- 'use strict';
- import NodeBase from '../util/NodeBase'
- class Box extends NodeBase {
- constructor (options, body, labelModule) {
- super(options,body,labelModule);
- }
- resize(ctx, selected) {
- if (this.width === undefined) {
- let margin = 5;
- let textSize = this.labelModule.getTextSize(ctx,selected);
- this.width = textSize.width + 2 * margin;
- this.height = textSize.height + 2 * margin;
- this.radius = 0.5*this.width;
- }
- }
- draw(ctx, x, y, selected, hover) {
- this.resize(ctx, selected);
- this.left = x - this.width / 2;
- this.top = y - this.height / 2;
- let borderWidth = this.options.borderWidth;
- let selectionLineWidth = this.options.borderWidthSelected || 2 * this.options.borderWidth;
- ctx.strokeStyle = selected ? this.options.color.highlight.border : hover ? this.options.color.hover.border : this.options.color.border;
- ctx.lineWidth = (selected ? selectionLineWidth : borderWidth);
- ctx.lineWidth /= this.body.view.scale;
- ctx.lineWidth = Math.min(this.width, ctx.lineWidth);
- ctx.fillStyle = selected ? this.options.color.highlight.background : hover ? this.options.color.hover.background : this.options.color.background;
- let borderRadius = this.options.shapeProperties.borderRadius;
- ctx.roundRect(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height, borderRadius);
- // draw shadow if enabled
- this.enableShadow(ctx);
- // draw the background
- ctx.fill();
- // disable shadows for other elements.
- this.disableShadow(ctx);
- //draw dashed border if enabled, save and restore is required for firefox not to crash on unix.
- ctx.save();
- this.enableBorderDashes(ctx);
- //draw the border
- ctx.stroke();
- //disable dashed border for other elements
- this.disableBorderDashes(ctx);
- ctx.restore();
- this.updateBoundingBox(x,y);
- this.labelModule.draw(ctx, x, y, selected);
- }
- updateBoundingBox(x,y) {
- this.left = x - this.width * 0.5;
- this.top = y - this.height * 0.5;
- this.boundingBox.left = this.left;
- this.boundingBox.top = this.top;
- this.boundingBox.bottom = this.top + this.height;
- this.boundingBox.right = this.left + this.width;
- }
- distanceToBorder(ctx, angle) {
- this.resize(ctx);
- let a = this.width / 2;
- let b = this.height / 2;
- let w = (Math.sin(angle) * a);
- let h = (Math.cos(angle) * b);
- return a * b / Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h);
- }
- }
- export default Box;