// Class for a Sugar button with an icon and a text enyo.kind({ name: "Sugar.SearchField", kind: enyo.Control, classes: "search-field-border search-field-border-nofocus", published: { text: "", placeholder: "" }, events: { onTextChanged: "" }, components: [ {classes: "search-field-iconsearch"}, {name: "text", kind: "enyo.Input", classes: "search-field-input", onfocus: "onfocus", onblur:"onblur", oninput:"oninput"}, {name: "icon", classes: "search-field-iconcancel", showing: false, ontap: "onclick"} ], // Constructor create: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.textChanged(); this.placeholderChanged(); if (l10n.language.direction == "rtl") this.$.text.addClass("rtl-10"); }, // Property changed textChanged: function() { this.$.text.setValue(this.text); if (this.text.length > 0) this.$.icon.show(); else this.$.icon.hide(); }, placeholderChanged: function() { this.$.text.setPlaceholder(this.placeholder); }, // Event handling to mimic Sugar focus handling onfocus: function() { // Focus on input field, change background of border box this.addRemoveClass('search-field-border-nofocus', false); this.addRemoveClass('search-field-border-focus', true); }, onblur: function() { // Lose focus on input field, change background of border box this.addRemoveClass('search-field-border-nofocus', true); this.addRemoveClass('search-field-border-focus', false); }, oninput: function() { // Input text changed, notify parent this.text = this.$.text.getValue(); this.doTextChanged(); if (this.text.length > 0) this.$.icon.show(); else this.$.icon.hide(); }, onclick: function() { this.text = ""; this.$.text.setValue(this.text); this.textChanged(); this.doTextChanged(); } });