vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

15 lines
260 B

  1. digraph {
  2. node [shape=circle fontsize=16]
  3. edge [length=100, color=gray, fontcolor=black]
  4. A -> A[label=0.5];
  5. B -> B[label=1.2] -> C[label=0.7] -- A;
  6. B -> D;
  7. D -> {B; C}
  8. D -> E[label=0.2];
  9. F -> F;
  10. A [
  11. fontcolor=white,
  12. color=red,
  13. ]
  14. }