define(["sugar-web/env"], function (env) { 'use strict'; var lastId = 0; var callbacks = {}; var notificationCallbacks = {}; var client = null; var inputStreams = []; function WebSocketClient(environment) { this.queue = []; this.socket = null; var that = this; env.getEnvironment(function (error, environment) { var port = environment.apiSocketPort; var socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + port); socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; socket.onopen = function () { var params = [environment.activityId, environment.apiSocketKey]; socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "method": "authenticate", "id": "authenticate", "params": params })); while (that.queue.length > 0) { socket.send(that.queue.shift()); } }; socket.onmessage = function (message) { that.onMessage(message); }; that.socket = socket; }); } WebSocketClient.prototype.send = function (data) { if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { this.socket.send(data); } else { this.queue.push(data); } }; WebSocketClient.prototype.close = function () { this.socket.close(); }; var bus = {}; function InputStream() { this.streamId = null; this.readCallback = null; } = function (callback) { var that = this; bus.sendMessage("open_stream", [], function (error, result) { that.streamId = result[0]; inputStreams[that.streamId] = that; callback(error); }); }; = function (count, callback) { if (this.readCallback) { throw new Error("Read already in progress"); } this.readCallback = callback; var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); var headerView = new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 1); headerView[0] = this.streamId; var bodyView = new Uint32Array(buffer, 4, 1); bodyView[0] = count; bus.sendBinary(buffer); }; InputStream.prototype.gotData = function (buffer) { var callback = this.readCallback; this.readCallback = null; callback(null, buffer); }; InputStream.prototype.close = function (callback) { var that = this; function onStreamClosed(error, result) { if (callback) { callback(error); } delete inputStreams[that.streamId]; } bus.sendMessage("close_stream", [this.streamId], onStreamClosed); }; function OutputStream() { this.streamId = null; } = function (callback) { var that = this; bus.sendMessage("open_stream", [], function (error, result) { that.streamId = result[0]; callback(error); }); }; OutputStream.prototype.write = function (data) { var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(data.byteLength + 1); var bufferView = new Uint8Array(buffer); bufferView[0] = this.streamId; bufferView.set(new Uint8Array(data), 1); bus.sendBinary(buffer); }; OutputStream.prototype.close = function (callback) { bus.sendMessage("close_stream", [this.streamId], callback); }; bus.createInputStream = function (callback) { return new InputStream(); }; bus.createOutputStream = function (callback) { return new OutputStream(); }; bus.sendMessage = function (method, params, callback) { var message = { "method": method, "id": lastId, "params": params, "jsonrpc": "2.0" }; if (callback) { callbacks[lastId] = callback; } client.send(JSON.stringify(message)); lastId++; }; bus.onNotification = function (method, callback) { notificationCallbacks[method] = callback; }; bus.sendBinary = function (buffer, callback) { client.send(buffer); }; bus.listen = function (customClient) { if (customClient) { client = customClient; } else { client = new WebSocketClient(); } client.onMessage = function (message) { if (typeof != "string") { var dataView = new Uint8Array(; var streamId = dataView[0]; if (streamId in inputStreams) { var inputStream = inputStreams[streamId]; inputStream.gotData(; } return; } var parsed = JSON.parse(; var responseId =; if (parsed.method) { var notificationCallback = notificationCallbacks[parsed.method]; if (notificationCallback !== undefined) { notificationCallback(parsed.params); } return; } if (responseId in callbacks) { var callback = callbacks[responseId]; if (parsed.error === null) { callback(null, parsed.result); } else { callback(new Error(parsed.error), null); } delete callbacks[responseId]; } }; }; bus.close = function () { client.close(); client = null; }; return bus; });