var ρσ_iterator_symbol = (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") ? Symbol.iterator : "iterator-Symbol-5d0927e5554349048cf0e3762a228256"; var ρσ_kwargs_symbol = (typeof Symbol === "function") ? Symbol("kwargs-object") : "kwargs-object-Symbol-5d0927e5554349048cf0e3762a228256"; var ρσ_cond_temp, ρσ_expr_temp, ρσ_last_exception; var ρσ_object_counter = 0; var ρσ_len; function ρσ_bool(val) { return !!val; }; if (!ρσ_bool.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_bool, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val"]} }); function ρσ_print() { var parts; if (typeof console === "object") { parts = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { parts.push(ρσ_str(arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i])); } console.log(parts.join(" ")); } }; function ρσ_int(val, base) { var ans; ans = parseInt(val, base || 10); if (isNaN(ans)) { throw new ValueError("Invalid literal for int with base " + (base || 10) + ": " + val); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_int.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_int, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val", "base"]} }); function ρσ_float() { var ans; ans = parseFloat.apply(null, arguments); if (isNaN(ans)) { throw new ValueError("Could not convert string to float: " + arguments[0]); } return ans; }; function ρσ_arraylike_creator() { var names; names = "Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "); if (typeof HTMLCollection === "function") { names = names.concat("HTMLCollection NodeList NamedNodeMap TouchList".split(" ")); } return (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { if (Array.isArray(x) || typeof x === "string" || names.indexOf(, -1)) > -1) { return true; } return false; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); }; function options_object(f) { return function () { if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === "object") { arguments[ρσ_bound_index(arguments.length - 1, arguments)][ρσ_kwargs_symbol] = true; } return f.apply(this, arguments); }; }; if (!options_object.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(options_object, { __argnames__ : {value: ["f"]} }); function ρσ_id(x) { return x.ρσ_object_id; }; if (!ρσ_id.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_id, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_dir(item) { var arr; arr = ρσ_list_decorate([]); for (var i in item) { arr.push(i); } return arr; }; if (!ρσ_dir.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_dir, { __argnames__ : {value: ["item"]} }); function ρσ_ord(x) { var ans, second; ans = x.charCodeAt(0); if (55296 <= ans && ans <= 56319) { second = x.charCodeAt(1); if (56320 <= second && second <= 57343) { return (ans - 55296) * 1024 + second - 56320 + 65536; } throw new TypeError("string is missing the low surrogate char"); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_ord.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_ord, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_chr(code) { if (code <= 65535) { return String.fromCharCode(code); } code -= 65536; return String.fromCharCode(55296 + (code >> 10), 56320 + (code & 1023)); }; if (!ρσ_chr.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_chr, { __argnames__ : {value: ["code"]} }); function ρσ_callable(x) { return typeof x === "function"; }; if (!ρσ_callable.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_callable, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_bin(x) { var ans; if (typeof x !== "number" || x % 1 !== 0) { throw new TypeError("integer required"); } ans = x.toString(2); if (ans[0] === "-") { ans = "-" + "0b" + ans.slice(1); } else { ans = "0b" + ans; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_bin.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_bin, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_hex(x) { var ans; if (typeof x !== "number" || x % 1 !== 0) { throw new TypeError("integer required"); } ans = x.toString(16); if (ans[0] === "-") { ans = "-" + "0x" + ans.slice(1); } else { ans = "0x" + ans; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_hex.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_hex, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_enumerate(iterable) { var ans, iterator; ans = {"_i":-1}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i < iterable.length) { return {'done':false, 'value':[this._i, iterable[this._i]]}; } return {'done':true}; }; return ans; } if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); ans["_iterator"] = iterator; ans["next"] = function () { var r; r =; if (r.done) { return {'done':true}; } this._i += 1; return {'done':false, 'value':[this._i, r.value]}; }; return ans; } return ρσ_enumerate(Object.keys(iterable)); }; if (!ρσ_enumerate.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_enumerate, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); function ρσ_reversed(iterable) { var ans; if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { ans = {"_i": iterable.length}; ans["next"] = function () { this._i -= 1; if (this._i > -1) { return {'done':false, 'value':iterable[this._i]}; } return {'done':true}; }; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; return ans; } throw new TypeError("reversed() can only be called on arrays or strings"); }; if (!ρσ_reversed.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_reversed, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); function ρσ_iter(iterable) { var ans; if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { return (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); } if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { ans = {"_i":-1}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i < iterable.length) { return {'done':false, 'value':iterable[this._i]}; } return {'done':true}; }; return ans; } return ρσ_iter(Object.keys(iterable)); }; if (!ρσ_iter.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_iter, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); function ρσ_range_next(step, length) { var ρσ_unpack; this._i += step; this._idx += 1; if (this._idx >= length) { ρσ_unpack = [this.__i, -1]; this._i = ρσ_unpack[0]; this._idx = ρσ_unpack[1]; return {'done':true}; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._i}; }; if (!ρσ_range_next.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_range_next, { __argnames__ : {value: ["step", "length"]} }); function ρσ_range(start, stop, step) { var length, ans; if (arguments.length <= 1) { stop = start || 0; start = 0; } step = arguments[2] || 1; length = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0); ans = {start:start, step:step, stop:stop}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { var it; it = {"_i": start - step, "_idx": -1}; = ρσ_range_next.bind(it, step, length); it[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; return it; }; ans.count = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (val) { if (!this._cached) { this._cached = list(this); } return this._cached.count(val); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ans.index = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (val) { if (!this._cached) { this._cached = list(this); } return this._cached.index(val); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); if (typeof Proxy === "function") { ans = new Proxy(ans, (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["get"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (obj, prop) { var iprop; if (typeof prop === "string") { iprop = parseInt(prop); if (!isNaN(iprop)) { prop = iprop; } } if (typeof prop === "number") { if (!obj._cached) { obj._cached = list(obj); } return (ρσ_expr_temp = obj._cached)[(typeof prop === "number" && prop < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + prop : prop]; } return obj[(typeof prop === "number" && prop < 0) ? obj.length + prop : prop]; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "prop"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); return ρσ_d; }).call(this)); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_range.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_range, { __argnames__ : {value: ["start", "stop", "step"]} }); function ρσ_getattr(obj, name, defval) { var ret; try { ret = obj[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? obj.length + name : name]; } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; if (ρσ_Exception instanceof TypeError) { if (defval === undefined) { throw new AttributeError("The attribute " + name + " is not present"); } return defval; } else { throw ρσ_Exception; } } if (ret === undefined && !(name in obj)) { if (defval === undefined) { throw new AttributeError("The attribute " + name + " is not present"); } ret = defval; } return ret; }; if (!ρσ_getattr.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_getattr, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "name", "defval"]} }); function ρσ_setattr(obj, name, value) { obj[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? obj.length + name : name] = value; }; if (!ρσ_setattr.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_setattr, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "name", "value"]} }); function ρσ_hasattr(obj, name) { return name in obj; }; if (!ρσ_hasattr.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_hasattr, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "name"]} }); ρσ_len = function () { function len(obj) { if (ρσ_arraylike(obj)) { return obj.length; } if (typeof obj.__len__ === "function") { return obj.__len__(); } if (obj instanceof Set || obj instanceof Map) { return obj.size; } return Object.keys(obj).length; }; if (!len.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(len, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj"]} }); function len5(obj) { if (ρσ_arraylike(obj)) { return obj.length; } if (typeof obj.__len__ === "function") { return obj.__len__(); } return Object.keys(obj).length; }; if (!len5.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(len5, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj"]} }); return (typeof Set === "function" && typeof Map === "function") ? len : len5; }(); function ρσ_get_module(name) { return ρσ_modules[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_modules.length + name : name]; }; if (!ρσ_get_module.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_get_module, { __argnames__ : {value: ["name"]} }); function ρσ_pow(x, y, z) { var ans; ans = Math.pow(x, y); if (z !== undefined) { ans %= z; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_pow.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_pow, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x", "y", "z"]} }); function ρσ_type(x) { return x.constructor; }; if (!ρσ_type.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_type, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_divmod(x, y) { var d; if (y === 0) { throw new ZeroDivisionError("integer division or modulo by zero"); } d = Math.floor(x / y); return [d, x - d * y]; }; if (!ρσ_divmod.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_divmod, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x", "y"]} }); function ρσ_max() { var kwargs = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (kwargs === null || typeof kwargs !== "object" || kwargs [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) kwargs = {}; var args =, 0); if (kwargs !== null && typeof kwargs === "object" && kwargs [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) args.pop(); var args, x; if (args.length === 0) { if (kwargs.defval !== undefined) { return kwargs.defval; } throw new TypeError("expected at least one argument"); } if (args.length === 1) { args = args[0]; } if (kwargs.key) { args = (function() { var ρσ_Iter = ρσ_Iterable(args), ρσ_Result = [], x; for (var ρσ_Index = 0; ρσ_Index < ρσ_Iter.length; ρσ_Index++) { x = ρσ_Iter[ρσ_Index]; ρσ_Result.push(kwargs.key(x)); } ρσ_Result = ρσ_list_constructor(ρσ_Result); return ρσ_Result; })(); } if (!Array.isArray(args)) { args = list(args); } if (args.length) { return this.apply(null, args); } if (kwargs.defval !== undefined) { return kwargs.defval; } throw new TypeError("expected at least one argument"); }; if (!ρσ_max.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_max, { __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true} }); var abs = Math.abs, max = ρσ_max.bind(Math.max), min = ρσ_max.bind(Math.min), bool = ρσ_bool, type = ρσ_type; var float = ρσ_float, int = ρσ_int, arraylike = ρσ_arraylike_creator(), ρσ_arraylike = arraylike; var print = ρσ_print, id = ρσ_id, get_module = ρσ_get_module, pow = ρσ_pow, divmod = ρσ_divmod; var dir = ρσ_dir, ord = ρσ_ord, chr = ρσ_chr, bin = ρσ_bin, hex = ρσ_hex, callable = ρσ_callable; var enumerate = ρσ_enumerate, iter = ρσ_iter, reversed = ρσ_reversed, len = ρσ_len; var range = ρσ_range, getattr = ρσ_getattr, setattr = ρσ_setattr, hasattr = ρσ_hasattr;function ρσ_equals(a, b) { var ρσ_unpack, akeys, bkeys, key; if (a === b) { return true; } if (a && typeof a.__eq__ === "function") { return a.__eq__(b); } if (b && typeof b.__eq__ === "function") { return b.__eq__(a); } if (ρσ_arraylike(a) && ρσ_arraylike(b)) { if ((a.length !== b.length && (typeof a.length !== "object" || ρσ_not_equals(a.length, b.length)))) { return false; } for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!((a[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? a.length + i : i] === b[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? b.length + i : i] || typeof a[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? a.length + i : i] === "object" && ρσ_equals(a[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? a.length + i : i], b[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? b.length + i : i])))) { return false; } } return true; } if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object" && a !== null && b !== null && (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object || Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === null && Object.getPrototypeOf(b) === null)) { ρσ_unpack = [Object.keys(a), Object.keys(b)]; akeys = ρσ_unpack[0]; bkeys = ρσ_unpack[1]; if (akeys.length !== bkeys.length) { return false; } for (var j=0; j < akeys.length; j++) { key = akeys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? akeys.length + j : j]; if (!((a[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? a.length + key : key] === b[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? b.length + key : key] || typeof a[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? a.length + key : key] === "object" && ρσ_equals(a[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? a.length + key : key], b[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? b.length + key : key])))) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; if (!ρσ_equals.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_equals, { __argnames__ : {value: ["a", "b"]} }); function ρσ_not_equals(a, b) { if (a === b) { return false; } if (a && typeof a.__ne__ === "function") { return a.__ne__(b); } if (b && typeof b.__ne__ === "function") { return b.__ne__(a); } return !ρσ_equals(a, b); }; if (!ρσ_not_equals.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_not_equals, { __argnames__ : {value: ["a", "b"]} }); var equals = ρσ_equals; function ρσ_list_extend(iterable) { var start, iterator, result; if (Array.isArray(iterable) || typeof iterable === "string") { start = this.length; this.length += iterable.length; for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[ρσ_bound_index(start + i, ρσ_expr_temp)] = iterable[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterable.length + i : i]; } } else { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); result =; while (!result.done) { this.push(result.value); result =; } } }; if (!ρσ_list_extend.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_extend, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); function ρσ_list_index(val, start, stop) { var idx; start = start || 0; if (start < 0) { start = this.length + start; } if (start < 0) { throw new ValueError(val + " is not in list"); } if (stop === undefined) { idx = this.indexOf(val, start); if (idx === -1) { throw new ValueError(val + " is not in list"); } return idx; } if (stop < 0) { stop = this.length + stop; } for (var i = start; i < stop; i++) { if (((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === val || typeof (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === "object" && ρσ_equals((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i], val))) { return i; } } throw new ValueError(val + " is not in list"); }; if (!ρσ_list_index.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_index, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val", "start", "stop"]} }); function ρσ_list_pop(index) { var ans; if (this.length === 0) { throw new IndexError("list is empty"); } ans = this.splice(index, 1); if (!ans.length) { throw new IndexError("pop index out of range"); } return ans[0]; }; if (!ρσ_list_pop.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_pop, { __argnames__ : {value: ["index"]} }); function ρσ_list_remove(value) { var idx; idx = this.indexOf(value); if (idx === -1) { throw new ValueError(value + " not in list"); } this.splice(idx, 1); }; if (!ρσ_list_remove.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_remove, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value"]} }); function ρσ_list_to_string() { return "[" + this.join(", ") + "]"; }; function ρσ_list_insert(index, val) { if (index < 0) { index += this.length; } index = min(this.length, max(index, 0)); if (index === 0) { this.unshift(val); return; } for (var i = this.length; i > index; i--) { (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[ρσ_bound_index(i - 1, ρσ_expr_temp)]; } (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof index === "number" && index < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + index : index] = val; }; if (!ρσ_list_insert.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_insert, { __argnames__ : {value: ["index", "val"]} }); function ρσ_list_copy() { return ρσ_list_constructor(this); }; function ρσ_list_clear() { this.length = 0; }; function ρσ_list_as_array() { return; }; function ρσ_list_count(value) { return this.reduce((function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (n, val) { return n + (val === value); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["n", "val"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(), 0); }; if (!ρσ_list_count.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_count, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value"]} }); function ρσ_list_sort_key(value) { var t; t = typeof value; if (t === "string" || t === "number") { return value; } return value.toString(); }; if (!ρσ_list_sort_key.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_sort_key, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value"]} }); function ρσ_list_sort_cmp(a, b, ap, bp) { if (a < b) { return -1; } if (a > b) { return 1; } return ap - bp; }; if (!ρσ_list_sort_cmp.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_sort_cmp, { __argnames__ : {value: ["a", "b", "ap", "bp"]} }); function ρσ_list_sort() { var key = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? ρσ_list_sort.__defaults__.key : arguments[0]; var reverse = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? ρσ_list_sort.__defaults__.reverse : arguments[1]; var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {}; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "key")){ key = ρσ_kwargs_obj.key; } if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "reverse")){ reverse = ρσ_kwargs_obj.reverse; } var mult, keymap, posmap, k; key = key || ρσ_list_sort_key; mult = (reverse) ? -1 : 1; keymap = dict(); posmap = dict(); for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { k = (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i]; keymap.set(k, key(k)); posmap.set(k, i); } this.sort((function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (a, b) { return mult * ρσ_list_sort_cmp(keymap.get(a), keymap.get(b), posmap.get(a), posmap.get(b)); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["a", "b"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); }; if (!ρσ_list_sort.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_sort, { __defaults__ : {value: {key:null, reverse:false}}, __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["key", "reverse"]} }); function ρσ_list_concat() { var ans; ans = Array.prototype.concat.apply(this, arguments); ρσ_list_decorate(ans); return ans; }; function ρσ_list_slice() { var ans; ans = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments); ρσ_list_decorate(ans); return ans; }; function ρσ_list_iterator(value) { var self; self = this; return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["_i"] = -1; ρσ_d["_list"] = self; ρσ_d["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i >= this._list.length) { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["done"] = true; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); } return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["done"] = false; ρσ_d["value"] = (ρσ_expr_temp = this._list)[ρσ_bound_index(this._i, ρσ_expr_temp)]; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); }; if (!ρσ_list_iterator.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_iterator, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value"]} }); function ρσ_list_len() { return this.length; }; function ρσ_list_contains(val) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === val || typeof (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === "object" && ρσ_equals((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i], val))) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!ρσ_list_contains.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_contains, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val"]} }); function ρσ_list_eq(other) { if (!ρσ_arraylike(other)) { return false; } if ((this.length !== other.length && (typeof this.length !== "object" || ρσ_not_equals(this.length, other.length)))) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (!(((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === other[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? other.length + i : i] || typeof (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] === "object" && ρσ_equals((ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i], other[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? other.length + i : i])))) { return false; } } return true; }; if (!ρσ_list_eq.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_eq, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); function ρσ_list_decorate(ans) { ans.append = Array.prototype.push; ans.toString = ρσ_list_to_string; ans.inspect = ρσ_list_to_string; ans.extend = ρσ_list_extend; ans.index = ρσ_list_index; ans.pypop = ρσ_list_pop; ans.remove = ρσ_list_remove; ans.insert = ρσ_list_insert; ans.copy = ρσ_list_copy; ans.clear = ρσ_list_clear; ans.count = ρσ_list_count; ans.concat = ρσ_list_concat; ans.pysort = ρσ_list_sort; ans.slice = ρσ_list_slice; ans.as_array = ρσ_list_as_array; ans.__len__ = ρσ_list_len; ans.__contains__ = ρσ_list_contains; ans.__eq__ = ρσ_list_eq; ans.constructor = ρσ_list_constructor; if (typeof ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] !== "function") { ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = ρσ_list_iterator; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_list_decorate.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_decorate, { __argnames__ : {value: ["ans"]} }); function ρσ_list_constructor(iterable) { var ans, iterator, result; if (iterable === undefined) { ans = []; } else if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { ans = new Array(iterable.length); for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { ans[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ans.length + i : i] = iterable[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterable.length + i : i]; } } else if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); ans = ρσ_list_decorate([]); result =; while (!result.done) { ans.push(result.value); result =; } } else if (typeof iterable === "number") { ans = new Array(iterable); } else { ans = Object.keys(iterable); } return ρσ_list_decorate(ans); }; if (!ρσ_list_constructor.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_list_constructor, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); ρσ_list_constructor.__name__ = "list"; var list = ρσ_list_constructor, list_wrap = ρσ_list_decorate; function sorted() { var iterable = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0]; var key = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? sorted.__defaults__.key : arguments[1]; var reverse = (arguments[2] === undefined || ( 2 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? sorted.__defaults__.reverse : arguments[2]; var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {}; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "key")){ key = ρσ_kwargs_obj.key; } if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "reverse")){ reverse = ρσ_kwargs_obj.reverse; } var ans; ans = ρσ_list_constructor(iterable); ans.pysort(key, reverse); return ans; }; if (!sorted.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(sorted, { __defaults__ : {value: {key:null, reverse:false}}, __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable", "key", "reverse"]} }); var ρσ_global_object_id = 0, ρσ_set_implementation; function ρσ_set_keyfor(x) { var t, ans; t = typeof x; if (t === "string" || t === "number" || t === "boolean") { return "_" + t[0] + x; } if (x === null) { return "__!@#$0"; } ans = x.ρσ_hash_key_prop; if (ans === undefined) { ans = "_!@#$" + (++ρσ_global_object_id); Object.defineProperty(x, "ρσ_hash_key_prop", (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["value"] = ans; return ρσ_d; }).call(this)); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_set_keyfor.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_set_keyfor, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_set_polyfill() { this._store = {}; this.size = 0; }; ρσ_set_polyfill.prototype.add = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var key; key = ρσ_set_keyfor(x); if (!, key)) { this.size += 1; (ρσ_expr_temp = this._store)[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + key : key] = x; } return this; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set_polyfill.prototype.clear = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { this._store = {}; this.size = 0; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set_polyfill.prototype.delete = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var key; key = ρσ_set_keyfor(x); if (, key)) { this.size -= 1; delete this._store[key]; return true; } return false; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set_polyfill.prototype.has = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { return, ρσ_set_keyfor(x)); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set_polyfill.prototype.values = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var ans; ans = {'_keys': Object.keys(this._store), '_i':-1, '_s':this._store}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i >= this._keys.length) { return {'done': true}; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._s[this._keys[this._i]]}; }; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); if (typeof Set !== "function" || typeof Set.prototype.delete !== "function") { ρσ_set_implementation = ρσ_set_polyfill; } else { ρσ_set_implementation = Set; } function ρσ_set(iterable) { var ans, s, iterator, result, keys; if (this instanceof ρσ_set) { this.jsset = new ρσ_set_implementation; ans = this; if (iterable === undefined) { return ans; } s = ans.jsset; if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { s.add(iterable[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterable.length + i : i]); } } else if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); result =; while (!result.done) { s.add(result.value); result =; } } else { keys = Object.keys(iterable); for (var j=0; j < keys.length; j++) { s.add(keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j]); } } return ans; } else { return new ρσ_set(iterable); } }; if (!ρσ_set.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_set, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); ρσ_set.prototype.__name__ = "set"; Object.defineProperties(ρσ_set.prototype, (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["length"] = (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["get"] = function () { return this.jsset.size; }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); ρσ_d["size"] = (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["get"] = function () { return this.jsset.size; }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); return ρσ_d; }).call(this)); ρσ_set.prototype.__len__ = function () { return this.jsset.size; }; ρσ_set.prototype.has = ρσ_set.prototype.__contains__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { return this.jsset.has(x); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.add = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { this.jsset.add(x); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.clear = function () { this.jsset.clear(); }; ρσ_set.prototype.copy = function () { return ρσ_set(this); }; ρσ_set.prototype.discard = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { this.jsset.delete(x); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this.jsset.values(); }; ρσ_set.prototype.difference = function () { var ans, s, iterator, r, x, has; ans = new ρσ_set; s = ans.jsset; iterator = this.jsset.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; has = false; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i].has(x)) { has = true; break; } } if (!has) { s.add(x); } r =; } return ans; }; ρσ_set.prototype.difference_update = function () { var s, remove, iterator, r, x; s = this.jsset; remove = []; iterator = s.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i].has(x)) { remove.push(x); break; } } r =; } for (var j = 0; j < remove.length; j++) { s.delete(remove[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? remove.length + j : j]); } }; ρσ_set.prototype.intersection = function () { var ans, s, iterator, r, x, has; ans = new ρσ_set; s = ans.jsset; iterator = this.jsset.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; has = true; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (!arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i].has(x)) { has = false; break; } } if (has) { s.add(x); } r =; } return ans; }; ρσ_set.prototype.intersection_update = function () { var s, remove, iterator, r, x; s = this.jsset; remove = []; iterator = s.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (!arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i].has(x)) { remove.push(x); break; } } r =; } for (var j = 0; j < remove.length; j++) { s.delete(remove[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? remove.length + j : j]); } }; ρσ_set.prototype.isdisjoint = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var iterator, r, x; iterator = this.jsset.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; if (other.has(x)) { return false; } r =; } return true; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.issubset = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var iterator, r, x; iterator = this.jsset.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; if (!other.has(x)) { return false; } r =; } return true; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.issuperset = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var s, iterator, r, x; s = this.jsset; iterator = other.jsset.values(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = r.value; if (!s.has(x)) { return false; } r =; } return true; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.pop = function () { var iterator, r; iterator = this.jsset.values(); r =; if (r.done) { throw new KeyError("pop from an empty set"); } this.jsset.delete(r.value); return r.value; }; ρσ_set.prototype.remove = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { if (!this.jsset.delete(x)) { throw new KeyError(x.toString()); } }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.symmetric_difference = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { return this.union(other).difference(this.intersection(other)); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.symmetric_difference_update = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var common; common = this.intersection(other); this.update(other); this.difference_update(common); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_set.prototype.union = function () { var ans; ans = ρσ_set(this); ans.update.apply(ans, arguments); return ans; }; ρσ_set.prototype.update = function () { var s, iterator, r; s = this.jsset; for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { iterator = arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i][ρσ_iterator_symbol](); r =; while (!r.done) { s.add(r.value); r =; } } }; ρσ_set.prototype.toString = ρσ_set.prototype.inspect = function () { return "{" + list(this).join(", ") + "}"; }; ρσ_set.prototype.__eq__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var iterator, r; if (!other instanceof this.constructor) { return false; } if (other.size !== this.size) { return false; } if (other.size === 0) { return true; } iterator = other[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); r =; while (!r.done) { if (!this.has(r.value)) { return false; } r =; } return true; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); function ρσ_set_wrap(x) { var ans; ans = new ρσ_set; ans.jsset = x; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_set_wrap.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_set_wrap, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); var set = ρσ_set, set_wrap = ρσ_set_wrap; var ρσ_dict_implementation; function ρσ_dict_polyfill() { this._store = {}; this.size = 0; }; ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.set = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x, value) { var key; key = ρσ_set_keyfor(x); if (!, key)) { this.size += 1; } (ρσ_expr_temp = this._store)[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + key : key] = [x, value]; return this; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x", "value"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.clear = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { this._store = {}; this.size = 0; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.delete = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var key; key = ρσ_set_keyfor(x); if (, key)) { this.size -= 1; delete this._store[key]; return true; } return false; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.has = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { return, ρσ_set_keyfor(x)); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.get = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { try { return (ρσ_expr_temp = this._store)[ρσ_bound_index(ρσ_set_keyfor(x), ρσ_expr_temp)][1]; } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; if (ρσ_Exception instanceof TypeError) { return undefined; } else { throw ρσ_Exception; } } }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.values = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var ans; ans = {'_keys': Object.keys(this._store), '_i':-1, '_s':this._store}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i >= this._keys.length) { return {'done': true}; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._s[this._keys[this._i]][1]}; }; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.keys = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var ans; ans = {'_keys': Object.keys(this._store), '_i':-1, '_s':this._store}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i >= this._keys.length) { return {'done': true}; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._s[this._keys[this._i]][0]}; }; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict_polyfill.prototype.entries = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { var ans; ans = {'_keys': Object.keys(this._store), '_i':-1, '_s':this._store}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { this._i += 1; if (this._i >= this._keys.length) { return {'done': true}; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._s[this._keys[this._i]]}; }; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); if (typeof Map !== "function" || typeof Map.prototype.delete !== "function") { ρσ_dict_implementation = ρσ_dict_polyfill; } else { ρσ_dict_implementation = Map; } function ρσ_dict() { var iterable = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0]; var kw = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (kw === null || typeof kw !== "object" || kw [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) kw = {}; if (this instanceof ρσ_dict) { this.jsmap = new ρσ_dict_implementation; if (iterable !== undefined) { this.update(iterable); } this.update(kw); return this; } else { return ρσρσ_dict.prototype), false, ρσ_dict, [iterable].concat([ρσ_desugar_kwargs(kw)])); } }; if (!ρσ_dict.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_dict, { __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); ρσ_dict.prototype.__name__ = "dict"; Object.defineProperties(ρσ_dict.prototype, (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["length"] = (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["get"] = function () { return this.jsmap.size; }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); ρσ_d["size"] = (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["get"] = function () { return this.jsmap.size; }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); return ρσ_d; }).call(this)); ρσ_dict.prototype.__len__ = function () { return this.jsmap.size; }; ρσ_dict.prototype.has = ρσ_dict.prototype.__contains__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (x) { return this.jsmap.has(x); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.set = ρσ_dict.prototype.__setitem__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key, value) { this.jsmap.set(key, value); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key", "value"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.__delitem__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key) { this.jsmap.delete(key); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.clear = function () { this.jsmap.clear(); }; ρσ_dict.prototype.copy = function () { return ρσ_dict(this); }; ρσ_dict.prototype.keys = function () { return this.jsmap.keys(); }; ρσ_dict.prototype.values = function () { return this.jsmap.values(); }; ρσ_dict.prototype.items = ρσ_dict.prototype.entries = function () { return this.jsmap.entries(); }; ρσ_dict.prototype[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this.jsmap.keys(); }; ρσ_dict.prototype.__getitem__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key) { var ans; ans = this.jsmap.get(key); if (ans === undefined && !this.jsmap.has(key)) { throw new KeyError(key + ""); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.get = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key, defval) { var ans; ans = this.jsmap.get(key); if (ans === undefined && !this.jsmap.has(key)) { return (defval === undefined) ? null : defval; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key", "defval"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.set_default = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key, defval) { var j; j = this.jsmap; if (!j.has(key)) { j.set(key, defval); return defval; } return j.get(key); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key", "defval"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.fromkeys = ρσ_dict.prototype.fromkeys = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function () { var iterable = ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) ? undefined : arguments[0]; var value = (arguments[1] === undefined || ( 1 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? ρσ_anonfunc.__defaults__.value : arguments[1]; var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {}; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "value")){ value = ρσ_kwargs_obj.value; } var ans, iterator, r; ans = ρσ_dict(); iterator = iter(iterable); r =; while (!r.done) { ans.set(r.value, value); r =; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __defaults__ : {value: {value:null}}, __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable", "value"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.pop = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (key, defval) { var ans; ans = this.jsmap.get(key); if (ans === undefined && !this.jsmap.has(key)) { if (defval === undefined) { throw new KeyError(key); } return defval; } this.jsmap.delete(key); return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["key", "defval"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.popitem = function () { var r; r = this.jsmap.entries().next(); if (r.done) { throw new KeyError("dict is empty"); } this.jsmap.delete(r.value[0]); return r.value; }; ρσ_dict.prototype.update = function () { var m, iterable, iterator, result, keys; if (arguments.length === 0) { return; } m = this.jsmap; iterable = arguments[0]; if (Array.isArray(iterable)) { for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) { m.set(iterable[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterable.length + i : i][0], iterable[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterable.length + i : i][1]); } } else if (iterable instanceof ρσ_dict) { iterator = iterable.items(); result =; while (!result.done) { m.set(result.value[0], result.value[1]); result =; } } else if (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) { iterator = iterable.entries(); result =; while (!result.done) { m.set(result.value[0], result.value[1]); result =; } } else if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); result =; while (!result.done) { m.set(result.value[0], result.value[1]); result =; } } else { keys = Object.keys(iterable); for (var j=0; j < keys.length; j++) { if (keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j] !== ρσ_iterator_symbol) { m.set(keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j], iterable[ρσ_bound_index(keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j], iterable)]); } } } if (arguments.length > 1) { ρσ, arguments[1]); } }; ρσ_dict.prototype.toString = ρσ_dict.prototype.inspect = ρσ_dict.prototype.__str__ = ρσ_dict.prototype.__repr__ = function () { var entries, iterator, r; entries = []; iterator = this.jsmap.entries(); r =; while (!r.done) { entries.push(ρσ_repr(r.value[0]) + ": " + ρσ_repr(r.value[1])); r =; } return "{" + entries.join(", ") + "}"; }; ρσ_dict.prototype.__eq__ = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var iterator, r, x; if (!(other instanceof this.constructor)) { return false; } if (other.size !== this.size) { return false; } if (other.size === 0) { return true; } iterator = other.items(); r =; while (!r.done) { x = this.jsmap.get(r.value[0]); if (x === undefined && !this.jsmap.has(r.value[0]) || x !== r.value[1]) { return false; } r =; } return true; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_dict.prototype.as_object = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (other) { var ans, iterator, r; ans = {}; iterator = this.jsmap.entries(); r =; while (!r.done) { ans[ρσ_bound_index(r.value[0], ans)] = r.value[1]; r =; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["other"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); function ρσ_dict_wrap(x) { var ans; ans = new ρσ_dict; ans.jsmap = x; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_dict_wrap.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_dict_wrap, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); var dict = ρσ_dict, dict_wrap = ρσ_dict_wrap;var NameError; NameError = ReferenceError; function Exception() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(Exception, Error); Exception.prototype.__init__ = function __init__(message) { var self = this; self.message = message; self.stack = (new Error).stack; =; }; if (!Exception.prototype.__init__.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(Exception.prototype.__init__, { __argnames__ : {value: ["message"]} }); Exception.__argnames__ = Exception.prototype.__init__.__argnames__; Exception.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__ = Exception.prototype.__init__.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__; Exception.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__() { var self = this; return + ": " + self.message; }; if (!Exception.prototype.__repr__.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(Exception.prototype.__repr__, { __argnames__ : {value: []} }); Exception.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Error.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(Exception.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Error]}); function AttributeError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); AttributeError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(AttributeError, Exception); AttributeError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; AttributeError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; AttributeError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(AttributeError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function IndexError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); IndexError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(IndexError, Exception); IndexError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; IndexError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(IndexError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function KeyError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); KeyError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(KeyError, Exception); KeyError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; KeyError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; KeyError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(KeyError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function ValueError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); ValueError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(ValueError, Exception); ValueError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; ValueError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; ValueError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(ValueError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function UnicodeDecodeError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); UnicodeDecodeError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(UnicodeDecodeError, Exception); UnicodeDecodeError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; UnicodeDecodeError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; UnicodeDecodeError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(UnicodeDecodeError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function AssertionError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); AssertionError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(AssertionError, Exception); AssertionError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; AssertionError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; AssertionError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(AssertionError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); function ZeroDivisionError() { if (this.ρσ_object_id === undefined) Object.defineProperty(this, "ρσ_object_id", {"value":++ρσ_object_counter}); ZeroDivisionError.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); } ρσ_extends(ZeroDivisionError, Exception); ZeroDivisionError.prototype.__init__ = function __init__ () { Exception.prototype.__init__ && Exception.prototype.__init__.apply(this, arguments); }; ZeroDivisionError.prototype.__repr__ = function __repr__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__repr__) return; return "<" + __name__ + "." + + " #" + this.ρσ_object_id + ">"; }; ZeroDivisionError.prototype.__str__ = function __str__ () { if(Exception.prototype.__str__) return; return this.__repr__(); }; Object.defineProperty(ZeroDivisionError.prototype, "__bases__", {value: [Exception]}); var ρσ_in, ρσ_desugar_kwargs, ρσ_exists; function ρσ_eslice(arr, step, start, end) { var is_string; if (typeof arr === "string" || arr instanceof String) { is_string = true; arr = arr.split(""); } if (step < 0) { step = -step; arr = arr.slice().reverse(); if (typeof start !== "undefined") { start = arr.length - start - 1; } if (typeof end !== "undefined") { end = arr.length - end - 1; } } if (typeof start === "undefined") { start = 0; } if (typeof end === "undefined") { end = arr.length; } arr = arr.slice(start, end).filter((function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (e, i) { return i % step === 0; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["e", "i"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); if (is_string) { arr = arr.join(""); } return arr; }; if (!ρσ_eslice.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_eslice, { __argnames__ : {value: ["arr", "step", "start", "end"]} }); function ρσ_delslice(arr, step, start, end) { var is_string, ρσ_unpack, indices; if (typeof arr === "string" || arr instanceof String) { is_string = true; arr = arr.split(""); } if (step < 0) { if (typeof start === "undefined") { start = arr.length; } if (typeof end === "undefined") { end = 0; } ρσ_unpack = [end, start, -step]; start = ρσ_unpack[0]; end = ρσ_unpack[1]; step = ρσ_unpack[2]; } if (typeof start === "undefined") { start = 0; } if (typeof end === "undefined") { end = arr.length; } if (step === 1) { arr.splice(start, end - start); } else { if (end > start) { indices = []; for (var i = start; i < end; i += step) { indices.push(i); } for (var i = indices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { arr.splice(indices[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? indices.length + i : i], 1); } } } if (is_string) { arr = arr.join(""); } return arr; }; if (!ρσ_delslice.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_delslice, { __argnames__ : {value: ["arr", "step", "start", "end"]} }); function ρσ_flatten(arr) { var ans, value; ans = ρσ_list_decorate([]); for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { value = arr[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arr.length + i : i]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { ans = ans.concat(ρσ_flatten(value)); } else { ans.push(value); } } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_flatten.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_flatten, { __argnames__ : {value: ["arr"]} }); function ρσ_unpack_asarray(num, iterable) { var ans, iterator, result; if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { return iterable; } ans = []; if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); result =; while (!result.done && ans.length < num) { ans.push(result.value); result =; } } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_unpack_asarray.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_unpack_asarray, { __argnames__ : {value: ["num", "iterable"]} }); function ρσ_extends(child, parent) { child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); child.prototype.constructor = child; }; if (!ρσ_extends.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_extends, { __argnames__ : {value: ["child", "parent"]} }); ρσ_in = function () { if (typeof Map === "function" && typeof Set === "function") { return (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (val, arr) { if (typeof arr === "string") { return arr.indexOf(val) !== -1; } if (typeof arr.__contains__ === "function") { return arr.__contains__(val); } if (arr instanceof Map || arr instanceof Set) { return arr.has(val); } if (ρσ_arraylike(arr)) { return ρσ, val); } return, val); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val", "arr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); } return (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (val, arr) { if (typeof arr === "string") { return arr.indexOf(val) !== -1; } if (typeof arr.__contains__ === "function") { return arr.__contains__(val); } if (ρσ_arraylike(arr)) { return ρσ, val); } return, val); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["val", "arr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); }(); function ρσ_Iterable(iterable) { var iterator, ans, result; if (ρσ_arraylike(iterable)) { return iterable; } if (typeof iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol] === "function") { iterator = (typeof Map === "function" && iterable instanceof Map) ? iterable.keys() : iterable[ρσ_iterator_symbol](); ans = ρσ_list_decorate([]); result =; while (!result.done) { ans.push(result.value); result =; } return ans; } return Object.keys(iterable); }; if (!ρσ_Iterable.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_Iterable, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); ρσ_desugar_kwargs = function () { if (typeof Object.assign === "function") { return function () { var ans; ans = Object.create(null); ans[ρσ_kwargs_symbol] = true; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { Object.assign(ans, arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i]); } return ans; }; } return function () { var ans, keys; ans = Object.create(null); ans[ρσ_kwargs_symbol] = true; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { keys = Object.keys(arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i]); for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { ans[ρσ_bound_index(keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j], ans)] = (ρσ_expr_temp = arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i])[ρσ_bound_index(keys[(typeof j === "number" && j < 0) ? keys.length + j : j], ρσ_expr_temp)]; } } return ans; }; }(); function ρσ_interpolate_kwargs(f, supplied_args) { var has_prop, kwobj, args, prop; if (!f.__argnames__) { return f.apply(this, supplied_args); } has_prop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; kwobj = supplied_args.pop(); if (f.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__) { args = new Array(Math.max(supplied_args.length, f.__argnames__.length) + 1); args[args.length-1] = kwobj; for (var i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) { if (i < f.__argnames__.length) { prop = (ρσ_expr_temp = f.__argnames__)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i]; if (, prop)) { args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? args.length + i : i] = kwobj[(typeof prop === "number" && prop < 0) ? kwobj.length + prop : prop]; delete kwobj[prop]; } else if (i < supplied_args.length) { args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? args.length + i : i] = supplied_args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? supplied_args.length + i : i]; } } else { args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? args.length + i : i] = supplied_args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? supplied_args.length + i : i]; } } return f.apply(this, args); } for (var i = 0; i < f.__argnames__.length; i++) { prop = (ρσ_expr_temp = f.__argnames__)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i]; if (, prop)) { supplied_args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? supplied_args.length + i : i] = kwobj[(typeof prop === "number" && prop < 0) ? kwobj.length + prop : prop]; } } return f.apply(this, supplied_args); }; if (!ρσ_interpolate_kwargs.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_interpolate_kwargs, { __argnames__ : {value: ["f", "supplied_args"]} }); function ρσ_interpolate_kwargs_constructor(apply, f, supplied_args) { if (apply) { f.apply(this, supplied_args); } else { ρσ, f, supplied_args); } return this; }; if (!ρσ_interpolate_kwargs_constructor.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_interpolate_kwargs_constructor, { __argnames__ : {value: ["apply", "f", "supplied_args"]} }); function ρσ_getitem(obj, key) { if (obj.__getitem__) { return obj.__getitem__(key); } if (typeof key === "number" && key < 0) { key += obj.length; } return obj[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? obj.length + key : key]; }; if (!ρσ_getitem.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_getitem, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "key"]} }); function ρσ_setitem(obj, key, val) { if (obj.__setitem__) { obj.__setitem__(key, val); } else { if (typeof key === "number" && key < 0) { key += obj.length; } obj[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? obj.length + key : key] = val; } }; if (!ρσ_setitem.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_setitem, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "key", "val"]} }); function ρσ_delitem(obj, key) { if (obj.__delitem__) { obj.__delitem__(key); } else if (typeof obj.splice === "function") { obj.splice(key, 1); } else { if (typeof key === "number" && key < 0) { key += obj.length; } delete obj[key]; } }; if (!ρσ_delitem.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_delitem, { __argnames__ : {value: ["obj", "key"]} }); function ρσ_bound_index(idx, arr) { if (typeof idx === "number" && idx < 0) { idx += arr.length; } return idx; }; if (!ρσ_bound_index.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_bound_index, { __argnames__ : {value: ["idx", "arr"]} }); function ρσ_splice(arr, val, start, end) { start = start || 0; if (start < 0) { start += arr.length; } if (end === undefined) { end = arr.length; } if (end < 0) { end += arr.length; } Array.prototype.splice.apply(arr, [start, end - start].concat(val)); }; if (!ρσ_splice.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_splice, { __argnames__ : {value: ["arr", "val", "start", "end"]} }); ρσ_exists = (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["n"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (expr) { return expr !== undefined && expr !== null; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["expr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_d["d"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (expr) { if (expr === undefined || expr === null) { return Object.create(null); } return expr; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["expr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_d["c"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (expr) { if (typeof expr === "function") { return expr; } return function () { return undefined; }; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["expr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_d["g"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (expr) { if (expr === undefined || expr === null || typeof expr.__getitem__ !== "function") { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["__getitem__"] = function () { return undefined; }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); } }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["expr"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_d["e"] = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (expr, alt) { return (expr === undefined || expr === null) ? alt : expr; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["expr", "alt"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); return ρσ_d; }).call(this); function ρσ_mixin() { var seen, resolved_props, p, target, props, name; seen = Object.create(null); seen.__argnames__ = seen.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__ = seen.__init__ = seen.__annotations__ = seen.__doc__ = seen.__bind_methods__ = seen.__bases__ = seen.constructor = seen.__class__ = true; resolved_props = {}; p = target = arguments[0].prototype; while (p && p !== Object.prototype) { props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p); for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { seen[ρσ_bound_index(props[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? props.length + i : i], seen)] = true; } p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p); } for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) { p = arguments[(typeof c === "number" && c < 0) ? arguments.length + c : c].prototype; while (p && p !== Object.prototype) { props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p); for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { name = props[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? props.length + i : i]; if (seen[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? seen.length + name : name]) { continue; } seen[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? seen.length + name : name] = true; resolved_props[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? resolved_props.length + name : name] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, name); } p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p); } } Object.defineProperties(target, resolved_props); }; function ρσ_instanceof() { var obj, bases, q, cls, p; obj = arguments[0]; bases = ""; if (obj && obj.constructor && obj.constructor.prototype) { bases = obj.constructor.prototype.__bases__ || ""; } for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { q = arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i]; if (obj instanceof q) { return true; } if ((q === Array || q === ρσ_list_constructor) && Array.isArray(obj)) { return true; } if (q === ρσ_str && (typeof obj === "string" || obj instanceof String)) { return true; } if (bases.length > 1) { for (var c = 1; c < bases.length; c++) { cls = bases[(typeof c === "number" && c < 0) ? bases.length + c : c]; while (cls) { if (q === cls) { return true; } p = Object.getPrototypeOf(cls.prototype); if (!p) { break; } cls = p.constructor; } } } } return false; }; function sum(iterable, start) { var ans, iterator, r; if (Array.isArray(iterable)) { return iterable.reduce((function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (prev, cur) { return prev + cur; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["prev", "cur"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(), start || 0); } ans = start || 0; iterator = iter(iterable); r =; while (!r.done) { ans += r.value; r =; } return ans; }; if (!sum.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(sum, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable", "start"]} }); function map() { var iterators, func, args, ans; iterators = new Array(arguments.length - 1); func = arguments[0]; args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { iterators[ρσ_bound_index(i - 1, iterators)] = iter(arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i]); } ans = {'_func':func, '_iterators':iterators, '_args':args}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { var r; for (var i = 0; i < this._iterators.length; i++) { r = (ρσ_expr_temp = this._iterators)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i].next(); if (r.done) { return {'done':true}; } (ρσ_expr_temp = this._args)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i] = r.value; } return {'done':false, 'value':this._func.apply(undefined, this._args)}; }; return ans; }; function filter(func_or_none, iterable) { var func, ans; func = (func_or_none === null) ? ρσ_bool : func_or_none; ans = {'_func':func, '_iterator':ρσ_iter(iterable)}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { var r; r =; while (!r.done) { if (this._func(r.value)) { return r; } r =; } return {'done':true}; }; return ans; }; if (!filter.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(filter, { __argnames__ : {value: ["func_or_none", "iterable"]} }); function zip() { var iterators, ans; iterators = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { iterators[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? iterators.length + i : i] = iter(arguments[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? arguments.length + i : i]); } ans = {'_iterators':iterators}; ans[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ans["next"] = function () { var args, r; args = new Array(this._iterators.length); for (var i = 0; i < this._iterators.length; i++) { r = (ρσ_expr_temp = this._iterators)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i].next(); if (r.done) { return {'done':true}; } args[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? args.length + i : i] = r.value; } return {'done':false, 'value':args}; }; return ans; }; function any(iterable) { var i; var ρσ_Iter0 = ρσ_Iterable(iterable); for (var ρσ_Index0 = 0; ρσ_Index0 < ρσ_Iter0.length; ρσ_Index0++) { i = ρσ_Iter0[ρσ_Index0]; if (i) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!any.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(any, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); function all(iterable) { var i; var ρσ_Iter1 = ρσ_Iterable(iterable); for (var ρσ_Index1 = 0; ρσ_Index1 < ρσ_Iter1.length; ρσ_Index1++) { i = ρσ_Iter1[ρσ_Index1]; if (!i) { return false; } } return true; }; if (!all.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(all, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); var define_str_func, ρσ_unpack, ρσ_orig_split, ρσ_orig_replace; function ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x, as_array) { var ans, b, keys, key; ans = []; b = "{}"; if (as_array) { b = "[]"; for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { ans.push(ρσ_repr(x[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? x.length + i : i])); } } else { keys = Object.keys(x); for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { key = keys[(typeof k === "number" && k < 0) ? keys.length + k : k]; ans.push(JSON.stringify(key) + ":" + ρσ_repr(x[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? x.length + key : key])); } } return b[0] + ans.join(", ") + b[1]; }; if (!ρσ_repr_js_builtin.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_repr_js_builtin, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x", "as_array"]} }); function ρσ_html_element_to_string(elem) { var attrs, val, attr, ans; attrs = []; var ρσ_Iter0 = ρσ_Iterable(elem.attributes); for (var ρσ_Index0 = 0; ρσ_Index0 < ρσ_Iter0.length; ρσ_Index0++) { attr = ρσ_Iter0[ρσ_Index0]; if (attr.specified) { val = attr.value; if (val.length > 10) { val = val.slice(0, 15) + "..."; } val = JSON.stringify(val); attrs.push("" + ρσ_str.format("{}", + "=" + ρσ_str.format("{}", val) + ""); } } attrs = (attrs.length) ? " " + attrs.join(" ") : ""; ans = "<" + ρσ_str.format("{}", elem.tagName) + "" + ρσ_str.format("{}", attrs) + ">"; return ans; }; if (!ρσ_html_element_to_string.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_html_element_to_string, { __argnames__ : {value: ["elem"]} }); function ρσ_repr(x) { var ans, name; if (x === null) { return "None"; } if (x === undefined) { return "undefined"; } ans = x; if (typeof x.__repr__ === "function") { ans = x.__repr__(); } else if (x === true || x === false) { ans = (x) ? "True" : "False"; } else if (Array.isArray(x)) { ans = ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x, true); } else if (typeof x === "function") { ans = x.toString(); } else if (typeof x === "object" && !x.toString) { ans = ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x); } else { name =, -1); if (ρσ_not_equals("Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".indexOf(name), -1)) { return name + "([" + { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (i) { return str.format("0x{:02x}", i); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["i"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()).join(", ") + "])"; } if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && x instanceof HTMLElement) { ans = ρσ_html_element_to_string(x); } else { ans = (typeof x.toString === "function") ? x.toString() : x; } if (ans === "[object Object]") { return ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x); } try { ans = JSON.stringify(x); } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; { } } } return ans + ""; }; if (!ρσ_repr.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_repr, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); function ρσ_str(x) { var ans, name; if (x === null) { return "None"; } if (x === undefined) { return "undefined"; } ans = x; if (typeof x.__str__ === "function") { ans = x.__str__(); } else if (typeof x.__repr__ === "function") { ans = x.__repr__(); } else if (x === true || x === false) { ans = (x) ? "True" : "False"; } else if (Array.isArray(x)) { ans = ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x, true); } else if (typeof x.toString === "function") { name =, -1); if (ρσ_not_equals("Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".indexOf(name), -1)) { return name + "([" + { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (i) { return str.format("0x{:02x}", i); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["i"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()).join(", ") + "])"; } if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && x instanceof HTMLElement) { ans = ρσ_html_element_to_string(x); } else { ans = x.toString(); } if (ans === "[object Object]") { ans = ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x); } } else if (typeof x === "object" && !x.toString) { ans = ρσ_repr_js_builtin(x); } return ans + ""; }; if (!ρσ_str.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_str, { __argnames__ : {value: ["x"]} }); define_str_func = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (name, func) { var f; (ρσ_expr_temp = ρσ_str.prototype)[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + name : name] = func; ρσ_str[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_str.length + name : name] = f =; if (func.__argnames__) { Object.defineProperty(f, "__argnames__", (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["value"] = ['string'].concat(func.__argnames__); return ρσ_d; }).call(this)); } }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["name", "func"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_unpack = [,]; ρσ_orig_split = ρσ_unpack[0]; ρσ_orig_replace = ρσ_unpack[1]; define_str_func("format", function () { var template, args, kwargs, explicit, implicit, idx, split, ans, pos, in_brace, markup, ch; template = this; if (template === undefined) { throw new TypeError("Template is required"); } args =; kwargs = {}; if (args[args.length-1] && args[args.length-1][ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== undefined) { kwargs = args[args.length-1]; args = args.slice(0, -1); } explicit = implicit = false; idx = 0; split = ρσ_orig_split; if (ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_pat === undefined) { ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_pat = /[.\[]/; } function resolve(arg, object) { var ρσ_unpack, first, key, rest, ans; if (!arg) { return object; } ρσ_unpack = [arg[0], arg.slice(1)]; first = ρσ_unpack[0]; arg = ρσ_unpack[1]; key = split(arg, ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_pat, 1)[0]; rest = arg.slice(key.length); ans = (first === "[") ? object[ρσ_bound_index(key.slice(0, -1), object)] : getattr(object, key); if (ans === undefined) { throw new KeyError((first === "[") ? key.slice(0, -1) : key); } return resolve(rest, ans); }; if (!resolve.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(resolve, { __argnames__ : {value: ["arg", "object"]} }); function resolve_format_spec(format_spec) { if (ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_fs_pat === undefined) { ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_fs_pat = /[{]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[}]/g; } return format_spec.replace(ρσ_str.format._template_resolve_fs_pat, (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (match, key) { if (!, key)) { return ""; } return "" + kwargs[(typeof key === "number" && key < 0) ? kwargs.length + key : key]; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["match", "key"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); }; if (!resolve_format_spec.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(resolve_format_spec, { __argnames__ : {value: ["format_spec"]} }); function set_comma(ans, comma) { var sep; if (comma !== ",") { sep = 1234; sep = sep.toLocaleString(undefined, {useGrouping: true})[1]; ans = str.replace(ans, sep, comma); } return ans; }; if (!set_comma.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(set_comma, { __argnames__ : {value: ["ans", "comma"]} }); function safe_comma(value, comma) { try { return set_comma(value.toLocaleString(undefined, {useGrouping: true}), comma); } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; { return value.toString(10); } } }; if (!safe_comma.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(safe_comma, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value", "comma"]} }); function safe_fixed(value, precision, comma) { if (!comma) { return value.toFixed(precision); } try { return set_comma(value.toLocaleString(undefined, {useGrouping: true, minimumFractionDigits: precision, maximumFractionDigits: precision}), comma); } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; { return value.toFixed(precision); } } }; if (!safe_fixed.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(safe_fixed, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value", "precision", "comma"]} }); function apply_formatting(value, format_spec) { var ρσ_unpack, fill, align, sign, fhash, zeropad, width, comma, precision, ftype, is_numeric, is_int, lftype, code, prec, exp, nval, is_positive, left, right; if (format_spec.indexOf("{") !== -1) { format_spec = resolve_format_spec(format_spec); } if (ρσ_str.format._template_format_pat === undefined) { ρσ_str.format._template_format_pat = /([^{}](?=[<>=^]))?([<>=^])?([-+\x20])?(\#)?(0)?(\d+)?([,_])?(?:\.(\d+))?([bcdeEfFgGnosxX%])?/; } try { ρσ_unpack = format_spec.match(ρσ_str.format._template_format_pat).slice(1); ρσ_unpack = ρσ_unpack_asarray(9, ρσ_unpack); fill = ρσ_unpack[0]; align = ρσ_unpack[1]; sign = ρσ_unpack[2]; fhash = ρσ_unpack[3]; zeropad = ρσ_unpack[4]; width = ρσ_unpack[5]; comma = ρσ_unpack[6]; precision = ρσ_unpack[7]; ftype = ρσ_unpack[8]; } catch (ρσ_Exception) { ρσ_last_exception = ρσ_Exception; if (ρσ_Exception instanceof TypeError) { return value; } else { throw ρσ_Exception; } } if (zeropad) { fill = fill || "0"; align = align || "="; } else { fill = fill || " "; align = align || ">"; } is_numeric = Number(value) === value; is_int = is_numeric && value % 1 === 0; precision = parseInt(precision, 10); lftype = (ftype || "").toLowerCase(); if (ftype === "n") { is_numeric = true; if (is_int) { if (comma) { throw new ValueError("Cannot specify ',' with 'n'"); } value = parseInt(value, 10).toLocaleString(); } else { value = parseFloat(value).toLocaleString(); } } else if (['b', 'c', 'd', 'o', 'x'].indexOf(lftype) !== -1) { value = parseInt(value, 10); is_numeric = true; if (!isNaN(value)) { if (ftype === "b") { value = (value >>> 0).toString(2); if (fhash) { value = "0b" + value; } } else if (ftype === "c") { if (value > 65535) { code = value - 65536; value = String.fromCharCode(55296 + (code >> 10), 56320 + (code & 1023)); } else { value = String.fromCharCode(value); } } else if (ftype === "d") { if (comma) { value = safe_comma(value, comma); } else { value = value.toString(10); } } else if (ftype === "o") { value = value.toString(8); if (fhash) { value = "0o" + value; } } else if (lftype === "x") { value = value.toString(16); value = (ftype === "x") ? value.toLowerCase() : value.toUpperCase(); if (fhash) { value = "0x" + value; } } } } else if (['e','f','g','%'].indexOf(lftype) !== -1) { is_numeric = true; value = parseFloat(value); prec = (isNaN(precision)) ? 6 : precision; if (lftype === "e") { value = value.toExponential(prec); value = (ftype === "E") ? value.toUpperCase() : value.toLowerCase(); } else if (lftype === "f") { value = safe_fixed(value, prec, comma); value = (ftype === "F") ? value.toUpperCase() : value.toLowerCase(); } else if (lftype === "%") { value *= 100; value = safe_fixed(value, prec, comma) + "%"; } else if (lftype === "g") { prec = max(1, prec); exp = parseInt(split(value.toExponential(prec - 1).toLowerCase(), "e")[1], 10); if (-4 <= exp && exp < prec) { value = safe_fixed(value, prec - 1 - exp, comma); } else { value = value.toExponential(prec - 1); } value = value.replace(/0+$/g, ""); if (value[value.length-1] === ".") { value = value.slice(0, -1); } if (ftype === "G") { value = value.toUpperCase(); } } } else { if (comma) { value = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(value)) { throw new ValueError("Must use numbers with , or _"); } value = safe_comma(value, comma); } value += ""; if (!isNaN(precision)) { value = value.slice(0, precision); } } value += ""; if (is_numeric && sign) { nval = Number(value); is_positive = !isNaN(nval) && nval >= 0; if (is_positive && (sign === " " || sign === "+")) { value = sign + value; } } function repeat(char, num) { return (new Array(num+1)).join(char); }; if (!repeat.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(repeat, { __argnames__ : {value: ["char", "num"]} }); if (is_numeric && width && width[0] === "0") { width = width.slice(1); ρσ_unpack = ["0", "="]; fill = ρσ_unpack[0]; align = ρσ_unpack[1]; } width = parseInt(width || "-1", 10); if (isNaN(width)) { throw new ValueError("Invalid width specification: " + width); } if (fill && value.length < width) { if (align === "<") { value = value + repeat(fill, width - value.length); } else if (align === ">") { value = repeat(fill, width - value.length) + value; } else if (align === "^") { left = Math.floor((width - value.length) / 2); right = width - left - value.length; value = repeat(fill, left) + value + repeat(fill, right); } else if (align === "=") { if (ρσ_in(value[0], "+- ")) { value = value[0] + repeat(fill, width - value.length) + value.slice(1); } else { value = repeat(fill, width - value.length) + value; } } else { throw new ValueError("Unrecognized alignment: " + align); } } return value; }; if (!apply_formatting.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(apply_formatting, { __argnames__ : {value: ["value", "format_spec"]} }); function parse_markup(markup) { var key, transformer, format_spec, pos, state, ch; key = transformer = format_spec = ""; pos = 0; state = 0; while (pos < markup.length) { ch = markup[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? markup.length + pos : pos]; if (state === 0) { if (ch === "!") { state = 1; } else if (ch === ":") { state = 2; } else { key += ch; } } else if (state === 1) { if (ch === ":") { state = 2; } else { transformer += ch; } } else { format_spec += ch; } pos += 1; } return [key, transformer, format_spec]; }; if (!parse_markup.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(parse_markup, { __argnames__ : {value: ["markup"]} }); function render_markup(markup) { var ρσ_unpack, key, transformer, format_spec, lkey, nvalue, object, ans; ρσ_unpack = parse_markup(markup); ρσ_unpack = ρσ_unpack_asarray(3, ρσ_unpack); key = ρσ_unpack[0]; transformer = ρσ_unpack[1]; format_spec = ρσ_unpack[2]; if (transformer && ['a', 'r', 's'].indexOf(transformer) === -1) { throw new ValueError("Unknown conversion specifier: " + transformer); } lkey = key.length && split(key, /[.\[]/, 1)[0]; if (lkey) { explicit = true; if (implicit) { throw new ValueError("cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification"); } nvalue = parseInt(lkey); object = (isNaN(nvalue)) ? kwargs[(typeof lkey === "number" && lkey < 0) ? kwargs.length + lkey : lkey] : args[(typeof nvalue === "number" && nvalue < 0) ? args.length + nvalue : nvalue]; if (object === undefined) { if (isNaN(nvalue)) { throw new KeyError(lkey); } throw new IndexError(lkey); } object = resolve(key.slice(lkey.length), object); } else { implicit = true; if (explicit) { throw new ValueError("cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering"); } if (idx >= args.length) { throw new IndexError("Not enough arguments to match template: " + template); } object = args[(typeof idx === "number" && idx < 0) ? args.length + idx : idx]; idx += 1; } if (typeof object === "function") { object = object(); } ans = "" + object; if (format_spec) { ans = apply_formatting(ans, format_spec); } return ans; }; if (!render_markup.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(render_markup, { __argnames__ : {value: ["markup"]} }); ans = ""; pos = 0; in_brace = 0; markup = ""; while (pos < template.length) { ch = template[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? template.length + pos : pos]; if (in_brace) { if (ch === "{") { in_brace += 1; markup += "{"; } else if (ch === "}") { in_brace -= 1; if (in_brace > 0) { markup += "}"; } else { ans += render_markup(markup); } } else { markup += ch; } } else { if (ch === "{") { if (template[ρσ_bound_index(pos + 1, template)] === "{") { pos += 1; ans += "{"; } else { in_brace = 1; markup = ""; } } else { ans += ch; if (ch === "}" && template[ρσ_bound_index(pos + 1, template)] === "}") { pos += 1; } } } pos += 1; } if (in_brace) { throw new ValueError("expected '}' before end of string"); } return ans; }); define_str_func("capitalize", function () { var string; string = this; if (string) { string = string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase(); } return string; }); define_str_func("center", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (width, fill) { var left, right; left = Math.floor((width - this.length) / 2); right = width - left - this.length; fill = fill || " "; return new Array(left+1).join(fill) + this + new Array(right+1).join(fill); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["width", "fill"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("count", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (needle, start, end) { var string, ρσ_unpack, pos, step, ans; string = this; start = start || 0; end = end || string.length; if (start < 0 || end < 0) { string = string.slice(start, end); ρσ_unpack = [0, string.length]; start = ρσ_unpack[0]; end = ρσ_unpack[1]; } pos = start; step = needle.length; if (!step) { return 0; } ans = 0; while (pos !== -1) { pos = string.indexOf(needle, pos); if (pos !== -1) { ans += 1; pos += step; } } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["needle", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("endswith", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (suffixes, start, end) { var string, q; string = this; start = start || 0; if (typeof suffixes === "string") { suffixes = [suffixes]; } if (end !== undefined) { string = string.slice(0, end); } for (var i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) { q = suffixes[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? suffixes.length + i : i]; if (string.indexOf(q, Math.max(start, string.length - q.length)) !== -1) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["suffixes", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("startswith", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (prefixes, start, end) { var prefix; start = start || 0; if (typeof prefixes === "string") { prefixes = [prefixes]; } for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { prefix = prefixes[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? prefixes.length + i : i]; end = (end === undefined) ? this.length : end; if (end - start >= prefix.length && prefix === this.slice(start, start + prefix.length)) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["prefixes", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("find", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (needle, start, end) { var ans; while (start < 0) { start += this.length; } ans = this.indexOf(needle, start); if (end !== undefined && ans !== -1) { while (end < 0) { end += this.length; } if (ans >= end - needle.length) { return -1; } } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["needle", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rfind", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (needle, start, end) { var ans; while (end < 0) { end += this.length; } ans = this.lastIndexOf(needle, end - 1); if (start !== undefined && ans !== -1) { while (start < 0) { start += this.length; } if (ans < start) { return -1; } } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["needle", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("index", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (needle, start, end) { var ans; ans = ρσ_str.prototype.find.apply(this, arguments); if (ans === -1) { throw new ValueError("substring not found"); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["needle", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rindex", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (needle, start, end) { var ans; ans = ρσ_str.prototype.rfind.apply(this, arguments); if (ans === -1) { throw new ValueError("substring not found"); } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["needle", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("islower", function () { return this.length > 0 && this.toLowerCase() === this.toString(); }); define_str_func("isupper", function () { return this.length > 0 && this.toUpperCase() === this.toString(); }); define_str_func("isspace", function () { return this.length > 0 && /^\s+$/.test(this); }); define_str_func("join", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (iterable) { var ans, r; if (Array.isArray(iterable)) { return iterable.join(this); } ans = ""; r =; while (!r.done) { if (ans) { ans += this; } ans += r.value; r =; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["iterable"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("ljust", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (width, fill) { var string; string = this; if (width > string.length) { fill = fill || " "; string += new Array(width - string.length + 1).join(fill); } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["width", "fill"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rjust", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (width, fill) { var string; string = this; if (width > string.length) { fill = fill || " "; string = new Array(width - string.length + 1).join(fill) + string; } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["width", "fill"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("lower", function () { return this.toLowerCase(); }); define_str_func("upper", function () { return this.toUpperCase(); }); define_str_func("lstrip", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (chars) { var string, pos; string = this; pos = 0; chars = chars || ρσ_str.whitespace; while (chars.indexOf(string[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? string.length + pos : pos]) !== -1) { pos += 1; } if (pos) { string = string.slice(pos); } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["chars"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rstrip", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (chars) { var string, pos; string = this; pos = string.length - 1; chars = chars || ρσ_str.whitespace; while (chars.indexOf(string[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? string.length + pos : pos]) !== -1) { pos -= 1; } if (pos < string.length - 1) { string = string.slice(0, pos + 1); } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["chars"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("strip", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (chars) { return ρσρσ, chars), chars); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["chars"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("partition", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (sep) { var idx; idx = this.indexOf(sep); if (idx === -1) { return [this, "", ""]; } return [this.slice(0, idx), sep, this.slice(idx + sep.length)]; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["sep"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rpartition", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (sep) { var idx; idx = this.lastIndexOf(sep); if (idx === -1) { return ["", "", this]; } return [this.slice(0, idx), sep, this.slice(idx + sep.length)]; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["sep"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("replace", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (old, repl, count) { var string, pos, idx; string = this; if (count === 1) { return ρσ_orig_replace(string, old, repl); } if (count < 1) { return string; } count = count || Number.MAX_VALUE; pos = 0; while (count > 0) { count -= 1; idx = string.indexOf(old, pos); if (idx === -1) { break; } pos = idx + repl.length; string = string.slice(0, idx) + repl + string.slice(idx + old.length); } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["old", "repl", "count"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("split", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (sep, maxsplit) { var split, ans, extra, parts; if (maxsplit === 0) { return ρσ_list_decorate([ this ]); } split = ρσ_orig_split; if (sep === undefined || sep === null) { if (maxsplit > 0) { ans = split(this, /(\s+)/); extra = ""; parts = []; for (var i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) { if (parts.length >= maxsplit + 1) { extra += ans[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ans.length + i : i]; } else if (i % 2 === 0) { parts.push(ans[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ans.length + i : i]); } } parts[parts.length-1] += extra; ans = parts; } else { ans = split(this, /\s+/); } } else { if (sep === "") { throw new ValueError("empty separator"); } ans = split(this, sep); if (maxsplit > 0 && ans.length > maxsplit) { extra = ans.slice(maxsplit).join(sep); ans = ans.slice(0, maxsplit); ans.push(extra); } } return ρσ_list_decorate(ans); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["sep", "maxsplit"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("rsplit", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (sep, maxsplit) { var split, ans, is_space, pos, current, spc, ch, end, idx; if (!maxsplit) { return ρσ, sep); } split = ρσ_orig_split; if (sep === undefined || sep === null) { if (maxsplit > 0) { ans = []; is_space = /\s/; pos = this.length - 1; current = ""; while (pos > -1 && maxsplit > 0) { spc = false; ch = (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof pos === "number" && pos < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + pos : pos]; while (pos > -1 && is_space.test(ch)) { spc = true; ch = this[--pos]; } if (spc) { if (current) { ans.push(current); maxsplit -= 1; } current = ch; } else { current += ch; } pos -= 1; } ans.push(this.slice(0, pos + 1) + current); ans.reverse(); } else { ans = split(this, /\s+/); } } else { if (sep === "") { throw new ValueError("empty separator"); } ans = []; pos = end = this.length; while (pos > -1 && maxsplit > 0) { maxsplit -= 1; idx = this.lastIndexOf(sep, pos); if (idx === -1) { break; } ans.push(this.slice(idx + sep.length, end)); pos = idx - 1; end = idx; } ans.push(this.slice(0, end)); ans.reverse(); } return ρσ_list_decorate(ans); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["sep", "maxsplit"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("splitlines", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (keepends) { var split, parts, ans; split = ρσ_orig_split; if (keepends) { parts = split(this, /((?:\r?\n)|\r)/); ans = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (i % 2 === 0) { ans.push(parts[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? parts.length + i : i]); } else { ans[ans.length-1] += parts[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? parts.length + i : i]; } } } else { ans = split(this, /(?:\r?\n)|\r/); } return ρσ_list_decorate(ans); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["keepends"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); define_str_func("swapcase", function () { var ans, a, b; ans = new Array(this.length); for (var i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) { a = (ρσ_expr_temp = this)[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + i : i]; b = a.toLowerCase(); if (a === b) { b = a.toUpperCase(); } ans[(typeof i === "number" && i < 0) ? ans.length + i : i] = b; } return ans.join(""); }); define_str_func("zfill", (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (width) { var string; string = this; if (width > string.length) { string = new Array(width - string.length + 1).join("0") + string; } return string; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["width"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })()); ρσ_str.uchrs = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (string, with_positions) { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["_string"] = string; ρσ_d["_pos"] = 0; ρσ_d[ρσ_iterator_symbol] = function () { return this; }; ρσ_d["next"] = function () { var length, pos, value, ans, extra; length = this._string.length; if (this._pos >= length) { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["done"] = true; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); } pos = this._pos; value = this._string.charCodeAt(this._pos++); ans = "\ufffd"; if (55296 <= value && value <= 56319) { if (this._pos < length) { extra = this._string.charCodeAt(this._pos++); if ((extra & 56320) === 56320) { ans = String.fromCharCode(value, extra); } } } else if ((value & 56320) !== 56320) { ans = String.fromCharCode(value); } if (with_positions) { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["done"] = false; ρσ_d["value"] = ρσ_list_decorate([ pos, ans ]); return ρσ_d; }).call(this); } else { return (function(){ var ρσ_d = {}; ρσ_d["done"] = false; ρσ_d["value"] = ans; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); } }; return ρσ_d; }).call(this); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["string", "with_positions"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_str.uslice = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (string, start, end) { var items, iterator, r; items = []; iterator = ρσ_str.uchrs(string); r =; while (!r.done) { items.push(r.value); r =; } return items.slice(start || 0, (end === undefined) ? items.length : end).join(""); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["string", "start", "end"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_str.ulen = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (string) { var iterator, r, ans; iterator = ρσ_str.uchrs(string); r =; ans = 0; while (!r.done) { r =; ans += 1; } return ans; }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["string"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); ρσ_str.ascii_lowercase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; ρσ_str.ascii_uppercase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; ρσ_str.ascii_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; ρσ_str.digits = "0123456789"; ρσ_str.punctuation = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"; ρσ_str.printable = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\u000b\f"; ρσ_str.whitespace = " \t\n\r\u000b\f"; define_str_func = undefined; var str = ρσ_str, repr = ρσ_repr;; var ρσ_modules = {}; ρσ_modules.pythonize = {}; (function(){ var __name__ = "pythonize"; function strings() { var string_funcs, exclude, name; string_funcs = set("capitalize strip lstrip rstrip islower isupper isspace lower upper swapcase center count endswith startswith find rfind index rindex format join ljust rjust partition rpartition replace split rsplit splitlines zfill".split(" ")); if (!arguments.length) { exclude = (function(){ var s = ρσ_set(); s.jsset.add("split"); s.jsset.add("replace"); return s; })(); } else if (arguments[0]) { exclude =; } else { exclude = null; } if (exclude) { string_funcs = string_funcs.difference(set(exclude)); } var ρσ_Iter0 = ρσ_Iterable(string_funcs); for (var ρσ_Index0 = 0; ρσ_Index0 < ρσ_Iter0.length; ρσ_Index0++) { name = ρσ_Iter0[ρσ_Index0]; (ρσ_expr_temp = String.prototype)[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + name : name] = (ρσ_expr_temp = ρσ_str.prototype)[(typeof name === "number" && name < 0) ? ρσ_expr_temp.length + name : name]; } }; ρσ_modules.pythonize.strings = strings; })(); var __name__ = "__main__"; var strings = ρσ_modules.pythonize.strings; strings(); function input() { var args =, 0); if (arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) args.pop(); return prompt(args); }; if (!input.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__) Object.defineProperties(input, { __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true} }); function clearScreen() { var color = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? clearScreen.__defaults__.color : arguments[0]; var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {}; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "color")){ color = ρσ_kwargs_obj.color; } function clearScreenAsync() { var element; element = document.getElementById("__terminal__"); if (element) { element.innerHTML = ""; } }; if (color) { = color; } setTimeout(clearScreenAsync); }; if (!clearScreen.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(clearScreen, { __defaults__ : {value: {color:null}}, __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["color"]} }); function onKeyUp(e) { if ((e.keyCode === 13 || typeof e.keyCode === "object" && ρσ_equals(e.keyCode, 13))) { Event("submit")); } }; if (!onKeyUp.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(onKeyUp, { __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]} }); function inputAsync() { var cb = (arguments[0] === undefined || ( 0 === arguments.length-1 && arguments[arguments.length-1] !== null && typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "object" && arguments[arguments.length-1] [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true)) ? inputAsync.__defaults__.cb : arguments[0]; var ρσ_kwargs_obj = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj === null || typeof ρσ_kwargs_obj !== "object" || ρσ_kwargs_obj [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) ρσ_kwargs_obj = {}; if (ρσ_kwargs_obj, "cb")){ cb = ρσ_kwargs_obj.cb; } var el; el = document.createElement("input"); el.className = "__terminal__"; el.onsubmit = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (e) { if (cb) { if (ρσ_in(cb(el.value), ρσ_list_decorate([ undefined, true ]))) {; } } function scrolldown() { document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollHeight; }; setTimeout(scrolldown); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })(); el.onkeyup = onKeyUp; document.body.appendChild(el); el.focus(); return el; }; if (!inputAsync.__defaults__) Object.defineProperties(inputAsync, { __defaults__ : {value: {cb:null}}, __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true}, __argnames__ : {value: ["cb"]} }); function ρσ_print() { var kwargs = arguments[arguments.length-1]; if (kwargs === null || typeof kwargs !== "object" || kwargs [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] !== true) kwargs = {}; var args =, 0); if (kwargs !== null && typeof kwargs === "object" && kwargs [ρσ_kwargs_symbol] === true) args.pop(); var end, sep; end = "\n"; sep = " "; if (ρσ_in("end", kwargs)) { end = kwargs["end"]; } function printAsync() { var element, addition, previous; element = document.getElementById("__terminal__"); if (element) { addition = sep.join((function() { var ρσ_Iter = ρσ_Iterable(args), ρσ_Result = [], arg; for (var ρσ_Index = 0; ρσ_Index < ρσ_Iter.length; ρσ_Index++) { arg = ρσ_Iter[ρσ_Index]; ρσ_Result.push(arg); } ρσ_Result = ρσ_list_constructor(ρσ_Result); return ρσ_Result; })()) + end; previous = element.innerHTML; element.innerHTML = previous + addition.replace("\n", "
"); element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight; } else { console.log(sep.join((function() { var ρσ_Iter = ρσ_Iterable(args), ρσ_Result = [], arg; for (var ρσ_Index = 0; ρσ_Index < ρσ_Iter.length; ρσ_Index++) { arg = ρσ_Iter[ρσ_Index]; ρσ_Result.push(str(arg)); } ρσ_Result = ρσ_list_constructor(ρσ_Result); return ρσ_Result; })())); } }; setTimeout(printAsync); }; if (!ρσ_print.__handles_kwarg_interpolation__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_print, { __handles_kwarg_interpolation__ : {value: true} }); window.onerror = (function() { var ρσ_anonfunc = function (e) { print(e); }; if (!ρσ_anonfunc.__argnames__) Object.defineProperties(ρσ_anonfunc, { __argnames__ : {value: ["e"]} }); return ρσ_anonfunc; })();