);
  71. }
  72. }
  73. }
  74. };
  75. /**
  76. * Create the HTML DOM for the TimeAxis
  77. */
  78. TimeAxis.prototype._create = function() {
  79. this.dom.foreground = document.createElement('div');
  80. this.dom.background = document.createElement('div');
  81. this.dom.foreground.className = 'timeaxis foreground';
  82. this.dom.background.className = 'timeaxis background';
  83. };
  84. /**
  85. * Destroy the TimeAxis
  86. */
  87. TimeAxis.prototype.destroy = function() {
  88. // remove from DOM
  89. if (this.dom.foreground.parentNode) {
  90. this.dom.foreground.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.foreground);
  91. }
  92. if (this.dom.background.parentNode) {
  93. this.dom.background.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.background);
  94. }
  95. this.body = null;
  96. };
  97. /**
  98. * Repaint the component
  99. * @return {boolean} Returns true if the component is resized
  100. */
  101. TimeAxis.prototype.redraw = function () {
  102. var options = this.options;
  103. var props = this.props;
  104. var foreground = this.dom.foreground;
  105. var background = this.dom.background;
  106. // determine the correct parent DOM element (depending on option orientation)
  107. var parent = (options.orientation == 'top') ? : this.body.dom.bottom;
  108. var parentChanged = (foreground.parentNode !== parent);
  109. // calculate character width and height
  110. this._calculateCharSize();
  111. // TODO: recalculate sizes only needed when parent is resized or options is changed
  112. var orientation = this.options.orientation,
  113. showMinorLabels = this.options.showMinorLabels,
  114. showMajorLabels = this.options.showMajorLabels;
  115. // determine the width and height of the elemens for the axis
  116. props.minorLabelHeight = showMinorLabels ? props.minorCharHeight : 0;
  117. props.majorLabelHeight = showMajorLabels ? props.majorCharHeight : 0;
  118. props.height = props.minorLabelHeight + props.majorLabelHeight;
  119. props.width = foreground.offsetWidth;
  120. props.minorLineHeight = this.body.domProps.root.height - props.majorLabelHeight -
  121. (options.orientation == 'top' ? this.body.domProps.bottom.height :;
  122. props.minorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width
  123. props.majorLineHeight = props.minorLineHeight + props.majorLabelHeight;
  124. props.majorLineWidth = 1; // TODO: really calculate width
  125. // take foreground and background offline while updating (is almost twice as fast)
  126. var foregroundNextSibling = foreground.nextSibling;
  127. var backgroundNextSibling = background.nextSibling;
  128. foreground.parentNode && foreground.parentNode.removeChild(foreground);
  129. background.parentNode && background.parentNode.removeChild(background);
  130. = this.props.height + 'px';
  131. this._repaintLabels();
  132. // put DOM online again (at the same place)
  133. if (foregroundNextSibling) {
  134. parent.insertBefore(foreground, foregroundNextSibling);
  135. }
  136. else {
  137. parent.appendChild(foreground)
  138. }
  139. if (backgroundNextSibling) {
  140. this.body.dom.backgroundVertical.insertBefore(background, backgroundNextSibling);
  141. }
  142. else {
  143. this.body.dom.backgroundVertical.appendChild(background)
  144. }
  145. return this._isResized() || parentChanged;
  146. };
  147. /**
  148. * Repaint major and minor text labels and vertical grid lines
  149. * @private
  150. */
  151. TimeAxis.prototype._repaintLabels = function () {
  152. var orientation = this.options.orientation;
  153. // calculate range and step (step such that we have space for 7 characters per label)
  154. var start = util.convert(this.body.range.start, 'Number');
  155. var end = util.convert(this.body.range.end, 'Number');
  156. var timeLabelsize = this.body.util.toTime((this.props.minorCharWidth || 10) * 7).valueOf();
  157. var minimumStep = timeLabelsize - DateUtil.getHiddenDurationBefore(this.body.hiddenDates, this.body.range, timeLabelsize);
  158. minimumStep -= this.body.util.toTime(0).valueOf();
  159. var step = new TimeStep(new Date(start), new Date(end), minimumStep, this.body.hiddenDates);
  160. if (this.options.format) {
  161. step.setFormat(this.options.format);
  162. }
  163. this.step = step;
  164. // Move all DOM elements to a "redundant" list, where they
  165. // can be picked for re-use, and clear the lists with lines and texts.
  166. // At the end of the function _repaintLabels, left over elements will be cleaned up
  167. var dom = this.dom;
  168. dom.redundant.lines = dom.lines;
  169. dom.redundant.majorTexts = dom.majorTexts;
  170. dom.redundant.minorTexts = dom.minorTexts;
  171. dom.lines = [];
  172. dom.majorTexts = [];
  173. dom.minorTexts = [];
  174. var cur;
  175. var x = 0;
  176. var isMajor;
  177. var xPrev = 0;
  178. var width = 0;
  179. var prevLine;
  180. var xFirstMajorLabel = undefined;
  181. var max = 0;
  182. var className;
  183. step.first();
  184. while (step.hasNext() && max < 1000) {
  185. max++;
  186. cur = step.getCurrent();
  187. isMajor = step.isMajor();
  188. className = step.getClassName();
  189. xPrev = x;
  190. x = this.body.util.toScreen(cur);
  191. width = x - xPrev;
  192. if (prevLine) {
  193. = width + 'px';
  194. }
  195. if (this.options.showMinorLabels) {
  196. this._repaintMinorText(x, step.getLabelMinor(), orientation);
  197. }
  198. if (isMajor && this.options.showMajorLabels) {
  199. if (x > 0) {
  200. if (xFirstMajorLabel == undefined) {
  201. xFirstMajorLabel = x;
  202. }
  203. this._repaintMajorText(x, step.getLabelMajor(), orientation);
  204. }
  205. if (this.options.showMajorLines == true) {
  206. prevLine = this._repaintMajorLine(x, orientation, className);
  207. }
  208. }
  209. else if (this.options.showMinorLines == true) {
  210. prevLine = this._repaintMinorLine(x, orientation, className);
  211. }
  213. }
  214. // create a major label on the left when needed
  215. if (this.options.showMajorLabels) {
  216. var leftTime = this.body.util.toTime(0),
  217. leftText = step.getLabelMajor(leftTime),
  218. widthText = leftText.length * (this.props.majorCharWidth || 10) + 10; // upper bound estimation
  219. if (xFirstMajorLabel == undefined || widthText < xFirstMajorLabel) {
  220. this._repaintMajorText(0, leftText, orientation);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. // Cleanup leftover DOM elements from the redundant list
  224. util.forEach(this.dom.redundant, function (arr) {
  225. while (arr.length) {
  226. var elem = arr.pop();
  227. if (elem && elem.parentNode) {
  228. elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
  229. }
  230. }
  231. });
  232. };
  233. /**
  234. * Create a minor label for the axis at position x
  235. * @param {Number} x
  236. * @param {String} text
  237. * @param {String} orientation "top" or "bottom" (default)
  238. * @private
  239. */
  240. TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMinorText = function (x, text, orientation) {
  241. // reuse redundant label
  242. var label = this.dom.redundant.minorTexts.shift();
  243. if (!label) {
  244. // create new label
  245. var content = document.createTextNode('');
  246. label = document.createElement('div');
  247. label.appendChild(content);
  248. label.className = 'text minor';
  249. this.dom.foreground.appendChild(label);
  250. }
  251. this.dom.minorTexts.push(label);
  252. label.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text;
  253. = (orientation == 'top') ? (this.props.majorLabelHeight + 'px') : '0';
  254. = x + 'px';
  255. //label.title = title; // TODO: this is a heavy operation
  256. };
  257. /**
  258. * Create a Major label for the axis at position x
  259. * @param {Number} x
  260. * @param {String} text
  261. * @param {String} orientation "top" or "bottom" (default)
  262. * @private
  263. */
  264. TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMajorText = function (x, text, orientation) {
  265. // reuse redundant label
  266. var label = this.dom.redundant.majorTexts.shift();
  267. if (!label) {
  268. // create label
  269. var content = document.createTextNode(text);
  270. label = document.createElement('div');
  271. label.className = 'text major';
  272. label.appendChild(content);
  273. this.dom.foreground.appendChild(label);
  274. }
  275. this.dom.majorTexts.push(label);
  276. label.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text;
  277. //label.title = title; // TODO: this is a heavy operation
  278. = (orientation == 'top') ? '0' : (this.props.minorLabelHeight + 'px');
  279. = x + 'px';
  280. };
  281. /**
  282. * Create a minor line for the axis at position x
  283. * @param {Number} x
  284. * @param {String} orientation "top" or "bottom" (default)
  285. * @param {String} className
  286. * @return {Element} Returns the created line
  287. * @private
  288. */
  289. TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMinorLine = function (x, orientation, className) {
  290. // reuse redundant line
  291. var line = this.dom.redundant.lines.shift();
  292. if (!line) {
  293. // create vertical line
  294. line = document.createElement('div');
  295. this.dom.background.appendChild(line);
  296. }
  297. this.dom.lines.push(line);
  298. var props = this.props;
  299. if (orientation == 'top') {
  300. = props.majorLabelHeight + 'px';
  301. }
  302. else {
  303. = + 'px';
  304. }
  305. = props.minorLineHeight + 'px';
  306. = (x - props.minorLineWidth / 2) + 'px';
  307. line.className = 'grid vertical minor ' + className;
  308. return line;
  309. };
  310. /**
  311. * Create a Major line for the axis at position x
  312. * @param {Number} x
  313. * @param {String} orientation "top" or "bottom" (default)
  314. * @param {String} className
  315. * @return {Element} Returns the created line
  316. * @private
  317. */
  318. TimeAxis.prototype._repaintMajorLine = function (x, orientation, className) {
  319. // reuse redundant line
  320. var line = this.dom.redundant.lines.shift();
  321. if (!line) {
  322. // create vertical line
  323. line = document.createElement('div');
  324. this.dom.background.appendChild(line);
  325. }
  326. this.dom.lines.push(line);
  327. var props = this.props;
  328. if (orientation == 'top') {
  329. = '0';
  330. }
  331. else {
  332. = + 'px';
  333. }
  334. = (x - props.majorLineWidth / 2) + 'px';
  335. = props.majorLineHeight + 'px';
  336. line.className = 'grid vertical major ' + className;
  337. return line;
  338. };
  339. /**
  340. * Determine the size of text on the axis (both major and minor axis).
  341. * The size is calculated only once and then cached in this.props.
  342. * @private
  343. */
  344. TimeAxis.prototype._calculateCharSize = function () {
  345. // Note: We calculate char size with every redraw. Size may change, for
  346. // example when any of the timelines parents had display:none for example.
  347. // determine the char width and height on the minor axis
  348. if (!this.dom.measureCharMinor) {
  349. this.dom.measureCharMinor = document.createElement('DIV');
  350. this.dom.measureCharMinor.className = 'text minor measure';
  351. = 'absolute';
  352. this.dom.measureCharMinor.appendChild(document.createTextNode('0'));
  353. this.dom.foreground.appendChild(this.dom.measureCharMinor);
  354. }
  355. this.props.minorCharHeight = this.dom.measureCharMinor.clientHeight;
  356. this.props.minorCharWidth = this.dom.measureCharMinor.clientWidth;
  357. // determine the char width and height on the major axis
  358. if (!this.dom.measureCharMajor) {
  359. this.dom.measureCharMajor = document.createElement('DIV');
  360. this.dom.measureCharMajor.className = 'text major measure';
  361. = 'absolute';
  362. this.dom.measureCharMajor.appendChild(document.createTextNode('0'));
  363. this.dom.foreground.appendChild(this.dom.measureCharMajor);
  364. }
  365. this.props.majorCharHeight = this.dom.measureCharMajor.clientHeight;
  366. this.props.majorCharWidth = this.dom.measureCharMajor.clientWidth;
  367. };
  368. /**
  369. * Snap a date to a rounded value.
  370. * The snap intervals are dependent on the current scale and step.
  371. * @param {Date} date the date to be snapped.
  372. * @return {Date} snappedDate
  373. */
  374. TimeAxis.prototype.snap = function(date) {
  375. return this.step.snap(date);
  376. };
  377. module.exports = TimeAxis;