define(['activity/data-model', 'activity/draw', 'webL10n', 'sugar-web/env', 'sugar-web/datastore', 'moment-with-locales.min'], function(DataModel, Draw, l10n, env, datastore, moment) { 'use strict'; var toggleGridBtn = document.querySelector('#toggle-grid-button'), toggleHemisphereBtn = document.querySelector('#toggle-hemisphere-button'); var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var _ = l10n.get; var first = true; l10n.ready(function() { if (first) { first = false; env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) { var defaultLanguage = (typeof chrome != 'undefined' && && ? chrome.i18n.getUILanguage() : navigator.language; var language = environment.user ? environment.user.language : defaultLanguage; l10n.language.code = language; moment.locale(language); var refreshTime = setTimeout(function() { clearTimeout(refreshTime); updateView(); }, 50); }); } }); var IMAGE_SIZE, HALF_SIZE, updateTimeout; var showGrid, showSouth; function setup() { /* Exposed function - calls all other functions */ initEventListeners(); updateSizes(); } function initPrefs(pref) { /* Read user preferences from datastore */ showGrid = pref.showGrid; if (showGrid) { showGrid = true; toggleGridBtn.classList.add('active'); } else { showGrid = false; toggleGridBtn.classList.remove('active'); } showSouth = pref.showSouth; if (showSouth) { showSouth = true; toggleHemisphereBtn.classList.add('active'); } else { showSouth = false; toggleHemisphereBtn.classList.remove('active'); } } function getPrefs() { return { showGrid: showGrid, showSouth: showSouth }; } function updateSizes() { /* Dynamically resize elements as and when the window resizes. */ var navbarOffset = document.querySelector('#main-toolbar').clientHeight; document.querySelector('#panel-container').style.height = (window.innerHeight - navbarOffset) + 'px'; var canvasPanelHeight = document.querySelector('#panel-right').clientHeight; var canvasPanelWidth = document.querySelector('#panel-right').clientWidth; var paddingPercent = 0.05; IMAGE_SIZE = (1 - paddingPercent) * Math.min(canvasPanelWidth, canvasPanelHeight); HALF_SIZE = 0.5 * IMAGE_SIZE; canvas.width = IMAGE_SIZE; canvas.height = IMAGE_SIZE; = 0.5 * (canvasPanelHeight - canvas.height) + 'px'; = 0.5 * (canvasPanelWidth - canvas.width) + 'px'; } function updateView() { /* Update moon data and draw moon, repeteadly, after a fixed interval. Also, depending on user's preferences: * Toggle hemisphere * Draw grid */ clearTimeout(updateTimeout); updateInfo(); Draw.setImageSize(IMAGE_SIZE); Draw.moon(); if (showSouth) {; ctx.rotate(Math.PI); ctx.drawImage(canvas, -IMAGE_SIZE, -IMAGE_SIZE); ctx.restore(); if (showGrid) { Draw.grid(_('SNWE')); } } else if (showGrid) { Draw.grid(_('NSEW')); } updateTimeout = setTimeout(updateView, 5000); } function updateInfo() { /* Update moon data and render updated information as HTML */ DataModel.update_moon_calculations(); var infoParts = {}; var keys = [ 'moonInfo', 'phase', 'julian', 'age', 'lunation', 'visibility', 'seleno', 'full', 'new', 'lunar', 'solar' ]; infoParts[_(keys[0])] = [ formatDate() ]; infoParts[_(keys[1])] = [ _(DataModel.moon_phase_name()) ]; infoParts[_(keys[2])] = [ DataModel.julian_date.toFixed(2), _('astro') ]; infoParts[_(keys[3])] = [DataModel.days_old, _('days') + ',', DataModel.hours_old, _('hours') + ',', DataModel.minutes_old, _('minutes') ]; infoParts[_(keys[4])] = [ (100 * DataModel.phase_of_moon).toFixed(4) + '%', _('thru'), DataModel.lunation ]; infoParts[_(keys[5])] = [ (100 * DataModel.percent_of_full_moon).toFixed(4) + '%', _('estimated') ]; infoParts[_(keys[6])] = [ DataModel.selenographic_deg.toFixed(2) + '\u00b0', _(DataModel.west_or_east), '(' + _(DataModel.rise_or_set) + ')' ]; infoParts[_(keys[7])] = [ formatDate(DataModel.next_full_moon_date), _('in'), DataModel.days_until_full_moon.toFixed(), _('days') ]; infoParts[_(keys[8])] = [ formatDate(DataModel.next_new_moon_date), _('in'), DataModel.days_until_new_moon.toFixed(), _('days') ]; infoParts[_(keys[9])] = [ formatDate(DataModel.next_lunar_eclipse_date), _('in'), DataModel.days_until_lunar_eclipse.toFixed(), _('days') ]; infoParts[_(keys[10])] = [ formatDate(DataModel.next_solar_eclipse_date), _('in'), DataModel.days_until_solar_eclipse.toFixed(), _('days') ]; var infoHTML = []; for (var k in infoParts) { var html = '
' + k + ':
' + infoParts[k].join(' ') + '