vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
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  1. var Hammer = require('../../module/hammer');
  2. var util = require('../../util');
  3. var DataSet = require('../../DataSet');
  4. var DataView = require('../../DataView');
  5. var TimeStep = require('../TimeStep');
  6. var Component = require('./Component');
  7. var Group = require('./Group');
  8. var BackgroundGroup = require('./BackgroundGroup');
  9. var BoxItem = require('./item/BoxItem');
  10. var PointItem = require('./item/PointItem');
  11. var RangeItem = require('./item/RangeItem');
  12. var BackgroundItem = require('./item/BackgroundItem');
  13. var Popup = require('../../shared/Popup').default;
  14. var UNGROUPED = '__ungrouped__'; // reserved group id for ungrouped items
  15. var BACKGROUND = '__background__'; // reserved group id for background items without group
  16. /**
  17. * An ItemSet holds a set of items and ranges which can be displayed in a
  18. * range. The width is determined by the parent of the ItemSet, and the height
  19. * is determined by the size of the items.
  20. * @param {{dom: Object, domProps: Object, emitter: Emitter, range: Range}} body
  21. * @param {Object} [options] See ItemSet.setOptions for the available options.
  22. * @constructor ItemSet
  23. * @extends Component
  24. */
  25. function ItemSet(body, options) {
  26. this.body = body;
  27. this.defaultOptions = {
  28. type: null, // 'box', 'point', 'range', 'background'
  29. orientation: {
  30. item: 'bottom' // item orientation: 'top' or 'bottom'
  31. },
  32. align: 'auto', // alignment of box items
  33. stack: true,
  34. stackSubgroups: true,
  35. groupOrderSwap: function(fromGroup, toGroup, groups) {
  36. var targetOrder = toGroup.order;
  37. toGroup.order = fromGroup.order;
  38. fromGroup.order = targetOrder;
  39. },
  40. groupOrder: 'order',
  41. selectable: true,
  42. multiselect: false,
  43. itemsAlwaysDraggable: false,
  44. editable: {
  45. updateTime: false,
  46. updateGroup: false,
  47. add: false,
  48. remove: false,
  49. overrideItems: false
  50. },
  51. groupEditable: {
  52. order: false,
  53. add: false,
  54. remove: false
  55. },
  56. snap: TimeStep.snap,
  57. onAdd: function (item, callback) {
  58. callback(item);
  59. },
  60. onUpdate: function (item, callback) {
  61. callback(item);
  62. },
  63. onMove: function (item, callback) {
  64. callback(item);
  65. },
  66. onRemove: function (item, callback) {
  67. callback(item);
  68. },
  69. onMoving: function (item, callback) {
  70. callback(item);
  71. },
  72. onAddGroup: function (item, callback) {
  73. callback(item);
  74. },
  75. onMoveGroup: function (item, callback) {
  76. callback(item);
  77. },
  78. onRemoveGroup: function (item, callback) {
  79. callback(item);
  80. },
  81. margin: {
  82. item: {
  83. horizontal: 10,
  84. vertical: 10
  85. },
  86. axis: 20
  87. },
  88. showTooltips: true,
  89. tooltip: {
  90. followMouse: false,
  91. overflowMethod: 'flip'
  92. },
  93. tooltipOnItemUpdateTime: false
  94. };
  95. // options is shared by this ItemSet and all its items
  96. this.options = util.extend({}, this.defaultOptions);
  97. this.options.rtl = options.rtl;
  98. // options for getting items from the DataSet with the correct type
  99. this.itemOptions = {
  100. type: {start: 'Date', end: 'Date'}
  101. };
  102. this.conversion = {
  103. toScreen: body.util.toScreen,
  104. toTime: body.util.toTime
  105. };
  106. this.dom = {};
  107. this.props = {};
  108. this.hammer = null;
  109. var me = this;
  110. this.itemsData = null; // DataSet
  111. this.groupsData = null; // DataSet
  112. // listeners for the DataSet of the items
  113. this.itemListeners = {
  114. 'add': function (event, params, senderId) {
  115. me._onAdd(params.items);
  116. },
  117. 'update': function (event, params, senderId) {
  118. me._onUpdate(params.items);
  119. },
  120. 'remove': function (event, params, senderId) {
  121. me._onRemove(params.items);
  122. }
  123. };
  124. // listeners for the DataSet of the groups
  125. this.groupListeners = {
  126. 'add': function (event, params, senderId) {
  127. me._onAddGroups(params.items);
  128. },
  129. 'update': function (event, params, senderId) {
  130. me._onUpdateGroups(params.items);
  131. },
  132. 'remove': function (event, params, senderId) {
  133. me._onRemoveGroups(params.items);
  134. }
  135. };
  136. this.items = {}; // object with an Item for every data item
  137. this.groups = {}; // Group object for every group
  138. this.groupIds = [];
  139. this.selection = []; // list with the ids of all selected nodes
  140. this.popup = null;
  141. this.touchParams = {}; // stores properties while dragging
  142. this.groupTouchParams = {};
  143. // create the HTML DOM
  144. this._create();
  145. this.setOptions(options);
  146. }
  147. ItemSet.prototype = new Component();
  148. // available item types will be registered here
  149. ItemSet.types = {
  150. background: BackgroundItem,
  151. box: BoxItem,
  152. range: RangeItem,
  153. point: PointItem
  154. };
  155. /**
  156. * Create the HTML DOM for the ItemSet
  157. */
  158. ItemSet.prototype._create = function(){
  159. var frame = document.createElement('div');
  160. frame.className = 'vis-itemset';
  161. frame['timeline-itemset'] = this;
  162. this.dom.frame = frame;
  163. // create background panel
  164. var background = document.createElement('div');
  165. background.className = 'vis-background';
  166. frame.appendChild(background);
  167. this.dom.background = background;
  168. // create foreground panel
  169. var foreground = document.createElement('div');
  170. foreground.className = 'vis-foreground';
  171. frame.appendChild(foreground);
  172. this.dom.foreground = foreground;
  173. // create axis panel
  174. var axis = document.createElement('div');
  175. axis.className = 'vis-axis';
  176. this.dom.axis = axis;
  177. // create labelset
  178. var labelSet = document.createElement('div');
  179. labelSet.className = 'vis-labelset';
  180. this.dom.labelSet = labelSet;
  181. // create ungrouped Group
  182. this._updateUngrouped();
  183. // create background Group
  184. var backgroundGroup = new BackgroundGroup(BACKGROUND, null, this);
  186. this.groups[BACKGROUND] = backgroundGroup;
  187. // attach event listeners
  188. // Note: we bind to the centerContainer for the case where the height
  189. // of the center container is larger than of the ItemSet, so we
  190. // can click in the empty area to create a new item or deselect an item.
  191. this.hammer = new Hammer(this.body.dom.centerContainer);
  192. // drag items when selected
  193. this.hammer.on('hammer.input', function (event) {
  194. if (event.isFirst) {
  195. this._onTouch(event);
  196. }
  197. }.bind(this));
  198. this.hammer.on('panstart', this._onDragStart.bind(this));
  199. this.hammer.on('panmove', this._onDrag.bind(this));
  200. this.hammer.on('panend', this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
  201. this.hammer.get('pan').set({threshold:5, direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL});
  202. // single select (or unselect) when tapping an item
  203. this.hammer.on('tap', this._onSelectItem.bind(this));
  204. // multi select when holding mouse/touch, or on ctrl+click
  205. this.hammer.on('press', this._onMultiSelectItem.bind(this));
  206. // add item on doubletap
  207. this.hammer.on('doubletap', this._onAddItem.bind(this));
  208. if (this.options.rtl) {
  209. this.groupHammer = new Hammer(this.body.dom.rightContainer);
  210. } else {
  211. this.groupHammer = new Hammer(this.body.dom.leftContainer);
  212. }
  213. this.groupHammer.on('tap', this._onGroupClick.bind(this));
  214. this.groupHammer.on('panstart', this._onGroupDragStart.bind(this));
  215. this.groupHammer.on('panmove', this._onGroupDrag.bind(this));
  216. this.groupHammer.on('panend', this._onGroupDragEnd.bind(this));
  217. this.groupHammer.get('pan').set({threshold:5, direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_VERTICAL});
  218. this.body.dom.centerContainer.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver.bind(this));
  219. this.body.dom.centerContainer.addEventListener('mouseout', this._onMouseOut.bind(this));
  220. this.body.dom.centerContainer.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMouseMove.bind(this));
  221. // right-click on timeline
  222. this.body.dom.centerContainer.addEventListener('contextmenu', this._onDragEnd.bind(this));
  223. this.body.dom.centerContainer.addEventListener('mousewheel', this._onMouseWheel.bind(this));
  224. // attach to the DOM
  226. };
  227. /**
  228. * Set options for the ItemSet. Existing options will be extended/overwritten.
  229. * @param {Object} [options] The following options are available:
  230. * {String} type
  231. * Default type for the items. Choose from 'box'
  232. * (default), 'point', 'range', or 'background'.
  233. * The default style can be overwritten by
  234. * individual items.
  235. * {String} align
  236. * Alignment for the items, only applicable for
  237. * BoxItem. Choose 'center' (default), 'left', or
  238. * 'right'.
  239. * {String} orientation.item
  240. * Orientation of the item set. Choose 'top' or
  241. * 'bottom' (default).
  242. * {Function} groupOrder
  243. * A sorting function for ordering groups
  244. * {Boolean} stack
  245. * If true (default), items will be stacked on
  246. * top of each other.
  247. * {Number} margin.axis
  248. * Margin between the axis and the items in pixels.
  249. * Default is 20.
  250. * {Number} margin.item.horizontal
  251. * Horizontal margin between items in pixels.
  252. * Default is 10.
  253. * {Number} margin.item.vertical
  254. * Vertical Margin between items in pixels.
  255. * Default is 10.
  256. * {Number} margin.item
  257. * Margin between items in pixels in both horizontal
  258. * and vertical direction. Default is 10.
  259. * {Number} margin
  260. * Set margin for both axis and items in pixels.
  261. * {Boolean} selectable
  262. * If true (default), items can be selected.
  263. * {Boolean} multiselect
  264. * If true, multiple items can be selected.
  265. * False by default.
  266. * {Boolean} editable
  267. * Set all editable options to true or false
  268. * {Boolean} editable.updateTime
  269. * Allow dragging an item to an other moment in time
  270. * {Boolean} editable.updateGroup
  271. * Allow dragging an item to an other group
  272. * {Boolean} editable.add
  273. * Allow creating new items on double tap
  274. * {Boolean} editable.remove
  275. * Allow removing items by clicking the delete button
  276. * top right of a selected item.
  277. * {Function(item: Item, callback: Function)} onAdd
  278. * Callback function triggered when an item is about to be added:
  279. * when the user double taps an empty space in the Timeline.
  280. * {Function(item: Item, callback: Function)} onUpdate
  281. * Callback function fired when an item is about to be updated.
  282. * This function typically has to show a dialog where the user
  283. * change the item. If not implemented, nothing happens.
  284. * {Function(item: Item, callback: Function)} onMove
  285. * Fired when an item has been moved. If not implemented,
  286. * the move action will be accepted.
  287. * {Function(item: Item, callback: Function)} onRemove
  288. * Fired when an item is about to be deleted.
  289. * If not implemented, the item will be always removed.
  290. */
  291. ItemSet.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {
  292. if (options) {
  293. // copy all options that we know
  294. var fields = [
  295. 'type', 'rtl', 'align', 'order', 'stack', 'stackSubgroups', 'selectable', 'multiselect', 'itemsAlwaysDraggable',
  296. 'multiselectPerGroup', 'groupOrder', 'dataAttributes', 'template', 'groupTemplate', 'visibleFrameTemplate',
  297. 'hide', 'snap', 'groupOrderSwap', 'showTooltips', 'tooltip', 'tooltipOnItemUpdateTime'
  298. ];
  299. util.selectiveExtend(fields, this.options, options);
  300. if ('orientation' in options) {
  301. if (typeof options.orientation === 'string') {
  302. this.options.orientation.item = options.orientation === 'top' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
  303. }
  304. else if (typeof options.orientation === 'object' && 'item' in options.orientation) {
  305. this.options.orientation.item = options.orientation.item;
  306. }
  307. }
  308. if ('margin' in options) {
  309. if (typeof options.margin === 'number') {
  310. this.options.margin.axis = options.margin;
  311. this.options.margin.item.horizontal = options.margin;
  312. this.options.margin.item.vertical = options.margin;
  313. }
  314. else if (typeof options.margin === 'object') {
  315. util.selectiveExtend(['axis'], this.options.margin, options.margin);
  316. if ('item' in options.margin) {
  317. if (typeof options.margin.item === 'number') {
  318. this.options.margin.item.horizontal = options.margin.item;
  319. this.options.margin.item.vertical = options.margin.item;
  320. }
  321. else if (typeof options.margin.item === 'object') {
  322. util.selectiveExtend(['horizontal', 'vertical'], this.options.margin.item, options.margin.item);
  323. }
  324. }
  325. }
  326. }
  327. if ('editable' in options) {
  328. if (typeof options.editable === 'boolean') {
  329. this.options.editable.updateTime = options.editable;
  330. this.options.editable.updateGroup = options.editable;
  331. this.options.editable.add = options.editable;
  332. this.options.editable.remove = options.editable;
  333. this.options.editable.overrideItems = false;
  334. }
  335. else if (typeof options.editable === 'object') {
  336. util.selectiveExtend(['updateTime', 'updateGroup', 'add', 'remove', 'overrideItems'], this.options.editable, options.editable);
  337. }
  338. }
  339. if ('groupEditable' in options) {
  340. if (typeof options.groupEditable === 'boolean') {
  341. this.options.groupEditable.order = options.groupEditable;
  342. this.options.groupEditable.add = options.groupEditable;
  343. this.options.groupEditable.remove = options.groupEditable;
  344. }
  345. else if (typeof options.groupEditable === 'object') {
  346. util.selectiveExtend(['order', 'add', 'remove'], this.options.groupEditable, options.groupEditable);
  347. }
  348. }
  349. // callback functions
  350. var addCallback = (function (name) {
  351. var fn = options[name];
  352. if (fn) {
  353. if (!(fn instanceof Function)) {
  354. throw new Error('option ' + name + ' must be a function ' + name + '(item, callback)');
  355. }
  356. this.options[name] = fn;
  357. }
  358. }).bind(this);
  359. ['onAdd', 'onUpdate', 'onRemove', 'onMove', 'onMoving', 'onAddGroup', 'onMoveGroup', 'onRemoveGroup'].forEach(addCallback);
  360. // force the itemSet to refresh: options like orientation and margins may be changed
  361. this.markDirty();
  362. }
  363. };
  364. /**
  365. * Mark the ItemSet dirty so it will refresh everything with next redraw.
  366. * Optionally, all items can be marked as dirty and be refreshed.
  367. * @param {{refreshItems: boolean}} [options]
  368. */
  369. ItemSet.prototype.markDirty = function(options) {
  370. this.groupIds = [];
  371. if (options && options.refreshItems) {
  372. util.forEach(this.items, function (item) {
  373. item.dirty = true;
  374. if (item.displayed) item.redraw();
  375. });
  376. }
  377. };
  378. /**
  379. * Destroy the ItemSet
  380. */
  381. ItemSet.prototype.destroy = function() {
  382. this.hide();
  383. this.setItems(null);
  384. this.setGroups(null);
  385. this.hammer = null;
  386. this.body = null;
  387. this.conversion = null;
  388. };
  389. /**
  390. * Hide the component from the DOM
  391. */
  392. ItemSet.prototype.hide = function() {
  393. // remove the frame containing the items
  394. if (this.dom.frame.parentNode) {
  395. this.dom.frame.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.frame);
  396. }
  397. // remove the axis with dots
  398. if (this.dom.axis.parentNode) {
  399. this.dom.axis.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.axis);
  400. }
  401. // remove the labelset containing all group labels
  402. if (this.dom.labelSet.parentNode) {
  403. this.dom.labelSet.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom.labelSet);
  404. }
  405. };
  406. /**
  407. * Show the component in the DOM (when not already visible).
  408. * @return {Boolean} changed
  409. */
  410. = function() {
  411. // show frame containing the items
  412. if (!this.dom.frame.parentNode) {
  414. }
  415. // show axis with dots
  416. if (!this.dom.axis.parentNode) {
  417. this.body.dom.backgroundVertical.appendChild(this.dom.axis);
  418. }
  419. // show labelset containing labels
  420. if (!this.dom.labelSet.parentNode) {
  421. if (this.options.rtl) {
  422. this.body.dom.right.appendChild(this.dom.labelSet);
  423. } else {
  424. this.body.dom.left.appendChild(this.dom.labelSet);
  425. }
  426. }
  427. };
  428. /**
  429. * Set selected items by their id. Replaces the current selection
  430. * Unknown id's are silently ignored.
  431. * @param {string[] | string} [ids] An array with zero or more id's of the items to be
  432. * selected, or a single item id. If ids is undefined
  433. * or an empty array, all items will be unselected.
  434. */
  435. ItemSet.prototype.setSelection = function(ids) {
  436. var i, ii, id, item;
  437. if (ids == undefined) ids = [];
  438. if (!Array.isArray(ids)) ids = [ids];
  439. // unselect currently selected items
  440. for (i = 0, ii = this.selection.length; i < ii; i++) {
  441. id = this.selection[i];
  442. item = this.items[id];
  443. if (item) item.unselect();
  444. }
  445. // select items
  446. this.selection = [];
  447. for (i = 0, ii = ids.length; i < ii; i++) {
  448. id = ids[i];
  449. item = this.items[id];
  450. if (item) {
  451. this.selection.push(id);
  453. }
  454. }
  455. };
  456. /**
  457. * Get the selected items by their id
  458. * @return {Array} ids The ids of the selected items
  459. */
  460. ItemSet.prototype.getSelection = function() {
  461. return this.selection.concat([]);
  462. };
  463. /**
  464. * Get the id's of the currently visible items.
  465. * @returns {Array} The ids of the visible items
  466. */
  467. ItemSet.prototype.getVisibleItems = function() {
  468. var range = this.body.range.getRange();
  469. if (this.options.rtl) {
  470. var right = this.body.util.toScreen(range.start);
  471. var left = this.body.util.toScreen(range.end);
  472. } else {
  473. var left = this.body.util.toScreen(range.start);
  474. var right = this.body.util.toScreen(range.end);
  475. }
  476. var ids = [];
  477. for (var groupId in this.groups) {
  478. if (this.groups.hasOwnProperty(groupId)) {
  479. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  480. var rawVisibleItems = group.isVisible ? group.visibleItems : [];
  481. // filter the "raw" set with visibleItems into a set which is really
  482. // visible by pixels
  483. for (var i = 0; i < rawVisibleItems.length; i++) {
  484. var item = rawVisibleItems[i];
  485. // TODO: also check whether visible vertically
  486. if (this.options.rtl) {
  487. if ((item.right < left) && (item.right + item.width > right)) {
  488. ids.push(;
  489. }
  490. } else {
  491. if ((item.left < right) && (item.left + item.width > left)) {
  492. ids.push(;
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. }
  497. }
  498. return ids;
  499. };
  500. /**
  501. * Deselect a selected item
  502. * @param {String | Number} id
  503. * @private
  504. */
  505. ItemSet.prototype._deselect = function(id) {
  506. var selection = this.selection;
  507. for (var i = 0, ii = selection.length; i < ii; i++) {
  508. if (selection[i] == id) { // non-strict comparison!
  509. selection.splice(i, 1);
  510. break;
  511. }
  512. }
  513. };
  514. /**
  515. * Repaint the component
  516. * @return {boolean} Returns true if the component is resized
  517. */
  518. ItemSet.prototype.redraw = function() {
  519. var margin = this.options.margin,
  520. range = this.body.range,
  521. asSize = util.option.asSize,
  522. options = this.options,
  523. orientation = options.orientation.item,
  524. resized = false,
  525. frame = this.dom.frame;
  526. // recalculate absolute position (before redrawing groups)
  527. = +;
  528. if (this.options.rtl) {
  529. this.props.right = this.body.domProps.right.width + this.body.domProps.border.right;
  530. } else {
  531. this.props.left = this.body.domProps.left.width + this.body.domProps.border.left;
  532. }
  533. // update class name
  534. frame.className = 'vis-itemset';
  535. // reorder the groups (if needed)
  536. resized = this._orderGroups() || resized;
  537. // check whether zoomed (in that case we need to re-stack everything)
  538. // TODO: would be nicer to get this as a trigger from Range
  539. var visibleInterval = range.end - range.start;
  540. var zoomed = (visibleInterval != this.lastVisibleInterval) || (this.props.width != this.props.lastWidth);
  541. var scrolled = range.start != this.lastRangeStart;
  542. var forceRestack = (zoomed || scrolled);
  543. this.lastVisibleInterval = visibleInterval;
  544. this.lastRangeStart = range.start;
  545. this.props.lastWidth = this.props.width;
  546. var firstGroup = this._firstGroup();
  547. var firstMargin = {
  548. item: margin.item,
  549. axis: margin.axis
  550. };
  551. var nonFirstMargin = {
  552. item: margin.item,
  553. axis: margin.item.vertical / 2
  554. };
  555. var height = 0;
  556. var minHeight = margin.axis + margin.item.vertical;
  557. // redraw the background group
  558. this.groups[BACKGROUND].redraw(range, nonFirstMargin, forceRestack);
  559. // redraw all regular groups
  560. util.forEach(this.groups, function (group) {
  561. var groupMargin = (group == firstGroup) ? firstMargin : nonFirstMargin;
  562. var groupResized = group.redraw(range, groupMargin, forceRestack);
  563. resized = groupResized || resized;
  564. height += group.height;
  565. });
  566. height = Math.max(height, minHeight);
  567. // update frame height
  568. = asSize(height);
  569. // calculate actual size
  570. this.props.width = frame.offsetWidth;
  571. this.props.height = height;
  572. // reposition axis
  573. = asSize((orientation == 'top') ?
  574. ( + :
  575. ( + this.body.domProps.centerContainer.height));
  576. if (this.options.rtl) {
  577. = '0';
  578. } else {
  579. = '0';
  580. }
  581. this.initialItemSetDrawn = true;
  582. // check if this component is resized
  583. resized = this._isResized() || resized;
  584. return resized;
  585. };
  586. /**
  587. * Get the first group, aligned with the axis
  588. * @return {Group | null} firstGroup
  589. * @private
  590. */
  591. ItemSet.prototype._firstGroup = function() {
  592. var firstGroupIndex = (this.options.orientation.item == 'top') ? 0 : (this.groupIds.length - 1);
  593. var firstGroupId = this.groupIds[firstGroupIndex];
  594. var firstGroup = this.groups[firstGroupId] || this.groups[UNGROUPED];
  595. return firstGroup || null;
  596. };
  597. /**
  598. * Create or delete the group holding all ungrouped items. This group is used when
  599. * there are no groups specified.
  600. * @protected
  601. */
  602. ItemSet.prototype._updateUngrouped = function() {
  603. var ungrouped = this.groups[UNGROUPED];
  604. var background = this.groups[BACKGROUND];
  605. var item, itemId;
  606. if (this.groupsData) {
  607. // remove the group holding all ungrouped items
  608. if (ungrouped) {
  609. ungrouped.hide();
  610. delete this.groups[UNGROUPED];
  611. for (itemId in this.items) {
  612. if (this.items.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
  613. item = this.items[itemId];
  614. item.parent && item.parent.remove(item);
  615. var groupId = this._getGroupId(;
  616. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  617. group && group.add(item) || item.hide();
  618. }
  619. }
  620. }
  621. }
  622. else {
  623. // create a group holding all (unfiltered) items
  624. if (!ungrouped) {
  625. var id = null;
  626. var data = null;
  627. ungrouped = new Group(id, data, this);
  628. this.groups[UNGROUPED] = ungrouped;
  629. for (itemId in this.items) {
  630. if (this.items.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
  631. item = this.items[itemId];
  632. ungrouped.add(item);
  633. }
  634. }
  636. }
  637. }
  638. };
  639. /**
  640. * Get the element for the labelset
  641. * @return {HTMLElement} labelSet
  642. */
  643. ItemSet.prototype.getLabelSet = function() {
  644. return this.dom.labelSet;
  645. };
  646. /**
  647. * Set items
  648. * @param {vis.DataSet | null} items
  649. */
  650. ItemSet.prototype.setItems = function(items) {
  651. var me = this,
  652. ids,
  653. oldItemsData = this.itemsData;
  654. // replace the dataset
  655. if (!items) {
  656. this.itemsData = null;
  657. }
  658. else if (items instanceof DataSet || items instanceof DataView) {
  659. this.itemsData = items;
  660. }
  661. else {
  662. throw new TypeError('Data must be an instance of DataSet or DataView');
  663. }
  664. if (oldItemsData) {
  665. // unsubscribe from old dataset
  666. util.forEach(this.itemListeners, function (callback, event) {
  667., callback);
  668. });
  669. // remove all drawn items
  670. ids = oldItemsData.getIds();
  671. this._onRemove(ids);
  672. }
  673. if (this.itemsData) {
  674. // subscribe to new dataset
  675. var id =;
  676. util.forEach(this.itemListeners, function (callback, event) {
  677. me.itemsData.on(event, callback, id);
  678. });
  679. // add all new items
  680. ids = this.itemsData.getIds();
  681. this._onAdd(ids);
  682. // update the group holding all ungrouped items
  683. this._updateUngrouped();
  684. }
  685. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  686. };
  687. /**
  688. * Get the current items
  689. * @returns {vis.DataSet | null}
  690. */
  691. ItemSet.prototype.getItems = function() {
  692. return this.itemsData;
  693. };
  694. /**
  695. * Set groups
  696. * @param {vis.DataSet} groups
  697. */
  698. ItemSet.prototype.setGroups = function(groups) {
  699. var me = this,
  700. ids;
  701. // unsubscribe from current dataset
  702. if (this.groupsData) {
  703. util.forEach(this.groupListeners, function (callback, event) {
  704., callback);
  705. });
  706. // remove all drawn groups
  707. ids = this.groupsData.getIds();
  708. this.groupsData = null;
  709. this._onRemoveGroups(ids); // note: this will cause a redraw
  710. }
  711. // replace the dataset
  712. if (!groups) {
  713. this.groupsData = null;
  714. }
  715. else if (groups instanceof DataSet || groups instanceof DataView) {
  716. this.groupsData = groups;
  717. }
  718. else {
  719. throw new TypeError('Data must be an instance of DataSet or DataView');
  720. }
  721. if (this.groupsData) {
  722. // go over all groups nesting
  723. var groupsData = this.groupsData;
  724. if (this.groupsData instanceof DataView) {
  725. groupsData = this.groupsData.getDataSet()
  726. }
  727. groupsData.get().forEach(function(group){
  728. if (group.nestedGroups) {
  729. group.nestedGroups.forEach(function(nestedGroupId) {
  730. var updatedNestedGroup = groupsData.get(nestedGroupId);
  731. updatedNestedGroup.nestedInGroup =;
  732. if (group.showNested == false) {
  733. updatedNestedGroup.visible = false;
  734. }
  735. groupsData.update(updatedNestedGroup);
  736. })
  737. }
  738. })
  739. // subscribe to new dataset
  740. var id =;
  741. util.forEach(this.groupListeners, function (callback, event) {
  742. me.groupsData.on(event, callback, id);
  743. });
  744. // draw all ms
  745. ids = this.groupsData.getIds();
  746. this._onAddGroups(ids);
  747. }
  748. // update the group holding all ungrouped items
  749. this._updateUngrouped();
  750. // update the order of all items in each group
  751. this._order();
  752. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  753. };
  754. /**
  755. * Get the current groups
  756. * @returns {vis.DataSet | null} groups
  757. */
  758. ItemSet.prototype.getGroups = function() {
  759. return this.groupsData;
  760. };
  761. /**
  762. * Remove an item by its id
  763. * @param {String | Number} id
  764. */
  765. ItemSet.prototype.removeItem = function(id) {
  766. var item = this.itemsData.get(id),
  767. dataset = this.itemsData.getDataSet(),
  768. itemObj = this.items[id];
  769. if (item) {
  770. // confirm deletion
  771. this.options.onRemove(item, function (item) {
  772. if (item) {
  773. // remove by id here, it is possible that an item has no id defined
  774. // itself, so better not delete by the item itself
  775. dataset.remove(id);
  776. }
  777. });
  778. }
  779. };
  780. /**
  781. * Get the time of an item based on it's data and options.type
  782. * @param {Object} itemData
  783. * @returns {string} Returns the type
  784. * @private
  785. */
  786. ItemSet.prototype._getType = function (itemData) {
  787. return itemData.type || this.options.type || (itemData.end ? 'range' : 'box');
  788. };
  789. /**
  790. * Get the group id for an item
  791. * @param {Object} itemData
  792. * @returns {string} Returns the groupId
  793. * @private
  794. */
  795. ItemSet.prototype._getGroupId = function (itemData) {
  796. var type = this._getType(itemData);
  797. if (type == 'background' && == undefined) {
  798. return BACKGROUND;
  799. }
  800. else {
  801. return this.groupsData ? : UNGROUPED;
  802. }
  803. };
  804. /**
  805. * Handle updated items
  806. * @param {Number[]} ids
  807. * @protected
  808. */
  809. ItemSet.prototype._onUpdate = function(ids) {
  810. var me = this;
  811. ids.forEach(function (id) {
  812. var itemData = me.itemsData.get(id, me.itemOptions);
  813. var item = me.items[id];
  814. var type = itemData ? me._getType(itemData) : null;
  815. var constructor = ItemSet.types[type];
  816. var selected;
  817. if (item) {
  818. // update item
  819. if (!constructor || !(item instanceof constructor)) {
  820. // item type has changed, delete the item and recreate it
  821. selected = item.selected; // preserve selection of this item
  822. me._removeItem(item);
  823. item = null;
  824. }
  825. else {
  826. me._updateItem(item, itemData);
  827. }
  828. }
  829. if (!item && itemData) {
  830. // create item
  831. if (constructor) {
  832. item = new constructor(itemData, me.conversion, me.options);
  833. = id; // TODO: not so nice setting id afterwards
  834. me._addItem(item);
  835. if (selected) {
  836. this.selection.push(id);
  838. }
  839. }
  840. else if (type == 'rangeoverflow') {
  841. // TODO: deprecated since version 2.1.0 (or 3.0.0?). cleanup some day
  842. throw new TypeError('Item type "rangeoverflow" is deprecated. Use css styling instead: ' +
  843. '.vis-item.vis-range .vis-item-content {overflow: visible;}');
  844. }
  845. else {
  846. throw new TypeError('Unknown item type "' + type + '"');
  847. }
  848. }
  849. }.bind(this));
  850. this._order();
  851. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  852. };
  853. /**
  854. * Handle added items
  855. * @param {Number[]} ids
  856. * @protected
  857. */
  858. ItemSet.prototype._onAdd = ItemSet.prototype._onUpdate;
  859. /**
  860. * Handle removed items
  861. * @param {Number[]} ids
  862. * @protected
  863. */
  864. ItemSet.prototype._onRemove = function(ids) {
  865. var count = 0;
  866. var me = this;
  867. ids.forEach(function (id) {
  868. var item = me.items[id];
  869. if (item) {
  870. count++;
  871. me._removeItem(item);
  872. }
  873. });
  874. if (count) {
  875. // update order
  876. this._order();
  877. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  878. }
  879. };
  880. /**
  881. * Update the order of item in all groups
  882. * @private
  883. */
  884. ItemSet.prototype._order = function() {
  885. // reorder the items in all groups
  886. // TODO: optimization: only reorder groups affected by the changed items
  887. util.forEach(this.groups, function (group) {
  888. group.order();
  889. });
  890. };
  891. /**
  892. * Handle updated groups
  893. * @param {Number[]} ids
  894. * @private
  895. */
  896. ItemSet.prototype._onUpdateGroups = function(ids) {
  897. this._onAddGroups(ids);
  898. };
  899. /**
  900. * Handle changed groups (added or updated)
  901. * @param {Number[]} ids
  902. * @private
  903. */
  904. ItemSet.prototype._onAddGroups = function(ids) {
  905. var me = this;
  906. ids.forEach(function (id) {
  907. var groupData = me.groupsData.get(id);
  908. var group = me.groups[id];
  909. if (!group) {
  910. // check for reserved ids
  911. if (id == UNGROUPED || id == BACKGROUND) {
  912. throw new Error('Illegal group id. ' + id + ' is a reserved id.');
  913. }
  914. var groupOptions = Object.create(me.options);
  915. util.extend(groupOptions, {
  916. height: null
  917. });
  918. group = new Group(id, groupData, me);
  919. me.groups[id] = group;
  920. // add items with this groupId to the new group
  921. for (var itemId in me.items) {
  922. if (me.items.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
  923. var item = me.items[itemId];
  924. if ( == id) {
  925. group.add(item);
  926. }
  927. }
  928. }
  929. group.order();
  931. }
  932. else {
  933. // update group
  934. group.setData(groupData);
  935. }
  936. });
  937. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  938. };
  939. /**
  940. * Handle removed groups
  941. * @param {Number[]} ids
  942. * @private
  943. */
  944. ItemSet.prototype._onRemoveGroups = function(ids) {
  945. var groups = this.groups;
  946. ids.forEach(function (id) {
  947. var group = groups[id];
  948. if (group) {
  949. group.hide();
  950. delete groups[id];
  951. }
  952. });
  953. this.markDirty();
  954. this.body.emitter.emit('_change', {queue: true});
  955. };
  956. /**
  957. * Reorder the groups if needed
  958. * @return {boolean} changed
  959. * @private
  960. */
  961. ItemSet.prototype._orderGroups = function () {
  962. if (this.groupsData) {
  963. // reorder the groups
  964. var groupIds = this.groupsData.getIds({
  965. order: this.options.groupOrder
  966. });
  967. groupIds = this._orderNestedGroups(groupIds);
  968. var changed = !util.equalArray(groupIds, this.groupIds);
  969. if (changed) {
  970. // hide all groups, removes them from the DOM
  971. var groups = this.groups;
  972. groupIds.forEach(function (groupId) {
  973. groups[groupId].hide();
  974. });
  975. // show the groups again, attach them to the DOM in correct order
  976. groupIds.forEach(function (groupId) {
  977. groups[groupId].show();
  978. });
  979. this.groupIds = groupIds;
  980. }
  981. return changed;
  982. }
  983. else {
  984. return false;
  985. }
  986. };
  987. /**
  988. * Reorder the nested groups
  989. * @return {boolean} changed
  990. * @private
  991. */
  992. ItemSet.prototype._orderNestedGroups = function(groupIds) {
  993. var newGroupIdsOrder = [];
  994. groupIds.forEach(function(groupId){
  995. var groupData = this.groupsData.get(groupId);
  996. if (!groupData.nestedInGroup) {
  997. newGroupIdsOrder.push(groupId)
  998. }
  999. if (groupData.nestedGroups) {
  1000. var nestedGroups = this.groupsData.get({
  1001. filter: function(nestedGroup) {
  1002. return nestedGroup.nestedInGroup == groupId;
  1003. },
  1004. order: this.options.groupOrder
  1005. });
  1006. var nestedGroupIds = { return })
  1007. newGroupIdsOrder = newGroupIdsOrder.concat(nestedGroupIds);
  1008. }
  1009. }, this)
  1010. return newGroupIdsOrder;
  1011. }
  1012. /**
  1013. * Add a new item
  1014. * @param {Item} item
  1015. * @private
  1016. */
  1017. ItemSet.prototype._addItem = function(item) {
  1018. this.items[] = item;
  1019. // add to group
  1020. var groupId = this._getGroupId(;
  1021. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  1022. if (!group) {
  1023. item.groupShowing = false;
  1024. } else if (group && && {
  1025. item.groupShowing = true;
  1026. }
  1027. if (group) group.add(item);
  1028. };
  1029. /**
  1030. * Update an existing item
  1031. * @param {Item} item
  1032. * @param {Object} itemData
  1033. * @private
  1034. */
  1035. ItemSet.prototype._updateItem = function(item, itemData) {
  1036. // update the items data (will redraw the item when displayed)
  1037. item.setData(itemData);
  1038. var groupId = this._getGroupId(;
  1039. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  1040. if (!group) {
  1041. item.groupShowing = false;
  1042. } else if (group && && {
  1043. item.groupShowing = true;
  1044. }
  1045. };
  1046. /**
  1047. * Delete an item from the ItemSet: remove it from the DOM, from the map
  1048. * with items, and from the map with visible items, and from the selection
  1049. * @param {Item} item
  1050. * @private
  1051. */
  1052. ItemSet.prototype._removeItem = function(item) {
  1053. // remove from DOM
  1054. item.hide();
  1055. // remove from items
  1056. delete this.items[];
  1057. // remove from selection
  1058. var index = this.selection.indexOf(;
  1059. if (index != -1) this.selection.splice(index, 1);
  1060. // remove from group
  1061. item.parent && item.parent.remove(item);
  1062. };
  1063. /**
  1064. * Create an array containing all items being a range (having an end date)
  1065. * @param array
  1066. * @returns {Array}
  1067. * @private
  1068. */
  1069. ItemSet.prototype._constructByEndArray = function(array) {
  1070. var endArray = [];
  1071. for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  1072. if (array[i] instanceof RangeItem) {
  1073. endArray.push(array[i]);
  1074. }
  1075. }
  1076. return endArray;
  1077. };
  1078. /**
  1079. * Register the clicked item on touch, before dragStart is initiated.
  1080. *
  1081. * dragStart is initiated from a mousemove event, AFTER the mouse/touch is
  1082. * already moving. Therefore, the mouse/touch can sometimes be above an other
  1083. * DOM element than the item itself.
  1084. *
  1085. * @param {Event} event
  1086. * @private
  1087. */
  1088. ItemSet.prototype._onTouch = function (event) {
  1089. // store the touched item, used in _onDragStart
  1090. this.touchParams.item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1091. this.touchParams.dragLeftItem = || false;
  1092. this.touchParams.dragRightItem = || false;
  1093. this.touchParams.itemProps = null;
  1094. };
  1095. /**
  1096. * Given an group id, returns the index it has.
  1097. *
  1098. * @param {Number} groupID
  1099. * @private
  1100. */
  1101. ItemSet.prototype._getGroupIndex = function(groupId) {
  1102. for (var i = 0; i < this.groupIds.length; i++) {
  1103. if (groupId == this.groupIds[i])
  1104. return i;
  1105. }
  1106. };
  1107. /**
  1108. * Start dragging the selected events
  1109. * @param {Event} event
  1110. * @private
  1111. */
  1112. ItemSet.prototype._onDragStart = function (event) {
  1113. if (this.touchParams.itemIsDragging) { return; }
  1114. var item = this.touchParams.item || null;
  1115. var me = this;
  1116. var props;
  1117. if (item && (item.selected || this.options.itemsAlwaysDraggable)) {
  1118. if (this.options.editable.overrideItems &&
  1119. !this.options.editable.updateTime &&
  1120. !this.options.editable.updateGroup) {
  1121. return;
  1122. }
  1123. // override options.editable
  1124. if ((item.editable != null && !item.editable.updateTime && !item.editable.updateGroup)
  1125. && !this.options.editable.overrideItems) {
  1126. return;
  1127. }
  1128. var dragLeftItem = this.touchParams.dragLeftItem;
  1129. var dragRightItem = this.touchParams.dragRightItem;
  1130. this.touchParams.itemIsDragging = true;
  1131. this.touchParams.selectedItem = item;
  1132. if (dragLeftItem) {
  1133. props = {
  1134. item: dragLeftItem,
  1135. initialX:,
  1136. dragLeft: true,
  1137. data: this._cloneItemData(
  1138. };
  1139. this.touchParams.itemProps = [props];
  1140. }
  1141. else if (dragRightItem) {
  1142. props = {
  1143. item: dragRightItem,
  1144. initialX:,
  1145. dragRight: true,
  1146. data: this._cloneItemData(
  1147. };
  1148. this.touchParams.itemProps = [props];
  1149. }
  1150. else {
  1151. var baseGroupIndex = this._getGroupIndex(;
  1152. var itemsToDrag = (this.options.itemsAlwaysDraggable && !item.selected) ? [] : this.getSelection();
  1153. this.touchParams.itemProps = (id) {
  1154. var item = me.items[id];
  1155. var groupIndex = me._getGroupIndex(;
  1156. return {
  1157. item: item,
  1158. initialX:,
  1159. groupOffset: baseGroupIndex-groupIndex,
  1160. data: this._cloneItemData(
  1161. };
  1162. }.bind(this));
  1163. }
  1164. event.stopPropagation();
  1165. }
  1166. else if (this.options.editable.add && (event.srcEvent.ctrlKey || event.srcEvent.metaKey)) {
  1167. // create a new range item when dragging with ctrl key down
  1168. this._onDragStartAddItem(event);
  1169. }
  1170. };
  1171. /**
  1172. * Start creating a new range item by dragging.
  1173. * @param {Event} event
  1174. * @private
  1175. */
  1176. ItemSet.prototype._onDragStartAddItem = function (event) {
  1177. var snap = this.options.snap || null;
  1178. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1179. var xAbs = util.getAbsoluteRight(this.dom.frame);
  1180. var x = xAbs - + 10; // plus 10 to compensate for the drag starting as soon as you've moved 10px
  1181. } else {
  1182. var xAbs = util.getAbsoluteLeft(this.dom.frame);
  1183. var x = - xAbs - 10; // minus 10 to compensate for the drag starting as soon as you've moved 10px
  1184. }
  1185. var time = this.body.util.toTime(x);
  1186. var scale = this.body.util.getScale();
  1187. var step = this.body.util.getStep();
  1188. var start = snap ? snap(time, scale, step) : time;
  1189. var end = start;
  1190. var itemData = {
  1191. type: 'range',
  1192. start: start,
  1193. end: end,
  1194. content: 'new item'
  1195. };
  1196. var id = util.randomUUID();
  1197. itemData[this.itemsData._fieldId] = id;
  1198. var group = this.groupFromTarget(event);
  1199. if (group) {
  1200. = group.groupId;
  1201. }
  1202. var newItem = new RangeItem(itemData, this.conversion, this.options);
  1203. = id; // TODO: not so nice setting id afterwards
  1204. = this._cloneItemData(itemData);
  1205. this._addItem(newItem);
  1206. this.touchParams.selectedItem = newItem;
  1207. var props = {
  1208. item: newItem,
  1209. initialX:,
  1210. data:
  1211. };
  1212. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1213. props.dragLeft = true;
  1214. } else {
  1215. props.dragRight = true;
  1216. }
  1217. this.touchParams.itemProps = [props];
  1218. event.stopPropagation();
  1219. };
  1220. /**
  1221. * Drag selected items
  1222. * @param {Event} event
  1223. * @private
  1224. */
  1225. ItemSet.prototype._onDrag = function (event) {
  1226. if (this.touchParams.itemProps) {
  1227. event.stopPropagation();
  1228. var me = this;
  1229. var snap = this.options.snap || null;
  1230. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1231. var xOffset = this.body.dom.root.offsetLeft + this.body.domProps.right.width;
  1232. } else {
  1233. var xOffset = this.body.dom.root.offsetLeft + this.body.domProps.left.width;
  1234. }
  1235. var scale = this.body.util.getScale();
  1236. var step = this.body.util.getStep();
  1237. //only calculate the new group for the item that's actually dragged
  1238. var selectedItem = this.touchParams.selectedItem;
  1239. var updateGroupAllowed = ((this.options.editable.overrideItems || selectedItem.editable == null) && this.options.editable.updateGroup) ||
  1240. (!this.options.editable.overrideItems && selectedItem.editable != null && selectedItem.editable.updateGroup);
  1241. var newGroupBase = null;
  1242. if (updateGroupAllowed && selectedItem) {
  1243. if ( != undefined) {
  1244. // drag from one group to another
  1245. var group = me.groupFromTarget(event);
  1246. if (group) {
  1247. //we know the offset for all items, so the new group for all items
  1248. //will be relative to this one.
  1249. newGroupBase = this._getGroupIndex(group.groupId);
  1250. }
  1251. }
  1252. }
  1253. // move
  1254. this.touchParams.itemProps.forEach(function (props) {
  1255. var current = me.body.util.toTime( - xOffset);
  1256. var initial = me.body.util.toTime(props.initialX - xOffset);
  1257. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1258. var offset = -(current - initial); // ms
  1259. } else {
  1260. var offset = (current - initial); // ms
  1261. }
  1262. var itemData = this._cloneItemData(; // clone the data
  1263. if (props.item.editable != null
  1264. && !props.item.editable.updateTime
  1265. && !props.item.editable.updateGroup
  1266. && !me.options.editable.overrideItems) {
  1267. return;
  1268. }
  1269. var updateTimeAllowed = ((this.options.editable.overrideItems || selectedItem.editable == null) && this.options.editable.updateTime) ||
  1270. (!this.options.editable.overrideItems && selectedItem.editable != null && selectedItem.editable.updateTime);
  1271. if (updateTimeAllowed) {
  1272. if (props.dragLeft) {
  1273. // drag left side of a range item
  1274. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1275. if (itemData.end != undefined) {
  1276. var initialEnd = util.convert(, 'Date');
  1277. var end = new Date(initialEnd.valueOf() + offset);
  1278. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1279. itemData.end = snap ? snap(end, scale, step) : end;
  1280. }
  1281. } else {
  1282. if (itemData.start != undefined) {
  1283. var initialStart = util.convert(, 'Date');
  1284. var start = new Date(initialStart.valueOf() + offset);
  1285. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1286. itemData.start = snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start;
  1287. }
  1288. }
  1289. }
  1290. else if (props.dragRight) {
  1291. // drag right side of a range item
  1292. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1293. if (itemData.start != undefined) {
  1294. var initialStart = util.convert(, 'Date');
  1295. var start = new Date(initialStart.valueOf() + offset);
  1296. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1297. itemData.start = snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start;
  1298. }
  1299. } else {
  1300. if (itemData.end != undefined) {
  1301. var initialEnd = util.convert(, 'Date');
  1302. var end = new Date(initialEnd.valueOf() + offset);
  1303. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1304. itemData.end = snap ? snap(end, scale, step) : end;
  1305. }
  1306. }
  1307. }
  1308. else {
  1309. // drag both start and end
  1310. if (itemData.start != undefined) {
  1311. var initialStart = util.convert(, 'Date').valueOf();
  1312. var start = new Date(initialStart + offset);
  1313. if (itemData.end != undefined) {
  1314. var initialEnd = util.convert(, 'Date');
  1315. var duration = initialEnd.valueOf() - initialStart.valueOf();
  1316. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1317. itemData.start = snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start;
  1318. itemData.end = new Date(itemData.start.valueOf() + duration);
  1319. }
  1320. else {
  1321. // TODO: pass a Moment instead of a Date to snap(). (Breaking change)
  1322. itemData.start = snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start;
  1323. }
  1324. }
  1325. }
  1326. }
  1327. if (updateGroupAllowed && (!props.dragLeft && !props.dragRight) && newGroupBase!=null) {
  1328. if ( != undefined) {
  1329. var newOffset = newGroupBase - props.groupOffset;
  1330. //make sure we stay in bounds
  1331. newOffset = Math.max(0, newOffset);
  1332. newOffset = Math.min(me.groupIds.length-1, newOffset);
  1333. = me.groupIds[newOffset];
  1334. }
  1335. }
  1336. // confirm moving the item
  1337. itemData = this._cloneItemData(itemData); // convert start and end to the correct type
  1338. me.options.onMoving(itemData, function (itemData) {
  1339. if (itemData) {
  1340. props.item.setData(this._cloneItemData(itemData, 'Date'));
  1341. }
  1342. }.bind(this));
  1343. }.bind(this));
  1344. this.body.emitter.emit('_change');
  1345. }
  1346. };
  1347. /**
  1348. * Move an item to another group
  1349. * @param {Item} item
  1350. * @param {String | Number} groupId
  1351. * @private
  1352. */
  1353. ItemSet.prototype._moveToGroup = function(item, groupId) {
  1354. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  1355. if (group && group.groupId != {
  1356. var oldGroup = item.parent;
  1357. oldGroup.remove(item);
  1358. oldGroup.order();
  1359. = group.groupId;
  1360. group.add(item);
  1361. group.order();
  1362. }
  1363. };
  1364. /**
  1365. * End of dragging selected items
  1366. * @param {Event} event
  1367. * @private
  1368. */
  1369. ItemSet.prototype._onDragEnd = function (event) {
  1370. this.touchParams.itemIsDragging = false;
  1371. if (this.touchParams.itemProps) {
  1372. event.stopPropagation();
  1373. var me = this;
  1374. var dataset = this.itemsData.getDataSet();
  1375. var itemProps = this.touchParams.itemProps ;
  1376. this.touchParams.itemProps = null;
  1377. itemProps.forEach(function (props) {
  1378. var id =;
  1379. var exists = me.itemsData.get(id, me.itemOptions) != null;
  1380. if (!exists) {
  1381. // add a new item
  1382. me.options.onAdd(, function (itemData) {
  1383. me._removeItem(props.item); // remove temporary item
  1384. if (itemData) {
  1385. me.itemsData.getDataSet().add(itemData);
  1386. }
  1387. // force re-stacking of all items next redraw
  1388. me.body.emitter.emit('_change');
  1389. });
  1390. }
  1391. else {
  1392. // update existing item
  1393. var itemData = this._cloneItemData(; // convert start and end to the correct type
  1394. me.options.onMove(itemData, function (itemData) {
  1395. if (itemData) {
  1396. // apply changes
  1397. itemData[dataset._fieldId] = id; // ensure the item contains its id (can be undefined)
  1398. dataset.update(itemData);
  1399. }
  1400. else {
  1401. // restore original values
  1402. props.item.setData(;
  1403. me.body.emitter.emit('_change');
  1404. }
  1405. });
  1406. }
  1407. }.bind(this));
  1408. }
  1409. };
  1410. ItemSet.prototype._onGroupClick = function (event) {
  1411. var group = this.groupFromTarget(event);
  1412. if (!group || !group.nestedGroups) return;
  1413. var groupsData = this.groupsData;
  1414. if (this.groupsData instanceof DataView) {
  1415. groupsData = this.groupsData.getDataSet()
  1416. }
  1417. group.showNested = !group.showNested;
  1418. var nestedGroups = groupsData.get(group.nestedGroups).map(function(nestedGroup) {
  1419. if (nestedGroup.visible == undefined) { nestedGroup.visible = true; }
  1420. nestedGroup.visible = !!group.showNested;
  1421. return nestedGroup;
  1422. });
  1423. groupsData.update(nestedGroups);
  1424. if (group.showNested) {
  1425. util.removeClassName(group.dom.label, 'collapsed');
  1426. util.addClassName(group.dom.label, 'expanded');
  1427. } else {
  1428. util.removeClassName(group.dom.label, 'expanded');
  1429. var collapsedDirClassName = this.options.rtl ? 'collapsed-rtl' : 'collapsed'
  1430. util.addClassName(group.dom.label, collapsedDirClassName);
  1431. }
  1432. }
  1433. ItemSet.prototype._onGroupDragStart = function (event) {
  1434. if (this.options.groupEditable.order) {
  1435. = this.groupFromTarget(event);
  1436. if ( {
  1437. event.stopPropagation();
  1438. this.groupTouchParams.originalOrder = this.groupsData.getIds({
  1439. order: this.options.groupOrder
  1440. });
  1441. }
  1442. }
  1443. }
  1444. ItemSet.prototype._onGroupDrag = function (event) {
  1445. if (this.options.groupEditable.order && {
  1446. event.stopPropagation();
  1447. var groupsData = this.groupsData;
  1448. if (this.groupsData instanceof DataView) {
  1449. groupsData = this.groupsData.getDataSet()
  1450. }
  1451. // drag from one group to another
  1452. var group = this.groupFromTarget(event);
  1453. // try to avoid toggling when groups differ in height
  1454. if (group && group.height != {
  1455. var movingUp = ( <;
  1456. var clientY = ? : event.clientY;
  1457. var targetGroupTop = util.getAbsoluteTop(group.dom.foreground);
  1458. var draggedGroupHeight =;
  1459. if (movingUp) {
  1460. // skip swapping the groups when the dragged group is not below clientY afterwards
  1461. if (targetGroupTop + draggedGroupHeight < clientY) {
  1462. return;
  1463. }
  1464. } else {
  1465. var targetGroupHeight = group.height;
  1466. // skip swapping the groups when the dragged group is not below clientY afterwards
  1467. if (targetGroupTop + targetGroupHeight - draggedGroupHeight > clientY) {
  1468. return;
  1469. }
  1470. }
  1471. }
  1472. if (group && group != {
  1473. var targetGroup = groupsData.get(group.groupId);
  1474. var draggedGroup = groupsData.get(;
  1475. // switch groups
  1476. if (draggedGroup && targetGroup) {
  1477. this.options.groupOrderSwap(draggedGroup, targetGroup, groupsData);
  1478. groupsData.update(draggedGroup);
  1479. groupsData.update(targetGroup);
  1480. }
  1481. // fetch current order of groups
  1482. var newOrder = groupsData.getIds({
  1483. order: this.options.groupOrder
  1484. });
  1485. // in case of changes since _onGroupDragStart
  1486. if (!util.equalArray(newOrder, this.groupTouchParams.originalOrder)) {
  1487. var origOrder = this.groupTouchParams.originalOrder;
  1488. var draggedId =;
  1489. var numGroups = Math.min(origOrder.length, newOrder.length);
  1490. var curPos = 0;
  1491. var newOffset = 0;
  1492. var orgOffset = 0;
  1493. while (curPos < numGroups) {
  1494. // as long as the groups are where they should be step down along the groups order
  1495. while ((curPos+newOffset) < numGroups
  1496. && (curPos+orgOffset) < numGroups
  1497. && newOrder[curPos+newOffset] == origOrder[curPos+orgOffset]) {
  1498. curPos++;
  1499. }
  1500. // all ok
  1501. if (curPos+newOffset >= numGroups) {
  1502. break;
  1503. }
  1504. // not all ok
  1505. // if dragged group was move upwards everything below should have an offset
  1506. if (newOrder[curPos+newOffset] == draggedId) {
  1507. newOffset = 1;
  1508. continue;
  1509. }
  1510. // if dragged group was move downwards everything above should have an offset
  1511. else if (origOrder[curPos+orgOffset] == draggedId) {
  1512. orgOffset = 1;
  1513. continue;
  1514. }
  1515. // found a group (apart from dragged group) that has the wrong position -> switch with the
  1516. // group at the position where other one should be, fix index arrays and continue
  1517. else {
  1518. var slippedPosition = newOrder.indexOf(origOrder[curPos+orgOffset])
  1519. var switchGroup = groupsData.get(newOrder[curPos+newOffset]);
  1520. var shouldBeGroup = groupsData.get(origOrder[curPos+orgOffset]);
  1521. this.options.groupOrderSwap(switchGroup, shouldBeGroup, groupsData);
  1522. groupsData.update(switchGroup);
  1523. groupsData.update(shouldBeGroup);
  1524. var switchGroupId = newOrder[curPos+newOffset];
  1525. newOrder[curPos+newOffset] = origOrder[curPos+orgOffset];
  1526. newOrder[slippedPosition] = switchGroupId;
  1527. curPos++;
  1528. }
  1529. }
  1530. }
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. ItemSet.prototype._onGroupDragEnd = function (event) {
  1535. if (this.options.groupEditable.order && {
  1536. event.stopPropagation();
  1537. // update existing group
  1538. var me = this;
  1539. var id =;
  1540. var dataset = me.groupsData.getDataSet();
  1541. var groupData = util.extend({}, dataset.get(id)); // clone the data
  1542. me.options.onMoveGroup(groupData, function (groupData) {
  1543. if (groupData) {
  1544. // apply changes
  1545. groupData[dataset._fieldId] = id; // ensure the group contains its id (can be undefined)
  1546. dataset.update(groupData);
  1547. }
  1548. else {
  1549. // fetch current order of groups
  1550. var newOrder = dataset.getIds({
  1551. order: me.options.groupOrder
  1552. });
  1553. // restore original order
  1554. if (!util.equalArray(newOrder, me.groupTouchParams.originalOrder)) {
  1555. var origOrder = me.groupTouchParams.originalOrder;
  1556. var numGroups = Math.min(origOrder.length, newOrder.length);
  1557. var curPos = 0;
  1558. while (curPos < numGroups) {
  1559. // as long as the groups are where they should be step down along the groups order
  1560. while (curPos < numGroups && newOrder[curPos] == origOrder[curPos]) {
  1561. curPos++;
  1562. }
  1563. // all ok
  1564. if (curPos >= numGroups) {
  1565. break;
  1566. }
  1567. // found a group that has the wrong position -> switch with the
  1568. // group at the position where other one should be, fix index arrays and continue
  1569. var slippedPosition = newOrder.indexOf(origOrder[curPos])
  1570. var switchGroup = dataset.get(newOrder[curPos]);
  1571. var shouldBeGroup = dataset.get(origOrder[curPos]);
  1572. me.options.groupOrderSwap(switchGroup, shouldBeGroup, dataset);
  1573. dataset.update(switchGroup);
  1574. dataset.update(shouldBeGroup);
  1575. var switchGroupId = newOrder[curPos];
  1576. newOrder[curPos] = origOrder[curPos];
  1577. newOrder[slippedPosition] = switchGroupId;
  1578. curPos++;
  1579. }
  1580. }
  1581. }
  1582. });
  1583. me.body.emitter.emit('groupDragged', { groupId: id });
  1584. }
  1585. }
  1586. /**
  1587. * Handle selecting/deselecting an item when tapping it
  1588. * @param {Event} event
  1589. * @private
  1590. */
  1591. ItemSet.prototype._onSelectItem = function (event) {
  1592. if (!this.options.selectable) return;
  1593. var ctrlKey = event.srcEvent && (event.srcEvent.ctrlKey || event.srcEvent.metaKey);
  1594. var shiftKey = event.srcEvent && event.srcEvent.shiftKey;
  1595. if (ctrlKey || shiftKey) {
  1596. this._onMultiSelectItem(event);
  1597. return;
  1598. }
  1599. var oldSelection = this.getSelection();
  1600. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1601. var selection = item ? [] : [];
  1602. this.setSelection(selection);
  1603. var newSelection = this.getSelection();
  1604. // emit a select event,
  1605. // except when old selection is empty and new selection is still empty
  1606. if (newSelection.length > 0 || oldSelection.length > 0) {
  1607. this.body.emitter.emit('select', {
  1608. items: newSelection,
  1609. event: event
  1610. });
  1611. }
  1612. };
  1613. /**
  1614. * Handle hovering an item
  1615. * @param {Event} event
  1616. * @private
  1617. */
  1618. ItemSet.prototype._onMouseOver = function (event) {
  1619. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1620. if (!item) return;
  1621. // Item we just left
  1622. var related = this.itemFromRelatedTarget(event);
  1623. if (item === related) {
  1624. // We haven't changed item, just element in the item
  1625. return;
  1626. }
  1627. var title = item.getTitle();
  1628. if (this.options.showTooltips && title) {
  1629. if (this.popup == null) {
  1630. this.popup = new Popup(this.body.dom.root,
  1631. this.options.tooltip.overflowMethod || 'flip');
  1632. }
  1633. this.popup.setText(title);
  1634. var container = this.body.dom.centerContainer;
  1635. this.popup.setPosition(
  1636. event.clientX - util.getAbsoluteLeft(container) + container.offsetLeft,
  1637. event.clientY - util.getAbsoluteTop(container) + container.offsetTop
  1638. );
  1640. } else {
  1641. // Hovering over item without a title, hide popup
  1642. // Needed instead of _just_ in _onMouseOut due to #2572
  1643. if (this.popup != null) {
  1644. this.popup.hide();
  1645. }
  1646. }
  1647. this.body.emitter.emit('itemover', {
  1648. item:,
  1649. event: event
  1650. });
  1651. };
  1652. ItemSet.prototype._onMouseOut = function (event) {
  1653. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1654. if (!item) return;
  1655. // Item we are going to
  1656. var related = this.itemFromRelatedTarget(event);
  1657. if (item === related) {
  1658. // We aren't changing item, just element in the item
  1659. return;
  1660. }
  1661. if (this.popup != null) {
  1662. this.popup.hide();
  1663. }
  1664. this.body.emitter.emit('itemout', {
  1665. item:,
  1666. event: event
  1667. });
  1668. };
  1669. ItemSet.prototype._onMouseMove = function (event) {
  1670. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1671. if (!item) return;
  1672. if (this.options.showTooltips && this.options.tooltip.followMouse) {
  1673. if (this.popup) {
  1674. if (!this.popup.hidden) {
  1675. var container = this.body.dom.centerContainer;
  1676. this.popup.setPosition(
  1677. event.clientX - util.getAbsoluteLeft(container) + container.offsetLeft,
  1678. event.clientY - util.getAbsoluteTop(container) + container.offsetTop
  1679. );
  1680.; // Redraw
  1681. }
  1682. }
  1683. }
  1684. };
  1685. /**
  1686. * Handle mousewheel
  1687. * @param event
  1688. * @private
  1689. */
  1690. ItemSet.prototype._onMouseWheel = function(event) {
  1691. if (this.touchParams.itemIsDragging) {
  1692. this._onDragEnd(event);
  1693. }
  1694. }
  1695. /**
  1696. * Handle updates of an item on double tap
  1697. * @param event
  1698. * @private
  1699. */
  1700. ItemSet.prototype._onUpdateItem = function (item) {
  1701. if (!this.options.selectable) return;
  1702. if (!this.options.editable.add) return;
  1703. var me = this;
  1704. if (item) {
  1705. // execute async handler to update the item (or cancel it)
  1706. var itemData = me.itemsData.get(; // get a clone of the data from the dataset
  1707. this.options.onUpdate(itemData, function (itemData) {
  1708. if (itemData) {
  1709. me.itemsData.getDataSet().update(itemData);
  1710. }
  1711. });
  1712. }
  1713. }
  1714. /**
  1715. * Handle creation of an item on double tap
  1716. * @param event
  1717. * @private
  1718. */
  1719. ItemSet.prototype._onAddItem = function (event) {
  1720. if (!this.options.selectable) return;
  1721. if (!this.options.editable.add) return;
  1722. var me = this;
  1723. var snap = this.options.snap || null;
  1724. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1725. if (!item) {
  1726. // add item
  1727. if (this.options.rtl) {
  1728. var xAbs = util.getAbsoluteRight(this.dom.frame);
  1729. var x = xAbs -;
  1730. } else {
  1731. var xAbs = util.getAbsoluteLeft(this.dom.frame);
  1732. var x = - xAbs;
  1733. }
  1734. // var xAbs = util.getAbsoluteLeft(this.dom.frame);
  1735. // var x = - xAbs;
  1736. var start = this.body.util.toTime(x);
  1737. var scale = this.body.util.getScale();
  1738. var step = this.body.util.getStep();
  1739. var newItemData;
  1740. if (event.type == 'drop') {
  1741. newItemData = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text"))
  1742. newItemData.content = newItemData.content ? newItemData.content : 'new item'
  1743. newItemData.start = newItemData.start ? newItemData.start : (snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start)
  1744. newItemData.type = newItemData.type || 'box';
  1745. newItemData[this.itemsData._fieldId] = || util.randomUUID();
  1746. if (newItemData.type == 'range' && !newItemData.end) {
  1747. var end = this.body.util.toTime(x + this.props.width / 5);
  1748. newItemData.end = snap ? snap(end, scale, step) : end;
  1749. }
  1750. } else {
  1751. newItemData = {
  1752. start: snap ? snap(start, scale, step) : start,
  1753. content: 'new item'
  1754. };
  1755. newItemData[this.itemsData._fieldId] = util.randomUUID();
  1756. // when default type is a range, add a default end date to the new item
  1757. if (this.options.type === 'range') {
  1758. var end = this.body.util.toTime(x + this.props.width / 5);
  1759. newItemData.end = snap ? snap(end, scale, step) : end;
  1760. }
  1761. }
  1762. var group = this.groupFromTarget(event);
  1763. if (group) {
  1764. = group.groupId;
  1765. }
  1766. // execute async handler to customize (or cancel) adding an item
  1767. newItemData = this._cloneItemData(newItemData); // convert start and end to the correct type
  1768. this.options.onAdd(newItemData, function (item) {
  1769. if (item) {
  1770. me.itemsData.getDataSet().add(item);
  1771. if (event.type == 'drop') {
  1772. me.setSelection([]);
  1773. }
  1774. // TODO: need to trigger a redraw?
  1775. }
  1776. });
  1777. }
  1778. };
  1779. /**
  1780. * Handle selecting/deselecting multiple items when holding an item
  1781. * @param {Event} event
  1782. * @private
  1783. */
  1784. ItemSet.prototype._onMultiSelectItem = function (event) {
  1785. if (!this.options.selectable) return;
  1786. var item = this.itemFromTarget(event);
  1787. if (item) {
  1788. // multi select items (if allowed)
  1789. var selection = this.options.multiselect
  1790. ? this.getSelection() // take current selection
  1791. : []; // deselect current selection
  1792. var shiftKey = event.srcEvent && event.srcEvent.shiftKey || false;
  1793. if (shiftKey && this.options.multiselect) {
  1794. // select all items between the old selection and the tapped item
  1795. var itemGroup = this.itemsData.get(;
  1796. // when filtering get the group of the last selected item
  1797. var lastSelectedGroup = undefined;
  1798. if (this.options.multiselectPerGroup) {
  1799. if (selection.length > 0) {
  1800. lastSelectedGroup = this.itemsData.get(selection[0]).group;
  1801. }
  1802. }
  1803. // determine the selection range
  1804. if (!this.options.multiselectPerGroup || lastSelectedGroup == undefined || lastSelectedGroup == itemGroup) {
  1805. selection.push(;
  1806. }
  1807. var range = ItemSet._getItemRange(this.itemsData.get(selection, this.itemOptions));
  1808. if (!this.options.multiselectPerGroup || lastSelectedGroup == itemGroup) {
  1809. // select all items within the selection range
  1810. selection = [];
  1811. for (var id in this.items) {
  1812. if (this.items.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
  1813. var _item = this.items[id];
  1814. var start =;
  1815. var end = ( !== undefined) ? : start;
  1816. if (start >= range.min &&
  1817. end <= range.max &&
  1818. (!this.options.multiselectPerGroup || lastSelectedGroup == this.itemsData.get( &&
  1819. !(_item instanceof BackgroundItem)) {
  1820. selection.push(; // do not use id but, id itself is stringified
  1821. }
  1822. }
  1823. }
  1824. }
  1825. }
  1826. else {
  1827. // add/remove this item from the current selection
  1828. var index = selection.indexOf(;
  1829. if (index == -1) {
  1830. // item is not yet selected -> select it
  1831. selection.push(;
  1832. }
  1833. else {
  1834. // item is already selected -> deselect it
  1835. selection.splice(index, 1);
  1836. }
  1837. }
  1838. this.setSelection(selection);
  1839. this.body.emitter.emit('select', {
  1840. items: this.getSelection(),
  1841. event: event
  1842. });
  1843. }
  1844. };
  1845. /**
  1846. * Calculate the time range of a list of items
  1847. * @param {Array.<Object>} itemsData
  1848. * @return {{min: Date, max: Date}} Returns the range of the provided items
  1849. * @private
  1850. */
  1851. ItemSet._getItemRange = function(itemsData) {
  1852. var max = null;
  1853. var min = null;
  1854. itemsData.forEach(function (data) {
  1855. if (min == null || data.start < min) {
  1856. min = data.start;
  1857. }
  1858. if (data.end != undefined) {
  1859. if (max == null || data.end > max) {
  1860. max = data.end;
  1861. }
  1862. }
  1863. else {
  1864. if (max == null || data.start > max) {
  1865. max = data.start;
  1866. }
  1867. }
  1868. });
  1869. return {
  1870. min: min,
  1871. max: max
  1872. }
  1873. };
  1874. /**
  1875. * Find an item from an element:
  1876. * searches for the attribute 'timeline-item' in the element's tree
  1877. * @param {HTMLElement} element
  1878. * @return {Item | null} item
  1879. */
  1880. ItemSet.prototype.itemFromElement = function(element) {
  1881. var cur = element;
  1882. while (cur) {
  1883. if (cur.hasOwnProperty('timeline-item')) {
  1884. return cur['timeline-item'];
  1885. }
  1886. cur = cur.parentNode;
  1887. }
  1888. return null;
  1889. };
  1890. /**
  1891. * Find an item from an event target:
  1892. * searches for the attribute 'timeline-item' in the event target's element tree
  1893. * @param {Event} event
  1894. * @return {Item | null} item
  1895. */
  1896. ItemSet.prototype.itemFromTarget = function(event) {
  1897. return this.itemFromElement(;
  1898. };
  1899. /**
  1900. * Find an item from an event's related target:
  1901. * searches for the attribute 'timeline-item' in the related target's element tree
  1902. * @param {Event} event
  1903. * @return {Item | null} item
  1904. */
  1905. ItemSet.prototype.itemFromRelatedTarget = function(event) {
  1906. return this.itemFromElement(event.relatedTarget);
  1907. };
  1908. /**
  1909. * Find the Group from an event target:
  1910. * searches for the attribute 'timeline-group' in the event target's element tree
  1911. * @param {Event} event
  1912. * @return {Group | null} group
  1913. */
  1914. ItemSet.prototype.groupFromTarget = function(event) {
  1915. var clientY = ? : event.clientY;
  1916. var groupIds = this.groupIds;
  1917. if (groupIds.length <= 0 && this.groupsData) {
  1918. groupIds = this.groupsData.getIds({
  1919. order: this.options.groupOrder
  1920. });
  1921. }
  1922. for (var i = 0; i < groupIds.length; i++) {
  1923. var groupId = groupIds[i];
  1924. var group = this.groups[groupId];
  1925. var foreground = group.dom.foreground;
  1926. var top = util.getAbsoluteTop(foreground);
  1927. if (clientY > top && clientY < top + foreground.offsetHeight) {
  1928. return group;
  1929. }
  1930. if (this.options.orientation.item === 'top') {
  1931. if (i === this.groupIds.length - 1 && clientY > top) {
  1932. return group;
  1933. }
  1934. }
  1935. else {
  1936. if (i === 0 && clientY < top + foreground.offset) {
  1937. return group;
  1938. }
  1939. }
  1940. }
  1941. return null;
  1942. };
  1943. /**
  1944. * Find the ItemSet from an event target:
  1945. * searches for the attribute 'timeline-itemset' in the event target's element tree
  1946. * @param {Event} event
  1947. * @return {ItemSet | null} item
  1948. */
  1949. ItemSet.itemSetFromTarget = function(event) {
  1950. var target =;
  1951. while (target) {
  1952. if (target.hasOwnProperty('timeline-itemset')) {
  1953. return target['timeline-itemset'];
  1954. }
  1955. target = target.parentNode;
  1956. }
  1957. return null;
  1958. };
  1959. /**
  1960. * Clone the data of an item, and "normalize" it: convert the start and end date
  1961. * to the type (Date, Moment, ...) configured in the DataSet. If not configured,
  1962. * start and end are converted to Date.
  1963. * @param {Object} itemData, typically ``
  1964. * @param {string} [type] Optional Date type. If not provided, the type from the DataSet is taken
  1965. * @return {Object} The cloned object
  1966. * @private
  1967. */
  1968. ItemSet.prototype._cloneItemData = function (itemData, type) {
  1969. var clone = util.extend({}, itemData);
  1970. if (!type) {
  1971. // convert start and end date to the type (Date, Moment, ...) configured in the DataSet
  1972. type = this.itemsData.getDataSet()._options.type;
  1973. }
  1974. if (clone.start != undefined) {
  1975. clone.start = util.convert(clone.start, type && type.start || 'Date');
  1976. }
  1977. if (clone.end != undefined) {
  1978. clone.end = util.convert(clone.end , type && type.end || 'Date');
  1979. }
  1980. return clone;
  1981. };
  1982. module.exports = ItemSet;