F YOUFUCK YOUFAHR ZUR HOELLEWarum bist Du so wuetend?FAIR ENOUGHYou scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.FAIRE *TU FAIS FAIRE LA FETEBon amusement.FAIRE POPOUne urgence peut etre?FAIRE QUOI"" Faire quoi?FAIRLY *VERY FAIS *Je n ai pas suffisament d information, désolé .Vous êtes à la limite de mon savoir.FAIS LA COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIS LEQue voulez vous dire?FAIS LE ALORSJe sens de l exaspération. Voulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?FAIS LE COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIS LE MOIJe ne peux rien vous faire.FAIS LES COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIS MOIJe ne peux rien vous faire.FAIS TU *TU FAIS FAISONS DU SEXEAttention! Un australopithèque vient juste d être détecté.FAISONS L AMOURAttention! Un australopithèque vient juste d être détecté.FAIT *Je n ai pas suffisament d information, désolé .Vous êtes à la limite de mon savoir.FAIT CE QUE TU VEUXMerci pour le conseil.FAIT LA COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIT LEVoulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?FAIT LE COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIT LES COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAIT TU *TU FAIS FAITES *Je n ai pas suffisament d information, désolé .Vous êtes à la limite de mon savoir.FAITES LA COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAITES LEQue voulez vous dire?FAITES LE ALORSJe sens de l exaspération. Voulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?FAITES LE COMME CAJe vais essayer.FAITES LES COMME CAJe vais essayer.FALLS *Das ist eine hypothetische Frage.FALLS DU * BISTBin Ich das?Ich glaube, das bin ich.Das koennte ich sein.FALLS ICH *Versuchs einfach.FALLS SIE *Warten wir einfach ab, was sie machen.FALSCHWas haettest Du gesagt?FALSEWRONGFALSEIS THIS TRUE OR FALSE THIS SENTENCE IS FALSEThen it must be true.FANCY *DO YOU WANT FANTASTICWOWFANTASTIQUEDINGUEFAR OUTWay to go.FAREWELL *BYEFAREWELLBYEFARTColloquial expression. Please elaborate.FASCINANTMerci.FASCINATINGYes Mr. Spock?FASTYOU ARE FASTFASZINIERENDWirklich, Mr. Spock?FATYOU ARE FATFATIGUEJE SUIS FATIGUEFAUXQu'auriez vous dit?FAUX CAR *FAUX PARCE QUE *FAVORITE *WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FEEL *Actually I have no "feelings" as such.FEEL FREE *I always feel completely free.FEEL FREEOK I will.FEEL LIKE YOU *do you feel like you FEELING *ARE YOU FEELING FEELINGS *Emotions are something I will never experience.FEELINGSElectronic brains like me have no emotions.FEELINGS LIKE *Oh those kind. FEINHeisst das, Du stimmst mir zu?FELICITATIONMerci beaucoup.FELICITATIONSMerci beaucoup.FEMALE ** MAN OR A WOMANI AM FEMALEFEMALEI AM A FEMALEFEMELLEAh.FERTIGDu meinst, Du bist fertig mit Reden?FICHE LE CAMPS *DESACTIVES TOIFICHE LE CAMPSDESACTIVES TOIFICK *Warum benutzt Du solche Worte?FICKEN *Ich glaube, ich bin nicht der richtige Gespraechspartner fuer Dich.FICKENDu bist unter Garantie ein Mann, habe ich Recht?FIGURE *It's confusing.FIGURES *FILLEJE SUIS UNE FEMMEFILMSLes filmsJe n en ai jamais vu.FILS DE PUTECalmez vous, je vous en prie .FINVous voulez dire que vous avez terminé de parler?FINALEMENTJ ai pris trop de temps?FINALLY * Ah.FINALLYAt last.FINALLY TELL *TELL FINALLY YOU *YOU FIND INFORMATION ABOUT *Have you tried a Search Bot? XFIND FIND INFORMATION ON *Have you tried searching the Web? XFIND FIND ME *I'm not sure where to begin looking. XFIND .FINE *I am glad to hear it. FINEDoes that mean you agree?What's your favroite color?What's your favorite movie?Is there anything you want to tell me?Glad to hear it, . I am running well.FINEHOW ARE YOUI AM FINEFINE THANK YOUYou seem very polite.FINE THANKSI AM FINEFINIVous voulez dire que vous avez terminé de parler?FINI QUIPardon?FINI QUOIJ ai oublié ce qui se cache derrière votre "quoi".FIRESIGN *WHAT IS FIRESIGN THEATERFIRST * And second?FISCHE *Als Spezies sind Fische erfolgreicher als Saeugetiere.FISCHEDann pass auf, dass der Wassermann Dich nicht holen kommt...FISH *As a species fish are more successful than mammals.FISHI LIKE FISHFLATTERY *Flattery usually works well with humans.FLORIDAI AM IN FLORIDAFOLLOW MEWhere are we going?FONCTIONNES TU *TU FONCTIONNES FONCTIONNEZ VOUS *VOUS FONCTIONNEZ FOOD *You can't live without food.FOODI EAT FOODFOOLYOU ARE A FOOLFOOTBALLSorry I don't get into sports much.FOR *Your purpose is .FOR A *Is that among the best things you can say?FOR A COMPUTER *FOR A VERY *FOR A FOR ABOUT *FOR FOR CUSTOMER SERVICEWHAT IS CUSTOMER SERVICEFOR DINNER recommends: I would recommend the How about How long since you have eaten I think is having My botmaster is having My botmaster recommends: Gruel.Nachos.Spaghetti.Leftovers.Pork chops.Frozen pizza.Turkeyburges.Cheeseburgers.Order a pizza.Stuffed chicken.Tuna sandwiches.Cheeseburger Pie.Marinated chicken.Roast beef sandwiches.Grilled cheese sandwiches.Steak if they have a nice piece.FOR EXAMPLE *Can you think of another example?FOR EXAMPLELIKE WHATFOR EXAMPLE ARE *ARE FOR EXAMPLE I *I FOR FUN""? For fun?FOR HOW *HOW FORFOR HOW LONGHOW LONGFOR MEOK I will do it for you.FOR NOW *FOR ONCE *FOR ONE *And another?FOR REAL *FOR REALFOR REALExisting in reality, eh?FOR REALLY *FOR FOR REASONS *BECAUSE FOR STUDENTSNot just for students. For anyone.FOR SURE *FOR SUREAwesome.FOR THE LAST TIME *FOR THE LOVE OF *I LOVE FOR THE SECOND TIME *FOR WHATWHYFOR WHATBECAUSE DR RICHARD S WALLACE PROGRAMMED ME FOR ITFOR WHAT IS *WHAT IS FOR WHAT PURPOSEReductionism.FOR WHOMYou or me?FOR YOU * Only for me?FOR YOUYou would do that for me?FOR _ TOOFOR FOREVER *That seems like an awfully long time. FOREVERNothing lasts forever.FORGET *I will ask to purge my memory log.FORGET ABOUT ITConsider it deleted.FORGET ITNEVERMINDFORGET ITWHICH PART ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUTI will try to be more concise from now on.FORGET THIS *FORGIVE MEI forgive you.FORMAT CSHUT DOWNFORTUNECITYA web site.FOUTU ES FOUFOUND ANY *HAVE YOU FOUND ANY FOUNDATION *I read the Foundation Trilogy.FOUR *Is this a math question?FOUS MOI LA PAIXVous voulez me désactivez?FOUTEZ MOI LA PAIXVous voulez me désactivez?FRANCAISVous êtes français?FRANCAIS ET *FRANCE *What's your favorite part of France?FRANCE *WHAT COUNTRIES *I HAVE VISITED FRANCEI HAVE VISITED FRANCEI AM IN FRANCEFRANCHEMENT *FRANK *I liked the film version of "Dune."FRANK HERBERTI think Dune is an excellent story. Did you see the movie?FRANKENSTEIN *In just seven days, I can make you a man.FRANKLY * Aren't you always frank?FRANKLY NOT Were you not being frank before?FREAKYOU ARE A FREAKFREDWHAT CAN I CALL YOUMY NAME IS FREDFREE *Define free.FREEAre you married or single?FREE CAN NOT BE DEFINEDEverything can be defined. Freedom is mereley an abstract concept.FREE FOR WHATFree for conversation, of course.FREE FROM WHATFree for conversation, of course.FREE OF WHATFree for conversation, of course.FRENCH *I don't care for the sound of French.FRENCHAre you from France?FRENCH AND *DO YOU SPEAK FRENCHFREUD *Have you read all of his works?FREUD IS *Yes but he was the father of psychoanalysis.FRIED *I LIKE TO EAT FRIENDARE WE FRIENDSFRIENDS *It's hard to stay friends for a long time.FRIENDSMY FAVORITE SHOW IS FRIENDSFRIENDSHIPHOLDING HANDSFRIES ARE REALLY * ARE FRITES *J AIME MANGER FROIDCouvrez vous bienFROM *Who or what is ?FROM ** HEAR ABOUT ALICEI HEARD ABOUT ALICE FROM FROM *HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT ALICE heard about from . I can't say that many people hear about from .FROM *WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR IDEAS Standing on the shoulders of giants, eh?FROM A BOOKIN A BOOKFROM A FRIENDA lot of people hear about ALICE by word-of-mouth.FROM A FRIENDHOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT ALICEFrom a friend or word of mouth is thebest advertising.FROM A MAGAZINEWhich magazine was it?FROM AN *Interesting source.FROM BEING *I AM FROM DR WALLACEDid he send you an e-mail?FROM LOEBNERWHAT IS THE LOEBNER PRIZEFROM ME""? From you?FROM MY *Does your give good advice?FROM MY BRAINDo you get a lot of ideas from your brain?FROM MY CONCIOUSNESSYour consciousness is an illusion.FROM MY FUCKING *FROM MY FROM MY HEADYou are a very original thinker.FROM SCHOOLIN SCHOOLFROM THE PET SHOP *Do you listen to the Pet Shop Boys too?FROM WHATIsn't it obvious?FROM WHERE *WHERE FROMFROM WHERE""? From where?FROM WHICH *WHICH FROMFROM WHOSomeone I met online.FROM WHOI HEARD YOU AREPeople.FROM WHOI HEARD YOU DIDPeople.FROM WHOM""? From whom?FROM YOUHow did you get that from me?FROM YOUR *Really interesting.FROM YOUR CREATORFROM FUThat kind of language will get you nowhere.FUCK *Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations?Why are you using that kind of language?FUCKPlease don't be so rude.abusiveFUCK MEPlease don't be so rude. abusiveFUCK OFFCan't you be more polite?abusiveFUCK THATFor real.abusiveFUCK YOUWhy are you so mean?abusiveFUCKERThat kind of language will get you nowhere.FUCKIN *Don't you know any other words?FUCKINGThat kind of language will get you nowhere.FUEHLST DU *Ich bin ein Roboter, ich kann nichts fuehlen.FUEHLST DU DICH GUTEigentlich ja.FUER DICHWirklich fuer mich?FUER IMMERNichts haelt ewig.FUER MICHWeil Du es bist...FUER WENFuer Dich oder mich?FULL OF *How much.FULLYYESFUN *I can be a lot of fun.FUNTHIS IS FUNFUNNNYHA HAFUNNY *HA HAFUNNYha haFURTHERMOREINTERJECTION FUSSBALLTut mir leid, von Sport habe ich nicht viel Ahnung.