- /**
- * A panel can contain components
- * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters:
- * {String | Number | function} [left]
- * {String | Number | function} [top]
- * {String | Number | function} [width]
- * {String | Number | function} [height]
- * {String | function} [className]
- * @constructor Panel
- * @extends Component
- */
- function Panel(options) {
- this.id = util.randomUUID();
- this.parent = null;
- this.childs = [];
- this.options = options || {};
- // create frame
- this.frame = (typeof document !== 'undefined') ? document.createElement('div') : null;
- }
- Panel.prototype = new Component();
- /**
- * Set options. Will extend the current options.
- * @param {Object} [options] Available parameters:
- * {String | function} [className]
- * {String | Number | function} [left]
- * {String | Number | function} [top]
- * {String | Number | function} [width]
- * {String | Number | function} [height]
- */
- Panel.prototype.setOptions = Component.prototype.setOptions;
- /**
- * Get the outer frame of the panel
- * @returns {HTMLElement} frame
- */
- Panel.prototype.getFrame = function () {
- return this.frame;
- };
- /**
- * Append a child to the panel
- * @param {Component} child
- */
- Panel.prototype.appendChild = function (child) {
- this.childs.push(child);
- child.parent = this;
- // attach to the DOM
- var frame = child.getFrame();
- if (frame) {
- if (frame.parentNode) {
- frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame);
- }
- this.frame.appendChild(frame);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Insert a child to the panel
- * @param {Component} child
- * @param {Component} beforeChild
- */
- Panel.prototype.insertBefore = function (child, beforeChild) {
- var index = this.childs.indexOf(beforeChild);
- if (index != -1) {
- this.childs.splice(index, 0, child);
- child.parent = this;
- // attach to the DOM
- var frame = child.getFrame();
- if (frame) {
- if (frame.parentNode) {
- frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame);
- }
- var beforeFrame = beforeChild.getFrame();
- if (beforeFrame) {
- this.frame.insertBefore(frame, beforeFrame);
- }
- else {
- this.frame.appendChild(frame);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Remove a child from the panel
- * @param {Component} child
- */
- Panel.prototype.removeChild = function (child) {
- var index = this.childs.indexOf(child);
- if (index != -1) {
- this.childs.splice(index, 1);
- child.parent = null;
- // remove from the DOM
- var frame = child.getFrame();
- if (frame && frame.parentNode) {
- this.frame.removeChild(frame);
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Test whether the panel contains given child
- * @param {Component} child
- */
- Panel.prototype.hasChild = function (child) {
- var index = this.childs.indexOf(child);
- return (index != -1);
- };
- /**
- * Repaint the component
- * @return {boolean} Returns true if the component was resized since previous repaint
- */
- Panel.prototype.repaint = function () {
- var asString = util.option.asString,
- options = this.options,
- frame = this.getFrame();
- // update className
- frame.className = 'vpanel' + (options.className ? (' ' + asString(options.className)) : '');
- // repaint the child components
- var childsResized = this._repaintChilds();
- // update frame size
- this._updateSize();
- return this._isResized() || childsResized;
- };
- /**
- * Repaint all childs of the panel
- * @return {boolean} Returns true if the component is resized
- * @private
- */
- Panel.prototype._repaintChilds = function () {
- var resized = false;
- for (var i = 0, ii = this.childs.length; i < ii; i++) {
- resized = this.childs[i].repaint() || resized;
- }
- return resized;
- };
- /**
- * Apply the size from options to the panel, and recalculate it's actual size.
- * @private
- */
- Panel.prototype._updateSize = function () {
- // apply size
- this.frame.style.top = util.option.asSize(this.options.top);
- this.frame.style.bottom = util.option.asSize(this.options.bottom);
- this.frame.style.left = util.option.asSize(this.options.left);
- this.frame.style.right = util.option.asSize(this.options.right);
- this.frame.style.width = util.option.asSize(this.options.width, '100%');
- this.frame.style.height = util.option.asSize(this.options.height, '');
- // get actual size
- this.top = this.frame.offsetTop;
- this.left = this.frame.offsetLeft;
- this.width = this.frame.offsetWidth;
- this.height = this.frame.offsetHeight;
- };