- # How to publish vis.js
- This document describes how to publish vis.js.
- ## Build
- - Change the version number of the library in both `package.json` and `bower.json`.
- - Open `HISTORY.md`, write down the changes, version number, and release date.
- - Build the library by running:
- npm prune
- npm update
- npm run build
- This generates the vis.js library in the folder `./dist`.
- ## Test
- - Test the library:
- npm test
- - Open some of the examples in your browser and visually check if it works as expected.
- ## Commit
- - Commit the changes to the `develop` branch.
- - Merge the `develop` branch into the `master` branch.
- - Push the branches to github
- - Create a version tag (with the new version number) and push it to github:
- git tag v3.1.0
- git push --tags
- ## Publish
- - Publish at npm:
- npm publish
- - Test the published library:
- - Go to a temp directory
- - Install the library from npm:
- npm install vis
- Verify if it installs the just released version, and verify if it works.
- - Install the library via bower:
- bower install vis
- Verify if it installs the just released version, and verify if it works.
- - Verify within a day or so whether vis.js is updated on http://cdnjs.com/
- ## Update website
- - Copy the `dist` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch.
- - Copy the `docs` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch.
- - Copy the `examples` folder from the `master` branch to the `github-pages` branch.
- - Create a packaged version of vis.js. Go to the `master` branch and run:
- zip vis.zip dist docs examples README.md HISTORY.md CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE* NOTICE -r
- - Move the created zip file `vis.zip` to the `download` folder in the
- `github-pages` branch. TODO: this should be automated.
- - Check if there are new or updated examples, and update the gallery screenshots
- accordingly.
- - Update the library version number in the index.html page.
- - Commit the changes in the `gh-pages` branch.
- ## Prepare next version
- - Switch to the `develop` branch.
- - Change version numbers in `package.json` and `bower.json` to a snapshot
- version like `0.4.0-SNAPSHOT`.