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  1. /**
  2. * utility functions
  3. */
  4. var util = {};
  5. /**
  6. * Test whether given object is a number
  7. * @param {*} object
  8. * @return {Boolean} isNumber
  9. */
  10. util.isNumber = function isNumber(object) {
  11. return (object instanceof Number || typeof object == 'number');
  12. };
  13. /**
  14. * Test whether given object is a string
  15. * @param {*} object
  16. * @return {Boolean} isString
  17. */
  18. util.isString = function isString(object) {
  19. return (object instanceof String || typeof object == 'string');
  20. };
  21. /**
  22. * Test whether given object is a Date, or a String containing a Date
  23. * @param {Date | String} object
  24. * @return {Boolean} isDate
  25. */
  26. util.isDate = function isDate(object) {
  27. if (object instanceof Date) {
  28. return true;
  29. }
  30. else if (util.isString(object)) {
  31. // test whether this string contains a date
  32. var match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object);
  33. if (match) {
  34. return true;
  35. }
  36. else if (!isNaN(Date.parse(object))) {
  37. return true;
  38. }
  39. }
  40. return false;
  41. };
  42. /**
  43. * Test whether given object is an instance of google.visualization.DataTable
  44. * @param {*} object
  45. * @return {Boolean} isDataTable
  46. */
  47. util.isDataTable = function isDataTable(object) {
  48. return (typeof (google) !== 'undefined') &&
  49. (google.visualization) &&
  50. (google.visualization.DataTable) &&
  51. (object instanceof google.visualization.DataTable);
  52. };
  53. /**
  54. * Create a semi UUID
  55. * source:
  56. * @return {String} uuid
  57. */
  58. util.randomUUID = function randomUUID () {
  59. var S4 = function () {
  60. return Math.floor(
  61. Math.random() * 0x10000 /* 65536 */
  62. ).toString(16);
  63. };
  64. return (
  65. S4() + S4() + '-' +
  66. S4() + '-' +
  67. S4() + '-' +
  68. S4() + '-' +
  69. S4() + S4() + S4()
  70. );
  71. };
  72. /**
  73. * Extend object a with the properties of object b or a series of objects
  74. * Only properties with defined values are copied
  75. * @param {Object} a
  76. * @param {... Object} b
  77. * @return {Object} a
  78. */
  79. util.extend = function (a, b) {
  80. for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
  81. var other = arguments[i];
  82. for (var prop in other) {
  83. if (other.hasOwnProperty(prop) && other[prop] !== undefined) {
  84. a[prop] = other[prop];
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. return a;
  89. };
  90. /**
  91. * Convert an object to another type
  92. * @param {Boolean | Number | String | Date | Moment | Null | undefined} object
  93. * @param {String | undefined} type Name of the type. Available types:
  94. * 'Boolean', 'Number', 'String',
  95. * 'Date', 'Moment', ISODate', 'ASPDate'.
  96. * @return {*} object
  97. * @throws Error
  98. */
  99. util.convert = function convert(object, type) {
  100. var match;
  101. if (object === undefined) {
  102. return undefined;
  103. }
  104. if (object === null) {
  105. return null;
  106. }
  107. if (!type) {
  108. return object;
  109. }
  110. if (!(typeof type === 'string') && !(type instanceof String)) {
  111. throw new Error('Type must be a string');
  112. }
  113. //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
  114. switch (type) {
  115. case 'boolean':
  116. case 'Boolean':
  117. return Boolean(object);
  118. case 'number':
  119. case 'Number':
  120. return Number(object.valueOf());
  121. case 'string':
  122. case 'String':
  123. return String(object);
  124. case 'Date':
  125. if (util.isNumber(object)) {
  126. return new Date(object);
  127. }
  128. if (object instanceof Date) {
  129. return new Date(object.valueOf());
  130. }
  131. else if (moment.isMoment(object)) {
  132. return new Date(object.valueOf());
  133. }
  134. if (util.isString(object)) {
  135. match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object);
  136. if (match) {
  137. // object is an ASP date
  138. return new Date(Number(match[1])); // parse number
  139. }
  140. else {
  141. return moment(object).toDate(); // parse string
  142. }
  143. }
  144. else {
  145. throw new Error(
  146. 'Cannot convert object of type ' + util.getType(object) +
  147. ' to type Date');
  148. }
  149. case 'Moment':
  150. if (util.isNumber(object)) {
  151. return moment(object);
  152. }
  153. if (object instanceof Date) {
  154. return moment(object.valueOf());
  155. }
  156. else if (moment.isMoment(object)) {
  157. return moment(object);
  158. }
  159. if (util.isString(object)) {
  160. match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object);
  161. if (match) {
  162. // object is an ASP date
  163. return moment(Number(match[1])); // parse number
  164. }
  165. else {
  166. return moment(object); // parse string
  167. }
  168. }
  169. else {
  170. throw new Error(
  171. 'Cannot convert object of type ' + util.getType(object) +
  172. ' to type Date');
  173. }
  174. case 'ISODate':
  175. if (util.isNumber(object)) {
  176. return new Date(object);
  177. }
  178. else if (object instanceof Date) {
  179. return object.toISOString();
  180. }
  181. else if (moment.isMoment(object)) {
  182. return object.toDate().toISOString();
  183. }
  184. else if (util.isString(object)) {
  185. match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object);
  186. if (match) {
  187. // object is an ASP date
  188. return new Date(Number(match[1])).toISOString(); // parse number
  189. }
  190. else {
  191. return new Date(object).toISOString(); // parse string
  192. }
  193. }
  194. else {
  195. throw new Error(
  196. 'Cannot convert object of type ' + util.getType(object) +
  197. ' to type ISODate');
  198. }
  199. case 'ASPDate':
  200. if (util.isNumber(object)) {
  201. return '/Date(' + object + ')/';
  202. }
  203. else if (object instanceof Date) {
  204. return '/Date(' + object.valueOf() + ')/';
  205. }
  206. else if (util.isString(object)) {
  207. match = ASPDateRegex.exec(object);
  208. var value;
  209. if (match) {
  210. // object is an ASP date
  211. value = new Date(Number(match[1])).valueOf(); // parse number
  212. }
  213. else {
  214. value = new Date(object).valueOf(); // parse string
  215. }
  216. return '/Date(' + value + ')/';
  217. }
  218. else {
  219. throw new Error(
  220. 'Cannot convert object of type ' + util.getType(object) +
  221. ' to type ASPDate');
  222. }
  223. default:
  224. throw new Error('Cannot convert object of type ' + util.getType(object) +
  225. ' to type "' + type + '"');
  226. }
  227. };
  228. // parse ASP.Net Date pattern,
  229. // for example '/Date(1198908717056)/' or '/Date(1198908717056-0700)/'
  230. // code from
  231. var ASPDateRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
  232. /**
  233. * Get the type of an object, for example util.getType([]) returns 'Array'
  234. * @param {*} object
  235. * @return {String} type
  236. */
  237. util.getType = function getType(object) {
  238. var type = typeof object;
  239. if (type == 'object') {
  240. if (object == null) {
  241. return 'null';
  242. }
  243. if (object instanceof Boolean) {
  244. return 'Boolean';
  245. }
  246. if (object instanceof Number) {
  247. return 'Number';
  248. }
  249. if (object instanceof String) {
  250. return 'String';
  251. }
  252. if (object instanceof Array) {
  253. return 'Array';
  254. }
  255. if (object instanceof Date) {
  256. return 'Date';
  257. }
  258. return 'Object';
  259. }
  260. else if (type == 'number') {
  261. return 'Number';
  262. }
  263. else if (type == 'boolean') {
  264. return 'Boolean';
  265. }
  266. else if (type == 'string') {
  267. return 'String';
  268. }
  269. return type;
  270. };
  271. /**
  272. * Retrieve the absolute left value of a DOM element
  273. * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div
  274. * @return {number} left The absolute left position of this element
  275. * in the browser page.
  276. */
  277. util.getAbsoluteLeft = function getAbsoluteLeft (elem) {
  278. var doc = document.documentElement;
  279. var body = document.body;
  280. var left = elem.offsetLeft;
  281. var e = elem.offsetParent;
  282. while (e != null && e != body && e != doc) {
  283. left += e.offsetLeft;
  284. left -= e.scrollLeft;
  285. e = e.offsetParent;
  286. }
  287. return left;
  288. };
  289. /**
  290. * Retrieve the absolute top value of a DOM element
  291. * @param {Element} elem A dom element, for example a div
  292. * @return {number} top The absolute top position of this element
  293. * in the browser page.
  294. */
  295. util.getAbsoluteTop = function getAbsoluteTop (elem) {
  296. var doc = document.documentElement;
  297. var body = document.body;
  298. var top = elem.offsetTop;
  299. var e = elem.offsetParent;
  300. while (e != null && e != body && e != doc) {
  301. top += e.offsetTop;
  302. top -= e.scrollTop;
  303. e = e.offsetParent;
  304. }
  305. return top;
  306. };
  307. /**
  308. * Get the absolute, vertical mouse position from an event.
  309. * @param {Event} event
  310. * @return {Number} pageY
  311. */
  312. util.getPageY = function getPageY (event) {
  313. if ('pageY' in event) {
  314. return event.pageY;
  315. }
  316. else {
  317. var clientY;
  318. if (('targetTouches' in event) && event.targetTouches.length) {
  319. clientY = event.targetTouches[0].clientY;
  320. }
  321. else {
  322. clientY = event.clientY;
  323. }
  324. var doc = document.documentElement;
  325. var body = document.body;
  326. return clientY +
  327. ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) -
  328. ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 );
  329. }
  330. };
  331. /**
  332. * Get the absolute, horizontal mouse position from an event.
  333. * @param {Event} event
  334. * @return {Number} pageX
  335. */
  336. util.getPageX = function getPageX (event) {
  337. if ('pageY' in event) {
  338. return event.pageX;
  339. }
  340. else {
  341. var clientX;
  342. if (('targetTouches' in event) && event.targetTouches.length) {
  343. clientX = event.targetTouches[0].clientX;
  344. }
  345. else {
  346. clientX = event.clientX;
  347. }
  348. var doc = document.documentElement;
  349. var body = document.body;
  350. return clientX +
  351. ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) -
  352. ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
  353. }
  354. };
  355. /**
  356. * add a className to the given elements style
  357. * @param {Element} elem
  358. * @param {String} className
  359. */
  360. util.addClassName = function addClassName(elem, className) {
  361. var classes = elem.className.split(' ');
  362. if (classes.indexOf(className) == -1) {
  363. classes.push(className); // add the class to the array
  364. elem.className = classes.join(' ');
  365. }
  366. };
  367. /**
  368. * add a className to the given elements style
  369. * @param {Element} elem
  370. * @param {String} className
  371. */
  372. util.removeClassName = function removeClassname(elem, className) {
  373. var classes = elem.className.split(' ');
  374. var index = classes.indexOf(className);
  375. if (index != -1) {
  376. classes.splice(index, 1); // remove the class from the array
  377. elem.className = classes.join(' ');
  378. }
  379. };
  380. /**
  381. * For each method for both arrays and objects.
  382. * In case of an array, the built-in Array.forEach() is applied.
  383. * In case of an Object, the method loops over all properties of the object.
  384. * @param {Object | Array} object An Object or Array
  385. * @param {function} callback Callback method, called for each item in
  386. * the object or array with three parameters:
  387. * callback(value, index, object)
  388. */
  389. util.forEach = function forEach (object, callback) {
  390. var i,
  391. len;
  392. if (object instanceof Array) {
  393. // array
  394. for (i = 0, len = object.length; i < len; i++) {
  395. callback(object[i], i, object);
  396. }
  397. }
  398. else {
  399. // object
  400. for (i in object) {
  401. if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  402. callback(object[i], i, object);
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }
  406. };
  407. /**
  408. * Update a property in an object
  409. * @param {Object} object
  410. * @param {String} key
  411. * @param {*} value
  412. * @return {Boolean} changed
  413. */
  414. util.updateProperty = function updateProp (object, key, value) {
  415. if (object[key] !== value) {
  416. object[key] = value;
  417. return true;
  418. }
  419. else {
  420. return false;
  421. }
  422. };
  423. /**
  424. * Add and event listener. Works for all browsers
  425. * @param {Element} element An html element
  426. * @param {string} action The action, for example "click",
  427. * without the prefix "on"
  428. * @param {function} listener The callback function to be executed
  429. * @param {boolean} [useCapture]
  430. */
  431. util.addEventListener = function addEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) {
  432. if (element.addEventListener) {
  433. if (useCapture === undefined)
  434. useCapture = false;
  435. if (action === "mousewheel" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0) {
  436. action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox
  437. }
  438. element.addEventListener(action, listener, useCapture);
  439. } else {
  440. element.attachEvent("on" + action, listener); // IE browsers
  441. }
  442. };
  443. /**
  444. * Remove an event listener from an element
  445. * @param {Element} element An html dom element
  446. * @param {string} action The name of the event, for example "mousedown"
  447. * @param {function} listener The listener function
  448. * @param {boolean} [useCapture]
  449. */
  450. util.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(element, action, listener, useCapture) {
  451. if (element.removeEventListener) {
  452. // non-IE browsers
  453. if (useCapture === undefined)
  454. useCapture = false;
  455. if (action === "mousewheel" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0) {
  456. action = "DOMMouseScroll"; // For Firefox
  457. }
  458. element.removeEventListener(action, listener, useCapture);
  459. } else {
  460. // IE browsers
  461. element.detachEvent("on" + action, listener);
  462. }
  463. };
  464. /**
  465. * Get HTML element which is the target of the event
  466. * @param {Event} event
  467. * @return {Element} target element
  468. */
  469. util.getTarget = function getTarget(event) {
  470. // code from
  471. if (!event) {
  472. event = window.event;
  473. }
  474. var target;
  475. if ( {
  476. target =;
  477. }
  478. else if (event.srcElement) {
  479. target = event.srcElement;
  480. }
  481. if (target.nodeType != undefined && target.nodeType == 3) {
  482. // defeat Safari bug
  483. target = target.parentNode;
  484. }
  485. return target;
  486. };
  487. /**
  488. * Stop event propagation
  489. */
  490. util.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation(event) {
  491. if (!event)
  492. event = window.event;
  493. if (event.stopPropagation) {
  494. event.stopPropagation(); // non-IE browsers
  495. }
  496. else {
  497. event.cancelBubble = true; // IE browsers
  498. }
  499. };
  500. /**
  501. * Fake a hammer.js gesture. Event can be a ScrollEvent or MouseMoveEvent
  502. * @param {Element} element
  503. * @param {Event} event
  504. */
  505. util.fakeGesture = function fakeGesture (element, event) {
  506. var eventType = null;
  507. // for hammer.js 1.0.5
  508. return Hammer.event.collectEventData(this, eventType, event);
  509. // for hammer.js 1.0.6
  510. //var touches = Hammer.event.getTouchList(event, eventType);
  511. //return Hammer.event.collectEventData(this, eventType, touches, event);
  512. };
  513. /**
  514. * Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
  515. */
  516. util.preventDefault = function preventDefault (event) {
  517. if (!event)
  518. event = window.event;
  519. if (event.preventDefault) {
  520. event.preventDefault(); // non-IE browsers
  521. }
  522. else {
  523. event.returnValue = false; // IE browsers
  524. }
  525. };
  526. util.option = {};
  527. /**
  528. * Convert a value into a boolean
  529. * @param {Boolean | function | undefined} value
  530. * @param {Boolean} [defaultValue]
  531. * @returns {Boolean} bool
  532. */
  533. util.option.asBoolean = function (value, defaultValue) {
  534. if (typeof value == 'function') {
  535. value = value();
  536. }
  537. if (value != null) {
  538. return (value != false);
  539. }
  540. return defaultValue || null;
  541. };
  542. /**
  543. * Convert a value into a number
  544. * @param {Boolean | function | undefined} value
  545. * @param {Number} [defaultValue]
  546. * @returns {Number} number
  547. */
  548. util.option.asNumber = function (value, defaultValue) {
  549. if (typeof value == 'function') {
  550. value = value();
  551. }
  552. if (value != null) {
  553. return Number(value) || defaultValue || null;
  554. }
  555. return defaultValue || null;
  556. };
  557. /**
  558. * Convert a value into a string
  559. * @param {String | function | undefined} value
  560. * @param {String} [defaultValue]
  561. * @returns {String} str
  562. */
  563. util.option.asString = function (value, defaultValue) {
  564. if (typeof value == 'function') {
  565. value = value();
  566. }
  567. if (value != null) {
  568. return String(value);
  569. }
  570. return defaultValue || null;
  571. };
  572. /**
  573. * Convert a size or location into a string with pixels or a percentage
  574. * @param {String | Number | function | undefined} value
  575. * @param {String} [defaultValue]
  576. * @returns {String} size
  577. */
  578. util.option.asSize = function (value, defaultValue) {
  579. if (typeof value == 'function') {
  580. value = value();
  581. }
  582. if (util.isString(value)) {
  583. return value;
  584. }
  585. else if (util.isNumber(value)) {
  586. return value + 'px';
  587. }
  588. else {
  589. return defaultValue || null;
  590. }
  591. };
  592. /**
  593. * Convert a value into a DOM element
  594. * @param {HTMLElement | function | undefined} value
  595. * @param {HTMLElement} [defaultValue]
  596. * @returns {HTMLElement | null} dom
  597. */
  598. util.option.asElement = function (value, defaultValue) {
  599. if (typeof value == 'function') {
  600. value = value();
  601. }
  602. return value || defaultValue || null;
  603. };
  604. /**
  605. * Compare two numbers and return the lowest, non-negative number.
  606. *
  607. * @param {number} number1
  608. * @param {number} number2
  609. * @returns {number} | number1 or number2, the lowest positive number. If both negative, return -1
  610. * @private
  611. */
  612. util._getLowestPositiveNumber = function(number1,number2) {
  613. if (number1 >= 0) {
  614. if (number2 >= 0) {
  615. return (number1 < number2) ? number1 : number2;
  616. }
  617. else {
  618. return number1;
  619. }
  620. }
  621. else {
  622. if (number2 >= 0) {
  623. return number2;
  624. }
  625. else {
  626. return -1;
  627. }
  628. }
  629. }