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* Virtual Sky add on to display planets without
* needing a file regularly updated from JPL Horizons
* Written by Stuart Lowe (
(function ($) {
// An init function for the plugin
function init(){
// Attach a callback to the loadedPlanets event to calculate and draw the planets
this.jd = this.times.JD;
var p = new Planets();
var days = 365.25;
this.planets =*0.25,days*1.25);
var loadtime = this.times.JD;
var i = this.calendarevents.length;
if(Math.abs(loadtime-this.times.JD) >= days*0.25){
this.calendarevents.splice(i,1); // Remove this one-time event
// Create an object to deal with planet ephemerides
function Planets(){
// Heliocentric Osculating Orbital Elements Referred to the Mean Equinox and Ecliptic of Date for 2013:
// Values of the Osculating Orbital Elements for 8th August 1997:
this.planets = [{
"name": "Me",
"radius":2439.7, // km
"interval": 0.5,
"colour": "rgb(170,150,170)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -0.36 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.027 * d.FV + 2.2E-13 * Math.pow(d.FV,6); },
"elements": [
"name": "V",
"radius": 6051.9, // km
"interval": 1,
"colour": "rgb(245,222,179)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -4.34 + 5*log10(d.a*d.R) + 0.013 * d.FV + 4.2E-7*Math.pow(d.FV,3); },
"elements": [
"elements" : [
"radius": 3386, // km
"interval": 1,
"colour": "rgb(255,50,50)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -1.51 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.016 * d.FV; },
"radius": 69173, // km
"interval": 10,
"colour": "rgb(255,150,150)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -9.25 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.014 * d.FV; },
"radius": 57316, // km
"interval": 10,
"colour": "rgb(200,150,150)",
"magnitude": function(d){
var slon = Math.atan2(d.y,d.x);
var slat = Math.atan2(d.z, Math.sqrt(d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y));
while(slon < 0) slon += 2*Math.PI;
while(slon >= 360) slon -= 2*Math.PI;
var ir = d.d2r*28.06;
var Nr = d.d2r*(169.51 + 3.82E-5 * (d.jd-2451543.5)); // Compared to J2000 epoch
var B = Math.asin(Math.sin(slat) * Math.cos(ir) - Math.cos(slat) * Math.sin(ir) * Math.sin(slon-Nr));
return -9.0 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.044 * d.FV + (-2.6 * Math.sin(Math.abs(B)) + 1.2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(B),2));
"radius": 25266, // km
"interval": 20,
"colour": "rgb(130,150,255)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -7.15 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.001 * d.FV; },
"radius": 24553, // km
"interval": 20,
"colour": "rgb(100,100,255)",
"magnitude": function(d){ return -6.90 + 5*log10(d.r*d.R) + 0.001 * d.FV; },
this.d2r = Math.PI/180;
this.r2d = 180/Math.PI;
this.AUinkm = 149597870.700;
return this;
// Build an array containing all the planets
// Inputs:
// jd = the Julian Date to calculate from
// days = the number of days to calculate ephemerides for = function(jd,days){
var arr = new Array(this.planets.length-1);
var b = 0;
if(!days) days = 365.25;
for(var a = 0 ; a < this.planets.length ; a++){
if(this.planets[a].colour) arr[b++] = this.buildPlanet(a,jd,days);
return arr;
// Build the data array for a particular planet
// Inputs:
// planet = the ID of the planet
// jd = the Julian Date to calculate from
// days = the number of days to calculate ephemerides for
Planets.prototype.buildPlanet = function(planet,jd,days){
var p,coord,interval,n,jdcurr;
if(typeof planet==="number"){
p = planet;
var match = -1;
for(var a = 0 ; a < this.planets.length ; a++){
if(this.planets[a].name==planet) match = a;
if(match < 0) return this;
if(match == 2) return this; // Can't calculate Earth
p = match;
interval = (typeof this.planets[p].interval==="number" ? this.planets[p].interval : 1);
// Build an array of the form:
// [Planet name,colour,[jd_1, ra_1, dec_1, mag_1, jd_2, ra_2, dec_2, mag_2....]]
n = Math.floor(days/interval);
var arr = new Array(3);
arr[0] = this.planets[p]["name"];
arr[1] = this.planets[p]["colour"];
arr[2] = new Array(n*4);
jdcurr = jd;
for(var i = 0 ; i < n; i++){
jdcurr += interval;
coord = this.getEphem(p,jdcurr);
arr[2][i*4+0] = jdcurr;
arr[2][i*4+1] = coord[0];
arr[2][i*4+2] = coord[1];
arr[2][i*4+3] = coord[2];
return arr;
// Get the ephemeris for the specified planet number
// Input:
// planet = ID
// day = Julian Date to calculate the ephemeris for
// Method from
Planets.prototype.getEphem = function(planet,day){
var i,v,e,x,y,z,ec,q,ra,dc,R,mag,FV,phase;
if(typeof planet==="number"){
i = planet;
var match = -1;
for(var a = 0 ; a < this.planets.length ; a++){
if(this.planets[a].name==planet) match = a;
if(match < 0) return this;
if(match == 2) return this; // Can't calculate Earth
i = match;
// Heliocentric coordinates of planet
v = this.getHeliocentric(this.planets[i],day);
// Heliocentric coordinates of Earth
e = this.getHeliocentric(this.planets[2],day);
// Geocentric ecliptic coordinates of the planet
x =[0] -[0];
y =[1] -[1];
z =[2] -[2];
// Geocentric equatorial coordinates of the planet
ec = 23.439292*this.d2r; // obliquity of the ecliptic for the epoch the elements are referred to
q = [x,y * Math.cos(ec) - z * Math.sin(ec),y * Math.sin(ec) + z * Math.cos(ec)];
ra = Math.atan(q[1]/q[0])*this.r2d;
if(q[0] < 0) ra += 180;
if(q[0] >= 0 && q[1] < 0) ra += 360;
dc = Math.atan(q[2] / Math.sqrt(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1]))*this.r2d;
R = Math.sqrt(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2]);
// Calculate the magnitude (
var angdiam = (this.planets[i].radius*2/(R*this.AUinkm));
mag = 1;
// planet's heliocentric distance, v.r, its geocentric distance, R, and the distance to the Sun, e.r.
FV = Math.acos( ( v.r*v.r + R*R - e.r*e.r ) / (2*v.r*R) );
phase = (1 + Math.cos(FV))/2;
mag = this.planets[i].magnitude({a:v.r,r:v.r,R:R,FV:FV*this.r2d,x:x,y:y,z:z,jd:day,d2r:this.d2r});
return [ra,dc,mag];
Planets.prototype.getHeliocentric = function(planet,jd,i){
var min = 1e10;
var mn,p,d,M,v,r;
// Choose a set of orbital elements
// Loop over elements and pick the one closest in time
for(var j = 0; j < planet.elements.length ;j++){
mn = Math.abs(planet.elements[j].jd-jd);
if(mn < min){
i = j;
min = mn;
p = planet.elements[i];
// The day number is the number of days (decimal) since epoch of elements.
d = (jd - p.jd);
// Heliocentric coordinates of planet
M = this.meanAnomaly(p.n,d,p.L,p.p)
v = this.trueAnomaly(M*this.d2r,p.e,10);
r = p.a * (1 - Math.pow(p.e,2)) / (1 + p.e * Math.cos(v*this.d2r));
return {xyz: this.heliocentric(v*this.d2r,r,p.p*this.d2r,p.o*this.d2r,p.i*this.d2r), M:M, v:v, r:r, i:i, d:d, elements:p};
// Find the Mean Anomaly (M, degrees) of the planet where
// n is daily motion
// d is the number of days since the date of the elements
// L is the mean longitude (deg)
// p is the longitude of perihelion (deg)
// M should be in range 0 to 360 degrees
Planets.prototype.meanAnomaly = function(d,n,L,p){
var M = n * d + L - p;
while(M < 0) M += 360;
while(M >= 360) M -= 360;
return M;
// Heliocentric coordinates of the planet where:
// o is longitude of ascending node (radians)
// p is longitude of perihelion (radians)
// i is inclination of plane of orbit (radians)
// the quantity v + o - p is the angle of the planet measured in the plane of the orbit from the ascending node
Planets.prototype.heliocentric = function(v,r,p,o,i){
var vpo = v + p - o;
var svpo = Math.sin(vpo);
var cvpo = Math.cos(vpo);
var co = Math.cos(o);
var so = Math.sin(o);
var ci = Math.cos(i);
var si = Math.sin(i);
return [r * (co * cvpo - so * svpo * ci),r * (so * cvpo + co * svpo * ci),r * (svpo * si)]
Find the True Anomaly given
m - the 'mean anomaly' in orbit theory (in radians)
ecc - the eccentricity of the orbit
Planets.prototype.trueAnomaly = function(m,ecc,eps){
var e = m; // first guess
if(typeof eps==="number"){
var delta = 0.05; // set delta equal to a dummy value
var eps = 10; // eps - the precision parameter - solution will be within 10^-eps of the true value. Don't set eps above 14, as convergence can't be guaranteed
while(Math.abs(delta) >= Math.pow(10,-eps)){ // converged?
delta = e - ecc * Math.sin(e) - m; // new error
e -= delta / (1 - ecc * Math.cos(e)); // corrected guess
var v = 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(((1 + ecc) / (1 - ecc)),0.5) * Math.tan(0.5 * e));
if(v < 0) v+= Math.PI*2;
v = m + ( (2 * ecc - Math.pow(ecc,3)/4)*Math.sin(m) + 1.25*Math.pow(ecc,2)*Math.sin(2*m) + (13/12)*Math.pow(ecc,3)*Math.sin(3*m) );
return v*this.r2d; // return estimate
function formatRADec(ra,dec){
var rah,ram,ras,dcd,dcm,dcs;
ra /= 15;
rah = Math.floor(ra);
ram = Math.floor((ra-rah)*60);
ras = (ra-rah-ram/60)*3600;
dcd = Math.floor(dec);
dcm = Math.floor((dec-dcd)*60);
dcs = (dec-dcd-dcm/60)*3600;
return (Math.abs(rah) < 10 ? "0":"")+rah+":"+(ram < 10 ? "0":"")+ram+":"+(ras < 10 ? "0":"")+ras.toFixed(2)+" "+(Math.abs(dcd) < 10 ? "0":"")+dcd+":"+(dcm < 10 ? "0":"")+dcm+":"+(dcs < 10 ? "0":"")+dcs.toFixed(2);
function getJD(today){
if(!today) today = new Date();
return ( today.getTime() / 86400000.0 ) + 2440587.5;
function rev(x) {
return x - Math.floor(x/360.0)*360.0
function log10(x) {
return Math.LOG10E * Math.log(x);
var match = false;
for(var i = 0; i < $.virtualsky.plugins.length; i++){
if($.virtualsky.plugins[i].name=="planets") match = true;
init: init,
name: 'planets',
version: '1.0'