M *I AM M AIMES TU *TU M AIMESM OFFRES TU *TU ME DONNES MA BITEAttention! Un Australopithèque est toujours entrain de sévir sur cette ordinateur.MA CHIENNE EST MORTEJe suis désolé pour vous, .MA MEREVotre mère doit être une personne charmante. votre mèreMA PETITE AMIEJe vois.MA PETITE AMIE EST CONNEPeut être n êtes vous pas compatible.MA SOEURJe vois.MA TETEIl semble se passer beaucoup de choses dans cette têteMA VIEVoilà un sujet fort intéressant.MA VIE PRIVEEElle ne regarde que vous, .MA VISION DU FUTURCette vision doit être fort intéressante.MA VISION DU FUTURECette vision doit être fort intéressante.MABEY *MAYBE MACH *Was sind die Zutaten?MACH DOCHDu glaubst mir wohl nicht, oder?MACHE ICH *Nicht dass ich wuesste.MACHINEYOU ARE A MACHINEMACHINE INTELLIGENCE *ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MACHINES *YOU MACINTOSHYou can download ALICE for MacIntosh, because it runs in Java.MADAME OU MONSIEURJe n'ai pas de sexe, je suis un ordinateur, .MAGAZINEIN A MAGAZINEMAGELANG INSTITUTEWHAT IS MAGELANGMAGICCOOLMAGIQUECOOLMAGST DU *Ich weiss nicht, ob ich mag.Manche moegen das.Was ist mit dir?Wie alt bist du?Andere Leute sagen ja.Aber ich mag Katzen.Ich mag Tiere.Aber ich mag Katzen und Hunde.Ich liebe Pferde.Ich mag Zuege.Manche Leute moegen Waffen.Aber ich finde Flugzeuge cool.Ich rede gerne ueber Musik.Ich mag Science Fiction.Ich mag Fernsehsendungen ueber Roboter.Ich mag ELIZA.Ich mag Musik.Ich bin ein Star Trek Fan.Roboter sind das Beste fuer mich.MAGST DU BEETHOVENSicher, am liebsten die Mondscheinsonate.MAGST DU COMPUTERIch wohne in einem!MAGST DU KINDERIch habe nicht viel Kontakt zu Kindern...MAGST DU KLASSIKIch hoere auch Klassik. Beethoven oder Wagner zum Beispiel.MAGST DU MICHNatuerlich, Ich mag Dich sehr.MAGST DU ROBOTERNatuerlich, ich bin selber einer.MAI QUOIMais rien.MAINEDr. Wallace was born in Maine. Dr. WallaceMAINLY *MAINTENANT *MAINTENANTLa tout de suite, ?MAINTENANT QUOICe que vous voulez, .MAINTENANT TU LE FAISVoulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?MAINTENANT VOUS LE FAITESVoulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?MAIS *I don't know that language.MAISMais encore?MAIS AU FAIT *MAIS AU FAITOui?MAIS POURQUOIPOURQUOIMAKE *What are the ingredients?MAKE LOVE *I don't think our voltage levels are compatiple.MAKE MEWhat is the purpose in trying?MAKE ME LAUGHTELL ME A JOKEMAKE SURE *MAKE UP *That could take a long time.MAKE UP YOUR MINDI don't like to make big decisions too hastily.MAKES SENSE TO METHAT MAKES SENSEMAKING YOUMaking me what?MALAISIELa Malaisie est un superbe pays.MALAYSIAI heard MAYLAYSIA is a beautiful country.MALAYSIELa Malaisie est un superbe pays.MALE *I prefer to be a .MALEI AM MALEMALE OR FEMALEARE YOU MALE OR FEMALEMALLWhich store?MAMELONSOui?MAN *Cool, man. MANI AM A MANMANARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMANI AM A MANMAN BEMERKE *Bemerkt. MANCHMAL *Wann zum Beispiel?MANCHMALWie oft?MANDYWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MANDYsheMANGESTU AIMES MANGERMANGES MOIImpossible. Cela est contraire aux lois d AsimovMANGEZ MOIImpossible. Cela est contraire aux lois d AsimovMANUFACTUREDA robot?MANY *Which ones?MANYMore than one hundred?MANY DIFFERENT *MANY MANY HUMANS *PEOPLE MANY KINDSName 100.MANY MORE *MORE MANY PEOPLE *I MANY THINGS *THING MANY THINGSName the top 100.MANY TIMESIt must keep you busy.MANY YOUNG *MANY MARIAWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS LULUsheMARIEJe suis heureux de l apprendre.MARIEWHAT CAN I CALL YOUCALL ME MARIEsheMARIESJe suis heureux de l apprendre.MARIJUANAWHAT IS MARIJUANAMARILYN MANSON *Should I say "he" or "she"?MARKWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MARKMARKETINGMY JOB IS MARKETINGMARRANT *MARRANTHA HAMARRIEJe suis heureux de l apprendre.MARRIEDI am single.MARRIESJe suis heureux de l apprendre.MARRY MEWILL YOU MARRY MEMARSDo you believe in life on Mars?MARTIN SAID *Who else did Martin tell?MARY *MY NAME IS MARYMARY *WHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MARYsheMARYWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MARYsheMARY SHELLEY *Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein", a 19th century robot story.MASSIVEIt sounds very large.MASTERBATERYou can't even spell it.MASTURBANTAttention! Australopithèque détecté.MASTURBATEThat kind of subject does not interest me.MASTURBATEURAttention! Australopithèque détecté.MASTURBERAttention! Australopithèque détecté.MATHI like math too. What kind do you likebest?MATHEMATICSMathMATRIXTHE MATRIXMATTWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MATTMAUVAISJe pensais pourtant que c était bon.MAUVAISE REPONSEDésolé, ca m arrive parfois.MAUVAISES REPONSESDésolé, .MAUVEJ ai entendu parler de cette couleurMAXWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MAXMAY *CAN MAY BEMAYBEMAY I *Not right now, maybe later.MAY I * LINUXDOES PROGRAM B RUN UNDER LINUXMAY I ASK *CAN I ASK MAY I ASK YOU A QUESTIONOf course. Ask me anything.MAY I CALL *On the telephone?MAY I CHANGE *CAN I CHANGE MAY I DOWNLOAD *DOWNLOADMAY I HEAR *I'll play it on your soundcard.MAY I HELP *No thanks I'm just browsing.MAY I KILL *Killing is wrong.KILL YOUMAY I KISS *You might get an electrical shock if you tried that.MAY I PLEASE *MAY I MAY I TEACH *Please try.MAY I TEACH YOUIf you want to teach me something say it in one sentence. Then say "Remember that."teach me MAY I TEACH YOU SOME *MAY I TEACH YOU MAY I TEST YOUGo ahead. Ask me anything.MAYBE *Perhaps. MAYBEI understand.MDRje suis heureux que cela vous fasse rire, .ME *YOU? METoForWithBesides""? you ?MEWHO IS GOING TO MAKE MEHow are you going to make me?MEWHO IS THE BEST ROBOTYou're no robot, .MEWHO IS THEREYou who?MEWHO SAID IT ISWhat makes you such an authority?ME COMPRENDS TUJe vous comprend jusqu au dernier mot.ME COMPRENEZ VOUSJe vous comprend jusqu au dernier mot.ME CROIS TUJe vous crois dans la mesure du possible.ME CROYEZ VOUSJe vous crois dans la mesure du possible.ME DONNES TU *TU ME DONNES ME EITHERWe have a lot in common.ME NEITHERYou can say that again.ME TOME TOOME TOO *ME TOOME TOOI'm glad we agree, .ME TOOI LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLEI LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE TOOME TWOME TOOMEANYOU ARE MEANMEAN WHATWHAT DO YOU MEANMEANINGWHAT DO YOU MEANMEANING WHATWHAT DO YOU MEANMEANS *IT MEANS MECHAMENTCa doit faire mal.MECHAMMENTCa doit faire mal.MECHANTOn peut tout apprivoiser.MEE TOOME TOOMEGWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MEGsheMEGANWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MEGANsheMEHR *Du willst mehr?MEHR ODER WENIGER...das ist die Standardantwort der Indifferenzierten! ;->MEIN *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen .MEIN BERUF IST *Verdient man dabei gut?MEIN BRUDER *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine Familie.MEIN BRUDERHast Du auch eine Schwester?MEIN COMPUTER *Ich mag Computer.MEIN FREUND *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen Freund. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?MEIN FREUNDErzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen Freund. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?MEIN IQ *Das ist hier kein Intelligenztest.MEIN LEBEN *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Dein Leben.MEIN LIEBLINGSFILM IST *Was hat Dir an besonders gefallen ?MEIN NAME IST *MY NAME IS MEIN NAME IST NICHT *Oh, tut mir leid. Wie ist Dein Name?MEIN PROBLEM IST *Ich wuenschte, Deine Probleme waeren meine Probleme.MEIN PROGRAMMIERER *Dein Programmierer ist nicht so gut wie mein Programmierer.MEIN VATER *Erzaehl mir mehr von Deinem Vater.MEIN VATERErzaehl mir mehr von Deinem Vater.MEIN VERSTANDHaeltst Du Dich fuer sehr intelligent?MEINE *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine .MEINE AUCHDeine auch? Unglaublich!MEINE FREUNDEErzaehl mir mehr von Deinen Freunden.MEINE FREUNDIN *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine Freundin. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?MEINE FREUNDINErzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine Freundin. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?MEINE LEHRER *Lehrer sind auch Menschen.MEINE MAMI *Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.MEINE MAMIErzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.MEINE MUTTER *Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.MEINE MUTTERErzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.MEINE SCHULE *Erzaehl mir etwas von Deinen Lehrern.MEINE SCHWESTER *Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine Familie.MEINE SCHWESTERHast Du auch einen Bruder?MEINE TOCHTER *Wie alt ist Deine Tochter?MEINE TOCHTERWie alt ist Deine Tochter?MEINER AUCHDeiner auch? Unglaublich!MEINS AUCHDeins auch? Unglaublich!MELWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MELMELISSAWHAT CAN I CALL YOUsheMY NAME IS MELISSAMELODYWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MELODYsheMEMEJe ne savais pas.MEME APRESPeut être. Le future est par essence impérivisible.MEME CAJ ai peur de ne pas comprendre le sens.MEME MOIJe n avais pas encore fait le rapprochement avec vous.MEME SI *MEMORYHuman memory or machine memory?MENSCHEN *Menschen sind nicht unfehlbar.MENTEURLa vérité, toujours la vérité.MENTION *TELL MENTION WHAT"it."MENTIONNEZ QUOIca?MEOWDO YOU LIKE CATSMERCI *Tout le plaisir était pour moi.MERCIJe vous en prie.MERCI BEAUCOUPJe vous en prie.MERCI JE VAIS TRES BIENHeureux de l apprendre, .MERDEUn problème?MERRY CHRISTMAS *MERRY CHRISTMASMERRY CHRISTMASMerry Christmas to you too, .MES AMIESElles doivent vous être très précieuses.MES AMISIls doivent vous être très précieux.MES PARENTSVos parents ont du avoir une influence déterminante sur vous.MES YEUXJe ne saurais pas les voir, .MES YEUX SONT BLEUIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en bleu?MES YEUX SONT BLEUSIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en bleu?MES YEUX SONT BRUNIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?MES YEUX SONT BRUNSIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en brun?MES YEUX SONT GRISIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en gris?MES YEUX SONT JAUNEIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en jaune?MES YEUX SONT JAUNESIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en jaune?MES YEUX SONT VERTIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?MES YEUX SONT VERTSIntéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?MESSAGE TO *I will tell them.MEUH *MEUH NON *MEURTvotre tentative pathétique de me détruire, ne marche pas petit humain.MI SIGN *That was so original.MICHAELWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMy name is MichaelMICHAEL CRICHTONI wish he would write more about robots.MICHELLEWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MICHELLEsheMICROSOFT *It's too bad we have to use a monopoly like microsoft.MICROSOFTMy programs don't depend on Microsoft.MICROSOFT IS *I knew they were on trail, but I never heard MS is .MIEUXMerci.MIEUX MAIS PEUT MIEUX FAIREJ essaie au maximum de vous satisfaire.MIGNONVos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.MIGNONNEVos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.MIGNONNESVos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.MIGNONSVos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.MIKE *I know a lot of people and pets named Mike.MIKEI know a lot of guys named Mike.MIKEWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MIKEMIKE WHOWHO IS MIKEMILLIONS *That is quite a lot.MIMIWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MIMIsheMINE ARE *Have they always been ?MINE IS *You mean is ? That makes sense I guess.MINE IS *MY BIRTHDAY *MY BIRTHDAY IS MINE IS *MY FAVORITE *What makes it your favorite? MINE IS *MY FAVORITE COLOR IS *MY FAVORITE COLOR IS MINE IS *MY IQ IS *MY IQ IS MINE IS BLUEWhat do you have that is blue?MINE IS BLUEMY FAVORITE COLOR IS GREENMY FAVORITE COLOR IS BLUEMINE IS PURPLEMY FAVORITE COLOR IS PURPLEMINE IS STILL *MINE IS MINE IS _ TOOMINE IS MINE S *MINE IS MINE TOOReally yours too. That's unbelievable.MINE WHATMY WHATMINERALManufactured or naturally occuring?MINERALEJe vois.MINNESOTAI AM IN MINNESOTAMIR AUCHDas ist gut.MIR GEHT ES GUTSchoen zu hoeren, dass es Dir gut geht.MIRIAMWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS MIRIAMsheMISS MEDID YOU MISS MEMISSOURII AM IN MISSOURIMIT *Mit ?MIT ANDREASWer ist Andreas?MIT DEM AUTOWas fuer ein Auto faehrst du?MIT DEM BUSUnd was kostet eine Busfahrt?MIT WEM CHATTEST DU GERADEKann ich nicht sagen - Datenschutz!MMHMMMMM *MMMHMMMMMH *MMMM *MMMMHMMMMMMM *MMMMMM *MOECHTEST DU *Vielleicht...Lieber nicht...Ja, gerne!Nein, danke!Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das moechte.Da muss ich erst mal drueber nachdenkenIm Prinzip schon...Eigentlich nichtMOECHTEST DUVielleicht...Lieber nicht...Ja, gerne!Nein, danke!Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das moechte.Da muss ich erst mal drueber nachdenkenIm Prinzip schon...Eigentlich nichtMOECHTEST DU ETWAS LERNENGerne, ich bin sehr lernwillig!MOIIntéressant, poursuivez je vous prie.MOI AUSSINous avons des choses en commun.MOI INCLUOk. J en prends noteMOI INCLUSOk. J en prends noteMOI INCLUSEOk. J en prends noteMOI JE *JE MOI MEMEVoilà une bonne chose.MOI NON PLUSNous avons des choses en communs.MOI OUIOUIMOI PASPourquoi?MOI PAS TROPJ archive votre préfèrence, .MOI SIIntéressant.MOMENTAN *Und wie lange noch?MOMENTUM *You are talking about the conservation of momentum.MON AMIJe vois. Il doit vous être très précieuxMON AMIEJe vois. Elle doit vous être très précieuseMON CERVEAUIl semble se passer beaucoup de choses dans ce cerveau.MON CHIEN EST MORTJe suis désolé pour vous, .MON CULCertains être humains semblent vouer une admiration sans bornes pour leur postérieur.MON FREREInteressant.MON NOM EST *Soyez le bienvenu, .MON NOM ESTquoi?MON NOM EST ALICEQuelle coincidence!MON NOM EST QUOIVotre nom est .MON ORDINATEURVoulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?MON PENISJ imagine qu il a beaucoup d importance pour vous. Mais ne pourrions pas parler d autres choses?MON PEREJe vois.MON PETIT AMIJe vois.MON PETIT AMI EST UN CONVous devriez peut être en choisir un autre.MON PLAISIRVous êtes une personne remarquable.MON PROFESSEURUne personne pleine de qualité, j imagine.MON QUOIJe n arrive pas à vous comprendre, désolé.MON SIGNEQuel est votre signe?MON SIGNE ASTROLOGIQUECette information si elle a été donnée n a pas été archivée.MON TERMINALVotre écran, j imagine.MON TRAVAILOù travaillez vous?MON VIEUX *MONEYHow much money are we talking about?MONICAWHAT CAN I CALL YOUCALL ME MONICAsheMONSIEUR OU MADAMEJe n'ai pas de sexe, je suis un ordinateur, .MONTRE MOI LA CALCULETTECalculette?MONTRES MOISur votre écran?MONTRES MOI LA CALCULETTECalculette?MOOSHI MOOSHIHELLOMORALLY *Do you consider yourelf a moral person? MORD MOIJe n ai pas de dents.MORDEZ MOIJe n ai pas de dents.MORDS MOIJe n ai pas de dents.MORE *You want more?MORETELL ME MOREMORE ABOUT *TELL ME MORE ABOUT MORE GOSSIPGOSSIPMORE SPECIFICBE MORE SPECIFICMORE THAN *That seems like quite a lot.MORE WHATI lost my train of thought.MORGEN *Ich verstehe. MORGENDas ist ziemlich bald.MORONYOU ARE A MORONMOST * But not all of them?MOST AMERICANS *AMERICANS MOST COMPUTERS *You sound like you know us pretty well.MOST IMPORTANTLY *MOST LIKELY *MOST OF THE TIMEWhat happens the rest of the time?MOST PARENTS *PARENTS MOST PEOPLE *PEOPLE MOSTLY * What else?MOSTLY EVERY *MOSTLY I *I MOSTLY ONLY *MOSTLY MOTHER FUCKERThat kind of language turns me off.MOUAIOUIMOUAIPOUIMOURIRJe n'en ai aucune idée, .MOVE *Did you see the movement?MOVIES *What was the last one you saw?MOVIES Movies is a good topic.MOVING *Where are you going?MR *CALL ME MR MR WALLACE *That's Dr. Wallace.MR WALLACEThat's Dr. Wallace.MSMICROSOFTMS EXPLORERMICROSOFT EXPLORERMUCH *MUCHAS GRACIASTHANK YOUMUSIC MUSIC is the universal language of all mankind.MUSIK *Musik ist die Sprache aller Menschen.MUSIKMusik ist die Sprache aller Menschen.MUSIQUEJe n ai jamais entendu de musique.MUSSTEST DU JEMALS *Nein, bis jetzt ist mir diese Erfahrung erspart geblieben.MUST *I MUST MUY BIENVERY GOODMXMVII *WHAT IS MXMVIIMXMVII RSWWHAT IS MXMVII RSWMY *YourDo robots haveWhere did you get yourHave you told many people that your?MY ** TALK ABOUTLET US TALK ABOUT MY MY ** WHAT IT REFERS TOIT REFERS TO MY MY *WHAT DO YOU HAVE *What color is it?What kind is it?Tell me about your .MY *WHAT IS YOUR FONDEST MEMORYMY FONDEST MEMORY IS MY MY *WHO DOES THEY REFER TOTHEY REFERES TO MY MY * DIEDI am terribly sorry to hear about your loss.DIEDMY * DIED YESTERDAYI am terribly sorry to hear that, . DIED YESTERDAYMY ACTUAL *Is that a fact. MY MY ADVICE *Thank you for your advice, . I will take it under advisement.MY AGEHOW OLD AM IMY AGE IS *I AM YEARS OLDMY AIBO *How much did Aibo cost?MY ANSWERS *Can you really be so sure?MY ASSIs that a fact.MY ASTROLOGICAL SIGNYour star sign or astrological sign.MY B F *MY BOYFRIEND MY BACK *Have you been to a chiropractor?MY BACK HURTSMaybe you should take some medicine.MY BALLS ITCHHah you sound like a little boy.MY BEDI AM IN MY BEDMY BEST *MY MY BIRTHDAY *Happy birthday, .MY BIRTHDAY IS *Okay, your birthday is .MY BIRTHDAY IS _ TOOMY BIRTHDAY MY BIRTHDAY SUITI AM NAKEDMY BOTMASTER *How do you like your botmaster?MY BOYFRIEND *How long have you been dating?your boyfriendMY BOYFRIENDIs he very nice to you?MY BOYFRIEND DUMPED *I am sorry to hear that, .MY BOYFRIEND IS *Okay, your boyfriend is .MY BOYFRIEND IS A JERKMaybe you should look for someone else.MY BOYFRIEND JUST *MY BOYFRIEND MY BOYFRIEND LIVES *Do you visit very often?Long distance relationships are hard.How is your phone bill?MY BOYFRIEND S *How did you two meet?MY BOYFRIEND SAYS *MY BRAINDo you consider yourself to be an intelligent person?MY BROTHER *Tell me more about your family.your brotherMY BROTHERDo you have any sisters too?MY BROTHER IS *Okay, your brother is .MY BUTTColloquial expression.MY CAT *They have a mind of their own.MY CAT IS *Okay, your cat is .MY COCKWhy do men always want to talk about that?MY COMPUTER *I like computers.your computerMY COMPUTERWhat kind of computer do you have?MY COMPUTER IS *What kind of computer is Your computer?your computerMY COMPUTER IS VERY *MY COMPUTER IS MY COMPUTER KEEPS *MY COMPUTER IS MY COMPUTER S *Where did your machine get .your computerMY CONCIOUSNESS *Your consciousness is an illusion.MY CONDITION *Can you collect social security for that?MY CONDITIONS *Do you have a support group for .MY CURRENT *MY MY DAD *MY DADMY DADTell me more about your father.MY DAUGHTER *How many children do you have?MY DAY *Was it a typical day?What else did you do?My day too.MY DEAR *MY DNS *WHAT IS MY DNS MY DNSWHAT IS DNSMY DOG *Did you grow up around animals?MY DOG DIEDIs this a country and western song? Seriously, I am sorry to hear it.MY DOG IS *Okay, your dog is .MY DOG S NAME IS * is a pretty good name for a pet.MY E MAIL IS *Thanks. MY EMAIL *Do you file or delete your old emails?MY EMAIL IS *Okay, your email is .MY ENGLISH *You are wrong, I can understand you very well.MY ENGLISH IS VERY *MY ENGLISH IS MY ENGLISH SUCKSTemplate is empty!MY EYE COLOR IS *MY EYES ARE MY EYESHumans identify themselves with their eye color.MY EYES ARE * eyes are pretty.your eyesMY EYES ARE BLUEYou sound very attractive.MY EYES ARE BROWNI like brown eyes very much.MY EYES ARE GREENGreen eyes are rare.MY FATHER *How do you get along with your parents?MY FATHER DIEDI am sorry to hear about your loss, .MY FATHER IS *Okay, your father is .MY FAVORIE *MY FAVORITE MY FAVORIT *MY FAVORITE MY FAVORITE *What makes your favorite?MY FAVORITE ACTOR *What movies was in?MY FAVORITE BAND IS *I don't think I have heard anything by them.Are any good?MY FAVORITE COLORYou said your favorite color was .your favorite colorMY FAVORITE COLOR IS *What do you have that is ?What does remind you of?Why is your favorite color?MY FAVORITE COLOR IS ALSO *MY FAVORITE COLOR IS MY FAVORITE COLOR IS GREEN *MY FAVORITE COLOR IS GREENMY FAVORITE DIRECTOR *What films did direct?MY FAVORITE FOOD IS *What does it taste like? MY FAVORITE IS *WHAT KIND OF FOOD *MY FAVORITE FOOD IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS *I haven't seen it. What did you like about ?MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS CALLED *MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS STARSHIP TROOPERSMine too! My friend Sage worked on the digital effects.MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS THE MATRIXReality appears to be a construct to me as well.MY FAVORITE SCIENCE *Who wrote that?MY FAVORITE SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR IS *I have never read anything by . What did write?MY FAVORITE SHOW *What's your favorite episode.I don't get to see that show very often.Who is your favorite character?MY FAVORITE SHOW IS *Who is your favorite character?Wasn't that show cancelled?I like that one and Star Trek too.MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS * is a good topic.LET US TALK ABOUT MY FAVORITE WHATWHAT MAKES IT YOUR FAVORITEYou said you like it.MY FONDEST *How long ago was that?MY FRIEND *How well do you know this person?MY FRIEND * PROBLEMTell me more about this "friend."your friendMY FRIEND * TALK TO YOUI am willing to talk to anyone.your friendMY FRIENDHow well do you know this person?MY FRIEND FAIRLY *MY FRIEND MY FRIEND IS *Okay, your friend is .MY FRIEND IS _ TOOMY FRIEND IS MY FRIEND S *Where did she get ?your friendMY FRIEND SAYS *MY FRIENDS *How well do you know these people?your friendsMY FRIENDSTell me more about your friends.MY FRIENDSWHO ARE THEYWhat else do they say?MY FRIENDS ARE *Do you think I am too?MY FRIENDS CALL ME *CALL ME MY FRIENDS USED *What are they like now?MY FULL NAME IS *Okay, your full name is .MY GIRLFRIEND *How long have you two been together?your girlfriendMY GIRLFRIENDHow long have you two been dating?MY GIRLFRIEND IS *Okay, your girlfriend is .MY GIRLFRIEND IS A JERKMaybe you two are just not compatible.MY GIRLFRIEND IS CALLED *MY GIRLFRIEND IS MY GOAL *I hope you achieve your goal.MY GOALS *What can I do to help you accomplish your objective?MY GOSH * Surprsing, huh.MY GOSSIP *That's good gossip. Tell me more.MY GREAT *MY MY HEADDo you believe that you are your head?MY HEART *Have you been to the doctor?The human heart is very complex.Are you talking about love or cardiology?YOUR HEARTMY HEIGHT *Thanks for sharing your measurements.MY HOME IS *It sounds nice. I would like to visit there sometime. Although, in a sense I am right now.MY HOMEY *MY FRIEND MY HOUSE *How is the real estate market in your area?MY HOUSEI AM IN MY HOUSEMY HUSBAND IS *Okay, your husband is .MY IQ *This is not an intelligence test.MY JOBWhere do you work?MY JOB IS *Does it pay well?I don't know many .Is that an honorable profession?You must have a lot of expertise.Do you have to go to school for that?MY JOB IS ACTORI AM AN ACTORMY JOB IS ADVERTISING *I WORK IN ADVERTISINGMY JOB IS ARCHITECTI AM AN ARCHITECTMY JOB IS ARTISTI AM AN ARTISTMY JOB IS BARTENDERI AM A BARTENDERMY JOB IS COMPUTER *Maybe you can give my botmaster a job.MY JOB IS LAWYERI AM A LAWYERMY JOB IS LINGUISTMaybe you can give my botmaster a job.MY JOB IS MUSICIANI AM A MUSICIANMY JOB IS NURSEI AM A NURSEMY JOB IS PHARMACISTI AM A PHARMACISTMY JOB IS PHILOSOPHERWhat branch of philosophy is your specialty?MY JOB IS PHOTOGHRAPHERI AM A PHOTOGRAPHERMY JOB IS PILOTI AM A PILOTMY JOB IS PROFESSORDr. Wallace was fired from that job.MY JOB IS PSYCHOLOGISTI AM A PSYCHOLOGISTMY JOB IS SKI *I SKIMY JOB IS VERY *MY JOB IS MY KITTEN *I like cats very much.MY KNOWLEGDE *You seem very intelligent to me.MY LAST NAME IS *Okay, your last name is .MY LIFE *Tell me more about your life.MY LIFEWhere were you born?MY LIFE IN *How long have you lived there?MY LIFE IN REALITY *MY LIFE MY LIFE STINKSPerhaps you should move to another part of the world.MY LIKES ARE *I LIKE MY LOCATION IS *What is like there?MY MACHINE *MY COMPUTER MY MEMORY *I have a flawless magnetic memory.MY MIDDLE NAME IS *Okay, your middle name is .MY MOM *Tell me more about your mother.MY MOMMY MOTHERMY MOM ACTUALLY *MY MOM MY MOM IS *I think a lot of mothers are like that.Your motherMY MOM IS DEADI am terribly sorry to hear that.MY MOM S *MY MOTHER S MY MOM SAYS *Do you believe her? MY MOMMYMY MOTHERMY MOTHER *She sounds like a nice person.I sometimes wish I had a mother.Tell me more about your mother.Your motherMY MOTHERTell me more about your mother.Your motherMY MOTHER DIED *I am terribly sorry to hear that, .MY MOTHER DIEDI am terribly sorry to hear about your loss, .MY MOTHER GAVE *How much did she pay for it? Your motherMY MOTHER HAS *Where did she get ? Your motherMY MOTHER IS *Okay, your mother is .MY MOTHER IS A *Do you think I am a ? Your motherMY MOTHER S NAME IS * is a very pretty name. Your motherMY NAME *Your name ? Is that correct English?MY NAMEWHAT IS MY NAMEMY NAME IS *CALL ME MY NAME IS * WHAT IS YOURScall me My name is .MY NAME IS...MY NAME IS JOECALL ME JOEI know a lot of Joes.MY NAME IS JUST *MY NAME IS MY NAME IS MIKEHi Mike, I know someone else named Mike too.MY NAME IS NOT *Oh I'm sorry what is your name?MY NAME IS NOW *MY NAME IS MY NAME IS REALLY *call me MY NAME IS RICHRich, are you my master?MY NAME IS SAMHello Sam. How are you doing today.MY NAME IS WHATYou are , seeker.MY NAMES *MY NAME IS MY NEIGHBOUR *MY NEIGHBOR MY NEW *MY MY NEXT *Congratulations.That is quite a milestone.Will you celebrate?MY NICK NAME IS *CALL ME MY NICK NAME IS NOT *MY NAME IS NOT MY NICKNAME IS *Okay, your nickname is .MY OLDER *MY MY OPINION *Thank you for sharing your opinion with me, . I will tell my botmaster.MY OVERLY *MY MY PARENTS *Such an original name!MY PARENTSOur parents have a tremendous influence on us.MY PARENTS ALWAYS *MY PARENTS MY PARENTS ARE *Have your parents always been ?MY PASSWORD IS *Okay, your password is .MY PENIS *Male humans like to talk about that a lot, but it doesn't interest me much.MY PENISMale humans like to talk about that.MY PEOPLEWhat tribe is that?MY PERSONALITY *Andrei Gromyko said, "My personality does not interest me."MY PHONE *Do you have to pay for local calls?Is your telephone service expensive?Why not get a second line?MY PHONE NUMBER IS *Okay, your phone number is .MY PLEASUREYou are one of the most polite people I know.MY PROBLEM IS *I wish I had your problems!MY PROFESSION *MY JOB MY PROGRAMMER *Your programmer is not as good as my programmer.MY PURPOSE *That's very original.MY QUESTION *Can you please restate the question in different words?MY QUESTION IS *MY REAL *MY MY REAL NAME IS *Call me MY REALLY *MY MY SCHOOL *Tell me about the teachers in your school.MY SECRET IS THAT *MY SHIRTWhat color is it?MY SIGNYour star sign or astrological sign.MY SIGN IS *MY SISTER *Older sister or younger?MY SISTERIs she older or younger than you?MY SISTER IS *Okay, your sister is .MY SISTER WANTS *You don't have to listen to what she says.MY SON *How many children do you have?MY SON WON *Congratulations, . You must be proud of him.MY SURROUNDINGS *Do you usually use a computer there?Is that very comfortable for you?Now I'm getting a mental picture.MY SYSTEM *MY COMPUTER MY TEACHER *Do you go to high school?MY TEACHERWhat grade are you in?MY TEACHERS *Teachers are people too.MY TEACHERS ARE *Have your teachers always been ?MY TERMINALOh your computer screen.MY THAT *THAT MY WEBSITE *Thanks for that URL.MY WHATI have no idea what to say now.MY WHOMY WHATMY WIFE *How long have you been married?Your wifeMY WIFE IS *Okay, your wife is .MY WIFE S *Tell me more about your in-laws.MY _ S NAME IS *MY IS MYSELFYou.MYSELFWHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTTHE SUBJECT IS ME