// Credit screen class enyo.kind({ name: "FoodChain.Credits", kind: enyo.Control, classes: "board credits-popup", components: [ { kind: "Scroller", classes: "credit-content", components: [ { classes: "two-column-credits", components: [ { name: "concept", classes: "credit-title" }, { content: "Lionel Laské", classes: "credit-name" }, { name: "arts", classes: "credit-title" }, { content: "Art4Apps (learn & build game)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Vicki Wenderlich (play game)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Mathafix (icon)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Ray Larabie (home font)", classes: "credit-name" }, { name: "music", classes: "credit-title" }, { content: "part of Popcorn by Gershon Kingsley", classes: "credit-name" }, { name: "sound", classes: "credit-title" }, { content: "Charel Sytze (applause)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Unchaz (disappointment)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Esformouse (frog)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Galeky (flyes)", classes: "credit-name" }, { content: "Novino (snake)", classes: "credit-name" } ]}, {kind: "Canvas", name: "canvas", classes: "emul-canvas", attributes: {width: 300, height: 600}} ]}, { name: "home", kind: "ShadowButton", img: "home", classes: "home", ontap: "home" }, // Preload iamges {kind: "Image", id: "frog4", src:"images/frog4.png", classes: "image-preload", onload: "initCanvas" }, {kind: "Image", id: "fly1", src:"images/fly1.png", classes: "image-preload" }, {kind: "Image", id: "snake4", src:"images/snake4.png", classes: "image-preload" }, // End of sound event {kind: "Signals", onEndOfSound: "endOfSound"} ], // Constructor, save home create: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.setLocale(); // Init soundtrack this.soundtrack = "audio/popcorn"; }, // Localization changed, update string resource setLocale: function() { this.$.concept.setContent(__$FC("concept")); this.$.arts.setContent(__$FC("arts")); this.$.music.setContent(__$FC("music")); this.$.sound.setContent(__$FC("sound")); }, // Image loaded, display elements of play game initCanvas: function() { this.ctx = this.$.canvas.node.getContext('2d'); var zoom = FoodChain.getZoomLevel(); this.$.canvas.hasNode().style.MozTransform = "scale("+zoom+")"; this.$.canvas.hasNode().style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0"; this.$.canvas.hasNode().style.zoom = zoom; this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.$.canvas.attributes.width, this.$.canvas.attributes.height); var fly = new Sprite({x: 150, y: 50, heading: 0, images: ["fly1"], width: 58, height: 86, index: 0}); fly.draw(this.ctx); var frog = new Sprite({x: 150, y: 200, heading: 90, images: ["frog4"], width: 116, height: 172, index: 0}); frog.draw(this.ctx); var snake = new Sprite({x: 150, y: 450, heading: 90, images: ["snake4"], width: 100, height: 250, index: 0}); snake.draw(this.ctx); }, // Loop on the theme endOfSound: function(e, s) { if (s.sound == this.soundtrack) FoodChain.sound.play(this.soundtrack); }, // Go to the home page of the app home: function() { FoodChain.goHome(); } });