not really known
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3575 lines
224 KiB

StartNew=Start new
NameActivity={{name}} Activity
RemoveFavorite=Remove favorite
MakeFavorite=Make favorite
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=Favorites view
ListView=List view
FilterFavorites=Filter favorites
SecondsAgo=Seconds ago
Ago={{time}} ago
SecondsAgo_short=Sec. ago
Ago_short={{time}} ago
MySettings=My Settings
SearchHome=Search in home
JournalEmpty=Your journal is empty
NoMatchingActivities=No matching activities
ClearSearch=Clear search
SearchJournal=Search in journal
SinceYesterday=Since yesterday
PastWeek=Past week
PastMonth=Past month
PastYear=Past year
NoMatchingEntries=No matching entries
SearchSettings=Search in settings
AboutMe=About me
AboutMyComputer=About my computer
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
MyPrivacy=My privacy
PrivacyStats=Do not send to the server statistics about my usage of the app
PrivacySync=Do not synchronize my local journal with the server
ClickToChangeColor=Click to change color:
ChangesRequireRestart=Changes require restart
CancelChanges=Cancel changes
RestartNow=Restart now
ChooseLanguage=Choose language you prefer:
ClientType=Client type:
BrowserVersion=Browser version:
UserAgent=User agent:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Copyright and license
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer is an open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file to be sure.
CopyToLocal=Copy to local
CopyToPrivate=Copy to remote
CopyToShared=Copy to shared
ByUser=by {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Remote server not responding
Server=About my server
ConnectedToServer=Connected to a server
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=Neighborhood View
SearchNeighbor=Search in Neighborhood
ClickToColor=Click to change color:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Your server is not set
AndroidSettings=Android Settings
ResetLauncher=Switch Launcher
JoinNetwork=Join Network
EnterKey=Enter shared key
SetLauncherTitle=Change the launcher
SetLauncherText=You can use either SugarizerOS as a launcher or only use the Sugarizer environment as an application with your native launcher. The launcher you are actually using is {{launcher}}, click on the icon of the launcher you want to switch to.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Journal and settings will be lost
ClickMore=Click again for more options
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reinit journal and settings
ForgetPassword=Forget password
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=بداية جديدة
NameActivity={{name}} النشاط
RemoveFavorite=أزل المفضل
MakeFavorite=أضف للقائمة المفضلة
VersionNumber={{number}} النسخة
FavoritesView=عرض القائمة المفضلة
ListView=عرض القائمة
Home=الصفحة الرئيسية
FilterFavorites=تصفية القائمة المفضلة
SecondsAgo=قبل ثواني
Ago=قبل {{time}}
Ago_short=قبل {{time}}
Restart=إعادة التشغيل
SearchHome=البحث على النشاط
JournalEmpty=سجلك فارغ
NoMatchingActivities=لا يوجد أي نشاط مطابق
ClearSearch=حذف البحث
SearchJournal=إبحث في السجل
Anytime=في أي وقت
SinceYesterday=منذ البارحة
PastWeek=منذ أسبوع
PastMonth=منذ شهر
PastYear=منذ سنة
Anything=أي شيء
NoMatchingEntries=المدخلات غير متطابقة
SearchSettings=إبحث في الإعدادات
AboutMyComputer=بخصوص حاسوبي
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
ClickToChangeColor=انقر لتغيير اللون:
ChangesRequireRestart=التغييرات تتطلب إعادة تشغيل
CancelChanges=إلغاء التغييرات
RestartNow=إعادة التشغيل الآن
ChooseLanguage=إختر اللغة التي تفضلها:
Japanese=اللغة اليابانية
ClientType=نوع العميل:
BrowserVersion=نسخة المتصفح:
UserAgent=المستخدم: الوكيل
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=حقوق الطبع والنشر والترخيص
LicenseTerms=سوكاريزر هو برنامج مفتوح المصدر مرخص موجب رخصة
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
RestartActivity=إعادة التشغيل
CopyToLocal=أنسخ إلى المحلي
CopyToPrivate=أنسخ عن بعد
CopyToShared=أنسخ إلى المشترك
ByUser={{user}} بواسطة
ErrorLoadingRemote=المزود عن بعد لا يستجيب
Retry=أعد المحاولة
Server=بخصوص مزودي
ConnectedToServer=اتصل بالمزود
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=عرض الجوار
SearchNeighbor=إبحث في الجوار
ClickToColor=انقر لتغيير اللون:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=مُهيّء مزودك غير
AndroidSettings=إعدادات الروبوت
ResetLauncher=التبديل قاذفة
JoinNetwork=تاريخ الشبكة
EnterKey=أدخل مفتاح مشترك
SetLauncherTitle=تغيير قاذفة
SetLauncherText=يمكنك استخدام إما SugarizerOS كما قاذفة، إما قاذفة الأم الخاصة بك لاستخدام فقط في بيئة Sugarizer كتطبيق. قاذفة كنت فعلا استخدام غير {{launcher}}، انقر على أيقونة قاذفة تريد التبديل إليه.
Disconnect=قطع الاتصال
Loading=جار التحميل...
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=سيتم فقدان مجلة والإعدادات
ClickMore=انقر مرة أخرى لمزيد من الخيارات
ReinitJournalAndSettings=جلة Reinit والإعدادات
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
NameActivity=Aktivität {{name}}
RemoveFavorite=Favorit entfernen
MakeFavorite=Favorit hinzufügen
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=Ansicht der Favoriten
FilterFavorites=Favoriten filtern
SecondsAgo=Sekunden her
Ago=vor {{time}}
SecondsAgo_short=Sek. her
Ago_short=vor {{time}}
MySettings=Meine Einstellungen
SearchHome=Suche in Startseite
JournalEmpty=Dein Journal ist leer
NoMatchingActivities=Keine übereinstimmenden Aktivitäten
ClearSearch=Suche löschen
SearchJournal=Suche in Journal
SinceYesterday=Seit gestern
PastWeek=Letzte Woche
PastMonth=Letzten Monat
PastYear=Letztes Jahr
NoMatchingEntries=Keine übereinstimmenden Einträge
SearchSettings=Suche in Einstellungen
AboutMe=Über mich
AboutMyComputer=Über meinen Computer
MySecurity=Meine Sicherheit
SecurityMessage=Wenn du deine Bilder ändern möchtest, tippe die aktuellen Bilder:
SecurityMessageNew=Wähle jetzt zumindest {{min}} neue Bilder:
SecurityMessageDone=Bilder aktualisiert!
InvalidPassword=Ungültige Bilder
ClickToChangeColor=Klicken um die Farbe zu ändern:
ChangesRequireRestart=Änderung erfordert Neustart
CancelChanges=Wechsel abbrechen
RestartNow=Jetzt neustarten
ChooseLanguage=Wähle deine bevorzugte Sprache:
BrowserVersion=Browser Version:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Urheberschaft und Lizenz
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer ist eine quelloffene Software, die unter der Apache 2.0 Lizenz lizenziert ist.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
CopyToLocal=Kopiere lokal
CopyToPrivate=Kopiere entfernt
CopyToShared=Kopiere geteilt
ByUser=von {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Entfernter Server antwortet nicht
Server=Über meinen Server
ConnectedToServer=Mit einem Server verbunden
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=Benutzername auf Server:
SessionExpired=Serververbindung abgelaufen
SecurityMessageExpired=Verbindung abgelaufen, tippe deine Bilder:
NeighborhoodView=Nachbarschaft Ansicht
SearchNeighbor=Suche in Nachbarschaft
NewUser=Neuer Benutzer
ChooseName=Namen wählen:
Password=Deine Bilder:
ChoosePassword=Wähle zumindest {{min}} Bilder:
UserLoginInvalid=Ungültiger Benutzername oder Bilder
UserAlreadyExist=Benutzer existiert bereits
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ClickToColor=Klicke um die Farbe zu setzen:
ServerNotSet=Dein Server ist noch nicht eingetragen
AndroidSettings=Android Einstellungen
ResetLauncher=Launcher zurücksetzen
JoinNetwork=Netzwerk beitreten
EnterKey=Netzwerkschlüssel eingeben
SetLauncherTitle=Launcher wechseln
SetLauncherText=Sie können SugarizerOS entweder als Launcher oder die Sugarizer Umgebung als App mit Ihrem normalen Launcher verwenden. Ihr aktuell verwendeter Launcher ist {{launcher}}. Wählen Sie das Icon des Launchers, auf den Sie wechseln wollen, aus.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Journal und Einstellungen werden gelöscht
ClickMore=Klicken Sie erneut für weitere Optionen
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reinitialisiere Journal und Einstellungen
CopyToDevice=Kopiere auf dein Gerät
FileWroteTo=Datei nach {{file}} geschrieben
ErrorWritingFile=Kann Datei nicht schreiben
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=Dieses Icon bist du. Führe die Maus darüber oder halte es gedrückt um deine Einstellungen (Name, Farbe, ...) zu ändern.
TutoActivityContent=Rund um dich sind Icons für Activities. Klicke auf diese Icons um die Activities zu starten.
TutoJournalContent=Journal ist der Ort um die Arbeit, die du in Activities gemacht hast, und deine Geschichte abzurufen.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favoriten Ansicht
TutoFavoriteContent=Verwende diesen Knopf um die Favoriten Ansicht anzuzeigen.
TutoListTitle=Listen Ansicht
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favoriten Knopf
TutoFavswitchContent=Verwende dieses Icon um die Sichtbarkeit dieser Aktivität in der Favoriten Ansicht zu ändern.
TutoSearchTitle=Aktivität suchen
TutoSearchContent=Verwende diesen Text um eine Aktivität mit ihrem Namen zu suchen.
TutoNeighborTitle=Nachbarschaft Ansicht
TutoNeighborContent=Zeige Benutzer um dich herum an und trete von ihnen geteilten Activities bei.
TutoRunTitle=Jetzt bist du dran!
TutoRunContent=Suche die Geteilte Notizen Aktivität und klicke auf sie um sie zu starten.
TutoJournalIntroContent=Du bist im Journal. Das Journal ist der Ort um die Arbeit, die du gemacht hast, abzurufen. Jede Reihe ist eine Sache, die du gemacht hast. Klicke einfach darauf um sie in ihrem alten Zustand wiederzuöffnen.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Hier ist das Icon einer Aktivität, die du durchgeführt hast. Führe die Maus darüber oder halte gedrückt um die fortgeschrittenen Optionen (eine Zeile löschen, in ein andere Journal kopieren, ...) zu erreichen.
TutoJournalTimeContent=Hier ist die Zeit wann du diese Aktivität verwendet hast: Vor Sekunden, Minuten, Stunden, Tagen oder Monaten.
TutoJournalTitleContent=Es ist der Titel der Aktivität. In der Standardeinstellung ist es nur der Name der Aktivität, aber du kannst ihn ändern, indem du einfach auf ihn klickst.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=Wenn du auf dieses Icon klickst, wird der Journal Eintrag als Favorit markiert, womit es leicht für dich wird ihn in der Liste wiederzufinden.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Zeige Favoriten
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Klicke auf dieses Icon um das Journal nach Favoriten zu filtern.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Suche Eintrag
TutoJournalSearchContent=Verwende diesen Text um einen Eintrag nach seinem Namen zu suchen.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter nach Typ
TutoJournalTypeContent=Klicke hier um das Journal nach Aktivität Typ zu filtern.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Nach Zeit filtern
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Klicke hier um nur Activities, die du in einem Zeitraum gemacht hast, anzuzeigen.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Lokales Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=Wenn dieses Icon aktiv ist, siehst du den Inhalt deines lokalen Journals. Alle Inhalte sind auf deinem aktuellen Gerät gespeichert.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Entferntes Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Klicke auf dieses Icon um den Inhalt deines privaten Journals am Server anzuzeigen. Nur du hast Zugriff auf dieses Journal. Es ist ein guter Ort um Inhalte, die du nicht verlieren möchtest, zu speichern.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Geteiltes Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Klicke auf dieses Icon um den Inhalt des geteilten Journals am Server anzuzeigen. Jeder zu diesem Server verbundene Benutzer hat Zugriff auf dieses Journal. Es ist ein guter Ort um deine Arbeit mit anderen zu teilen.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Klicke hier um zur Heim Ansicht zurückzukehren.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Nachbarschaft Ansicht
TutoNeighborIntroContent=Du bist in der Nachbarschaft Ansicht. Hier siehst du andere Benutzer, die mit dem selben Server verbunden sind.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=Du bist in der Nachbarschaft Ansicht. Hier siehst du andere Benutzer, die mit dem selben Server verbunden sind. Du siehst auch alle WiFI Access Points um dich herum.
TutoNeighborUserContent=Dieses Icon ist wie dich andere Benutzer in deren Nachbarschaft Ansicht sehen. Führe die Maus darüber oder halte es gedrückt um deine Einstellungen (Name, Farbe, ...) zu ändern.
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Dein Server
TutoNeighborServerContent=Dieses Icon ist der Server mit dem du verbunden bist. Du kannst nur Benutzer sehen, die mit dem selben Server wie du verbunden sind.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=Das ist ein weiterer Benutzer, der mit dem selben Server verbunden ist. Du kannst Aktivitäten mit ihm teilen oder Aktivitäten beitreten, die von ihm mit dir geteilt wurden.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Geteilte Aktivität
TutoNeighborActivityContent=Diese Aktivität ist von einem anderen Benutzer geteilt worden. Ziehe die Maus darüber oder halte sie gedrückt um beizutreten.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=Dies ist ein WiFi Access Point in deiner Nähe. Ziehe die Maus darüber oder halte sie gedrückt um dich mit dem WiFi zu verbinden oder die Verbindung zu trennen.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=Start new
NameActivity={{name}} Activity
RemoveFavorite=Remove favorite
MakeFavorite=Make favorite
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=Favorites view
ListView=List view
FilterFavorites=Filter favorites
SecondsAgo=Seconds ago
Ago={{time}} ago
SecondsAgo_short=Sec. ago
Ago_short={{time}} ago
MySettings=My Settings
SearchHome=Search in home
JournalEmpty=Your journal is empty
NoMatchingActivities=No matching activities
ClearSearch=Clear search
SearchJournal=Search in journal
SinceYesterday=Since yesterday
PastWeek=Past week
PastMonth=Past month
PastYear=Past year
NoMatchingEntries=No matching entries
SearchSettings=Search in settings
AboutMe=About me
AboutMyComputer=About my computer
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
MyPrivacy=My privacy
PrivacyStats=Do not send to the server statistics about my usage of the app
PrivacySync=Do not synchronize my local journal with the server
ClickToChangeColor=Click to change color:
ChangesRequireRestart=Changes require restart
CancelChanges=Cancel changes
RestartNow=Restart now
ChooseLanguage=Choose language you prefer:
ClientType=Client type:
BrowserVersion=Browser version:
UserAgent=User agent:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Copyright and license
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer is an open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
CopyToLocal=Copy to local
CopyToPrivate=Copy to remote
CopyToShared=Copy to shared
ByUser=by {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Remote server not responding
Server=About my server
ConnectedToServer=Connected to a server
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=Neighborhood View
SearchNeighbor=Search in Neighborhood
ClickToColor=Click to change color:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Your server is not set
AndroidSettings=Android Settings
ResetLauncher=Switch Launcher
JoinNetwork=Join Network
EnterKey=Enter shared key
SetLauncherTitle=Change the launcher
SetLauncherText=You can use either SugarizerOS as a launcher or only use the Sugarizer environment as an application with your native launcher. The launcher you are actually using is {{launcher}}, click on the icon of the launcher you want to switch to.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Journal and settings will be lost
ClickMore=Click again for more options
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reinit journal and settings
ForgetPassword=Forget password
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=Comenzar nuevo
NameActivity=Actividad {{name}}
RemoveFavorite=Remover favorito
MakeFavorite=Hacer favorito
VersionNumber=Versión {{number}}
FavoritesView=Vista de favoritos
ListView=Vista de lista
FilterFavorites=Filtrar favoritos
SecondsAgo=Segundos atrás
Ago={{time}} atrás
SecondsAgo_short=Seg. atrás
Ago_short={{time}} atrás
MySettings=Mis ajustes
SearchHome=Buscar en hogar
JournalEmpty=Tu diario está vacío
NoMatchingActivities=No hay actividades coincidentes
ClearSearch=Limpiar búsqueda
SearchJournal=Buscar en el diario
Anytime=Cualquier momento
SinceYesterday=Desde ayer
PastWeek=La semana pasada
PastMonth=El mes pasado
PastYear=El año pasado
NoMatchingEntries=No hay entradas coincidentes
SearchSettings=Buscar en configuraciones
AboutMe=Acerca de mí
AboutMyComputer=Acerca de mi computadora
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
ClickToChangeColor=Clic para cambiar el color:
ChangesRequireRestart=Los cambios requieren reiniciar
CancelChanges=Cancelar cambios
RestartNow=Reiniciar ahora
ChooseLanguage=Elige el idioma que prefieras:
ClientType=Tipo de cliente:
BrowserVersion=Versión del navegador:
UserAgent=User agent:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Copyright y licencia
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer es un software de código abierto bajo la licencia Apache 2.0.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
CopyToLocal=Copia local
CopyToPrivate=Copia remota
CopyToShared=Copia compartida
ByUser=por {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=El servidor remoto no responde
Server=Acerca de mi servidor
ConnectedToServer=Conectado a un servidor
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=Vista del Vecindario
SearchNeighbor=Buscar en el Vecindario
ClickToColor=Haz clic para cambiar el color:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=No se ha especificado el servidor
AndroidSettings=Configuración de Android
ResetLauncher=Cambiar el lanzador
JoinNetwork=Unirse a la red
EnterKey=Ingrese la llave compartida
SetLauncherTitle=Cambiar el lanzador
SetLauncherText=Puedes utilizar SugarizerOS como lanzador, o utilizar tu lanzador nativo para abrir el entorno Sugarizer como una aplicación. El lanzador que estas usando actualmente es {{launcher}}, clickea el icono del lanzador al que quieres cambiar.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=El diario y las preferencias se perderán
ClickMore=Clickea nuevamente para más opciones
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reiniciar el diario y las preferencias
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=Commencer un nouveau
NameActivity=Activité {{name}}
RemoveFavorite=Retirer le favori
MakeFavorite=Ajouter aux favoris
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=Vue favoris
ListView=Vue liste
FilterFavorites=Entrées favorites
SecondsAgo=A l\'instant
Ago=il y a {{time}}
SecondsAgo_short=A l\'instant
Ago_short=il y a {{time}}
MySettings=Mes paramètres
SearchHome=Recherche activité
JournalEmpty=Votre journal est vide
NoMatchingActivities=Aucune activité ne correspond
ClearSearch=Effacer recherche
SearchJournal=Recherche dans le journal
Anytime=N'importe quand
SinceYesterday=Depuis hier
PastWeek=Depuis une semaine
PastMonth=Depuis un mois
PastYear=Depuis une année
Anything=N'importe quelle activité
NoMatchingEntries=Aucune entrée correspondante
SearchSettings=Recherche dans paramètres
AboutMe=A propos de moi
AboutMyComputer=A propos de mon ordinateur
MySecurity=Ma securité
SecurityMessage=Pour changer d'images, choisir les images actuelles:
SecurityMessageNew=Maintenant choisir au moins {{min}} nouvelles images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images mises à jour !
InvalidPassword=Images invalides
MyPrivacy=Ma vie privée
PrivacyStats=Ne pas envoyer au serveur de statistiques sur mon utilisation de l'application
PrivacySync=Ne pas synchroniser le journal local avec le serveur
ClickToChangeColor=Cliquer pour changer la couleur:
ChangesRequireRestart=Redémarrer pour valider
RestartNow=Redémarrer maintenant
ChooseLanguage=Choisir la langue préférée:
BrowserVersion=Version du navigateur:
UserAgent=User agent:
StorageSize={{used}} octets - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Attention: le journal est presque plein !
Copyright=Copyright et licence
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer est un logiciel open source couvert par les termes de la licence Apache 2.0.
LicenseTermsPlus=La plupart des activités utilisent cette licence également mais certaines peuvent utiliser une licence différente, vérifiez le fichier README pour plus d'information.
CopyToLocal=Copier localement
CopyToPrivate=Copier à distance
CopyToShared=Copier dans le partage
ByUser=par {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Le serveur distant ne répond pas
Server=A propos de mon serveur
ConnectedToServer=Connecté à un serveur
ServerUrl=Adresse du serveur:
ServerName=Nom du serveur:
UserId=Nom utilisateur sur le serveur:
SessionExpired=Connexion serveur expirée
SecurityMessageExpired=Connexion expirée, redonner vos images:
NeighborhoodView=Vue voisinage
SearchNeighbor=Recherche dans voisinage
ClickToColor=Cliquer pour changer de couleur:
NewUser=Nouvel utilisateur
Login=Se connecter
Logoff=Se déconnecter
ChooseName=Choisir nom:
Password=Vos images:
ChoosePassword=Choisir au moins {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Nom d'utilisateur ou images invalides
UserAlreadyExist=Cet utilisateur existe déjà
ServerError=Erreur serveur code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Votre serveur n\'est pas configuré
AndroidSettings=Paramètres Android
ResetLauncher=Changer de Launcher
JoinNetwork=Rejoindre le réseau
EnterKey=Renseigner la clé partagée
SetLauncherText=Vous pouvez utiliser SugarizerOS en tant que launcher, ou garder votre Launcher natif et utiliser Sugarizer comme une application. Le launcher actuellement utilisé est {{launcher}}. Touchez l\'icône du launcher que vous souhaitez utiliser.
SetLauncherTitle=Changer de launcher
Disconnect=Se déconnecter
RetrievingJournal=Synchronisation du Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Le journal et les préférences vont être supprimés
ClickMore=Cliquer encore pour plus d'options
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reinitialiser le journal et les préférences
ForgetPassword=Oublier le mot de passe
CopyToDevice=Copier sur votre machine
FileWroteTo=Fichier enregistré en {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Erreur d'enregistrement
UnableToConnect=Impossible de se connecter au serveur
TutoUserContent=Cet icône vous représente. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour changer vos préférences (nom, couleur, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Ces icônes autour de vous sont les activités. Cliquez dessus pour lancer les activités. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour afficher les options de lancement.
TutoJournalContent=Le journal est l'endroit où vous pouvez récupérer le travail que vous avez fait dans les activités et accéder à votre historique.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Vue favoris
TutoFavoriteContent=Utilisez ce bouton pour afficher la vue des favoris.
TutoListTitle=Vue liste
TutoListContent=Utilisez ce bouton pour afficher toutes les activités, sélectionner celles qui sont dans la vue des favoris et avoir plus d'informations sur les activités.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Changer favori
TutoFavswitchContent=Utilisez cet icône pour changer la visibilité de l'activité dans la vue des favoris.
TutoSearchTitle=Recherche activité
TutoSearchContent=Utilisez ce champ pour rechercher une activité par son nom.
TutoNeighborTitle=Vue voisinage
TutoNeighborContent=Affichez les autres utilisateurs autour de vous et rejoignez les activités qu'ils partagent.
TutoRunTitle=A vous de jouer !
TutoRunContent=Maintenant cherchez l'icône de l'activité Shared Notes et cliquez dessus pour la lancer.
TutoJournalIntroContent=Vous êtes dans le Journal. Le Journal est l'endroit où vous retrouvez le travail que vous avez réalisé. Chaque ligne correspond à une activité réalisée. Cliquez dessus pour la réouvrir dans l'état où vous l'avez arrêtée.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Ceci est l'icône de l'activité qui a été utilisée. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour accéder aux fonctionnalités avancées (supprimer la ligne, copier vers d'autres journaux, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Ceci est le moment où l'activité a été réalisée: il y a quelques secondes, minutes, heures, jours ou mois.
TutoJournalTitleContent=Ceci est le titre de l'activité. Par défaut c'est le nom de l'activité mais vous pouvez le changer. Cliquer dessus pour le faire.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=Si vous cliquez sur cette icône, cette entrée du Journal sera marquée comme Favori il sera ainsi plus simple de la retrouver dans la liste.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Voir favoris
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Cliquez sur cette icône pour filtrer le Journal sur les favoris.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Recherche entrée
TutoJournalSearchContent=Utilisez ce champ pour rechercher une entrée par son titre.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filtrer par type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Cliquez ici pour sélectionner un type d'activité et filtrer le Journal sur ce type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filtrer par date
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour voir uniquement les activités que vous avez réalisées dans une certaine période de temps.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Journal local
TutoJournalLocalContent=Quand cette icône est active, vous voyez le contenu du journal local. Tout ce contenu est stocké sur votre machine actuelle.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Journal à distance
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Cliquez sur cette icône pour afficher le contenu de votre journal privé sur le serveur. Vous êtes le seul à pouvoir accéder à ce journal. Cet un bon endroit pour stocker ce que vous ne voulez pas perdre.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Journal partagé
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Cliquez sur cette icône pour afficher le contenu du journal partagé du serveur. Tous les utilisateurs connectés au même serveur peuvent accéder à ce journal. C'est donc un endroit pratique pour partager votre travail avec les autres.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Vue accueil
TutoGotoHomeContent=Cliquez ici pour revenir à la vue accueil.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Vue voisinage
TutoNeighborIntroContent=Vous êtes sur la vue voisinage. Ici vous pouvez voir les utilisateurs autour de vous qui sont connectés au même serveur que vous.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=Vous êtes sur la vue voisinage. Ici vous pouvez voir les utilisateurs autour de vous qui sont connectés au même serveur que vous. Vous pouvez aussi voir tous les points d'accès WiFi autour de vous.
TutoNeighborUserContent=Cette icône c'est vous tel que les autres utilisateurs peuvent vous voir dans leur propre vue Voisinage. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour modifier vos préférences (nom, couleur, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Votre serveur
TutoNeighborServerContent=Cette icône est le serveur auquel vous êtes connecté. Vous pouvez voir uniquement les utilisateurs connectés au même serveur que vous.
TutoNeighborOtherTitle=Un autre
TutoNeighborOtherContent=Ceci est un autre utilisateur connecté au même serveur que vous. Vous pouvez partager des activités avec lui ou rejoindre une activité qu'il a partagé avec vous.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Activité partagée
TutoNeighborActivityContent=Cette activité est partagée par un autre utilisateur. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour la rejoindre.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=Ceci est un point d'accès WiFi autour de vous. Passez la souris dessus ou laissez le doigt appuyé dessus pour vous connecter/déconnecter à ce WiFi.
SelectFilter=Selectionner un filtre
SortDisplay=Trier l'affichage
SortByUpdated=Trier selon la date de modification
SortByCreated=Trier selon la date de création
SortBySize=Trier selon la taille
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} sélectionné sur {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} sélectionnés sur {{total}}
Erase_one=Voulez-vous supprimer {{count}} entrée ?
Erase_other=Voulez-vous supprimer {{count}} entrées ?
CopyToLocal_one=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrée dans votre Journal local ?
CopyToLocal_other=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrées dans votre Journal local ?
CopyToPrivate_one=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrée dans votre Journal à distance ?
CopyToPrivate_other=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrées dans votre Journal à distance ?
CopyToShared_one=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrée dans le Journal partagé ?
CopyToShared_other=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrées dans le Journal partagé ?
CopyToDevice_one=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrée sur votre machine ?
CopyToDevice_other=Voulez-vous copier {{count}} entrées sur votre machine ?
Copying=Copie en cours...
TutoJournalCheckContent=Cette case à cocher vous permet d'effectuer des actions (suppression, copie) sur plusieurs éléments en même temps.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour trier les éléments par date de modification, création ou par taille.
ChooseDirectory=Choisir répertoire...
ErrorLoadingFile=Erreur de chargement du fichier {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choisir les fichiers...
FilesSupported=Fichiers supportés
ImageFromDevice=Image de votre machine
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Importer depuis votre machine
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Cliquez ici pour importer dans le journal des contenus provenant de votre machine
TutoInitIntroTitle=Bienvenue dans Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Bienvenue dans Sugarizer, la première plateforme éducative pour enfant. Vous trouverez ici un ensemble d'activités pour créer, jouer, apprendre et partager.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=Nouvel utilisateur
TutoInitNewUserContent=D'abord, vous devez créer un utilisateur auquel vous associerez vos contenus. Cliquez ici si c'est votre première fois dans Sugarizer. Cela vous permettra de créer un nouvel utilisateur.
TutoInitLoginContent=Vous avez déjà créé un utilisateur Sugarizer sur un serveur ? Cliquez ici pour indiquer vos informations de connexion.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Utilisateurs récents
TutoInitHistoryContent=Ce n'est pas votre première fois sur cette machine ? Cliquez simplement sur votre nom pour vous connecter.
TutoInitHelpContent=Rappelez-vous de cette icône. Si vous êtes perdu, où que vous soyez, vous pourrez toujours cliquez dessus pour recevoir de l'aide.
TutoInitServerTitle=Adresse du serveur
TutoInitServerContent=Tapez ici l'adresse du serveur où vos données sont stockées. Elle doit démarrer par "http://" ou "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Votre nom
TutoInitNameContent=Le nom que vous utilisez pour vous connecter à l'application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Votre mot de passe
TutoInitPasswordContent=La série d'images que vous utilisez comme mot de passe pour vous connecter à l'application. Si vous l'avez oublié, demandez à un administrateur de vous le rappeler.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choisir un nom
TutoInitNameNewContent=Le nom que vous utiliserez pour vous connecter à l'application. Ça peut être votre vrai nom ou ce que vous voulez. Vous pourrez le changer plus tard.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choisir un mot de passe
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choisir un série d'images que vous utiliserez comme mot de passe pour protéger vos contenus. Vous pourrez le changer plus tard mais ne l'oubliez pas !
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Retour arrière
TutoInitPreviousContent=Vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre choix précédent ? Pas de problème, retournez à l'étape précédente.
TutoInitNextTitle=Etape suivante
TutoInitNextContent=Validez votre choix et passez à l'étape suivante.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choisir vos couleurs
TutoInitColorContent=Cliquez ici pour choisir vos couleurs favorites pour les icônes. Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous pourrez en changer plus tard si vous changez d'avis.
TutoInitMainTitle=Ecran d'accueil
TutoInitMainContent=Vous êtes maintenant sur l'écran principal de Sugarizer. Tout va se passer à partir d'ici. Voyons cela dans le détail.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus vous permet d'explorer la représentation des nombres en utilisant différent systèmes mécaniques de type bouliers utilisés par les Romains et Chinois anciens.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium est une activité abécédaire pour apprendre l'alphabet en utilisant des images, des sons et des mots.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain est un clône du fameux jeu de Tetris. L'objectif du jeu est de manipuler des blocs pour créer des lignes horizontales.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate est une calculatrice. L'interface propose les fonctions les plus simples directement mais elle supporte aussi des fonctions et variables mathématique complexes et même du tracé de courbes.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat propose une interface simple pour des discussions collaboratives entre des utilisateurs sur le réseau. Utiliser la Vue Voisinage réseau pour partager une conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock est une activité simple pour apprendre à lire et dire l'heure.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=L'activité Color My World vous permet d'explorer le monde et ses pays. Remplissez les pays avec la couleur que vous voulez et utilisez l'interface interactive pour trouver la position des pays sur la carte hors ligne.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=Un lecteur de livre électronique pour lire un ensemble de livres de la littérature classique.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys est un environnement de création de média riche et un système de programmation visuelle. Un outil éducatif complet pour apprendre aux enfants des grandes choses de manière simple.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser est un outil pour créer un ensemble de questions interactives (QCM, textes à trous, ...) et le partager avec vos amis.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip est un jeu de stratégie simple où vous devez retourner les "jetons" jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous de la même couleur. Chaque fois que vous réussissez, le challenge devient plus compliqué.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain est une activité pédagogique pour apprendre le noms des animaux (mot et prononciation) et le concept de chaîne alimentaire: qui mange qui ? qui est mangé par qui ? L'activité est composé de 3 petits jeux avec 20 niveaux de complexité croissants.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon vous permet d'utiliser vos photos, dessins et images du Journal pour créer en quelques minutes une amusante bande dessinée à partager avec vos amis.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life est un jeu pour observer et explorer les interactions des cellules et leur évolution génération après génération. Utilisez un des modèles fournis, un modèle aléatoire ou créez le votre et observez ce qui se passe.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears est un outil pour explorer la manière dont les engrenages et les chaînes transmettent le mouvement. Dessinez votre engrenage et regardez-le prendre vie.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done est un petit outil pour gérer votre liste de choses à faire.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint est une activité de dessin simple qui permet aux enfants de dessiner en utilisant une grille de triangles. Ne ratez jamais votre dessin avec l'activité Grid Paint !
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy est un éditeur de code avec des exemples inclus et un environnement d'exécution pour apprendre le langage de programmation Python.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS est un outil simple de création de cartes mentales pour organiser visuellement vos pensées et informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses est un petit jeu contre l'ordinateur. Chacun doit prendre entre 1 et 3 éléments sur le plateau. Celui qui prend le dernier élément perd le jeu.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown est un éditeur pour le langage de balisage du même nom. Il vous permet de formatter (gras, italique, ...) simplement un texte.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=Maze est un jeu de labyrinthe. Déplacez-vous dans le labyrinthe pour atteindre la sortie. Chaque labyrinthe devient plus grand et plus difficile que le précédent.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=Une activité pour afficher les contenus multimédia venant de votre Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=Le fameux jeu de mémoire: associez les paires (images, sons ou texte). Memorize est plus qu'un simple jeu prédéfini, il vous permet de créer vous-même de nouveaux jeux avec vos propres associations.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon vous permet de visualiser les phases de la Lune, notamment les données de lunaisons et les éclipses.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint est une activité pour créer des peintures et dessins. Changez la taille ou la couleur du pinceau, dessinez du texte, des tampons ou incluez des images ou des coloriages.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS est un simulateur du monde physique. Vous pouvez ajouter des carrés, ronds, triangles et les voir prendre vie en fonction des forces (pensez à la gravité et à Newton) et de l'inertie.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Utilisez simplement les QR Code avec ce petit générateur et lecteur de QR Code.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record est un outil simple de capture de contenu multimédia. Il vous permet de capturer des photos, vidéos et/ou audios depuis votre machine.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection est un jeu conçu autour de la symétrie réflexive. L'utilisateur doit modifier une image jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit symétrique horizontalement ou verticalement.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch est un environnement complet vous permettant de programmer vos histoires interactives, jeux et animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes est une activité qui vous permet de partager des petites notes - comme des "Post-It" - sur un tableau virtuel, et les partager avec les autres utilisateurs.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak est une tête qui parle. Tout ce que vous tapez va être dit à haute voix par le synthétiseur vocal.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math est une activité simple pour vous défier au calcul mental. Elle peut être également jouée contre les autres utilisateurs sur le réseau.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch est un simple chronomètre. Elle affiche plusieurs chronomètres numériques tous indépendants.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro est une activité pour jouer des instruments, sons et bruits de différents types.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation est un jeu d'arcade qui aide les enfants à pratiquer leur arithmétique avec différents niveaux de difficultés.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS est une activité inspirée par la "tortue" de l'interface graphique Logo qui vous permet de dessiner des éléments colorés et les combiner via des éléments de programmation visuel.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=Un outil de navigation et de visualisation des vidéos de la Khan Academy et de Canopé.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Un éditeur pour changer la couleur de vos icônes. Cette activité vous permet d'explorer différentes couleurs et modèles et de choisir vos favoris.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro est un minuteur utilisé pour diviser le travail en intervalles séparés par des courtes pauses.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation est un planétarium, ne nécessitant pas de connexion Internet, qui vous permet de voir le ciel tel qu'il est visible depuis n'importe quelle endroit sur Terre.
NotConnected=Non connecté
TutoOfflineTitle=Non connecté
TutoOfflineContent=Quand il est visible, cet icône vous rappelle que vous n'êtes pas conecté. Connectez votre machine à un serveur pour bénéficier des fonctionnalités de collaboration et pour sauvegarder votre travail.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connectez votre machine à un serveur pour bénéficier des fonctionnalités de collaboration et pour sauvegarder votre travail.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scannez le code du serveur
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Utilisez ce bouton pour scanner le QR Code de votre serveur au lieu de tapez son adresse.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=L'activité Write est un traitement de texte basique avec une interface adaptée aux enfants pour leur permettre d'écrire des histoires, poèmes ou essais. Elle supporte l'insertion d'image, de la mise en page et la génération de fichiers PDF, ODT ou DOC.
StartNew=malite ọhụrụ
NameActivity={{name}} Arụ Ọrụ
RemoveFavorite=wepụ mmasị
MakeFavorite=Mee mmasị
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=ọkacha mmasị ele
ListView=List echiche
FilterFavorites=Iyo ọkacha mmasị
SecondsAgo=sekọnd gara aga
Ago={{time}} gara aga
SecondsAgo_short=Sekọnd. gara aga
Ago_short={{time}} gara aga
Restart=Malitegharịa ekwentị
MySettings=My Ntọala
SearchHome=Search ke ufọk
JournalEmpty=Gị na magazin bụ ihe efu
NoMatchingActivities=Ọ dịghị kenha omume
ClearSearch=Clear search
SearchJournal=Search na magazin
Anytime=oge obula
SinceYesterday=ebe ọ bụ na ụnyaahụ
PastWeek=gara aga izu
PastMonth=ọnwa gara aga
PastYear=afọ gara aga
Anything=Ihe ọ bụla
NoMatchingEntries=Ọ dịghị kenha Ndenye
SearchSettings=Search na ntọala
AboutMe=Search na ntọala
AboutMyComputer=Ihe kọmputa m
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
Ok=Ọ Dị Mma
ClickToChangeColor=Pịa ịgbanwe agba :
ChangesRequireRestart=Mgbanwe na-achọ Malitegharịa ekwentị
CancelChanges=kagbuo mgbanwe
RestartNow=Malitegharịa ekwentị now
ChooseLanguage=họrọ asụsụ ị na-ahọrọ :
ClientType=Client ụdị:
Browser=nchọgharị :
BrowserVersion=Nchọgharị version:
UserAgent=Ịnye gị n'ụlọnga :
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Copyright na ikike
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer bụ ihe na-emeghe iyi software ikikere n'okpuru Apache 2.0 ikike.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
RestartActivity=Malitegharịa ekwentị
CopyToLocal=Detuo Obodo
CopyToPrivate=Detuo ime
CopyToShared=Detuo na-akọrọ
ByUser=site {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Ime ihe nkesa na anaghị azaghachi
Server=Ihe m na ihe nkesa
ConnectedToServer=Jikọọ a nkesa
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=obi View
SearchNeighbor=Search na n'Ógbè
ClickToColor=Pịa ịgbanwe agba :
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Gị na ihe nkesa na-adịghị ka
AndroidSettings=android ntọala
ResetLauncher=mgbanwe Launcher
JoinNetwork=isonyere netwọk
EnterKey=tinye akọrọ isi
SetLauncherTitle=ịgbanwe launcher
SetLauncherText=Ị nwere ike iji ma SugarizerOS dị ka a obubata, ma gị na nwa afọ obubata ka eji naanị Sugarizer gburugburu ebe obibi dị ka ihe ngwa. Obubata ị na-n'ezie iji bụ {{launcher}}, pịa akara ngosi nke obubata na ị chọrọ ka launcher gaa na.
Loading=-abịa elu...
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Journal na ntọala ga-aba
ClickMore=Pịa ọzọ n'ihi na ihe nhọrọ
ReinitJournalAndSettings=ndabere Reinit journal na ntọala
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
NameActivity={{name}} アクティビティ
VersionNumber=バージョン {{number}}
Ago={{time}} 前
Ago_short={{time}} 前
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
ClientType=クライアント タイプ:
BrowserVersion=ブラウザー バージョン:
UserAgent=ユーザー エージェント:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer は Apache 2.0 ライセンスの下にライセンスされるオープンソース ソフトウェアです.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
ByUser=ユーザー {{user}}
Server=マイ サーバーについて
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
AndroidSettings=Android の設定
SetLauncherText=SugarizerOS をランチャーとして使用することができます。または、ネイティブのランチャーを使用して、アプリケーションとして Sugarizer 環境のみ使用することができます。 実際に使用しているランチャーは {{launcher}} です。 切り替えたいランチャーのアイコンをクリックしてください。
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=Rozpocznij nowe
NameActivity={{name}} Aktywność
RemoveFavorite=Usuń ulubione
MakeFavorite=Zrób ulubione
VersionNumber=Wersja {{number}}
FavoritesView=Widok ulubionych
ListView=Widok listy
FilterFavorites=Filtruj ulubione
SecondsAgo=Pare sekund temu
Ago={{time}} temu
SecondsAgo_short=Sek. temu
Ago_short={{time}} temu
MySettings=Moje ustawienia
SearchHome=Wyszukaj w starcie
JournalEmpty=Twój dziennik jest pusty
NoMatchingActivities=Brak pasujących aktywności
ClearSearch=Wyszczyść szukanie
SearchJournal=Szukaj w dzienniku
SinceYesterday=Od wczoraj
PastWeek=Miniony tydzień
PastMonth=Miniony miesiąc
PastYear=Miniony rok
NoMatchingEntries=Brak pasujących wpisów
SearchSettings=Szukaj w ustawieniach
AboutMe=O mnie
AboutMyComputer=O komputerze
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
ClickToChangeColor=Kliknij by zmienić kolor:
ChangesRequireRestart=Zmiany wymagają restartu
CancelChanges=Porzuć zmiany
RestartNow=Zrestartuj teraz
ChooseLanguage=Wybierz preferowany język:
ClientType=Typ klienta:
BrowserVersion=Wersja przeglądarki:
UserAgent=User agent:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Prawa autorskie i licencja
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer jest otwartym oprogramowaniem pod licencją Apache 2.0.
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
CopyToLocal=Kopiuj do lokalnych
CopyToPrivate=Kopiuj do zdalnych
CopyToShared=Kopiuj do udostępnienia
ByUser=przez {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Serwer zdalny nie odpowiada
Server=O moim serwerze
ConnectedToServer=Połączony z serwerem
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=Widok sąsiedztwa
SearchNeighbor=Szukaj w sąsiedztwie
ClickToColor=Kliknij by zmienić kolor:
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Twój serwer nie jest skonfigurowany
AndroidSettings=Ustawienia Android
ResetLauncher=Zmień launcher
JoinNetwork=Połącz z siecią
EnterKey=Udostępnij klucz dzielony
SetLauncherTitle=Zmień tytuł launchera
SetLauncherText=Możesz używać SugarizerOS jako launchera, lub używać domyślnego launchera, aby użyć środowisko Sugarizera jako aplikacje. Launcher którego aktualnie używasz to{{launcher}}, kliknij na ikonę launchera jeśli chcesz go zmienić.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Dziennik oraz ustawienia zostaną skasowane.
ClickMore=Kliknij ponownie, aby zobaczyć więcej opcji
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reinicjalizuj dziennik oraz ustawienia
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=Começar novo
NameActivity={{name}} Atividade
RemoveFavorite=Remover favorito
MakeFavorite=Criar favorito
VersionNumber=Versão {{number}}
FavoritesView=Ver favoritos
ListView=Ver lista
Home=Página inicial
FilterFavorites=Filtrar favoritos
SecondsAgo=Segundos atrás
Ago={{time}} atrás
SecondsAgo_short=Seg. atrás
Ago_short={{time}} atrás
MySettings=Minhas Configurações
SearchHome=Pesquisar na minha página
JournalEmpty=Seu diário está vazio
NoMatchingActivities=Sem atividades correspondentes
ClearSearch=Limpar pesquisa
SearchJournal=Pesquisar no diário
Anytime=A qualquer momento
SinceYesterday=Desde ontem
PastWeek=Semana passada
PastMonth=Mês passado
PastYear=Ano passado
Anything=Qualquer coisa
NoMatchingEntries=Sem registros correspondentes
SearchSettings=Pesquisar em configurações
AboutMe=Sobre mim
AboutMyComputer=Sobre meu computador
MySecurity=Minha segurança
SecurityMessage=Se você deseja mudar suas imagens, primeiro escolha as imagens atuais:
SecurityMessageNew=Agora escolha no mínimo {{min}} novas imagens:
SecurityMessageDone=Imagens atualizadas!
InvalidPassword=Imagens inválidas
ClickToChangeColor=Clique para alterar a cor:
ChangesRequireRestart=Alterações requerem reiniciar
CancelChanges=Cancelar alterações
RestartNow=Reiniciar agora
ChooseLanguage=Escolher o idioma preferido:
ClientType=Tipo de Cliente:
BrowserVersion=Versão do navegador:
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Alerta: o Diário está cheio!
Copyright=Direito de cópia e licença
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer é um software livre sob a licença Apache 2.0.
LicenseTermsPlus=Várias atividades usam essa licença, mas algumas podem usar uma licença diferente. Verifique os créditos das atividades para ter certeza.
CopyToLocal=Copiar local
CopyToPrivate=Cópia remota
CopyToShared=Copiar para compartilhar
ByUser=por {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Servidor remoto sem resposta
Server=Sobre meu servidor
ConnectedToServer=Conectado a um servidor
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Nome do servidor:
UserId=Nome de usuário no servidor:
SessionExpired=Conexão com o servidor expirada
SecurityMessageExpired=Conexão expirada, digite suas imagens:
NeighborhoodView=Ver a vizinhança
SearchNeighbor=Pesquisar na vizinhança
ClickToColor=Clique para alterar cor:
NewUser=Novo usuário
ChooseName=Escolha um nome:
Password=Suas imagens:
ChoosePassword=Escolha pelo menos {{min}} imagens:
UserLoginInvalid=Usuário ou imagem inválidos
UserAlreadyExist=Esse nome de usuário já existe
ServerError=Erro de servidor código {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Seu servidor não está definido
AndroidSettings=Configurações Android
ResetLauncher=Redefinir iniciador
JoinNetwork=Entrar na rede
EnterKey=Digitar chave compartilhada
SetLauncherTitle=Redefinir iniciador
SetLauncherText=Você pode usar tanto o SugarizerOS como iniciador quanto seu iniciador nativo para usar o ambiente Sugarizer como uma aplicação. O iniciador que você está usando é {{launcher}}. Clique no ícone do iniciador para o qual você quer trocar.
RetrievingJournal=Sincronizando o Diário...
AllDataWillBeLost=Diário e configurações serão perdidas
ClickMore=Clique novamente para mais opções
ReinitJournalAndSettings=Reiniciar Diário e configurações
CopyToDevice=Copiar para o seu dispositivo
FileWroteTo=Escrever arquivo para {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Não pode escrever arquivo
UnableToConnect=Não foi possível se conectar ao servidor
Refresh=Tentar novamente
TutoUserContent=Este ícone é você. Passe o ponteiro do mouse ou um longo toque para mudar suas configurações (nome, cor, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Em torno de você há ícones para atividades. Clique nesses ícones para executar atividades. Passe o mouse sobre ele ou toque nele para exibir o menu de inicialização avançado.
TutoJournalContent=Diário é o lugar para recuperar o trabalho que você fez nas atividades e acessar o seu histórico.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Exibir favoritos
TutoFavoriteContent=Utilize este botão para exibir os favoritos.
TutoListTitle=Ver lista
TutoListContent=Utilize este botão para exibir todas as atividades e selecionar as favoritas.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Trocar favoritos
TutoFavswitchContent=Use este ícone para mudar a visibilidade desta atividade nos favoritos.
TutoSearchTitle=Buscar atividade
TutoSearchContent=Utilize este campo para buscar atividades pelo nome.
TutoNeighborTitle=Ver vizinhança
TutoNeighborContent=Exibir outros usuários próximos a você e participar de atividades que eles compartilharam.
TutoRunTitle=Agora é a sua vez!
TutoRunContent=Agora procure pelo ícone da atividade das Notas Compartilhadas e clique para iniciar a atividade.
TutoJournalIntroContent=Você está no Diário. O Diário é o lugar para recuperar trabalhos realizados. Cada linha é uma atividade que você realizou. Clique para reabrir.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Aqui está o ícone da atividade que você realizou. Passe com o mouse sobre ela ou clique e segure para acessar as configurações avançadas (apagar a linha, copiar para outros diários, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Aqui está o horário em que você interrompeu a atividade: segundos, minutos, horas, dia e mês.
TutoJournalTitleContent=Esse é o título da atividade. Por padrão, esse é o nome da atividade, mas você pode mudá-lo. Apenas dê um clique para trocar.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=Se você clicar neste ícone, esta entrada do Diário será marcada como favorita, então será fácil encontrá-la na lista.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Mostrar favoritos
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Clique neste ícone para filtrar o Diário nos favoritos.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Buscas realizadas
TutoJournalSearchContent=Utilize este campo para buscar uma entrada pelo título.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filtrar por tipo
TutoJournalTypeContent=Clique aqui para selecionar e filtrar o diário por tipo de atividade.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filtrar por data
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Clique aqui para exibir as atividades que você realizou em um período de tempo.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Diário local
TutoJournalLocalContent=Quando este ícone está ativo, você visualizará o conteúdo do Diário local. Este conteúdo está armazenado no seu dispositivo atual.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Diário remoto
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Clique neste ícone para exibir o conteúdo do seu Diário privado no servidor. Você é o único que tem acesso a esse conteúdo. É um bom local para armazenar conteúdo que você pretende posteriormente recuperar.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Diário compartilhado
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Clique neste ícone para exibir o conteúdo compartilhado no Diário do servidor. Todos os usuários do mesmo servidor podem ter acesso a esse Diário. É um bom local para compartilhar seu trabalhos com outros usuários.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Clique aqui para retornar ao início.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Ver vizinhança
TutoNeighborIntroContent=Você está na vista da vizinhança. Aqui pode ver usuários ao se redor conectados ao mesmo servidor.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=Você está na vista da vizinhança. Aqui você pode ver usuários ao seu redor conectados ao mesmo servidor. Você também pode ver todo o ponto de acesso WiFi ao seu redor.
TutoNeighborUserContent=Este ícone mostra como você aparece em sua própria vizinhança. Passe o mouse sobre ele ou toque nele para alterar suas configurações (nome, cor, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Seu servidor
TutoNeighborServerContent=Este ícone é o servidor em que você está conectado. Você somente poderá visualizar os usuários conectados ao mesmo servidor que você.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=Este é um usuário conectado ao mesmo servidor que você. Você poderá compartilhar suas atividades com ele e participar de atividades que ele compartilhou.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Atividade compartilhada
TutoNeighborActivityContent=Esta atividade é compartilhada por outro usuário. Passe o mouse sobre ela ou clique e segure para se juntar a ele.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=Esta é uma rede sem fio (WiFi) próxima. Passe o cursor do mouse ou toque longamente para conectar ou desconectar nesta rede.
SelectFilter=Selecionar filtro
SortDisplay=Ordenar exibição
SortByUpdated=Ordenar por data de atualização
SortByCreated=Ordenar por data de criação
SortBySize=Ordenar por tamanho
UnselectAll=Desmarcar todos
SelectAll=Selecionar todos
Selected_one={{count}} selecionado em{{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selecionado em {{total}}
Erase_one=Você deseja remover a entrada {{count}}?
Erase_other=Você deseja remover a entrada {{count}}?
CopyToLocal_one=Você deseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o Diário?
CopyToLocal_other=Você deseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o Diário?
CopyToPrivate_one=Você deseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu Diário remoto?
CopyToPrivate_other=Você deseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu Diário remoto?
CopyToShared_one=Você deseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu Diário compartilhado?
CopyToShared_other=Você dseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu Diário compartilhado?
CopyToDevice_one=Você dseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu dispositivo?
CopyToDevice_other=Você dseja copiar a entrada {{count}} para o seu dispositivo?
TutoJournalCheckContent=Esta caixa de seleção permite agir (remover, copiar) em vários itens ao mesmo tempo.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Clique aqui para ordenar itens por data de atualização, data de criação ou tamanho.
SaveFile=Salvar arquivo...
ChooseDirectory=Escolher diretório...
ErrorLoadingFile=Erro ao ler arquivo {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Escolher arquivos...
FilesSupported=Arquivos suportados
ImageFromDevice=Imagem do seu dispositivo
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Importar do seu dispositivo
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Clique aqui para importar conteúdo do seu dispositivo para o Diário
TutoInitIntroTitle=Bem-vindo ao Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Bem-vindo ao Sugarizer, a plataforma líder de aprendizado. Você encontrará aqui um conjunto de atividades para criar, jogar, aprender e compartilhar.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=Novo usuário
TutoInitNewUserContent=Primeiro, você precisa de um usuário para seu conteúdo. Clique aqui se é a sua primeira vez no Sugarizer, para criar um novo usuário.
TutoInitLoginTitle=Login de usuário
TutoInitLoginContent=Você já criou um usuário do Sugarizer em um servidor? Clique aqui para fornecer suas informações de login.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Usuários recentes
TutoInitHistoryContent=Não é sua primeira vez neste dispositivo? Basta clicar no seu nome para se conectar.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Lembre-se deste ícone. Se você está perdido, basta clicar nele a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar para obter alguma ajuda.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Digite aqui o endereço do servidor onde seus dados são armazenados. Deve começar por \
TutoInitNameTitle=Seu nome
TutoInitNameContent=O nome que você usa para se conectar ao aplicativo.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Sua senha
TutoInitPasswordContent=A série de imagens que você usa como senha para se conectar ao aplicativo. Se você esquecer, peça a um administrador para lembrá-lo.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Escolher um nome
TutoInitNameNewContent=O nome que você usará no aplicativo. Pode ser o seu nome completo ou outro que você queira. Você poderá mudar isso depois.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Escolher uma senha
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Escolha uma série de imagens que você usará como senha para proteger seu conteúdo. Você pode mudar depois, mas não esqueça!
TutoInitPreviousContent=Você não tem certeza da sua escolha anterior? Sem problema, basta retornar.
TutoInitNextTitle=Etapa seguinte
TutoInitNextContent=Validar a sua escolha e ir para a etapa seguinte.
TutoInitColorTitle=Escolher suas cores
TutoInitColorContent=Clique aqui para escolher suas cores favoritas para os ícones. Não se preocupe, você poderá alterar mais tarde se mudar de ideia.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=Você está agora na tela inicial do Sugarizer. Tudo acontece aqui. Vamos ver detalhes.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Ábacus permite ao aprendiz explorar diferentes representações de números, usando diferentes sistemas de contagem mecânica desenvolvidos pelos antigos romanos e chineses.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium é uma atividade que permite aprender o alfabeto usando imagens, sons e palavras.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain é um clone do clássico jogo de Tetris. O objetivo do jogo é girar blocos para criar linhas horizontais.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate é uma calculadora. A interface fornece as funções mais simples diretamente, mas também suporta matemática e variáveis mais complexas e até calculadora gráfica básica.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Bate-papo fornece uma interface simples para discussão colaborativa entre usuários através da rede. Use a Exibição de Vizinhança para estabelecer uma conversa.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Relógio é uma atividade simples para aprender a ler e dizer as horas.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=A atividade Color My World permite que você explore o mundo e seus países. Preencha os países com as cores de que você gosta ou use o modo interativo para encontrar a localização dos países no mapa.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=Um leitor de livros eletrônicos com acesso a um conjunto de livros da literatura clássica.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys é um sistema de programação visual com um ambiente de criação rico em mídia. Uma ferramenta educacional completa para ensinar ideias poderosas de maneira simples e atraente.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=O Exerciser é uma ferramenta para criar um conjunto de perguntas interativas (questões de múltipla escolha, frases para completar a palavra que falta, ...) e compartilhá-lo com seus amigos.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip é um jogo de estratégia simples onde você tem que virar \que sejam todas da mesma cor. Cada vez que você \mais difícil.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain é um jogo pedagógico para aprender o nome dos animais (palavra e pronúncia) e o conceito de cadeias alimentares: quem come o que? Quem come quem? A atividade é composta por 3 pequenos jogos com 20 níveis de crescente complexidade.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon permite que você use suas fotos, desenhos ou imagens do Diário para criar em poucos minutos uma história em quadrinhos para compartilhar com seus amigos.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life é um jogo para observar e explorar como as células interagem e evoluem geração após geração. Use um dos modelos fornecidos, um modelo aleatório ou crie o seu próprio e observe o que acontece.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears é uma ferramenta para explorar as formas pelas quais as engrenagens e correntes transmitem movimento. Desenhe suas engrenagens e veja-as ganhando vida.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done é uma pequena ferramenta para gerenciar sua lista de tarefas.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint é uma atividade de pintura simples para crianças desenharem imagens usando uma grade de triângulos. Nunca perca seu desenho com a atividade Grid Paint!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy é um editor de código com exemplos incluídos e um ambiente de execução para aprender a linguagem de programação Python.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=O LabyrinthJS é uma atividade simples de criação de mapas mentais para organizar visualmente seus pensamentos e informações.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Resta Um é um pequeno jogo contra o computador. Cada jogador tem que ficar entre 1 a 3 itens no tabuleiro. Aquele que obtiver o último no tabuleiro perde o jogo.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown é um editor simples para linguagem de marcação. Permite formatar (negrito, itálico, ...) facilmente um texto.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=Jogo simples de labirinto. Mova-se pelo labirinto para alcançar o objetivo. Cada labirinto é maior e mais difícil que o anterior.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=Uma atividade para exibir conteúdo multimídia armazenado no do Diário.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=O famoso jogo de memorização: encontre pares correspondentes (imagens, sons ou texto). Memorize é mais do que um jogo pré-definido, ele também permite que você crie novos jogos.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Visualizador de fases da lua, inclui informações de lunação e dados de eclipse.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Pintura é uma atividade para criar pinturas ou desenhos. Permite alterar o tamanho ou a cor do pincel, inserir texto, criar carimbos, incluir imagens ou padrões predefinidos.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS é um simulador de mundo físico. Você pode adicionar quadrados, círculos, triângulos e vê-los ganhar vida com forças (pense em gravidade e Newton) e inércia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use facilmente Código QR com este simples gerador e leitor de Código QR.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record é uma atividade simples de captura de conteúdo multimídia. Permite capturar fotos, áudio e vídeo.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflexão é um jogo de simetria reflexiva. O usuário modifica uma imagem até que ela tenha uma simetria reflexiva no eixo horizontal ou vertical.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch é um ambiente completo onde você pode programar suas próprias histórias interativas, jogos e animações.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Notas Compartilhadas é uma atividade que permite fixar pequenas notas - como etiquetas adesivas - em um quadro virtual e compartilhá-las com outros usuários.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak é um rosto que fala. Tudo o que você digita será dito em voz alta pelo sintetizador de fala.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math é uma atividade simples para desafiar sua capacidade de realizar cálculos mentais. Também pode ser jogado com outros usuários através da rede.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=O StopWatch é um cronômetro simples. Exibe ao usuário vários cronômetros digitais, todos independentes.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro é uma atividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation é um jogo arcade que ajuda as crianças a praticar matemática com diferentes níveis de dificuldade.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS é uma atividade com a tartaruga gráfica derivada da Linguagem Logo que permite desenhar formas coloridas e combiná-las através de programação visual.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=Um navegador e um visualizador para os vídeos da Khan Academy e da Canopé.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor para modificar as cores dos seus ícones. Esta atividade permite explorar diferentes padrões de cores e escolher as suas favoritas.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.
StartNew=bẹrẹ titun
NameActivity={{name}} aṣayan iṣẹ-ṣiṣe
RemoveFavorite=yọ ayanfẹ
MakeFavorite=ṣe awọn ayanfẹ
VersionNumber=Version {{number}}
FavoritesView=ayanfẹ wo
ListView=akojọ wo
FilterFavorites=àlẹmọ awọn ayanfẹ
SecondsAgo=-aaya seyin
Ago={{time}} seyin
SecondsAgo_short=Aaya . seyin
Ago_short={{time}} seyin
Restart=Tun bẹrẹ
MySettings=mi Eto
SearchHome=Àwárí ni ile
JournalEmpty=Iwe akosile re ni sofo
NoMatchingActivities=Ko si tuntun tó akitiyan
ClearSearch=ko àwárí
SearchJournal=Àwárí ni akosile
SinceYesterday=niwon lana
PastWeek=ti o ti kọja ọsẹ
PastMonth=ti o ti kọja osù
PastYear=ti o ti kọja odun
NoMatchingEntries=Ko si tuntun tó titẹ sii
SearchSettings=Àwárí ni eto
AboutMe=nipa mi
AboutMyComputer=About mi kọmputa
MySecurity=My security
SecurityMessage=If you want to change your images, first type current images:
SecurityMessageNew=Now choose at least {{min}} new images:
SecurityMessageDone=Images updated!
InvalidPassword=Invalid images
ClickToChangeColor=Tẹ lati yi awọ :
ChangesRequireRestart=Àwọn àtúnṣe beere bẹrẹ iṣẹ
CancelChanges=fagilee ayipada
RestartNow=Tun bayi
ChooseLanguage=Yan ede ti o fẹ :
ClientType=Ni ose irú :
Browser=kiri ayelujara :
BrowserVersion=Kiri ayelujara ti ikede :
UserAgent=Olumulo oluranlowo :
StorageSize={{used}} bytes - {{formatted}}
JournalAlmostFull=Warning: Journal almost full!
Copyright=Copyright ati iwe-ašẹ
LicenseTerms=Sugarizer jẹ ẹya ìmọ orisun software -ašẹ labẹ awọn afun ni 2.0 iwe-ašẹ
LicenseTermsPlus=Most activities use this license too but some could use a different license, check the README file for more information.
RestartActivity=Tun bẹrẹ
CopyToLocal=da si agbegbe
CopyToPrivate=Daakọ lati latọna jijin
CopyToShared=Daakọ si pín
ByUser=nipa {{user}}
ErrorLoadingRemote=Latọna olupin ko dáhùn
Retry=Tun gbiyanju bi
Server=About mi olupin
ConnectedToServer=Ti a ti sopọ si kan server
ServerUrl=Server address:
ServerName=Server Name:
UserId=User name on server:
SessionExpired=Server connection expired
SecurityMessageExpired=Connection expired, type your images:
NeighborhoodView=adugbo Wo
SearchNeighbor=Àwárí ni adugbo
Connected=ti a ti sopọ
ClickToColor=Tẹ lati yi awọ :
NewUser=New user
ChooseName=Choose name:
Password=Your images:
ChoosePassword=Choose at least {{min}} images:
UserLoginInvalid=Invalid user name or images
UserAlreadyExist=User already exist
ServerError=Server error code {{code}}
ServerNotSet=Rẹ olupin ti a ko ti ṣeto
AndroidSettings=Android eto
ResetLauncher=yipada Launcher
JoinNetwork=da Network
EnterKey=Tẹ bọtini pín
SetLauncherTitle=yi awọnlauncher
SetLauncherText=O le lo boya SugarizerOS bi a jiju, boya rẹ abinibi jiju si nikan lo Sugarizer ayika bi ohun elo. Awọn nkan launcher ti o ti wa ni kosi ni lilo ni jiju {{launcher}}, tẹ lori awọn aami ti awọn launcher ti o fẹ lati yipada si.
RetrievingJournal=Synchronizing Journal...
AllDataWillBeLost=Journal ati awọn eto ni yoo sọnu
ClickMore=Tẹ lẹẹkansi fun diẹ ẹ sii awọn aṣayan
ReinitJournalAndSettings=aiyipada Iwe ati Eto
CopyToDevice=Copy to your device
FileWroteTo=Wrote file to {{file}}
ErrorWritingFile=Can't write file
UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to server
TutoUserContent=This icon is you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoActivityContent=Around you are icons for activities. Click on these icons to run activities. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to display advanced launch menu.
TutoJournalContent=Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done in activities and access your history.
TutoFavoriteTitle=Favorite view
TutoFavoriteContent=Use this button to display the favorite view.
TutoListTitle=List view
TutoListContent=Use this button to display all activities, to select activities in the favorite view and to have more information about activities.
TutoFavswitchTitle=Favorite switch
TutoFavswitchContent=Use this icon to change visibility of this activity in the favorite view.
TutoSearchTitle=Search activity
TutoSearchContent=Use this text to search an activity by its name.
TutoNeighborTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborContent=Display users around you and join activities they shared.
TutoRunTitle=Now it's your turn!
TutoRunContent=Now look for the Shared Notes activity icon and click on it to run the activity.
TutoJournalIntroContent=You're in the Journal. The Journal is the place to retrieve the work you've done. Each row is one thing you've done. Just click on it to reopen it in its old state.
TutoJournalActivityContent=Here's the icon of the activity you've done. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to access advanced features (erase the row, copy to other journals, ...).
TutoJournalTimeContent=Here's the time when you've done the activity: seconds, minutes, hours, days or month ago.
TutoJournalTitleContent=It's the title of the activity. By default it's just the name of the activity but you could change it. Just click on it to do that.
TutoJournalFavoriteContent=If you click on this icon, this Journal entry will be marked as favorite so it will be easy for you to find it in the list.
TutoJournalFavButtonTitle=Show favorites
TutoJournalFavButtonContent=Click on this icon to filter Journal on the favorite flag.
TutoJournalSearchTitle=Search entry
TutoJournalSearchContent=Use this text to search an entry by its title.
TutoJournalTypeTitle=Filter by type
TutoJournalTypeContent=Click here to select and filter Journal by activity type.
TutoJournalTimeButtonTitle=Filter by time
TutoJournalTimeButtonContent=Click here to view only activities that you've done in a period of time.
TutoJournalLocalTitle=Local Journal
TutoJournalLocalContent=When this icon is active, you're seeing the content of the local journal. All this content is stored on your current device.
TutoJournalCloudOneTitle=Remote Journal
TutoJournalCloudOneContent=Click on this icon to display the content of your private journal on the server. You're the only one to access to this journal. It's a good place to store content that you don't want to loose.
TutoJournalCloudAllTitle=Shared Journal
TutoJournalCloudAllContent=Click on this icon to display the content of the shared journal on the server. Every user connected to the same server could access to this journal. So, it's nice to share your work with others.
TutoGotoHomeTitle=Home view
TutoGotoHomeContent=Click here to go back to the home view.
TutoNeighborIntroTitle=Neighborhood view
TutoNeighborIntroContent=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server.
TutoNeighborIntroContent2=You're in the Neighborhood view. Here you could see users around you connected to the same server. You could also see all WiFi access point around you.
TutoNeighborUserContent=This icon is you like other users could see you on their own Neighborhood view. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to change your settings (name, color, ...).
TutoNeighborServerTitle=Your server
TutoNeighborServerContent=This icon is the server where you're connected. You could only see users connected to the same server than you.
TutoNeighborOtherContent=This is another user connected to the same server. You could share activities with him or join an activity that he shared with you.
TutoNeighborActivityTitle=Shared activity
TutoNeighborActivityContent=This activity is shared by another user. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to join him.
TutoNeighborWifiContent=This is a WiFi access point around you. Pass the mouse over it or long touch it to connect/disconnect to this WiFi.
SelectFilter=Select filter
SortDisplay=Sort display
SortByUpdated=Sort by updated date
SortByCreated=Sort by creation date
SortBySize=Sort by size
UnselectAll=Unselect all
SelectAll=Select all
Selected_one={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Selected_other={{count}} selected on {{total}}
Erase_one=Do you want to remove {{count}} entry?
Erase_other=Do you want to remove {{count}} entries?
CopyToLocal_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your local Journal?
CopyToLocal_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your local Journal?
CopyToPrivate_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in your remote Journal?
CopyToPrivate_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in your remote Journal?
CopyToShared_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry in the shared Journal?
CopyToShared_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries in the shared Journal?
CopyToDevice_one=Do you want to copy {{count}} entry to your device?
CopyToDevice_other=Do you want to copy {{count}} entries to your device?
TutoJournalCheckContent=This checkbox allow you to do actions (remove, copy) on multiple items at the same time.
TutoJournalSortButtonContent=Click here to sort items by date of last update, date of creation or size.
SaveFile=Save file...
ChooseDirectory=Choose directory...
ErrorLoadingFile=Error loading file {{file}}
ChooseFiles=Choose files...
FilesSupported=Files supported
ImageFromDevice=Image from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonTitle=Import from device
TutoJournalFromDeviceButtonContent=Click here to import content from your device to the Journal
TutoInitIntroTitle=Welcome to Sugarizer
TutoInitIntroTitleIntroContent=Welcome to Sugarizer the leading learning platform. You will find here a set of activities to create, play, learn and share.
TutoInitNewUserTitle=New user
TutoInitNewUserContent=First, you need a user to associate your content. Click here if it's your first time in Sugarizer so you could create a new user.
TutoInitLoginTitle=User login
TutoInitLoginContent=You've already created a Sugarizer user on a server? Click here to give your login information.
TutoInitHistoryTitle=Recent users
TutoInitHistoryContent=Not your first time on this device? Just click on your name here to connect.
TutoInitHelpTitle=Help me
TutoInitHelpContent=Remind you this icon. If you're lost, just click on it anytime anywhere to get some help.
TutoInitServerTitle=Server address
TutoInitServerContent=Type here the server address where your data is store. It should start by "http://" or "https://".
TutoInitNameTitle=Your name
TutoInitNameContent=The name you use to connect to the application.
TutoInitPasswordTitle=Your password
TutoInitPasswordContent=The series of images that you use as password to connect to the application. If you forget it, ask an administrator to remind you.
TutoInitNameNewTitle=Choose a name
TutoInitNameNewContent=The name you will use in the application. It could be your full name or anything you want. You could change it later.
TutoInitPasswordNewTitle=Choose a password
TutoInitPasswordNewContent=Choose a series of images that you will use as password to protect your content. You could change it later but don't forget it!
TutoInitPreviousTitle=Go back
TutoInitPreviousContent=You're not sure of your previous choice? Not a problem, just go back to the previous step.
TutoInitNextTitle=Go next
TutoInitNextContent=Validate your choice and go to the next step.
TutoInitColorTitle=Choose your colors
TutoInitColorContent=Click here to choose your favorite colors for icons. Don't worry you will be able to change it later if you change your mind.
TutoInitMainTitle=Home screen
TutoInitMainContent=You're now on the Sugarizer home screen. Everything happens from here. Let's see details.
TutoActivityAbacusactivity=Abacus lets the learner explore different representations of numbers using different mechanical counting systems developed by the ancient Romans and Chinese.
TutoActivityAbecedariumactivity=Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words.
TutoActivityBlockrainactivity=Blockrain is a clone of the classic Tetris game. The objective of the game is to manipulate blocks to create horizontal lines.
TutoActivityCalculateactivity=Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting.
TutoActivityChatPrototypeactivity=Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between users through the network. Use Neighborhood View to share a conversation.
TutoActivityClockactivity=Clock is a simple activity to learn how to read and tell the time.
TutoActivityColorMyWorldactivity=Color My World activity let you explore the world and its countries. Fill countries with color you like or use the interactive mode to find location of countries on the offline map.
TutoActivityEbookReaderactivity=An e-book reader to read a set of books from the classical litterature.
TutoActivityEtoysactivity=EToys is a media-rich authoring environment and visual programming system. A complete educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways.
TutoActivityExerciseractivity=Exerciser is a tool to create your set of interactive questions (MCQ, Cloze Text, ...) and share it with your friends.
TutoActivityFlipactivity=Flip is a simple strategy game where you have to flip "coins" until they are all of the same color. Each time you "win" the challenge gets more difficult.
TutoActivityFoodChainactivity=FoodChain is a pedagogical game to learn name of animals (word and pronunciation) and concept of food chains: who eats what? Who eats who? The activity is composed of 3 little games with 20 levels of growing complexity.
TutoActivityFototoonactivity=FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
TutoActivityGameOfLifeactivity=Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen.
TutoActivityGearsactivity=Gears is a tool to explore the ways in which gears and chains transmit motion. Draw your gears and see it coming to life.
TutoActivityGetThingsDoneactivity=Get Things Done is a small tool to track your to-do list.
TutoActivityGridpaintactivity=Grid Paint is a simple paint activity for kids to draw pictures using a grid of triangles. Never miss your drawing with Grid Paint activity!
TutoActivityJappyactivity=Jappy is a code editor with built-in examples and a run-time environment to learn Python programming language.
TutoActivityLabyrinthJSactivity=LabyrinthJS is a lightweight mind-mapping activity to visually organize your thought or informations.
TutoActivityLastOneLosesactivity=Last One Loses is a small game against the computer. Each one had to get between 1 to 3 items on the board. The one which get the last one on the board loses the game.
TutoActivityMarkdownactivity=Markdown is an editor for lightweight markup language. It allow to format (bold, italic, ...) easily a text.
TutoActivityMazeWebactivity=A simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one.
TutoActivityMediaVieweractivity=An activity to display multimedia content coming from the Journal.
TutoActivityMemorizeactivity=The famous memorize game: find matching pairs (images, sounds or text). Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well.
TutoActivityMoonactivity=Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data.
TutoActivityPaintactivity=Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings. Change brush size or color, draw text, stamps, include images or preset patterns.
TutoActivityPhysicsJSactivity=PhysicsJS is a physical world simulator and playground. You can add squares, circles, triangles and see them come to life with forces (think gravity and Newton) and inertia.
TutoActivityQRCodeactivity=Use easily QR Code with this simple QR Code Generator and scanner.
TutoActivityRecordactivity=Record is a basic rich-media capture activity. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio.
TutoActivityReflectionactivity=Reflection is a game designed around reflective symmetry. The user modifies an image until it has reflective symmetry around either the horizontal or vertical axis.
TutoActivityScratchactivity=Scratch is a full environment where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
TutoActivitySharedNotesactivity=Shared Notes is an activity that let you pin small notes - like "Post-It" - on a virtual board and share it with other users.
TutoActivitySpeakactivity=Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer.
TutoActivitySprintMathactivity=Sprint Math is a simple activity to challenge yourself on mental arithmetic. Could be also played with other users through the network.
TutoActivityStopwatchactivity=StopWatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent.
TutoActivityTamTamMicroactivity=Tam Tam Micro is an activity to play instruments, sounds and noise of different type.
TutoActivityTankOpactivity=Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty.
TutoActivityTurtleBlocksJSactivity=Turtle Blocks JS is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art with snap-together visual programming elements.
TutoActivityVideoVieweractivity=A browser and a viewer for Khan Academy and Canopé videos.
TutoActivityXOEditoractivity=Editor for your buddy icon colors. This activity lets you explore different color patterns and choose your favorite.
TutoActivityPomodoroactivity=Pomodoro is a countdown activity used to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks.
TutoActivityConstellationactivity=Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth.
NotConnected=Not connected
TutoOfflineTitle=Not connected icon
TutoOfflineContent=When visible, this icon remind you that you're not connected. Connect your device to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
PleaseConnectMessage=Connect your account to a server to use collaboration features and to backup your work.
TutoInitQRCodeTitle=Scan server code
TutoInitQRCodeContent=Use this button to scan the QR code of your server instead of typing its address.
TutoActivityWriteactivity=The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children to let them write story, poem or essay. It also supports inserting images, performing basic layout operations and generating PDF, ODT or DOC files.