- /**
- * Created by Alex on 2/10/14.
- */
- var barnesHutMixin = {
- /**
- * This function calculates the forces the nodes apply on eachother based on a gravitational model.
- * The Barnes Hut method is used to speed up this N-body simulation.
- *
- * @private
- */
- _calculateNodeForces : function() {
- var node;
- var nodes = this.calculationNodes;
- var nodeIndices = this.calculationNodeIndices;
- var nodeCount = nodeIndices.length;
- this._formBarnesHutTree(nodes,nodeIndices);
- var barnesHutTree = this.barnesHutTree;
- // place the nodes one by one recursively
- for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
- node = nodes[nodeIndices[i]];
- // starting with root is irrelevant, it never passes the BarnesHut condition
- this._getForceContribution(barnesHutTree.root.children.NW,node);
- this._getForceContribution(barnesHutTree.root.children.NE,node);
- this._getForceContribution(barnesHutTree.root.children.SW,node);
- this._getForceContribution(barnesHutTree.root.children.SE,node);
- }
- },
- /**
- * This function traverses the barnesHutTree. It checks when it can approximate distant nodes with their center of mass.
- * If a region contains a single node, we check if it is not itself, then we apply the force.
- *
- * @param parentBranch
- * @param node
- * @private
- */
- _getForceContribution : function(parentBranch,node) {
- // we get no force contribution from an empty region
- if (parentBranch.childrenCount > 0) {
- var dx,dy,distance;
- // get the distance from the center of mass to the node.
- dx = parentBranch.centerOfMass.x - node.x;
- dy = parentBranch.centerOfMass.y - node.y;
- distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- // BarnesHut condition
- // original condition : s/d < theta = passed === d/s > 1/theta = passed
- // calcSize = 1/s --> d * 1/s > 1/theta = passed
- if (distance * parentBranch.calcSize > this.constants.physics.barnesHut.theta) {
- // duplicate code to reduce function calls to speed up program
- if (distance == 0) {
- distance = 0.1*Math.random();
- dx = distance;
- }
- var gravityForce = this.constants.physics.barnesHut.gravitationalConstant * parentBranch.mass * node.mass / (distance * distance * distance);
- var fx = dx * gravityForce;
- var fy = dy * gravityForce;
- node.fx += fx;
- node.fy += fy;
- }
- else {
- // Did not pass the condition, go into children if available
- if (parentBranch.childrenCount == 4) {
- this._getForceContribution(parentBranch.children.NW,node);
- this._getForceContribution(parentBranch.children.NE,node);
- this._getForceContribution(parentBranch.children.SW,node);
- this._getForceContribution(parentBranch.children.SE,node);
- }
- else { // parentBranch must have only one node, if it was empty we wouldnt be here
- if (parentBranch.children.data.id != node.id) { // if it is not self
- // duplicate code to reduce function calls to speed up program
- if (distance == 0) {
- distance = 0.5*Math.random();
- dx = distance;
- }
- var gravityForce = this.constants.physics.barnesHut.gravitationalConstant * parentBranch.mass * node.mass / (distance * distance * distance);
- var fx = dx * gravityForce;
- var fy = dy * gravityForce;
- node.fx += fx;
- node.fy += fy;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * This function constructs the barnesHut tree recursively. It creates the root, splits it and starts placing the nodes.
- *
- * @param nodes
- * @param nodeIndices
- * @private
- */
- _formBarnesHutTree : function(nodes,nodeIndices) {
- var node;
- var nodeCount = nodeIndices.length;
- var minX = Number.MAX_VALUE,
- minY = Number.MAX_VALUE,
- maxX =-Number.MAX_VALUE,
- maxY =-Number.MAX_VALUE;
- // get the range of the nodes
- for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
- var x = nodes[nodeIndices[i]].x;
- var y = nodes[nodeIndices[i]].y;
- if (x < minX) { minX = x; }
- if (x > maxX) { maxX = x; }
- if (y < minY) { minY = y; }
- if (y > maxY) { maxY = y; }
- }
- // make the range a square
- var sizeDiff = Math.abs(maxX - minX) - Math.abs(maxY - minY); // difference between X and Y
- if (sizeDiff > 0) {minY -= 0.5 * sizeDiff; maxY += 0.5 * sizeDiff;} // xSize > ySize
- else {minX += 0.5 * sizeDiff; maxX -= 0.5 * sizeDiff;} // xSize < ySize
- var minimumTreeSize = 1e-5;
- var rootSize = Math.max(minimumTreeSize,Math.abs(maxX - minX));
- var halfRootSize = 0.5 * rootSize;
- var centerX = 0.5 * (minX + maxX), centerY = 0.5 * (minY + maxY);
- // construct the barnesHutTree
- var barnesHutTree = {root:{
- centerOfMass:{x:0,y:0}, // Center of Mass
- mass:0,
- range: {minX:centerX-halfRootSize,maxX:centerX+halfRootSize,
- minY:centerY-halfRootSize,maxY:centerY+halfRootSize},
- size: rootSize,
- calcSize: 1 / rootSize,
- children: {data:null},
- maxWidth: 0,
- level: 0,
- childrenCount: 4
- }};
- this._splitBranch(barnesHutTree.root);
- // place the nodes one by one recursively
- for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
- node = nodes[nodeIndices[i]];
- this._placeInTree(barnesHutTree.root,node);
- }
- // make global
- this.barnesHutTree = barnesHutTree
- },
- _updateBranchMass : function(parentBranch, node) {
- var totalMass = parentBranch.mass + node.mass;
- var totalMassInv = 1/totalMass;
- parentBranch.centerOfMass.x = parentBranch.centerOfMass.x * parentBranch.mass + node.x * node.mass;
- parentBranch.centerOfMass.x *= totalMassInv;
- parentBranch.centerOfMass.y = parentBranch.centerOfMass.y * parentBranch.mass + node.y * node.mass;
- parentBranch.centerOfMass.y *= totalMassInv;
- parentBranch.mass = totalMass;
- var biggestSize = Math.max(Math.max(node.height,node.radius),node.width);
- parentBranch.maxWidth = (parentBranch.maxWidth < biggestSize) ? biggestSize : parentBranch.maxWidth;
- },
- _placeInTree : function(parentBranch,node,skipMassUpdate) {
- if (skipMassUpdate != true || skipMassUpdate === undefined) {
- // update the mass of the branch.
- this._updateBranchMass(parentBranch,node);
- }
- if (parentBranch.children.NW.range.maxX > node.x) { // in NW or SW
- if (parentBranch.children.NW.range.maxY > node.y) { // in NW
- this._placeInRegion(parentBranch,node,"NW");
- }
- else { // in SW
- this._placeInRegion(parentBranch,node,"SW");
- }
- }
- else { // in NE or SE
- if (parentBranch.children.NW.range.maxY > node.y) { // in NE
- this._placeInRegion(parentBranch,node,"NE");
- }
- else { // in SE
- this._placeInRegion(parentBranch,node,"SE");
- }
- }
- },
- _placeInRegion : function(parentBranch,node,region) {
- switch (parentBranch.children[region].childrenCount) {
- case 0: // place node here
- parentBranch.children[region].children.data = node;
- parentBranch.children[region].childrenCount = 1;
- this._updateBranchMass(parentBranch.children[region],node);
- break;
- case 1: // convert into children
- // if there are two nodes exactly overlapping (on init, on opening of cluster etc.)
- // we move one node a pixel and we do not put it in the tree.
- if (parentBranch.children[region].children.data.x == node.x &&
- parentBranch.children[region].children.data.y == node.y) {
- node.x += Math.random();
- node.y += Math.random();
- }
- else {
- this._splitBranch(parentBranch.children[region]);
- this._placeInTree(parentBranch.children[region],node);
- }
- break;
- case 4: // place in branch
- this._placeInTree(parentBranch.children[region],node);
- break;
- }
- },
- /**
- * this function splits a branch into 4 sub branches. If the branch contained a node, we place it in the subbranch
- * after the split is complete.
- *
- * @param parentBranch
- * @private
- */
- _splitBranch : function(parentBranch) {
- // if the branch is filled with a node, replace the node in the new subset.
- var containedNode = null;
- if (parentBranch.childrenCount == 1) {
- containedNode = parentBranch.children.data;
- parentBranch.mass = 0; parentBranch.centerOfMass.x = 0; parentBranch.centerOfMass.y = 0;
- }
- parentBranch.childrenCount = 4;
- parentBranch.children.data = null;
- this._insertRegion(parentBranch,"NW");
- this._insertRegion(parentBranch,"NE");
- this._insertRegion(parentBranch,"SW");
- this._insertRegion(parentBranch,"SE");
- if (containedNode != null) {
- this._placeInTree(parentBranch,containedNode);
- }
- },
- /**
- * This function subdivides the region into four new segments.
- * Specifically, this inserts a single new segment.
- * It fills the children section of the parentBranch
- *
- * @param parentBranch
- * @param region
- * @param parentRange
- * @private
- */
- _insertRegion : function(parentBranch, region) {
- var minX,maxX,minY,maxY;
- var childSize = 0.5 * parentBranch.size;
- switch (region) {
- case "NW":
- minX = parentBranch.range.minX;
- maxX = parentBranch.range.minX + childSize;
- minY = parentBranch.range.minY;
- maxY = parentBranch.range.minY + childSize;
- break;
- case "NE":
- minX = parentBranch.range.minX + childSize;
- maxX = parentBranch.range.maxX;
- minY = parentBranch.range.minY;
- maxY = parentBranch.range.minY + childSize;
- break;
- case "SW":
- minX = parentBranch.range.minX;
- maxX = parentBranch.range.minX + childSize;
- minY = parentBranch.range.minY + childSize;
- maxY = parentBranch.range.maxY;
- break;
- case "SE":
- minX = parentBranch.range.minX + childSize;
- maxX = parentBranch.range.maxX;
- minY = parentBranch.range.minY + childSize;
- maxY = parentBranch.range.maxY;
- break;
- }
- parentBranch.children[region] = {
- centerOfMass:{x:0,y:0},
- mass:0,
- range:{minX:minX,maxX:maxX,minY:minY,maxY:maxY},
- size: 0.5 * parentBranch.size,
- calcSize: 2 * parentBranch.calcSize,
- children: {data:null},
- maxWidth: 0,
- level: parentBranch.level+1,
- childrenCount: 0
- };
- },
- /**
- * This function is for debugging purposed, it draws the tree.
- *
- * @param ctx
- * @param color
- * @private
- */
- _drawTree : function(ctx,color) {
- if (this.barnesHutTree !== undefined) {
- ctx.lineWidth = 1;
- this._drawBranch(this.barnesHutTree.root,ctx,color);
- }
- },
- /**
- * This function is for debugging purposes. It draws the branches recursively.
- *
- * @param branch
- * @param ctx
- * @param color
- * @private
- */
- _drawBranch : function(branch,ctx,color) {
- if (color === undefined) {
- color = "#FF0000";
- }
- if (branch.childrenCount == 4) {
- this._drawBranch(branch.children.NW,ctx);
- this._drawBranch(branch.children.NE,ctx);
- this._drawBranch(branch.children.SE,ctx);
- this._drawBranch(branch.children.SW,ctx);
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = color;
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(branch.range.minX,branch.range.minY);
- ctx.lineTo(branch.range.maxX,branch.range.minY);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(branch.range.maxX,branch.range.minY);
- ctx.lineTo(branch.range.maxX,branch.range.maxY);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(branch.range.maxX,branch.range.maxY);
- ctx.lineTo(branch.range.minX,branch.range.maxY);
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(branch.range.minX,branch.range.maxY);
- ctx.lineTo(branch.range.minX,branch.range.minY);
- ctx.stroke();
- /*
- if (branch.mass > 0) {
- ctx.circle(branch.centerOfMass.x, branch.centerOfMass.y, 3*branch.mass);
- ctx.stroke();
- }
- */
- }
- };