- /**
- * Created by Alex on 4/21/2015.
- */
- /**
- * it works like this:
- *
- * the toggle row has the onclick with the table id, the parent name and this. The function will look through all trs with matching parent and check the class
- * if hidden, it shows them, else it hides them.
- *
- * The caret is also flipped and the toggle class is changed.
- *
- *
- <tr class='toggle collapsible' onclick="toggleTable('physicsTable','barnesHut', this);"><td><span parent="barnesHut" class="right-caret"></span> barnesHut</td></tr>
- <tr parent="barnesHut" class="hidden"><td>barnesHut.gravitationalConstant</td></tr>
- <tr parent="barnesHut" class="hidden"><td>barnesHut.centralGravity</td></tr>
- <tr parent="barnesHut" class="hidden"><td>barnesHut.springLength</td></tr>
- <tr parent="barnesHut" class="hidden"><td>barnesHut.springConstant</td></tr>
- <tr parent="barnesHut" class="hidden"><td>barnesHut.damping</td></tr>
- *
- *
- * @param tableId
- * @param parent
- * @param clickedRow
- */
- function toggleTable(tableId, parent, clickedRow) {
- var table = document.getElementById(tableId);
- var wasOpen = false;
- for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
- if (row.getAttribute('parent') === parent) {
- if (row.className.indexOf('hidden') !== -1) {
- row.className = row.className.replace(' hidden','').replace('hidden','');
- row.className += ' visible';
- }
- else {
- row.className = row.className.replace(' visible','').replace('visible','');;
- row.className += ' hidden';
- wasOpen = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var spans;
- if (wasOpen === true) {
- spans = document.getElementsByClassName('caret');
- clickedRow.className += ' collapsible';
- }
- else {
- spans = document.getElementsByClassName('right-caret')
- clickedRow.className = clickedRow.className.replace(' collapsible','');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
- if (spans[i].getAttribute('parent') === parent) {
- spans[i].className = wasOpen === true ? 'right-caret' : 'caret';
- }
- }
- }
- function toggleTab(showTabId, showPreId, hideTabId, hidePreId) {
- if (hideTabId !== undefined) {
- document.getElementById(hideTabId).className = '';
- document.getElementById(hidePreId).className = document.getElementById(hidePreId).className.replace(' hidden','');
- document.getElementById(hidePreId).className += ' hidden';
- }
- document.getElementById('hiddenTab').className = '';
- document.getElementById(showTabId).className = 'active';
- document.getElementById(showPreId).className = document.getElementById(showPreId).className.replace(' hidden','');
- }
- function hideOptions(hideTabId1, hidePreId1, hideTabId2, hidePreId2) {
- document.getElementById('hiddenTab').className = 'active';
- document.getElementById(hideTabId1).className = '';
- document.getElementById(hidePreId1).className = document.getElementById(hidePreId1).className.replace(' hidden','');
- document.getElementById(hidePreId1).className += ' hidden';
- if (hideTabId2 !== undefined) {
- document.getElementById(hideTabId2).className = '';
- document.getElementById(hidePreId2).className = document.getElementById(hidePreId2).className.replace(' hidden','');
- document.getElementById(hidePreId2).className += ' hidden';
- }
- }