- /**
- * TODO - add tests for:
- * ====
- *
- * - !!! good test case with the tags for max width
- * - pathological cases of spaces (and other whitespace!)
- * - html unclosed or unopened tags
- * - html tag combinations with no font defined (e.g. bold within mono)
- */
- var assert = require('assert')
- var Label = require('../lib/network/modules/components/shared/Label').default;
- var NodesHandler = require('../lib/network/modules/NodesHandler').default;
- /**************************************************************
- * Dummy class definitions for minimal required functionality.
- **************************************************************/
- class DummyContext {
- measureText(text) {
- return {
- width: 12*text.length,
- height: 14
- };
- }
- }
- class DummyLayoutEngine {
- positionInitially() {}
- }
- /**************************************************************
- * End Dummy class definitions
- **************************************************************/
- describe('Network Label', function() {
- /**
- * Retrieve options object from a NodesHandler instance
- *
- * NOTE: these are options at the node-level
- */
- function getOptions(options = {}) {
- var body = {
- functions: {},
- emitter: {
- on: function() {}
- }
- }
- var nodesHandler = new NodesHandler(body, {}, options, new DummyLayoutEngine() );
- //console.log(JSON.stringify(nodesHandler.options, null, 2));
- return nodesHandler.options;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the returned lines and blocks are as expected.
- *
- * All width/height fields and font info are ignored.
- * Within blocks, only the text is compared
- */
- function checkBlocks(returned, expected) {
- let showBlocks = () => {
- return '\nreturned: ' + JSON.stringify(returned, null, 2) + '\n' +
- 'expected: ' + JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2);
- }
- assert.equal(expected.lines.length, returned.lines.length, 'Number of lines does not match, ' + showBlocks());
- for (let i = 0; i < returned.lines.length; ++i) {
- let retLine = returned.lines[i];
- let expLine = expected.lines[i];
- assert(retLine.blocks.length === expLine.blocks.length, 'Number of blocks does not match, ' + showBlocks());
- for (let j = 0; j < retLine.blocks.length; ++j) {
- let retBlock = retLine.blocks[j];
- let expBlock = expLine.blocks[j];
- assert(retBlock.text === expBlock.text, 'Text does not match, ' + showBlocks());
- assert(retBlock.mod !== undefined);
- if (retBlock.mod === 'normal' || retBlock.mod === '') {
- assert(expBlock.mod === undefined || expBlock.mod === 'normal' || expBlock === '',
- 'No mod field expected in returned, ' + showBlocks());
- } else {
- assert(retBlock.mod === expBlock.mod, 'Mod fields do not match, line: ' + i + ', block: ' + j +
- '; ret: ' + retBlock.mod + ', exp: ' + expBlock.mod + '\n' + showBlocks());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function checkProcessedLabels(label, text, expected) {
- var ctx = new DummyContext();
- for (var i in text) {
- var ret = label._processLabelText(ctx, false, false, text[i]);
- //console.log(JSON.stringify(ret, null, 2));
- checkBlocks(ret, expected[i]);
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************
- * Test data
- **************************************************************/
- var normal_text = [
- "label text",
- "label\nwith\nnewlines",
- "OnereallylongwordthatshouldgooverwidthConstraint.maximumifdefined",
- "One really long sentence that should go over widthConstraint.maximum if defined",
- "Reallyoneenormouslylargelabel withtwobigwordsgoingoverwayovermax"
- ]
- var html_text = [
- "label <b>with</b> <code>some</code> <i>multi <b>tags</b></i>",
- "label <b>with</b> <code>some</code> \n <i>multi <b>tags</b></i>\n and newlines" // NB spaces around \n's
- ];
- var markdown_text = [
- "label *with* `some` _multi *tags*_",
- "label *with* `some` \n _multi *tags*_\n and newlines" // NB spaces around \n's
- ];
- /**************************************************************
- * Expected Results
- **************************************************************/
- var normal_expected = [{
- // In first item, width/height kept in for reference
- width: 120,
- height: 14,
- lines: [{
- width: 120,
- height: 14,
- blocks: [{
- text: "label text",
- width: 120,
- height: 14,
- }]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "with"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "newlines"}]
- }]
- }, {
- // From here onward, changes width max width set
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "OnereallylongwordthatshouldgooverwidthConstraint.maximumifdefined"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "One really long sentence that should go over widthConstraint.maximum if defined"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "Reallyoneenormouslylargelabel withtwobigwordsgoingoverwayovermax"}]
- }]
- }];
- const indexWidthConstrained = 2; // index of first item that will be different with max width set
- var normal_widthConstraint_expected = normal_expected.slice(0, indexWidthConstrained);
- Array.prototype.push.apply(normal_widthConstraint_expected, [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "Onereallylongwordthatshoul"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "dgooverwidthConstraint.max"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "imumifdefined"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "One really long sentence"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "that should go over"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "widthConstraint.maximum"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "if defined"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "Reallyoneenormouslylargela"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "bel"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "withtwobigwordsgoingoverwa"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "yovermax"}]
- }]
- }]);
- var html_unchanged_expected = [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label <b>with</b> <code>some</code> <i>multi <b>tags</b></i>"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label <b>with</b> <code>some</code> "}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " <i>multi <b>tags</b></i>"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " and newlines"}]
- }]
- }];
- var html_widthConstraint_unchanged = [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label <b>with</b>"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "<code>some</code>"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "<i>multi <b>tags</b></i>"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label <b>with</b>"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "<code>some</code> "}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " <i>multi <b>tags</b></i>"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " and newlines"}]
- }]
- }];
- var markdown_unchanged_expected = [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label *with* `some` _multi *tags*_"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label *with* `some` "}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " _multi *tags*_"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " and newlines"}]
- }]
- }];
- var markdown_widthConstraint_expected = [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label *with* `some`"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: "_multi *tags*_"}]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [{text: "label *with* `some` "}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " _multi *tags*_"}]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " and newlines"}]
- }]
- }];
- var multi_expected = [{
- lines: [{
- blocks: [
- {text: "label "},
- {text: "with" , mod: 'bold'},
- {text: " "},
- {text: "some" , mod: 'mono'},
- {text: " "},
- {text: "multi ", mod: 'ital'},
- {text: "tags" , mod: 'boldital'}
- ]
- }]
- }, {
- lines: [{
- blocks: [
- {text: "label "},
- {text: "with" , mod: 'bold'},
- {text: " "},
- {text: "some" , mod: 'mono'},
- {text: " "}
- ]
- }, {
- blocks: [
- {text: " "},
- {text: "multi ", mod: 'ital'},
- {text: "tags" , mod: 'boldital'}
- ]
- }, {
- blocks: [{text: " and newlines"}]
- }]
- }];
- /**************************************************************
- * End Expected Results
- **************************************************************/
- it('parses normal text labels', function (done) {
- var label = new Label({}, getOptions());
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , html_unchanged_expected); // html unchanged
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, markdown_unchanged_expected); // markdown unchanged
- done();
- });
- it('parses html labels', function (done) {
- var options = getOptions(options);
- options.font.multi = true; // TODO: also test 'html', also test illegal value here
- var label = new Label({}, options);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_expected); // normal as usual
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , multi_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, markdown_unchanged_expected); // markdown unchanged
- done();
- });
- it('parses markdown labels', function (done) {
- var options = getOptions(options);
- options.font.multi = 'markdown'; // TODO: also test 'md', also test illegal value here
- var label = new Label({}, options);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_expected); // normal as usual
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , html_unchanged_expected); // html unchanged
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, multi_expected);
- done();
- });
- it('handles normal text with widthConstraint.maximum', function (done) {
- var options = getOptions(options);
- //
- // What the user would set:
- //
- // options.widthConstraint = { minimum: 100, maximum: 200};
- //
- // No sense in adding minWdt, not used when splitting labels into lines
- //
- // This comment also applies to the usage of maxWdt in the test cases below
- //
- options.font.maxWdt = 300;
- var label = new Label({}, options);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_widthConstraint_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , html_widthConstraint_unchanged); // html unchanged
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, markdown_widthConstraint_expected); // markdown unchanged
- done();
- });
- it('handles html tags with widthConstraint.maximum', function (done) {
- var options = getOptions(options);
- options.font.multi = true;
- options.font.maxWdt = 300;
- var label = new Label({}, options);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_widthConstraint_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , multi_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, markdown_widthConstraint_expected);
- done();
- });
- it('handles markdown tags with widthConstraint.maximum', function (done) {
- var options = getOptions(options);
- options.font.multi = 'markdown';
- options.font.maxWdt = 300;
- var label = new Label({}, options);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, normal_text , normal_widthConstraint_expected);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, html_text , html_widthConstraint_unchanged);
- checkProcessedLabels(label, markdown_text, multi_expected);
- done();
- });
- });