- var util = require('../../util');
- var stack = require('../Stack');
- /**
- * @param {number | string} groupId
- * @param {Object} data
- * @param {ItemSet} itemSet
- * @constructor Group
- */
- function Group (groupId, data, itemSet) {
- this.groupId = groupId;
- this.subgroups = {};
- this.subgroupIndex = 0;
- this.subgroupOrderer = data && data.subgroupOrder;
- this.itemSet = itemSet;
- this.isVisible = null;
- this.stackDirty = true; // if true, items will be restacked on next redraw
- if (data && data.nestedGroups) {
- this.nestedGroups = data.nestedGroups;
- if (data.showNested == false) {
- this.showNested = false;
- } else {
- this.showNested = true;
- }
- }
- this.nestedInGroup = null;
- this.dom = {};
- this.props = {
- label: {
- width: 0,
- height: 0
- }
- };
- this.className = null;
- this.items = {}; // items filtered by groupId of this group
- this.visibleItems = []; // items currently visible in window
- this.itemsInRange = []; // items currently in range
- this.orderedItems = {
- byStart: [],
- byEnd: []
- };
- this.checkRangedItems = false; // needed to refresh the ranged items if the window is programatically changed with NO overlap.
- var me = this;
- this.itemSet.body.emitter.on("checkRangedItems", function () {
- me.checkRangedItems = true;
- })
- this._create();
- this.setData(data);
- }
- /**
- * Create DOM elements for the group
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._create = function() {
- var label = document.createElement('div');
- if (this.itemSet.options.groupEditable.order) {
- label.className = 'vis-label draggable';
- } else {
- label.className = 'vis-label';
- }
- this.dom.label = label;
- var inner = document.createElement('div');
- inner.className = 'vis-inner';
- label.appendChild(inner);
- this.dom.inner = inner;
- var foreground = document.createElement('div');
- foreground.className = 'vis-group';
- foreground['timeline-group'] = this;
- this.dom.foreground = foreground;
- this.dom.background = document.createElement('div');
- this.dom.background.className = 'vis-group';
- this.dom.axis = document.createElement('div');
- this.dom.axis.className = 'vis-group';
- // create a hidden marker to detect when the Timelines container is attached
- // to the DOM, or the style of a parent of the Timeline is changed from
- // display:none is changed to visible.
- this.dom.marker = document.createElement('div');
- this.dom.marker.style.visibility = 'hidden';
- this.dom.marker.style.position = 'absolute';
- this.dom.marker.innerHTML = '';
- this.dom.background.appendChild(this.dom.marker);
- };
- /**
- * Set the group data for this group
- * @param {Object} data Group data, can contain properties content and className
- */
- Group.prototype.setData = function(data) {
- // update contents
- var content;
- var templateFunction;
- if (this.itemSet.options && this.itemSet.options.groupTemplate) {
- templateFunction = this.itemSet.options.groupTemplate.bind(this);
- content = templateFunction(data, this.dom.inner);
- } else {
- content = data && data.content;
- }
- if (content instanceof Element) {
- this.dom.inner.appendChild(content);
- while (this.dom.inner.firstChild) {
- this.dom.inner.removeChild(this.dom.inner.firstChild);
- }
- this.dom.inner.appendChild(content);
- } else if (content instanceof Object) {
- templateFunction(data, this.dom.inner);
- } else if (content !== undefined && content !== null) {
- this.dom.inner.innerHTML = content;
- } else {
- this.dom.inner.innerHTML = this.groupId || ''; // groupId can be null
- }
- // update title
- this.dom.label.title = data && data.title || '';
- if (!this.dom.inner.firstChild) {
- util.addClassName(this.dom.inner, 'vis-hidden');
- }
- else {
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.inner, 'vis-hidden');
- }
- if (data && data.nestedGroups) {
- if (!this.nestedGroups || this.nestedGroups != data.nestedGroups) {
- this.nestedGroups = data.nestedGroups;
- }
- if (data.showNested !== undefined || this.showNested === undefined) {
- if (data.showNested == false) {
- this.showNested = false;
- } else {
- this.showNested = true;
- }
- }
- util.addClassName(this.dom.label, 'vis-nesting-group');
- var collapsedDirClassName = this.itemSet.options.rtl ? 'collapsed-rtl' : 'collapsed'
- if (this.showNested) {
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, collapsedDirClassName);
- util.addClassName(this.dom.label, 'expanded');
- } else {
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, 'expanded');
- util.addClassName(this.dom.label, collapsedDirClassName);
- }
- } else if (this.nestedGroups) {
- this.nestedGroups = null;
- collapsedDirClassName = this.itemSet.options.rtl ? 'collapsed-rtl' : 'collapsed'
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, collapsedDirClassName);
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, 'expanded');
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, 'vis-nesting-group');
- }
- if (data && data.nestedInGroup) {
- util.addClassName(this.dom.label, 'vis-nested-group');
- if (this.itemSet.options && this.itemSet.options.rtl) {
- this.dom.inner.style.paddingRight = '30px';
- } else {
- this.dom.inner.style.paddingLeft = '30px';
- }
- }
- // update className
- var className = data && data.className || null;
- if (className != this.className) {
- if (this.className) {
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.label, this.className);
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.foreground, this.className);
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.background, this.className);
- util.removeClassName(this.dom.axis, this.className);
- }
- util.addClassName(this.dom.label, className);
- util.addClassName(this.dom.foreground, className);
- util.addClassName(this.dom.background, className);
- util.addClassName(this.dom.axis, className);
- this.className = className;
- }
- // update style
- if (this.style) {
- util.removeCssText(this.dom.label, this.style);
- this.style = null;
- }
- if (data && data.style) {
- util.addCssText(this.dom.label, data.style);
- this.style = data.style;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Get the width of the group label
- * @return {number} width
- */
- Group.prototype.getLabelWidth = function() {
- return this.props.label.width;
- };
- /**
- * Repaint this group
- * @param {{start: number, end: number}} range
- * @param {{item: {horizontal: number, vertical: number}, axis: number}} margin
- * @param {boolean} [forceRestack=false] Force restacking of all items
- * @return {boolean} Returns true if the group is resized
- */
- Group.prototype.redraw = function(range, margin, forceRestack) {
- var resized = false;
- // force recalculation of the height of the items when the marker height changed
- // (due to the Timeline being attached to the DOM or changed from display:none to visible)
- var markerHeight = this.dom.marker.clientHeight;
- if (markerHeight != this.lastMarkerHeight) {
- this.lastMarkerHeight = markerHeight;
- util.forEach(this.items, function (item) {
- item.dirty = true;
- if (item.displayed) item.redraw();
- });
- forceRestack = true;
- }
- // recalculate the height of the subgroups
- this._calculateSubGroupHeights(margin);
- // calculate actual size and position
- var foreground = this.dom.foreground;
- this.top = foreground.offsetTop;
- this.right = foreground.offsetLeft;
- this.width = foreground.offsetWidth;
- var lastIsVisible = this.isVisible;
- this.isVisible = this._isGroupVisible(range, margin);
- var restack = forceRestack || this.stackDirty || (this.isVisible && !lastIsVisible);
- this._updateSubgroupsSizes();
- // if restacking, reposition visible items vertically
- if(restack) {
- if (typeof this.itemSet.options.order === 'function') {
- // a custom order function
- // brute force restack of all items
- // show all items
- var me = this;
- var limitSize = false;
- util.forEach(this.items, function (item) {
- if (!item.dom) { // If this item has never been displayed then the dom property will not be defined, this means we need to measure the size
- item.redraw();
- me.visibleItems.push(item);
- }
- item.repositionX(limitSize);
- });
- // order all items and force a restacking
- var customOrderedItems = this.orderedItems.byStart.slice().sort(function (a, b) {
- return me.itemSet.options.order(a.data, b.data);
- });
- stack.stack(customOrderedItems, margin, true /* restack=true */);
- this.visibleItems = this._updateItemsInRange(this.orderedItems, this.visibleItems, range);
- }
- else {
- // no custom order function, lazy stacking
- this.visibleItems = this._updateItemsInRange(this.orderedItems, this.visibleItems, range);
- if (this.itemSet.options.stack) { // TODO: ugly way to access options...
- stack.stack(this.visibleItems, margin, true /* restack=true */);
- }
- else { // no stacking
- stack.nostack(this.visibleItems, margin, this.subgroups, this.itemSet.options.stackSubgroups);
- }
- }
- this.stackDirty = false;
- }
- // recalculate the height of the group
- var height = this._calculateHeight(margin);
- // calculate actual size and position
- foreground = this.dom.foreground;
- this.top = foreground.offsetTop;
- this.right = foreground.offsetLeft;
- this.width = foreground.offsetWidth;
- resized = util.updateProperty(this, 'height', height) || resized;
- // recalculate size of label
- resized = util.updateProperty(this.props.label, 'width', this.dom.inner.clientWidth) || resized;
- resized = util.updateProperty(this.props.label, 'height', this.dom.inner.clientHeight) || resized;
- // apply new height
- this.dom.background.style.height = height + 'px';
- this.dom.foreground.style.height = height + 'px';
- this.dom.label.style.height = height + 'px';
- // update vertical position of items after they are re-stacked and the height of the group is calculated
- for (var i = 0, ii = this.visibleItems.length; i < ii; i++) {
- var item = this.visibleItems[i];
- item.repositionY(margin);
- if (!this.isVisible && this.groupId != "__background__") {
- if (item.displayed) item.hide();
- }
- }
- if (!this.isVisible && this.height) {
- return resized = false;
- }
- return resized;
- };
- /**
- * recalculate the height of the subgroups
- *
- * @param {{item: vis.Item}} margin
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._calculateSubGroupHeights = function (margin) {
- if (Object.keys(this.subgroups).length > 0) {
- var me = this;
- this.resetSubgroups();
- util.forEach(this.visibleItems, function (item) {
- if (item.data.subgroup !== undefined) {
- me.subgroups[item.data.subgroup].height = Math.max(me.subgroups[item.data.subgroup].height, item.height + margin.item.vertical);
- me.subgroups[item.data.subgroup].visible = true;
- }
- });
- }
- };
- /**
- * check if group is visible
- *
- * @param {vis.Range} range
- * @param {{axis: vis.DataAxis}} margin
- * @returns {boolean} is visible
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._isGroupVisible = function (range, margin) {
- return (this.top <= range.body.domProps.centerContainer.height - range.body.domProps.scrollTop + margin.axis)
- && (this.top + this.height + margin.axis >= - range.body.domProps.scrollTop);
- };
- /**
- * recalculate the height of the group
- * @param {{item: {horizontal: number, vertical: number}, axis: number}} margin
- * @returns {number} Returns the height
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._calculateHeight = function (margin) {
- // recalculate the height of the group
- var height;
- var itemsInRange = this.visibleItems;
- if (itemsInRange.length > 0) {
- var min = itemsInRange[0].top;
- var max = itemsInRange[0].top + itemsInRange[0].height;
- util.forEach(itemsInRange, function (item) {
- min = Math.min(min, item.top);
- max = Math.max(max, (item.top + item.height));
- });
- if (min > margin.axis) {
- // there is an empty gap between the lowest item and the axis
- var offset = min - margin.axis;
- max -= offset;
- util.forEach(itemsInRange, function (item) {
- item.top -= offset;
- });
- }
- height = max + margin.item.vertical / 2;
- }
- else {
- height = 0;
- }
- height = Math.max(height, this.props.label.height);
- return height;
- };
- /**
- * Show this group: attach to the DOM
- */
- Group.prototype.show = function() {
- if (!this.dom.label.parentNode) {
- this.itemSet.dom.labelSet.appendChild(this.dom.label);
- }
- if (!this.dom.foreground.parentNode) {
- this.itemSet.dom.foreground.appendChild(this.dom.foreground);
- }
- if (!this.dom.background.parentNode) {
- this.itemSet.dom.background.appendChild(this.dom.background);
- }
- if (!this.dom.axis.parentNode) {
- this.itemSet.dom.axis.appendChild(this.dom.axis);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Hide this group: remove from the DOM
- */
- Group.prototype.hide = function() {
- var label = this.dom.label;
- if (label.parentNode) {
- label.parentNode.removeChild(label);
- }
- var foreground = this.dom.foreground;
- if (foreground.parentNode) {
- foreground.parentNode.removeChild(foreground);
- }
- var background = this.dom.background;
- if (background.parentNode) {
- background.parentNode.removeChild(background);
- }
- var axis = this.dom.axis;
- if (axis.parentNode) {
- axis.parentNode.removeChild(axis);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Add an item to the group
- * @param {Item} item
- */
- Group.prototype.add = function(item) {
- this.items[item.id] = item;
- item.setParent(this);
- this.stackDirty = true;
- // add to
- if (item.data.subgroup !== undefined) {
- this._addToSubgroup(item);
- this.orderSubgroups();
- }
- if (this.visibleItems.indexOf(item) == -1) {
- var range = this.itemSet.body.range; // TODO: not nice accessing the range like this
- this._checkIfVisible(item, this.visibleItems, range);
- }
- };
- Group.prototype._addToSubgroup = function(item, subgroupId) {
- subgroupId = subgroupId || item.data.subgroup;
- if (subgroupId != undefined && this.subgroups[subgroupId] === undefined) {
- this.subgroups[subgroupId] = {
- height:0,
- top: 0,
- start: item.data.start,
- end: item.data.end,
- visible: false,
- index:this.subgroupIndex,
- items: []
- };
- this.subgroupIndex++;
- }
- if (new Date(item.data.start) < new Date(this.subgroups[subgroupId].start)) {
- this.subgroups[subgroupId].start = item.data.start;
- }
- if (new Date(item.data.end) > new Date(this.subgroups[subgroupId].end)) {
- this.subgroups[subgroupId].end = item.data.end;
- }
- this.subgroups[subgroupId].items.push(item);
- };
- Group.prototype._updateSubgroupsSizes = function () {
- var me = this;
- if (me.subgroups) {
- for (var subgroup in me.subgroups) {
- var newStart = me.subgroups[subgroup].items[0].data.start;
- var newEnd = me.subgroups[subgroup].items[0].data.end - 1;
- me.subgroups[subgroup].items.forEach(function(item) {
- if (new Date(item.data.start) < new Date(newStart)) {
- newStart = item.data.start;
- }
- if (new Date(item.data.end) > new Date(newEnd)) {
- newEnd = item.data.end;
- }
- })
- me.subgroups[subgroup].start = newStart;
- me.subgroups[subgroup].end = new Date(newEnd - 1) // -1 to compensate for colliding end to start subgroups;
- }
- }
- }
- Group.prototype.orderSubgroups = function() {
- if (this.subgroupOrderer !== undefined) {
- var sortArray = [];
- var subgroup;
- if (typeof this.subgroupOrderer == 'string') {
- for (subgroup in this.subgroups) {
- sortArray.push({subgroup: subgroup, sortField: this.subgroups[subgroup].items[0].data[this.subgroupOrderer]})
- }
- sortArray.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.sortField - b.sortField;
- })
- }
- else if (typeof this.subgroupOrderer == 'function') {
- for (subgroup in this.subgroups) {
- sortArray.push(this.subgroups[subgroup].items[0].data);
- }
- sortArray.sort(this.subgroupOrderer);
- }
- if (sortArray.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < sortArray.length; i++) {
- this.subgroups[sortArray[i].subgroup].index = i;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- Group.prototype.resetSubgroups = function() {
- for (var subgroup in this.subgroups) {
- if (this.subgroups.hasOwnProperty(subgroup)) {
- this.subgroups[subgroup].visible = false;
- this.subgroups[subgroup].height = 0;
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Remove an item from the group
- * @param {Item} item
- */
- Group.prototype.remove = function(item) {
- delete this.items[item.id];
- item.setParent(null);
- this.stackDirty = true;
- // remove from visible items
- var index = this.visibleItems.indexOf(item);
- if (index != -1) this.visibleItems.splice(index, 1);
- if(item.data.subgroup !== undefined){
- this._removeFromSubgroup(item);
- this.orderSubgroups();
- }
- };
- Group.prototype._removeFromSubgroup = function(item, subgroupId) {
- subgroupId = subgroupId || item.data.subgroup;
- if (subgroupId != undefined) {
- var subgroup = this.subgroups[subgroupId];
- if (subgroup){
- var itemIndex = subgroup.items.indexOf(item);
- // Check the item is actually in this subgroup. How should items not in the group be handled?
- if (itemIndex >= 0) {
- subgroup.items.splice(itemIndex,1);
- if (!subgroup.items.length){
- delete this.subgroups[subgroupId];
- } else {
- this._updateSubgroupsSizes();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Remove an item from the corresponding DataSet
- * @param {Item} item
- */
- Group.prototype.removeFromDataSet = function(item) {
- this.itemSet.removeItem(item.id);
- };
- /**
- * Reorder the items
- */
- Group.prototype.order = function() {
- var array = util.toArray(this.items);
- var startArray = [];
- var endArray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- if (array[i].data.end !== undefined) {
- endArray.push(array[i]);
- }
- startArray.push(array[i]);
- }
- this.orderedItems = {
- byStart: startArray,
- byEnd: endArray
- };
- stack.orderByStart(this.orderedItems.byStart);
- stack.orderByEnd(this.orderedItems.byEnd);
- };
- /**
- * Update the visible items
- * @param {{byStart: Item[], byEnd: Item[]}} orderedItems All items ordered by start date and by end date
- * @param {Item[]} oldVisibleItems The previously visible items.
- * @param {{start: number, end: number}} range Visible range
- * @return {Item[]} visibleItems The new visible items.
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._updateItemsInRange = function(orderedItems, oldVisibleItems, range) {
- var visibleItems = [];
- var visibleItemsLookup = {}; // we keep this to quickly look up if an item already exists in the list without using indexOf on visibleItems
- var interval = (range.end - range.start) / 4;
- var lowerBound = range.start - interval;
- var upperBound = range.end + interval;
- // this function is used to do the binary search.
- var searchFunction = function (value) {
- if (value < lowerBound) {return -1;}
- else if (value <= upperBound) {return 0;}
- else {return 1;}
- };
- // first check if the items that were in view previously are still in view.
- // IMPORTANT: this handles the case for the items with startdate before the window and enddate after the window!
- // also cleans up invisible items.
- if (oldVisibleItems.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < oldVisibleItems.length; i++) {
- this._checkIfVisibleWithReference(oldVisibleItems[i], visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, range);
- }
- }
- // we do a binary search for the items that have only start values.
- var initialPosByStart = util.binarySearchCustom(orderedItems.byStart, searchFunction, 'data','start');
- // trace the visible items from the inital start pos both ways until an invisible item is found, we only look at the start values.
- this._traceVisible(initialPosByStart, orderedItems.byStart, visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, function (item) {
- return (item.data.start < lowerBound || item.data.start > upperBound);
- });
- // if the window has changed programmatically without overlapping the old window, the ranged items with start < lowerBound and end > upperbound are not shown.
- // We therefore have to brute force check all items in the byEnd list
- if (this.checkRangedItems == true) {
- this.checkRangedItems = false;
- for (i = 0; i < orderedItems.byEnd.length; i++) {
- this._checkIfVisibleWithReference(orderedItems.byEnd[i], visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, range);
- }
- }
- else {
- // we do a binary search for the items that have defined end times.
- var initialPosByEnd = util.binarySearchCustom(orderedItems.byEnd, searchFunction, 'data','end');
- // trace the visible items from the inital start pos both ways until an invisible item is found, we only look at the end values.
- this._traceVisible(initialPosByEnd, orderedItems.byEnd, visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, function (item) {
- return (item.data.end < lowerBound || item.data.end > upperBound);
- });
- }
- // finally, we reposition all the visible items.
- for (i = 0; i < visibleItems.length; i++) {
- var item = visibleItems[i];
- if (!item.displayed) item.show();
- // reposition item horizontally
- item.repositionX();
- }
- return visibleItems;
- };
- Group.prototype._traceVisible = function (initialPos, items, visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, breakCondition) {
- if (initialPos != -1) {
- var i, item;
- for (i = initialPos; i >= 0; i--) {
- item = items[i];
- if (breakCondition(item)) {
- break;
- }
- else {
- if (visibleItemsLookup[item.id] === undefined) {
- visibleItemsLookup[item.id] = true;
- visibleItems.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = initialPos + 1; i < items.length; i++) {
- item = items[i];
- if (breakCondition(item)) {
- break;
- }
- else {
- if (visibleItemsLookup[item.id] === undefined) {
- visibleItemsLookup[item.id] = true;
- visibleItems.push(item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * this function is very similar to the _checkIfInvisible() but it does not
- * return booleans, hides the item if it should not be seen and always adds to
- * the visibleItems.
- * this one is for brute forcing and hiding.
- *
- * @param {Item} item
- * @param {Array} visibleItems
- * @param {{start:number, end:number}} range
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._checkIfVisible = function(item, visibleItems, range) {
- if (item.isVisible(range)) {
- if (!item.displayed) item.show();
- // reposition item horizontally
- item.repositionX();
- visibleItems.push(item);
- }
- else {
- if (item.displayed) item.hide();
- }
- };
- /**
- * this function is very similar to the _checkIfInvisible() but it does not
- * return booleans, hides the item if it should not be seen and always adds to
- * the visibleItems.
- * this one is for brute forcing and hiding.
- *
- * @param {Item} item
- * @param {Array.<vis.Item>} visibleItems
- * @param {Object<number, boolean>} visibleItemsLookup
- * @param {{start:number, end:number}} range
- * @private
- */
- Group.prototype._checkIfVisibleWithReference = function(item, visibleItems, visibleItemsLookup, range) {
- if (item.isVisible(range)) {
- if (visibleItemsLookup[item.id] === undefined) {
- visibleItemsLookup[item.id] = true;
- visibleItems.push(item);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (item.displayed) item.hide();
- }
- };
- Group.prototype.changeSubgroup = function(item, oldSubgroup, newSubgroup) {
- this._removeFromSubgroup(item, oldSubgroup);
- this._addToSubgroup(item, newSubgroup);
- this.orderSubgroups();
- };
- module.exports = Group;