- <html>
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- <title>Graph2d | Streaming data</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- body, html, select {
- font: 10pt sans-serif;
- }
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- <h2>Graph2d | Streaming data</h2>
- <p>
- This example demonstrates how to apply streaming data input to the Graph2d.<br>
- </p>
- <p>
- <label for="strategy">Strategy:</label>
- <select id="strategy">
- <option value="continuous" selected>Continuous</option>
- <option value="discrete">Discrete</option>
- </select>
- </p>
- <div id="visualization"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var strategy = document.getElementById('strategy');
- // create a graph2d with an (currently empty) dataset
- var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
- var dataset = new vis.DataSet();
- var options = {
- start: vis.moment().add(-60, 'seconds'),
- end: vis.moment()
- };
- var graph2d = new vis.Graph2d(container, dataset, options);
- // a function to generate data points
- function y(x) {
- return (Math.sin(x / 2) + Math.cos(x / 4)) * 5;
- }
- var delay = 500; // delay in ms
- var x = 0;
- function next() {
- var now = vis.moment();
- // add a new data point to the data
- dataset.add({
- x: now,
- y: y(now / 1000)
- });
- x += 0.1;
- // move the window (you can think of different strategies).
- var range = graph2d.getWindow();
- var interval = range.end - range.start;
- switch (strategy.value) {
- case 'continuous':
- // continuously move the window
- graph2d.setWindow(now - interval, now, {animate: false});
- break;
- default: // 'discrete'
- // move the window 90% to the left when now is larger than the visible end
- if (now > range.end) {
- graph2d.setWindow(now - 0.1 * interval, now + 0.9 * interval);
- }
- break;
- }
- // remove all data points older than 1 minute
- var min = now.add(-60, 'seconds');
- var oldIds = dataset.getIds({
- filter: function (item) {
- return item.x < min;
- }
- });
- if (oldIds.length > 0) dataset.remove(oldIds);
- setTimeout(next, delay);
- }
- next();
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>