- // Load custom shapes into CanvasRenderingContext2D
- require('./shapes');
- let Emitter = require('emitter-component');
- let Hammer = require('../module/hammer');
- let util = require('../util');
- let DataSet = require('../DataSet');
- let DataView = require('../DataView');
- let dotparser = require('./dotparser');
- let gephiParser = require('./gephiParser');
- let Images = require('./Images');
- let Activator = require('../shared/Activator');
- let locales = require('./locales');
- import Groups from './modules/Groups';
- import NodesHandler from './modules/NodesHandler';
- import EdgesHandler from './modules/EdgesHandler';
- import PhysicsEngine from './modules/PhysicsEngine';
- import ClusterEngine from './modules/Clustering';
- import CanvasRenderer from './modules/CanvasRenderer';
- import Canvas from './modules/Canvas';
- import View from './modules/View';
- import InteractionHandler from './modules/InteractionHandler';
- import SelectionHandler from "./modules/SelectionHandler";
- import LayoutEngine from "./modules/LayoutEngine";
- import ManipulationSystem from "./modules/ManipulationSystem";
- import ConfigurationSystem from "./modules/ConfigurationSystem";
- import Validator from "./modules/Validator";
- import {printStyle} from "./modules/Validator";
- import {allOptions, configureOptions} from './modules/components/AllOptions.js';
- /**
- * @constructor Network
- * Create a network visualization, displaying nodes and edges.
- *
- * @param {Element} container The DOM element in which the Network will
- * be created. Normally a div element.
- * @param {Object} data An object containing parameters
- * {Array} nodes
- * {Array} edges
- * @param {Object} options Options
- */
- function Network(container, data, options) {
- if (!(this instanceof Network)) {
- throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator');
- }
- // set constant values
- this.options = {};
- this.defaultOptions = {
- locale: 'en',
- locales: locales,
- clickToUse: false
- }
- util.extend(this.options, this.defaultOptions);
- // containers for nodes and edges
- this.body = {
- nodes: {},
- nodeIndices: [],
- edges: {},
- edgeIndices: [],
- data: {
- nodes: null, // A DataSet or DataView
- edges: null // A DataSet or DataView
- },
- functions: {
- createNode: function() {},
- createEdge: function() {},
- getPointer: function() {}
- },
- emitter: {
- on: this.on.bind(this),
- off: this.off.bind(this),
- emit: this.emit.bind(this),
- once: this.once.bind(this)
- },
- eventListeners: {
- onTap: function() {},
- onTouch: function() {},
- onDoubleTap: function() {},
- onHold: function() {},
- onDragStart: function() {},
- onDrag: function() {},
- onDragEnd: function() {},
- onMouseWheel: function() {},
- onPinch: function() {},
- onMouseMove: function() {},
- onRelease: function() {},
- onContext: function() {}
- },
- container: container,
- view: {
- scale: 1,
- translation: {x: 0, y: 0}
- }
- };
- // bind the event listeners
- this.bindEventListeners();
- // setting up all modules
- this.images = new Images(() => this.body.emitter.emit("_requestRedraw")); // object with images
- this.groups = new Groups(); // object with groups
- this.canvas = new Canvas(this.body); // DOM handler
- this.selectionHandler = new SelectionHandler(this.body, this.canvas); // Selection handler
- this.interactionHandler = new InteractionHandler(this.body, this.canvas, this.selectionHandler); // Interaction handler handles all the hammer bindings (that are bound by canvas), key
- this.view = new View(this.body, this.canvas); // camera handler, does animations and zooms
- this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(this.body, this.canvas); // renderer, starts renderloop, has events that modules can hook into
- this.physics = new PhysicsEngine(this.body); // physics engine, does all the simulations
- this.layoutEngine = new LayoutEngine(this.body); // layout engine for inital layout and hierarchical layout
- this.clustering = new ClusterEngine(this.body); // clustering api
- this.manipulation = new ManipulationSystem(this.body, this.canvas, this.selectionHandler); // data manipulation system
- this.nodesHandler = new NodesHandler(this.body, this.images, this.groups, this.layoutEngine); // Handle adding, deleting and updating of nodes as well as global options
- this.edgesHandler = new EdgesHandler(this.body, this.images, this.groups); // Handle adding, deleting and updating of edges as well as global options
- // create the DOM elements
- this.canvas._create();
- // setup configuration system
- this.configurationSystem = new ConfigurationSystem(this, this.body.container, configureOptions, this.canvas.pixelRatio);
- // apply options
- this.setOptions(options);
- // load data (the disable start variable will be the same as the enabled clustering)
- this.setData(data);
- }
- // Extend Network with an Emitter mixin
- Emitter(Network.prototype);
- /**
- * Set options
- * @param {Object} options
- */
- Network.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
- if (options !== undefined) {
- let errorFound = Validator.validate(options, allOptions);
- if (errorFound === true) {
- options = {};
- console.log('%cErrors have been found in the supplied options object. None of the options will be used.', printStyle);
- }
- // copy the global fields over
- let fields = ['locale','locales','clickToUse'];
- util.selectiveDeepExtend(fields,this.options, options);
- // the hierarchical system can adapt the edges and the physics to it's own options because not all combinations work with the hierarichical system.
- options = this.layoutEngine.setOptions(options.layout, options);
- this.canvas.setOptions(options); // options for canvas are in globals
- // pass the options to the modules
- this.groups.setOptions(options.groups);
- this.nodesHandler.setOptions(options.nodes);
- this.edgesHandler.setOptions(options.edges);
- this.physics.setOptions(options.physics);
- this.manipulation.setOptions(options.manipulation,options); // manipulation uses the locales in the globals
- this.interactionHandler.setOptions(options.interaction);
- this.renderer.setOptions(options.interaction); // options for rendering are in interaction
- this.selectionHandler.setOptions(options.interaction); // options for selection are in interaction
- // these two do not have options at the moment, here for completeness
- //this.view.setOptions(options.view);
- //this.clustering.setOptions(options.clustering);
- this.configurationSystem.setOptions(options.configure);
- // if the configuration system is enabled, copy all options and put them into the config system
- if (this.configurationSystem.options.enabled === true) {
- let networkOptions = {nodes:{},edges:{},layout:{},interaction:{},manipulation:{},physics:{},global:{}};
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.nodes, this.nodesHandler.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.edges, this.edgesHandler.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.layout, this.layoutEngine.options);
- // load the selectionHandler and rendere default options in to the interaction group
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.interaction, this.selectionHandler.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.interaction, this.renderer.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.interaction, this.interactionHandler.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.manipulation, this.manipulation.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.physics, this.physics.options);
- // load globals into the global object
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.global, this.canvas.options);
- util.deepExtend(networkOptions.global, this.options);
- this.configurationSystem.setModuleOptions(networkOptions);
- }
- // handle network global options
- if (options.clickToUse !== undefined) {
- if (options.clickToUse === true) {
- if (this.activator === undefined) {
- this.activator = new Activator(this.frame);
- this.activator.on('change', this._createKeyBinds.bind(this));
- }
- }
- else {
- if (this.activator !== undefined) {
- this.activator.destroy();
- delete this.activator;
- }
- this.body.emitter.emit("activate");
- }
- }
- else {
- this.body.emitter.emit("activate");
- }
- this.canvas.setSize();
- // start the physics simulation. Can be safely called multiple times.
- this.body.emitter.emit("startSimulation");
- }
- };
- /**
- * Update the this.body.nodeIndices with the most recent node index list
- * @private
- */
- Network.prototype._updateVisibleIndices = function () {
- let nodes = this.body.nodes;
- let edges = this.body.edges;
- this.body.nodeIndices = [];
- this.body.edgeIndices = [];
- for (let nodeId in nodes) {
- if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
- if (nodes[nodeId].options.hidden === false) {
- this.body.nodeIndices.push(nodeId);
- }
- }
- }
- for (let edgeId in edges) {
- if (edges.hasOwnProperty(edgeId)) {
- if (edges[edgeId].options.hidden === false) {
- this.body.edgeIndices.push(edgeId);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Bind all events
- */
- Network.prototype.bindEventListeners = function () {
- // this event will trigger a rebuilding of the cache everything. Used when nodes or edges have been added or removed.
- this.body.emitter.on("_dataChanged", () => {
- // update shortcut lists
- this._updateVisibleIndices();
- this.physics.updatePhysicsIndices();
- // call the dataUpdated event because the only difference between the two is the updating of the indices
- this.body.emitter.emit("_dataUpdated");
- });
- // this is called when options of EXISTING nodes or edges have changed.
- this.body.emitter.on("_dataUpdated", () => {
- // update values
- this._updateValueRange(this.body.nodes);
- this._updateValueRange(this.body.edges);
- // start simulation (can be called safely, even if already running)
- this.body.emitter.emit("startSimulation");
- });
- };
- /**
- * Set nodes and edges, and optionally options as well.
- *
- * @param {Object} data Object containing parameters:
- * {Array | DataSet | DataView} [nodes] Array with nodes
- * {Array | DataSet | DataView} [edges] Array with edges
- * {String} [dot] String containing data in DOT format
- * {String} [gephi] String containing data in gephi JSON format
- * {Options} [options] Object with options
- */
- Network.prototype.setData = function (data) {
- // reset the physics engine.
- this.body.emitter.emit("resetPhysics");
- this.body.emitter.emit("_resetData");
- // unselect all to ensure no selections from old data are carried over.
- this.selectionHandler.unselectAll();
- if (data && data.dot && (data.nodes || data.edges)) {
- throw new SyntaxError('Data must contain either parameter "dot" or ' +
- ' parameter pair "nodes" and "edges", but not both.');
- }
- // set options
- this.setOptions(data && data.options);
- // set all data
- if (data && data.dot) {
- // parse DOT file
- if (data && data.dot) {
- var dotData = dotparser.DOTToGraph(data.dot);
- this.setData(dotData);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (data && data.gephi) {
- // parse DOT file
- if (data && data.gephi) {
- var gephiData = gephiParser.parseGephi(data.gephi);
- this.setData(gephiData);
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- this.nodesHandler.setData(data && data.nodes, true);
- this.edgesHandler.setData(data && data.edges, true);
- }
- // emit change in data
- this.body.emitter.emit("_dataChanged");
- // find a stable position or start animating to a stable position
- this.body.emitter.emit("initPhysics");
- };
- /**
- * Cleans up all bindings of the network, removing it fully from the memory IF the variable is set to null after calling this function.
- * var network = new vis.Network(..);
- * network.destroy();
- * network = null;
- */
- Network.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this.body.emitter.emit("destroy");
- // clear events
- this.body.emitter.off();
- this.off();
- // delete modules
- delete this.groups;
- delete this.canvas;
- delete this.selectionHandler;
- delete this.interactionHandler;
- delete this.view;
- delete this.renderer;
- delete this.physics;
- delete this.layoutEngine;
- delete this.clustering;
- delete this.manipulation;
- delete this.nodesHandler;
- delete this.edgesHandler;
- delete this.configurationSystem;
- delete this.images;
- // delete emitter bindings
- delete this.body.emitter.emit;
- delete this.body.emitter.on;
- delete this.body.emitter.off;
- delete this.body.emitter.once;
- delete this.body.emitter;
- for (var nodeId in this.body.nodes) {
- delete this.body.nodes[nodeId];
- }
- for (var edgeId in this.body.edges) {
- delete this.body.edges[edgeId];
- }
- // remove the container and everything inside it recursively
- util.recursiveDOMDelete(this.body.container);
- };
- /**
- * Update the values of all object in the given array according to the current
- * value range of the objects in the array.
- * @param {Object} obj An object containing a set of Edges or Nodes
- * The objects must have a method getValue() and
- * setValueRange(min, max).
- * @private
- */
- Network.prototype._updateValueRange = function (obj) {
- var id;
- // determine the range of the objects
- var valueMin = undefined;
- var valueMax = undefined;
- var valueTotal = 0;
- for (id in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- var value = obj[id].getValue();
- if (value !== undefined) {
- valueMin = (valueMin === undefined) ? value : Math.min(value, valueMin);
- valueMax = (valueMax === undefined) ? value : Math.max(value, valueMax);
- valueTotal += value;
- }
- }
- }
- // adjust the range of all objects
- if (valueMin !== undefined && valueMax !== undefined) {
- for (id in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
- obj[id].setValueRange(valueMin, valueMax, valueTotal);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Returns true when the Network is active.
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
- Network.prototype.isActive = function () {
- return !this.activator || this.activator.active;
- };
- Network.prototype.setSize = function() {this.canvas.setSize.apply(this.canvas,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.canvasToDOM = function() {this.canvas.canvasToDOM.apply(this.canvas,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.DOMtoCanvas = function() {this.canvas.setSize.DOMtoCanvas(this.canvas,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.findNode = function() {this.clustering.findNode.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.isCluster = function() {this.clustering.isCluster.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.openCluster = function() {this.clustering.openCluster.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.cluster = function() {this.clustering.cluster.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.clusterByConnection = function() {this.clustering.clusterByConnection.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.clusterByHubsize = function() {this.clustering.clusterByHubsize.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.clusterOutliers = function() {this.clustering.clusterOutliers.apply(this.clustering,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getSeed = function() {this.layoutEngine.getSeed.apply(this.layoutEngine,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.enableEditMode = function() {this.manipulation.enableEditMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.disableEditMode = function() {this.manipulation.disableEditMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.addNodeMode = function() {this.manipulation.addNodeMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.editNodeMode = function() {this.manipulation.editNodeMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.addEdgeMode = function() {this.manipulation.addEdgeMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.editEdgeMode = function() {this.manipulation.editEdgeMode.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.deleteSelected = function() {this.manipulation.deleteSelected.apply(this.manipulation,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getPositions = function() {this.nodesHandler.getPositions.apply(this.nodesHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.storePositions = function() {this.nodesHandler.storePositions.apply(this.nodesHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getBoundingBox = function() {this.nodesHandler.getBoundingBox.apply(this.nodesHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getConnectedNodes = function() {this.nodesHandler.getConnectedNodes.apply(this.nodesHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getEdges = function() {this.nodesHandler.getEdges.apply(this.nodesHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.startSimulation = function() {this.physics.startSimulation.apply(this.physics,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.stopSimulation = function() {this.physics.stopSimulation.apply(this.physics,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.stabilize = function() {this.physics.stabilize.apply(this.physics,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getSelection = function() {this.selectionHandler.getSelection.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getSelectedNodes = function() {this.selectionHandler.getSelectedNodes.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getSelectedEdges = function() {this.selectionHandler.getSelectedEdges.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getNodeAt = function() {this.selectionHandler.getNodeAt.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getEdgeAt = function() {this.selectionHandler.getEdgeAt.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.selectNodes = function() {this.selectionHandler.selectNodes.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.selectEdges = function() {this.selectionHandler.selectEdges.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.unselectAll = function() {this.selectionHandler.unselectAll.apply(this.selectionHandler,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getScale = function() {this.view.getScale.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.getPosition = function() {this.view.getPosition.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.fit = function() {this.view.fit.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.moveTo = function() {this.view.moveTo.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.focus = function() {this.view.focus.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- Network.prototype.releaseNode = function() {this.view.releaseNode.apply(this.view,arguments);};
- module.exports = Network;