define(["sugar-web/activity/activity","webL10n","sugar-web/graphics/radiobuttonsgroup","sugar-web/datastore"], function (activity, _l10n, radioButtonsGroup, datastore) { l10n = _l10n; var app = null; // Manipulate the DOM only when it is ready. requirejs(['domReady!'], function (doc) { // Initialize the activity FoodChain.activity = activity; FoodChain.activity.setup(); // Initialize buttons var languageRadio = new radioButtonsGroup.RadioButtonsGroup([ document.getElementById("en-button"), document.getElementById("fr-button")] ); document.getElementById("en-button").onclick = function() { l10n.language.code = "en"; FoodChain.setLocale(); }; document.getElementById("fr-button").onclick = function() { l10n.language.code = "fr"; FoodChain.setLocale(); }; document.getElementById("pt_BR-button").onclick = function() { l10n.language.code = "pt_BR"; FoodChain.setLocale(); }; // Wait for locale load var localized_received = function() { // Init activity if (app == null) { // Init sound component FoodChain.sound = new FoodChain.Audio(); FoodChain.sound.renderInto(document.getElementById("header")); // Create and display first screen FoodChain.context.home = app = new FoodChain.App().renderInto(document.getElementById("body")); FoodChain.setLocale(); // Load context FoodChain.loadContext(function() { app.playGame({ name:"FoodChain.", ""), level: FoodChain.context.level }); }); } else { // Just change locale FoodChain.setLocale(); } }; window.addEventListener('localized', localized_received, false); // Stop sound at end of game to sanitize media environment, specifically on Android document.getElementById("stop-button").addEventListener('click', function (event) { FoodChain.sound.pause(); }); }); });