// Class to load all game images in cache
name: "LcdDisplay",
kind: enyo.Control,
classes: "lcd-border",
published: { size: 3, value: "" },
components: [
// Value
{name: "digits", components: [
// Preload image
{kind: "Image", id:"led_nums", src:"images/led_values.png", classes: "image-preload", showing: false }
// Constructor
create: function() {
// Size changed, reinit
sizeChanged: function() {
// Resize
var wsize = window.innerWidth;
var digitwidth;
var digitheight;
var zoom;
if (wsize <= 480) {
digitwidth = 20;
digitheight = 32;
} else {
digitwidth = 30;
digitheight = 48;
this.applyStyle("width", (digitwidth*this.size)+"px");
this.applyStyle("height", digitheight+"px");
// Clean digits
var items = [];
enyo.forEach(this.$.digits.getControls(), function(item) { items.push(item); });
for (var i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i++) { items[i].destroy(); };
// Create digits
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.size ; i++) {
this.$.digits.createComponent({ classes: "lcd-num lcd-image-empty" }, {owner: this}).render();
// Value changed
valueChanged: function() {
// Get digit value
var getDigitValue = function(valueto, index) {
if (index >= valueto.length)
return '';
return valueto[index];
// Get matching class for the digit
var getMatchingClass = function(digit) {
var prefix = "lcd-image-";
if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9')
prefix += digit;
else if (digit == '-')
prefix += "dash";
prefix += "empty";
return prefix;
// Align to number of digits to size
var complete = this.size - this.value.length;
for (var i = 0 ; i < complete ; i++)
this.value = ' '+this.value;
// Set each digit value using the right class
var digits = this.$.digits.getControls();
for (var i = 0 ; i < this.size ; i++) {
var newdigit = getDigitValue(this.value, i);
var classes = digits[i].getClassAttribute();
digits[i].addRemoveClass(classes.substr(classes.indexOf("lcd-image-")), false);
digits[i].addRemoveClass(getMatchingClass(newdigit), true);