// Sugarizer audio stuff // Basic HTML 5 Audio Element encapsulation enyo.kind({ name: "HTML5.Audio", kind: enyo.Control, tag: "audio", published: { src: "", crossorigin: "", preload: "auto", mediagroup: "", loop: false, muted: "", controlsbar: false }, events: { onSoundEnded: "", onSoundTimeupdate: "" }, // Constructor create: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.isCordova = (enyo.platform.android || enyo.platform.androidChrome || enyo.platform.ios) && document.location.protocol.substr(0,4) != "http"; this.startPlay = false; this.srcChanged(); this.crossoriginChanged(); this.preloadChanged(); this.loopChanged(); this.mutedChanged(); this.controlsbarChanged(); this.handleVolumeButtons(); }, // Handle volume buttons on Android handleVolumeButtons: function() { if (this.isCordova && !enyo.platform.iOS) { // HACK: Need only on Android because Cordova intercept volume buttons var emptyf = function() {}; document.addEventListener("volumeupbutton", function() { cordova.plugins.VolumeControl.getVolume(function(value) { var volume = parseInt(value); if (volume < 100) { cordova.plugins.VolumeControl.setVolume((volume+10), emptyf, emptyf); } }, emptyf); }, false); document.addEventListener("volumedownbutton", function() { cordova.plugins.VolumeControl.getVolume(function(value) { var volume = parseInt(value); if (volume > 0) { cordova.plugins.VolumeControl.setVolume((volume-1), emptyf, emptyf); } }, emptyf); }, false); } }, // Render rendered: function() { this.inherited(arguments); // Handle init if (this.hasNode()) { // Handle sound ended event var audio = this; enyo.dispatcher.listen(audio.hasNode(), "ended", function() { audio.doSoundEnded(); }); enyo.dispatcher.listen(audio.hasNode(), "timeupdate", function(s) { audio.doSoundTimeupdate({timeStamp: s.timeStamp}); }); } }, // Property changed srcChanged: function() { this.setAttribute("src", this.src); }, crossoriginChanged: function() { this.setAttribute("crossorigin", this.crossorigin); }, preloadChanged: function() { this.setAttribute("preload", this.preload); }, loopChanged: function() { this.setAttribute("loop", this.loop); }, mutedChanged: function() { if (this.muted.length != 0) this.setAttribute("muted", this.muted); }, controlsbarChanged: function() { this.setAttribute("controls", this.controlsbar); }, // Test if component could play a file type canPlayType: function(typename) { var node = this.hasNode(); if (!node) return false; return node.canPlayType(typename); }, // Play audio play: function() { // HACK: HTML5 Audio don't work in PhoneGap on Android and iOS, use Media PhoneGap component instead if (this.isCordova) { // Compute full path var src = location.pathname.substring(0,1+location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'))+this.src; var that = this; if (this.media) { this.media.src = ""; this.media.pause(); this.media.release(); } // Create the Media object this.media = new Media(src, function() { }, function() { }, function(status) { if (status == 4 && this.src != "") { that.doSoundEnded(); } } ); // Play this.media.play(); return; } var node = this.hasNode(); if (!node) return; this.started = false; var promise = node.play(); if (promise) { var that = this; promise.then(function() { that.started = true; }).catch(function() {}); } else { this.started = true; } }, // Pause audio pause: function() { // HACK: HTML5 Audio don't work in PhoneGap on Android and iOS, use Media PhoneGap component instead if (this.isCordova) { if (!this.media) return; this.media.src = ""; this.media.pause(); this.media.release(); return; } var node = this.hasNode(); if (!node) return; if (this.started) { node.pause(); } }, // Test if audio is paused paused: function() { var node = this.hasNode(); if (!node) return false; return node.paused; }, // Test if audio is ended ended: function() { var node = this.hasNode(); if (!node) return false; return node.ended; } }); // TankOp Audio engine enyo.kind({ name: "Sugar.Audio", kind: enyo.Control, components: [ { name: "sound", kind: "HTML5.Audio", preload: "auto", autobuffer: true, controlsbar: false, onSoundEnded: "broadcastEnd", onSoundTimeupdate: "broadcastUpdate" } ], // Constructor create: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.format = null; }, // First render, test sound format supported rendered: function() { this.inherited(arguments); if (this.$.sound.canPlayType("audio/ogg")) this.format = ".ogg"; else if (this.$.sound.canPlayType("audio/mpeg")) this.format = ".mp3"; }, // Play a sound play: function(sound, loop) { if (this.format == null) return; this.$.sound.setSrc(sound+this.format); this.$.sound.setLoop(loop === true); this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); this.render(); this.$.sound.play(); }, // Pause pause: function() { if (this.format == null) return; this.$.sound.pause(); }, // End of sound detected, broadcast the signal broadcastEnd: function() { enyo.Signals.send("onEndOfSound", {sound: this.$.sound.src.substring(0,this.$.sound.src.length-4)}); }, broadcastUpdate: function(s, e) { enyo.Signals.send("onSoundTimeupdate", {timestamp: e.timeStamp-this.timeStamp}); } });