- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Timeline | Dynamic Content</title>
- <script src="../../../dist/vis.js"></script>
- <link href="../../../dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
- <style type="text/css">
- .progress-wrapper {
- background: white;
- width: 100%;
- height: 18px;
- text-align: center;
- position: relative;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- .progress {
- height: 100%;
- width: 60%;
- position: absolute;
- left: 0px;
- top: 0px;
- background: #63ed63;
- }
- .progress-label {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 1;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="myTimeline"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- // DOM element where the Timeline will be attached
- var container = document.getElementById('myTimeline');
- // Create a DataSet (allows two way data-binding)
- var items = new vis.DataSet([
- {id: 1, value: 0.2, content: 'item 1', start: '2014-04-20', end: '2014-04-26'},
- {id: 2, value: 0.6, content: 'item 2', start: '2014-05-14', end: '2014-05-18'},
- {id: 3, type: 'point', content: 'item 3', start: '2014-04-15', end: '2014-05-18'},
- {id: 4, content: 'item 4 with visibleFramTemplate in item', start: '2014-04-16', end: '2014-04-26', visibleFramTemplate: '<div class="progress-wrapper"><div class="progress"></div><label class="progress-label">80%<label></div>'
- }
- ]);
- // Configuration for the Timeline
- var options = {
- visibleFrameTemplate: function(item) {
- if (item.visibleFramTemplate) {
- return item.visibleFramTemplate;
- }
- var percentage = item.value * 100 + '%';
- return '<div class="progress-wrapper"><div class="progress"></div><label class="progress-label">' + percentage + '<label></div>';
- }
- };
- // Create a Timeline
- var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, items, options);
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>