/** * Created by ohayon_m on 17/08/15. */ define(["activity/sample-ressources", "activity/palettes/template-palette", "activity/palettes/size-palette", "activity/lz-string", "sugar-web/graphics/journalchooser", 'sugar-web/datastore'], function (SampleRessources, templatePalette, sizePalette, lzString, chooser, datastore) { var FOUND_COLOR = "#84f060"; var MODE_CLASSIC = "classic"; var MODE_SPLITTED = "splitted"; var MODE_EQUAL = "equal"; var MODE_NON_EQUAL = "non_equal"; var INLINE_RES = "#inline#"; var TEMPLATE_SUMS = { name: "Addition", icon: "addition.svg", cards: [ [{text: "3+4"}, {text: "7"}], [{text: "5+5"}, {text: "10"}], [{text: "5+6"}, {text: "11"}], [{text: "4+4"}, {text: "8"}], [{text: "4+5"}, {text: "9"}], [{text: "3+3"}, {text: "6"}], [{text: "2+2"}, {text: "4"}], [{text: "1+1"}, {text: "2"}], [{text: "1+2"}, {text: "3"}], [{text: "9+9"}, {text: "18"}], [{text: "10+9"}, {text: "19"}], [{text: "8+8"}, {text: "16"}], [{text: "8+9"}, {text: "17"}], [{text: "7+7"}, {text: "14"}], [{text: "7+8"}, {text: "15"}], [{text: "6+6"}, {text: "12"}] ], mode: MODE_SPLITTED }; var TEMPLATE_LETTERS = { name: "Letters", icon: "letters.svg", cards: [ [{text: "A"}, {text: "a"}], [{text: "B"}, {text: "b"}], [{text: "C"}, {text: "c"}], [{text: "D"}, {text: "d"}], [{text: "E"}, {text: "e"}], [{text: "F"}, {text: "f"}], [{text: "G"}, {text: "g"}], [{text: "H"}, {text: "h"}], [{text: "I"}, {text: "i"}], [{text: "J"}, {text: "j"}], [{text: "K"}, {text: "k"}], [{text: "L"}, {text: "l"}], [{text: "M"}, {text: "m"}], [{text: "N"}, {text: "n"}], [{text: "O"}, {text: "o"}], [{text: "P"}, {text: "p"}], [{text: "Q"}, {text: "q"}], [{text: "R"}, {text: "r"}], [{text: "S"}, {text: "s"}], [{text: "T"}, {text: "t"}], [{text: "U"}, {text: "u"}], [{text: "V"}, {text: "v"}], [{text: "W"}, {text: "w"}], [{text: "X"}, {text: "x"}], [{text: "Y"}, {text: "y"}], [{text: "Z"}, {text: "z"}] ], mode: MODE_SPLITTED }; var TEMPLATE_SOUNDS = { name: "Sounds", icon: "sounds.svg", cards: [ [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit1_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_a"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit1_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_a"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit2_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_b"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit2_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_b"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit3_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_c"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit3_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat1_c"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit4_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat8"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit4_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat8"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit5_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat10"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit5_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat10"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit6_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat3"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit6_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat3"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit7_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat4"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit7_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat4"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit8_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat14"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit8_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat14"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit9_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat6_2"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit9_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat6_2"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit10_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat2"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit10_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat2"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit11_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat16"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit11_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat16"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit12_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat17"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "drumkit12_b", sound: INLINE_RES + "beat17"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar1_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "bending_a"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar1_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "bending_a"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar2_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "bending_b"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar2_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "bending_b"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar3_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flashcomp2a"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar3_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flashcomp2a"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar4_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flashcomp2b"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar4_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flashcomp2b"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar5_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "gedaempft"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar5_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "gedaempft"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar6_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "ungedaempft"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar6_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "ungedaempft"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar7_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "jimi4"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar7_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "jimi4"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar8_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "git_hit1"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar8_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "git_hit1"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar9_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "git_hit4"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar9_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "git_hit4"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar10_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "jimi1"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar10_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "jimi1"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar11_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flasholet4"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar11_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "flasholet4"} ], [ {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar12_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "guitcello"}, {image: INLINE_RES + "guitar12_2", sound: INLINE_RES + "guitcello"} ] ], mode: MODE_CLASSIC }; var MemorizeApp = { strings: {add: "Add", update: "Update", remove: "Remove"}, ui: {}, templates: [TEMPLATE_SUMS, TEMPLATE_LETTERS, TEMPLATE_SOUNDS], isHost: false, editor: {pairMode: MODE_EQUAL, card1: {}, card2: {}, selectedPair: -1}, game: { template: TEMPLATE_LETTERS, multiplayer: false, selectedCards: [], mode: undefined, cards: [], currentPlayer: "", players: [], size: 4 }, computeCards: computeCards, inEditMode: false, shareActivity: shareActivity, initUI: initUI, drawGame: drawGame, onUsersListChanged: onUsersListChanged, onDataReceived: onDataReceived }; function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; while (0 !== currentIndex) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function shareActivity(isHost) { if (!MemorizeApp.presence.isConnected()) { return; } MemorizeApp.inEditMode = false; leaveEditMode(); disableEditMode(); MemorizeApp.game.multiplayer = true; MemorizeApp.isHost = isHost; MemorizeApp.me = MemorizeApp.presence.userInfo; MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer = MemorizeApp.me.networkId; MemorizeApp.ui.gamePlayers.style.display = "block"; } function computeCards(ignoreSave) { MemorizeApp.game.cards = []; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; if (!MemorizeApp.game.template) { return; } MemorizeApp.game.mode = MemorizeApp.game.template.mode; var shuffledTemplate = {name: MemorizeApp.game.template.name, cards: []}; shuffledTemplate.cards = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shuffle(MemorizeApp.game.template.cards))); var cardsNumber = 0; if (MemorizeApp.game.size % 2 == 0) { cardsNumber = MemorizeApp.game.size * MemorizeApp.game.size; } else { cardsNumber = MemorizeApp.game.size * MemorizeApp.game.size - 2; } if (MemorizeApp.game.mode == MODE_CLASSIC) { var cards = []; for (var i = 0; i < shuffledTemplate.cards.length && i < cardsNumber / 2; i++) { var card1 = shuffledTemplate.cards[i][0]; var card2 = shuffledTemplate.cards[i][1]; card1.id = i; card2.id = i; cards.push(card1); cards.push(card2); } MemorizeApp.game.cards = shuffle(cards); } if (MemorizeApp.game.mode == MODE_SPLITTED) { var cards1 = []; var cards2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < cardsNumber / 2 && i < shuffledTemplate.cards.length; i++) { var card1 = shuffledTemplate.cards[i][0]; var card2 = shuffledTemplate.cards[i][1]; card1.id = i; card2.id = i; cards1.push(card1); cards2.push(card2); } var shuffledCard1 = shuffle(cards1); for (var i = 0; i < shuffledCard1.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.cards.push(shuffledCard1[i]); } var shuffledCard2 = shuffle(cards2); for (var i = 0; i < shuffledCard2.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.cards.push(shuffledCard2[i]); } } if (!ignoreSave) saveGame(); } function resizeTextInsideTextCardDivs() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('textCard'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; while (el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight) { el.style.fontSize = parseInt(el.style.fontSize) - 1 + "px"; } while (el.scrollWidth > el.offsetWidth) { el.style.fontSize = parseInt(el.style.fontSize) - 1 + "px"; } } } function generateCardDiv(card, minSize) { if (card.image) { if (card.image.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { card.image = SampleRessources[card.image.slice(INLINE_RES.length)]; } var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.background = "url('" + card.image + "')"; div.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; div.style.backgroundSize = "contain"; div.style.webkitBackgroundSize = "contain"; div.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; div.style.height = minSize + "px"; div.style.width = minSize + "px"; return div; } if (card.text) { if (card.text.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { card.text = SampleRessources[card.text.slice(INLINE_RES.length)]; } var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "textCard"; div.style.textAlign = "center"; div.style.display = "block"; div.innerHTML = card.text; div.style.lineHeight = minSize + "px"; div.style.fontSize = minSize + 'px'; div.style.color = "#000"; div.style.width = minSize + "px"; div.style.height = minSize + "px"; return div; } } function createAudioContextIfMissing() { if (MemorizeApp.context) { return; } var context = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.oAudioContext || window.msAudioContext; if (!context) { return; } context = new context(); MemorizeApp.context = context; var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); var source = context.createBufferSource(); MemorizeApp.source = source; source.buffer = buffer; source.connect(context.destination); source.start(0); } function createFullCardDiv(i, minSize, card) { var fullCardDiv = document.createElement("div"); fullCardDiv.cardPosition = i; fullCardDiv.webkitPerspective = "500px"; fullCardDiv.perspective = "500px"; fullCardDiv.style.border = "3px solid #fff"; fullCardDiv.style.borderRadius = "6px"; fullCardDiv.style.margin = "5px"; fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransition = "transform 0.5s"; fullCardDiv.style.transition = "transform 0.5s"; fullCardDiv.style.transitionDuration = "0.5s"; fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransitionDuration = "0.5s"; fullCardDiv.style.transformStyle = "preserve-3d"; fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransformStyle = "preserve-3d"; fullCardDiv.style.position = "relative"; fullCardDiv.style.float = "left"; fullCardDiv.style.height = minSize + "px"; fullCardDiv.style.width = minSize + "px"; if (card.solved) { fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransform = "rotateY(180deg)"; fullCardDiv.style.transform = "rotateY(180deg)"; } else { fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransform = ""; fullCardDiv.style.transform = ""; } if (MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.length != 0) { if (MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].cardPosition == fullCardDiv.cardPosition) { fullCardDiv.style.webkitTransform = ""; fullCardDiv.style.transform = ""; } } return fullCardDiv; } function createFrontDiv(i, middle, minSize) { var front = document.createElement("div"); if (MemorizeApp.game.mode == MODE_CLASSIC) { front.style.background = "#777"; } if (MemorizeApp.game.mode == MODE_SPLITTED) { if (i < middle) { front.style.background = "#777 url(icons/number1.svg)"; } else { front.style.background = "#777 url(icons/number2.svg)"; } } front.zIndex = 2; front.style.borderRadius = "6px"; front.style.webkitBackfaceVisibility = "hidden"; front.style.backfaceVisibility = "hidden"; front.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; front.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; front.style.height = minSize + "px"; front.style.position = "absolute"; front.style.top = "0px"; front.style.left = "0px"; front.style.width = minSize + "px"; return front; } function createDiv(i, minSize, card) { var div = document.createElement("div"); var generatedDiv = generateCardDiv(MemorizeApp.game.cards[i], minSize); div.appendChild(generatedDiv); div.style.height = minSize + "px"; div.style.webkitBackfaceVisibility = "hidden"; div.style.backfaceVisibility = "hidden"; div.style.mozBackfaceVisibility = "hidden"; div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.webkitTransform = "rotateY(180deg)"; div.style.transform = "rotateY(180deg)"; div.style.top = "0px"; div.style.left = "0px"; div.style.borderRadius = "6px"; div.style.width = minSize + "px"; div.style.background = "#fff"; if (card.solved) { div.style.backgroundColor = FOUND_COLOR; } return div; } function cardClick(div, fromMe, user) { var middle = MemorizeApp.game.cards.length / 2; createAudioContextIfMissing(); var t = div; if (t.card.solved || MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.length == 2) { return; } if (MemorizeApp.game.mode == MODE_SPLITTED && MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.length == 1) { if (t.cardPosition < middle && MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].cardPosition < middle) { return; } if (t.cardPosition >= middle && MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].cardPosition >= middle) { return; } } t.style.webkitTransform = "rotateY(180deg)"; t.style.transform = "rotateY(180deg)"; if(MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.length == 1 && MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0] == t){ return; } else{ MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.push(t); } if (t.card.sound) { if (t.card.sound.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { t.card.sound = SampleRessources[t.card.sound.slice(INLINE_RES.length)]; } var b64 = t.card.sound.split("base64,")[1]; b64 = Base64Binary.decodeArrayBuffer(btoa(atob(b64))); if (MemorizeApp.context) { MemorizeApp.context.decodeAudioData(b64, function (buffer) { var source = MemorizeApp.context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source if (MemorizeApp.source) { try { MemorizeApp.source.stop(0); } catch (e) { } } MemorizeApp.source = source; source.buffer = buffer; source.connect(MemorizeApp.context.destination); try { source.start(0); } catch (e) { } }, function (err) { console.log("err(decodeAudioData): " + err); }); } } if (MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards.length == 1) { return; } if (MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].card.id == t.card.id) { MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].card.solved = true; t.card.solved = true; for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { if (MemorizeApp.game.players[i].networkId == user.networkId) { MemorizeApp.game.players[i].score = MemorizeApp.game.players[i].score + 1; } } displayUsersAndScores(); var div1 = MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].resultDiv; var div2 = t.resultDiv; setTimeout(function () { div1.style.backgroundColor = FOUND_COLOR; div2.style.backgroundColor = FOUND_COLOR; }, 1000); MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; saveGame(); return; } MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer = ""; setTimeout(function () { try { t.style.webkitTransform = ""; t.style.transform = ""; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].style.webkitTransform = ""; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards[0].style.transform = ""; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; setTimeout(function () { if (fromMe) { for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { if (MemorizeApp.game.players[i].online && MemorizeApp.game.players[i].networkId != MemorizeApp.me.networkId) { MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer = MemorizeApp.game.players[i].networkId; sendMessage({ action: "updateCurrentPlayer", currentPlayer: MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer }); displayUsersAndScores(); break; } } } }, 300); } catch (e) { } }, 2000) } function saveGame() { MemorizeApp.activity.getDatastoreObject().setDataAsText(JSON.stringify({game: MemorizeApp.game})); MemorizeApp.activity.getDatastoreObject().save(function (error, meta) { }); } function onCardClick() { if (MemorizeApp.game.multiplayer) { if (MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer != MemorizeApp.me.networkId) { return; } sendMessage({action: "cardClick", position: this.cardPosition}); if (MemorizeApp.game.players.length == 0 || MemorizeApp.game.players.length == 1) { cardClick(this, true); } for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { if (MemorizeApp.game.players[i].networkId == MemorizeApp.me.networkId) { cardClick(this, true, MemorizeApp.game.players[i]); } } } else { cardClick(this, true); } } function drawGame() { if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/pair-non-equals.svg)" } else { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/pair-equals.svg)" } if (MemorizeApp.game.template.mode == MODE_CLASSIC) { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/grouped_game1.svg)"; } else { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/grouped_game2.svg)"; } MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.style.background = "url(icons/" + MemorizeApp.game.size + "x" + MemorizeApp.game.size + ".svg)"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/" + MemorizeApp.game.template.icon + ")"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid.innerHTML = ""; var gameDiv = MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid; var width = document.body.clientWidth; var height = document.body.clientHeight; var middle = MemorizeApp.game.cards.length / 2; var minSize = height; if (width < height) { minSize = width; } minSize = minSize - (56 + 20) * 3; minSize = minSize / MemorizeApp.game.size; for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.cards.length; i++) { var card = MemorizeApp.game.cards[i]; if (i % MemorizeApp.game.size == 0 && i > 0) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.clear = "both"; gameDiv.appendChild(div); } var fullCardDiv = createFullCardDiv(i, minSize, card); var front = createFrontDiv(i, middle, minSize); var div = createDiv(i, minSize, card); fullCardDiv.card = card; fullCardDiv.resultDiv = div; var clickEvent = "click"; if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { clickEvent = "touchend"; } fullCardDiv.addEventListener(clickEvent, onCardClick, false); fullCardDiv.appendChild(div); fullCardDiv.appendChild(front); gameDiv.appendChild(fullCardDiv); } gameDiv.style.width = parseInt(minSize + 10) * parseInt(MemorizeApp.game.size + 1) + "px"; gameDiv.style.marginLeft = "auto"; gameDiv.style.marginRight = "auto"; resizeTextInsideTextCardDivs(); } function onDataReceived(data) { if (data.user.networkId == MemorizeApp.me.networkId) { return; } data.content = JSON.parse(lzString.decompressFromUTF16(data.content)); if (data.content.action == "updateCurrentPlayer") { MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer = data.content.currentPlayer; displayUsersAndScores(); } if (data.content.action == "updateGame") { MemorizeApp.game = data.content.game; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.style.background = "url(icons/" + MemorizeApp.game.size + "x" + MemorizeApp.game.size + ".svg)"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/" + MemorizeApp.game.template.icon + ")"; MemorizeApp.drawGame(); displayUsersAndScores(); saveGame(); } if (data.content.action == "cardClick") { var notFilteredCards = MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid.childNodes; var cards = []; for (var i = 0; i < notFilteredCards.length; i++) { if (!notFilteredCards[i].style.clear || notFilteredCards[i].style.clear == "") { cards.push(notFilteredCards[i]); } } for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { if (MemorizeApp.game.players[i].networkId == data.user.networkId) { cardClick(cards[data.content.position], false, MemorizeApp.game.players[i]); } } } } function sendMessage(content) { if (!MemorizeApp.game.multiplayer) { return; } var sharedId = window.top.sugar.environment.sharedId; if (!sharedId) { sharedId = MemorizeApp.presence.getSharedInfo().id } MemorizeApp.presence.sendMessage(sharedId, { user: MemorizeApp.presence.getUserInfo(), content: lzString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(content)) }); } function displayUsersAndScores() { if (MemorizeApp.game.players.length == 0) { return; } var div = document.createElement("div"); var myTurn = false; if (MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer == MemorizeApp.me.networkId) { myTurn = true; } var canPlay = document.createElement("div"); canPlay.style.float = "left"; canPlay.style.marginTop = "10px"; canPlay.style.width = "30px"; canPlay.style.marginRight = "3px"; canPlay.style.borderRight = "1px solid #fff"; canPlay.style.height = "30px"; if (myTurn) { canPlay.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/play.svg)" } else { canPlay.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/sandclock.svg)" } canPlay.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; canPlay.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; div.appendChild(canPlay); for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { var player = MemorizeApp.game.players[i]; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.style.paddingTop = "15px"; var xoColor = generateXOLogoWithColor(player.colorvalue); var scores = ""; for (var j = 0; j < player.score; j++) { scores += ''; } d.innerHTML = '' + player.name + " " + scores; d.style.float = "left"; if (i != 0) { d.style.marginLeft = "10px"; } div.appendChild(d); } MemorizeApp.ui.gamePlayers.innerHTML = ""; MemorizeApp.ui.gamePlayers.appendChild(div); } function onUsersListChanged(users) { for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.players[i].online = false; } if (!MemorizeApp.hasLoadedMultiplayer && users.length >= 3) { document.getElementById("stop-button").click(); return; } MemorizeApp.hasLoadedMultiplayer = true; if (users.length == 1) { MemorizeApp.isHost = true; MemorizeApp.game.currentPlayer = MemorizeApp.me.networkId; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; drawGame(); displayUsersAndScores(); return; } for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; j++) { if (MemorizeApp.game.players[j].networkId == users[i].networkId) { MemorizeApp.game.players[j].online = true; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { var user = users[i]; user.score = 0; user.online = true; MemorizeApp.game.players.push(user); } } if (MemorizeApp.isHost) { sendMessage({action: "updateGame", game: MemorizeApp.game}); } displayUsersAndScores(); } var xoLogo = ']>'; function generateXOLogoWithColor(color) { var coloredLogo = xoLogo; coloredLogo = coloredLogo.replace("#010101", color.stroke); coloredLogo = coloredLogo.replace("#FFFFFF", color.fill); return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(coloredLogo); } function initUI(callback) { MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid = document.getElementById("game-grid"); MemorizeApp.ui.gamePlayers = document.getElementById("game-players"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor = document.getElementById("game-editor"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton = document.getElementById("game-templates-button"); var gt = new templatePalette.TemplatePalette(MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton, undefined, MemorizeApp.templates); gt.addEventListener('template', function (e) { for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.players[i].score = 0; } MemorizeApp.game.template = e.detail.value; MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/" + e.detail.value.icon + ")"; MemorizeApp.computeCards(); MemorizeApp.drawGame(); sendMessage({action: "updateGame", game: MemorizeApp.game}); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton = document.getElementById("game-size-button"); var sp = new sizePalette.SizePalette(MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton); sp.addEventListener('size', function (e) { for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.players[i].score = 0; } MemorizeApp.game.size = e.detail.value; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.style.background = "url(icons/" + e.detail.value + "x" + e.detail.value + ".svg)"; MemorizeApp.computeCards(); MemorizeApp.drawGame(); sendMessage({action: "updateGame", game: MemorizeApp.game}); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton = document.getElementById("game-reset-button"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton.addEventListener("click", function () { for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.players.length; i++) { MemorizeApp.game.players[i].score = 0; } MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; MemorizeApp.game.cards = []; displayUsersAndScores(); MemorizeApp.computeCards(); MemorizeApp.drawGame(); sendMessage({action: "updateGame", game: MemorizeApp.game}); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton = document.getElementById("game-editor-button"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton = document.getElementById("game-editor-insert-mode-button"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton = document.getElementById("game-editor-play-mode-button"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if (MemorizeApp.game.template.mode == MODE_CLASSIC) { MemorizeApp.game.template.mode = MODE_SPLITTED; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/grouped_game2.svg)"; } else { MemorizeApp.game.template.mode = MODE_CLASSIC; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/grouped_game1.svg)"; } saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton = document.getElementById("game-editor-clear-button"); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode = MODE_NON_EQUAL; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/pair-non-equals.svg)" } else { MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode = MODE_EQUAL; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/pair-equals.svg)" } saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.addEventListener("click", function() { MemorizeApp.game.template.cards = []; saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.addEventListener("click", function () { if (MemorizeApp.inEditMode) { leaveEditMode(); } else { enterEditMode(); } }); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.style.opacity = 0.3; //window.onresize = function () { // setTimeout(function () { // if (MemorizeApp.inEditMode) { // displayEditor() // } else { // MemorizeApp.drawGame(); // } // }, 250); //}; if (callback) { callback(); } } function enterEditMode() { //TODO palette equality //TODO palette show MemorizeApp.inEditMode = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid.innerHTML = ""; MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid.style.display = "none"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.style.display = "block"; MemorizeApp.game.selectedCards = []; MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair = -1; /* Disable game buttons */ MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton.style.opacity = 0.3; /* Enable editor buttons */ MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.opacity = 1; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.opacity = 1; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.style.opacity = 1; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/play.svg)"; displayEditor(); } function generateEditorDiv(card) { var minSize = document.body.clientWidth; if (minSize > document.body.clientHeight) { minSize = document.body.clientHeight; } var e = document.createElement("div"); e.style.width = parseInt(minSize / 3.5) + "px"; e.style.marginLeft = "25px"; e.style.float = "left"; e.style.marginTop = "7px"; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.style.width = parseInt(minSize / 3.5) - 10 + "px"; d.style.height = parseInt(minSize / 3.5) - 10 + "px"; 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addButton.style.padding = "5px"; addButton.style.userSelect = "none"; addButton.style.webkitUserSelect = "none"; addButton.style.mozUserSelect = "none"; addButton.innerHTML = "
" + MemorizeApp.strings.add; addButton.onmouseover = function () { this.style.background = "#888"; }; addButton.onmouseout = function () { this.style.background = "transparent"; }; addButton.addEventListener("click", function () { var cards = []; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; } if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_NON_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card2; } if (!cards[0].text && !cards[0].image && !cards[0].sound) { return; } if (!cards[1].text && !cards[1].image && !cards[1].sound) { return; } cards = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cards)); MemorizeApp.editor.card1 = {}; MemorizeApp.editor.card2 = {}; MemorizeApp.game.template.cards.push(cards); MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair = -1; saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); updateButton.style.padding = "5px"; updateButton.style.userSelect = "none"; updateButton.style.webkitUserSelect = "none"; updateButton.style.mozUserSelect = "none"; updateButton.innerHTML = "
" + MemorizeApp.strings.update; updateButton.onmouseover = function () { this.style.background = "#888"; }; updateButton.onmouseout = function () { this.style.background = "transparent"; }; updateButton.addEventListener("click", function () { var cards = []; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; } if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_NON_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card2; } if (!cards[0].text && !cards[0].image && !cards[0].sound) { return; } if (!cards[1].text && !cards[1].image && !cards[1].sound) { return; } cards = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cards)); if (MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair > -1) { MemorizeApp.game.template.cards[MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair] = cards } saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); deleteButton.style.padding = "5px"; deleteButton.style.userSelect = "none"; deleteButton.style.webkitUserSelect = "none"; deleteButton.style.mozUserSelect = "none"; deleteButton.innerHTML = "
" + MemorizeApp.strings.remove; deleteButton.onmouseover = function () { this.style.background = "#888"; }; deleteButton.onmouseout = function () { this.style.background = "transparent"; }; deleteButton.addEventListener("click", function () { if (MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair > -1) { MemorizeApp.game.template.cards.splice(MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair, 1); } MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair = -1; MemorizeApp.editor.card1 = {}; MemorizeApp.editor.card2 = {}; saveGame(); displayEditor(); }); div.appendChild(addButton); div.appendChild(updateButton); div.appendChild(deleteButton); return div; } function generateCardFromCardsList(pair, minSize, index) { minSize = minSize - 10; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.style.display = "inline-block"; d.style.height = minSize + "px"; d.style.marginLeft = "5px"; if (index == MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair) { d.style.border = "3px solid #00f"; } //d.style.marginTop = "5px"; //d.style.marginLeft = "15px"; var card1 = document.createElement("div"); card1.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; card1.style.backgroundSize = "cover"; card1.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; card1.innerHTML = " "; card1.style.backgroundColor = "#666"; card1.className = "textCard"; if (pair[0].text) { if (pair[0].text.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { pair[0].text = SampleRessources[pair[0].image.slice(INLINE_RES.length)] } card1.innerHTML = pair[0].text; } else if (pair[0].image) { if (pair[0].image.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { pair[0].image = SampleRessources[pair[0].image.slice(INLINE_RES.length)] } card1.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + pair[0].image + "')"; } card1.style.width = parseInt(minSize / 2) + "px"; card1.style.height = parseInt(minSize / 2) + "px"; card1.style.lineHeight = card1.style.width + ""; card1.style.borderRadius = "6px"; card1.style.textAlign = "center"; card1.style.fontSize = parseInt(minSize / 8) + "px"; card1.style.border = "1px solid #000"; card1.style.color = "#fff"; card1.style.marginBottom = "5px"; var card2 = document.createElement("div"); card2.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; card2.style.backgroundPosition = "center center"; card2.style.backgroundSize = "cover"; card2.innerHTML = " "; card2.style.backgroundColor = "#666"; card2.className = "textCard"; if (pair[1].text) { if (pair[1].text.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { pair[1].text = SampleRessources[pair[1].image.slice(INLINE_RES.length)] } card2.innerHTML = pair[1].text; } else if (pair[1].image) { if (pair[1].image.indexOf(INLINE_RES) == 0) { pair[1].image = SampleRessources[pair[1].image.slice(INLINE_RES.length)] } card2.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + pair[1].image + "')"; } card2.style.width = parseInt(minSize / 2) + "px"; card2.style.height = parseInt(minSize / 2) + "px"; card2.style.textAlign = "center"; card2.style.lineHeight = card2.style.width + ""; card2.style.borderRadius = "6px"; card2.style.fontSize = parseInt(minSize / 8) + "px"; card2.style.border = "1px solid #000"; card2.style.color = "#fff"; d.appendChild(card1); d.appendChild(card2); return d; } function insertimagebuttonsFun(){ document.getElementsByClassName("insertImage")[0].onclick = function(){ var cards = []; chooser.show(function (entry) { // No selection if (!entry) { return; } // Get object content var dataentry = new datastore.DatastoreObject(entry.objectId); dataentry.loadAsText(function (err, metadata, text) { //We load the drawing inside an image element var element = document.createElement('img'); if (entry.metadata.activity == 'org.olpcfrance.PaintActivity') { element.src = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(JSON.parse(text).src); } else { element.src = text; } element.onload = function () { document.getElementsByClassName("textCard")[0].style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + element.src + ')'; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.editor.card1.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card1.text = ""; MemorizeApp.editor.card2.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card2.text = ""; }else{ MemorizeApp.editor.card1.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card1.text = ""; } var cards = []; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; } if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_NON_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card2; } if (!cards[0].text && !cards[0].image && !cards[0].sound) { return; } if (!cards[1].text && !cards[1].image && !cards[1].sound) { return; } cards = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cards)); if (MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair > -1) { MemorizeApp.game.template.cards[MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair] = cards } saveGame(); displayEditor(); }; }); }, { mimetype: 'image/png' }, { mimetype: 'image/jpeg' }, { activity: 'org.olpcfrance.PaintActivity'}); } if(document.getElementsByClassName("insertImage")[1]){ document.getElementsByClassName("insertImage")[1].onclick = function(){ var cards = []; chooser.show(function (entry) { // No selection if (!entry) { return; } // Get object content var dataentry = new datastore.DatastoreObject(entry.objectId); dataentry.loadAsText(function (err, metadata, text) { //We load the drawing inside an image element var element = document.createElement('img'); element.src = text; element.onload = function () { document.getElementsByClassName("textCard")[1].style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + element.src + ')'; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.editor.card1.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card1.text = ""; MemorizeApp.editor.card2.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card2.text = ""; }else{ MemorizeApp.editor.card2.image = element.src; MemorizeApp.editor.card2.text = ""; } var cards = []; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; } if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_NON_EQUAL) { cards[0] = MemorizeApp.editor.card1; cards[1] = MemorizeApp.editor.card2; } if (!cards[0].text && !cards[0].image && !cards[0].sound) { return; } if (!cards[1].text && !cards[1].image && !cards[1].sound) { return; } cards = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cards)); if (MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair > -1) { MemorizeApp.game.template.cards[MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair] = cards } saveGame(); displayEditor(); }; }); }, { mimetype: 'image/png' }, { mimetype: 'image/jpeg' }); } } } function generateCardsList() { var div = document.createElement("div"); var minSize = document.body.clientWidth; if (minSize > document.body.clientHeight) { minSize = document.body.clientHeight; } div.style.position = "fixed"; div.style.bottom = 0; div.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px"; div.style.height = parseInt(minSize / 3) + "px"; div.style.padding = "10px"; div.style.paddingBottom = "20px"; div.style.marginTop = "7px"; div.style.background = "#eee"; div.style.overflowX = "auto"; div.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap" div.style.overflowY = "hidden"; for (var i = 0; i < MemorizeApp.game.template.cards.length; i++) { var card = MemorizeApp.game.template.cards[i]; var pair = generateCardFromCardsList(card, parseInt(minSize / 3), i); pair.cards = card; pair.index = i; pair.addEventListener("click", function() { MemorizeApp.editor.selectedPair = this.index; MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode = MODE_NON_EQUAL; MemorizeApp.editor.card1 = this.cards[0]; MemorizeApp.editor.card2 = this.cards[1]; displayEditor(); }); div.appendChild(pair); } var emptyDiv = document.createElement("div"); emptyDiv.style.height = parseInt(minSize/6)+"px"; emptyDiv.style.width = "30px"; emptyDiv.style.display = "inline-block"; div.appendChild(emptyDiv); return div; } function generateClearBoth() { var d = document.createElement("div"); d.style.clear = "both"; return d; } function displayEditor() { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.innerHTML = ""; if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateEditorDiv(MemorizeApp.editor.card1)); } if (MemorizeApp.editor.pairMode == MODE_NON_EQUAL) { MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateEditorDiv(MemorizeApp.editor.card1)); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateEditorDiv(MemorizeApp.editor.card2)); } insertimagebuttonsFun(); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateAddEditRemoveButton()); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateClearBoth()); MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.appendChild(generateCardsList()); resizeTextInsideTextCardDivs() } function leaveEditMode() { MemorizeApp.editor.card1 = {}; MemorizeApp.editor.card2 = {}; MemorizeApp.inEditMode = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.innerHTML = ""; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditor.style.display = "none"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameGrid.style.display = "block"; /* Enable game buttons */ MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameTemplatesButton.style.opacity = 1; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameSizeButton.style.opacity = 1; MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton.disabled = false; MemorizeApp.ui.gameResetButton.style.opacity = 1; /* Disable editor buttons */ MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/cog.svg)"; MemorizeApp.drawGame(); } function disableEditMode() { /* Disable All editor buttons */ MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorButton.style.backgroundImage = "url(icons/cog.svg)"; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorInsertModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorPlayModeButton.style.opacity = 0.3; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.disabled = true; MemorizeApp.ui.gameEditorClearButton.style.opacity = 0.3; } var Base64Binary = { _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", _arrayBufferToBase64: function (buffer) { var binary = ''; var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); var len = bytes.byteLength; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return window.btoa(binary); }, /* will return a Uint8Array type */ decodeArrayBuffer: function (input) { var bytes = (input.length / 4) * 3; var ab = new ArrayBuffer(bytes); this.decode(input, ab); return ab; }, removePaddingChars: function (input) { var lkey = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(input.length - 1)); if (lkey == 64) { return input.substring(0, input.length - 1); } return input; }, decode: function (input, arrayBuffer) { //get last chars to see if are valid input = this.removePaddingChars(input); input = this.removePaddingChars(input); var bytes = parseInt((input.length / 4) * 3, 10); var uarray; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; var j = 0; if (arrayBuffer) uarray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); else uarray = new Uint8Array(bytes); input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); for (i = 0; i < bytes; i += 3) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(j++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; uarray[i] = chr1; if (enc3 != 64) uarray[i + 1] = chr2; if (enc4 != 64) uarray[i + 2] = chr3; } return uarray; } } return MemorizeApp; } ) ;