YourNewIdea=<Your new idea>
nodetextTitle=Text idea
linkButtonTitle=Link ideas
foregroundButtonTitle=Stroke Color
backgroundButtonTitle=Fill Color
typeText=Type the text here
fontMinusButtonTitle=Decrease Font size
fontPlusButtonTitle=Increase Font size
fontButtonTitle=Choose Font
pngButtonTitle=Export to PNG
TutoExplainTitle=Labyrinth Activity
TutoExplainContent=This activity is a lightweight mind-mapping activity. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.
TutoBoardContent=This is the board where you could draw your map. Click on it to add a new node. Click on a node to update its content. Drag the board to move the view.
TutoActivityTitle=Activity Menu
TutoActivityContent=This colored menu is the activity menu. Here you could update the title of the activity to easily find it in the Journal.
TutoNodeTitle=Add node
TutoNodeContent=If this icon is active, when you click in the board a new node appear.
TutoLinkTitle=Add link
TutoLinkContent=If this icon is active, when you click on nodes you could create new links between us.
TutoRemoveTitle=Remove node/link
TutoRemoveContent=If this icon is active, when you click on a node or on a link, it will be remove.
TutoUndoContent=With this icon you could undo your last change.
TutoRedoContent=With this icon you could redo your last undo.
TutoZoomContent=This menu let you adapt the zoom level in the board.
TutoStopContent=Click on this icon to stop the activity and go back to the home.
TutoPngTitle=Export PNG
TutoPngContent=Click on this icon to generate a PNG file in the Journal with the whole content of the mindmap.
TutoTextTitle=Node text
TutoTextContent=Here you could change the text of the current node.
TutoBackgroundContent=Click here to choose the background color of the current node.
TutoForegroundContent=Click here to choose the foreground color of the current node.
TutoBoldContent=Click on this icon to bold or unbold the text for the current node.
TutoItalicContent=Click on this icon to set or unset italic on the current text node.
TutoFontContent=Click here to choose the font for the current text node.
TutoFontPlusTitle=Increase font
TutoFontPlusContent=Click here to increase the font size for the current text node.
TutoFontMinusTitle=Decrease font
TutoFontMinusContent=Click here to decrease the font size for the current text node.
PlayerJoin={{user}} joined
PlayerLeave={{user}} left
YourNewIdea=<Your new idea>
nodetextTitle=Text idea
linkButtonTitle=Link ideas
foregroundButtonTitle=Stroke Color
backgroundButtonTitle=Fill Color
typeText=Type the text here
fontMinusButtonTitle=Decrease Font size
fontPlusButtonTitle=Increase Font size
fontButtonTitle=Choose Font
pngButtonTitle=Export to PNG
TutoExplainTitle=Labyrinth Activity
TutoExplainContent=This activity is a lightweight mind-mapping activity. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.
TutoBoardContent=This is the board where you could draw your map. Click on it to add a new node. Click on a node to update its content. Drag the board to move the view.
TutoActivityTitle=Activity Menu
TutoActivityContent=This colored menu is the activity menu. Here you could update the title of the activity to easily find it in the Journal.
TutoNodeTitle=Add node
TutoNodeContent=If this icon is active, when you click in the board a new node appear.
TutoLinkTitle=Add link
TutoLinkContent=If this icon is active, when you click on nodes you could create new links between us.
TutoRemoveTitle=Remove node/link
TutoRemoveContent=If this icon is active, when you click on a node or on a link, it will be remove.
TutoUndoContent=With this icon you could undo your last change.
TutoRedoContent=With this icon you could redo your last undo.
TutoZoomContent=This menu let you adapt the zoom level in the board.
TutoStopContent=Click on this icon to stop the activity and go back to the home.
TutoPngTitle=Export PNG
TutoPngContent=Click on this icon to generate a PNG file in the Journal with the whole content of the mindmap.
TutoTextTitle=Node text
TutoTextContent=Here you could change the text of the current node.
TutoBackgroundContent=Click here to choose the background color of the current node.
TutoForegroundContent=Click here to choose the foreground color of the current node.
TutoBoldContent=Click on this icon to bold or unbold the text for the current node.
TutoItalicContent=Click on this icon to set or unset italic on the current text node.
TutoFontContent=Click here to choose the font for the current text node.
TutoFontPlusTitle=Increase font
TutoFontPlusContent=Click here to increase the font size for the current text node.
TutoFontMinusTitle=Decrease font
TutoFontMinusContent=Click here to decrease the font size for the current text node.
PlayerJoin={{user}} joined
PlayerLeave={{user}} left
YourNewIdea=<Your new idea>
nodetextTitle=Text idea
linkButtonTitle=Link ideas
foregroundButtonTitle=Stroke Color
backgroundButtonTitle=Fill Color
typeText=Type the text here
fontMinusButtonTitle=Decrease Font size
fontPlusButtonTitle=Increase Font size
fontButtonTitle=Choose Font
pngButtonTitle=Export to PNG
TutoExplainTitle=Labyrinth Activity
TutoExplainContent=This activity is a lightweight mind-mapping activity. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.
TutoBoardContent=This is the board where you could draw your map. Click on it to add a new node. Click on a node to update its content. Drag the board to move the view.
TutoActivityTitle=Activity Menu
TutoActivityContent=This colored menu is the activity menu. Here you could update the title of the activity to easily find it in the Journal.
TutoNodeTitle=Add node
TutoNodeContent=If this icon is active, when you click in the board a new node appear.
TutoLinkTitle=Add link
TutoLinkContent=If this icon is active, when you click on nodes you could create new links between us.
TutoRemoveTitle=Remove node/link
TutoRemoveContent=If this icon is active, when you click on a node or on a link, it will be remove.
TutoUndoContent=With this icon you could undo your last change.
TutoRedoContent=With this icon you could redo your last undo.
TutoZoomContent=This menu let you adapt the zoom level in the board.
TutoStopContent=Click on this icon to stop the activity and go back to the home.
TutoPngTitle=Export PNG
TutoPngContent=Click on this icon to generate a PNG file in the Journal with the whole content of the mindmap.
TutoTextTitle=Node text
TutoTextContent=Here you could change the text of the current node.
TutoBackgroundContent=Click here to choose the background color of the current node.
TutoForegroundContent=Click here to choose the foreground color of the current node.
TutoBoldContent=Click on this icon to bold or unbold the text for the current node.
TutoItalicContent=Click on this icon to set or unset italic on the current text node.
TutoFontContent=Click here to choose the font for the current text node.
TutoFontPlusTitle=Increase font
TutoFontPlusContent=Click here to increase the font size for the current text node.
TutoFontMinusTitle=Decrease font
TutoFontMinusContent=Click here to decrease the font size for the current text node.
PlayerJoin={{user}} joined
PlayerLeave={{user}} left
YourNewIdea=<Votre idée ici>
nodetextTitle=Idée texte
linkButtonTitle=Relier idées
foregroundButtonTitle=Couleur encre
backgroundButtonTitle=Couleur fond
typeText=Tapez le texte ici
fontMinusButtonTitle=Diminuer taille police
fontPlusButtonTitle=Augmenter taille police
fontButtonTitle=Choisir police
pngButtonTitle=Exporter en PNG
TutoExplainTitle=Activité Labyrinth
TutoExplainContent=Cette activité est une activité de mind-mapping. Un mind-map ou carte mentale est un diagramme qui représente des mots, idées, tâches ou d'autres éléments liés entre eux et organisés radialement autour d'un mot clé ou d'une idée centrale.
TutoBoardContent=Ceci est le tableau sur lequel vous pouvez dessiner votre carte. Cliquez dessus pour ajouter un nouveau noeud. Cliquez sur un noeud pour mettre à jour son contenu. Faites glisser le tableau pour déplacer la vue.
TutoActivityTitle=Menu d'activité
TutoActivityContent=Ce menu coloré est le menu d'activité. Ici vous pouvez mettre à jour le titre de l'activité pour la retrouver facilement dans le journal.
TutoNodeTitle=Ajouter noeud
TutoNodeContent=Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur le tableau, un nouveau noeud apparaît.
TutoLinkTitle=Ajouter lien
TutoLinkContent=Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur les noeuds vous pouvez créer des nouveaux liens entre eux.
TutoRemoveTitle=Supprimer noeud/lien
TutoRemoveContent=Si cette icône est active, quand vous cliquez sur un noeud ou un lien, il est supprimé.
TutoUndoContent=Cette icône vous permet d'annuler la dernière modification.
TutoRedoContent=Cette icône vous permet de recommencer la dernière action annulée.
TutoZoomContent=Ce menu vous permet d'adapter le niveau de zoom de votre carte.
TutoStopContent=Appuyez sur cette icône pour arrêter l'activité et revenir sur l'écran d'accueil.
TutoPngTitle=Export PNG
TutoPngContent=Cette icône vous permet de générer dans le Journal une image PNG de votre carte mentale.
TutoTextTitle=Text du noeud
TutoTextContent=Ici vous pouvez changer le texte du noeud courant.
TutoBackgroundTitle=Couleur de fond
TutoBackgroundContent=Cliquez ici pour choisir la couleur de fond du noeud courant.
TutoForegroundTitle=Couleur d'écriture
TutoForegroundContent=Cliquez ici pour choisir la couleur d'écriture du noeud courant.
TutoBoldContent=Cliquez sur cette icône pour mettre en gras ou enlever le gras du texte du noeud courant.
TutoItalicContent=Cliquez sur cette icône pour mettre en italique ou enlever l'italique sur le texte du noeud courant.
TutoFontContent=Cliquez ici pour choisir la fonte du texte du noeud courant.
TutoFontPlusTitle=Augmenter fonte
TutoFontPlusContent=Cliquez ici pour augmenter la taille de la fonte du texte du noeud courant.
TutoFontMinusTitle=Diminuer fonte
TutoFontMinusContent=Cliquez ici pour diminuer la taille de la fonte du texte du noeud courant.
PlayerJoin={{user}} a rejoint
PlayerLeave={{user}} est parti
YourNewIdea=<Sua nova ideia>
nodetextTitle=Texto da ideia
linkButtonTitle=Agrupar ideias
foregroundButtonTitle=Cor do traçado
backgroundButtonTitle=Preencher cor
typeText=Digite o texto aqui
fontMinusButtonTitle=Diminuir tamanho da fonte
fontPlusButtonTitle=Aumentar tamanho da fonte
fontButtonTitle=Escolher fonte
pngButtonTitle=Exportar para PNG
TutoExplainTitle=Atividade Labirinto
TutoExplainContent=Esta é uma atividade de mapa mental inicial. Um mapa mental é um diagrama utilizado para representar palavras, ideias, tarefas ou outros itens ligados e organizados em torno de uma palavra ou ideia central.
TutoBoardContent=Este é o quadro de atividades no qual você pode desenhar o seu mapa. Clique para adicionar um nó. Clique em algum nó para adicionar um novo conteúdo. Arraste o quadro para alterar sua posição.
TutoActivityTitle=Menu da atividade
TutoActivityContent=Este menu colorido é o menu de atividades. Aqui você pode atualizar o título da atividade para encontrá-la mais facilmente no Diário.
TutoNodeTitle=Adicionar nó
TutoNodeContent=Se este ícone estiver ativado, um novo nó aparecerá quando você clicar no quadro.
TutoLinkTitle=Adicionar ligação
TutoLinkContent=Se este ícone estiver ativado, novos vínculos poderão ser criados quando você clicar em algum nó.
TutoRemoveTitle=Remover nó/vínculo
TutoRemoveContent=Se este ícone estiver ativado, quando você clicar em um nó ou vínculo, ele será removido.
TutoUndoContent=Com este ícone você poderá desfazer sua última mudança.
TutoRedoContent=Com este ícone você poderá refazer sua última mudança.
TutoZoomContent=Este menu permite adaptar o nível de ampliação do quadro.
TutoStopContent=Clique neste ícone para sair da atividade e voltar ao menu principal.
TutoPngTitle=Exportar para PNG
TutoPngContent=Clique neste ícone para gerar no Diário um arquivo PNG com todo o conteúdo do mapa mental.
TutoTextTitle=Texto do nó
TutoTextContent=Aqui você pode modificar o texto do nó selecionado.
TutoBackgroundTitle=Plano de fundo
TutoBackgroundContent=Clique aqui para escolher a cor do plano de fundo do nó selecionado.
TutoForegroundTitle=Primeiro plano
TutoForegroundContent=Clique aqui para escolher a cor do primeiro plano do nó selecionado.
TutoBoldContent=Clique neste ícone para ativar ou desativar o modo negrito do nó selecionado.
TutoItalicContent=Clique neste ícone para ativar ou desativar o modo itálico do nó selecionado.
TutoFontContent=Clique aqui para escolher a fonte do nó selecionado.
TutoFontPlusTitle=Aumentar fonte
TutoFontPlusContent=Clique aqui para ampliar o tamanho da fonte do nó selecionado.
TutoFontMinusTitle=Diminuir fonte
TutoFontMinusContent=Clique aqui para diminuir o tamanho da fonte do nó selecionado.